This story HINTS at shounen ai. Don't say I didn't warn ya, cuz I did. So far I'm looking at this as a one shot unless anyone requests otherwise. It's not publish quality writing but I was bored.

DISCLAIMER I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho, cuz if I did, I'd be writing more episodes with Hiei and Kurama getting together!!!! I don't own any song I put in here either. They belong to REM and various others so there.

'this' demonstrates thought

Kurama sat on the couch in his empty house, gnawing on the tip of a pencil. He had taken a job as the lead singer for a small band that played local clubs. It didn't pay much but it helped him get through college. And at this rate it wasn't going to pay anything if he couldn't come up with a hit, something that would really ensnare the audience.

He had run out of muses, exhausted all sources of inspiration. "You would think," he stated aloud, "That in a life this long, a life lived for hundreds of years in two worlds, that I could come up with something." He stared at the blank pages as if he meant to burn a hole in them. He flung them on the floor and ran to the bathroom. He stared at himself in the mirror. He didn't look to bad for being a little over 300 years old. His green eyes were still piercing and his crimson hair still perfect. 'Crimson, like those eyes, the deep almond-shaped blood coloured eyes.' He shook his head rapidly; thinking of the forbidden child would get him nowhere.

Or would it? Hiei was the only thing he cared about that he had not written about thus far. Maybe crimson eyes were exactly what he needed to think about. The fire demon had crossed his thoughts a lot lately; his thoughts and his dreams. If only he could put those feelings into words his troubles would be over.

"Hiei is the only one of my friends that doesn't come to the shows, and Yusuke and Kuwabara aren't clever enough to guess who I'm writing about, so being cryptic shouldn't be an issue." He stated to the paper he had recovered from the floor.

'I really should stop talking to myself,' he thought, wandering over to his desk where he kept his most precious possession, a picture of the entire group, taken their junior year of high school. Even Hiei had consented to be in the photo, but only after much coaxing from Kurama and Yukina, the only people he would bother listening to. The half Koorime was trying desperately to get as far to the edge of the group as possible and was scowling his worst, only to be pulled in just in time by Kurama.

No one would have suspected that the scowling figure who lacked somewhat in stature would have stolen what the great thief had guarded so desperately, his heart. But Hiei had made Kurama want to give him his heart. He made the fox want to forget everything; he could loose everything he had ever known if Hiei was at his side. But chances were that would never happen.

He put this picture on the desk and sat down, staring at intently before voicing the turmoil of his heart through futile words.


Kurama stood on stage, tuning his guitar and glancing nervously to his band mates and his friends in the audience for approval. As the lights went dim and the drummer started, he could have sworn he saw a black flash outside the window beside the bar, but that couldn't have been right, Hiei was in Mukuro's service and much too busy for something like this. Besides, there were too many humans here for the demon's liking. He strummed his guitar and began to sing the ballad of his lifetime.

Life is bigger

It's bigger than you

And you are not me

The lengths that I will go to

The distance in your eyes

Oh no I've said too much

I set it up

He closed his eyes and concentrated intently on the song as the volume of his smooth baritone voice rose.
That's me in the corner

That's me in the spotlight

Losing my religion

Trying to keep up with you

And I don't know if I can do it

As he said the word spotlight, one solitary floodlight focused on the red head. Towards then end of the chorus his voice cracked with emotion, but he fought it off in time to recover.

Oh no I've said too much

I haven't said enough

I thought that I heard you laughing

I thought that I heard you sing

I think I thought I saw you try

At this, he would have bet his life that he had just seen a flash of mischievous claret eyes. But he dismissed the thought, and supposed that his longing for Hiei had twisted itself into imagination to bring him here.

Every whisper

Of every waking hour I'm

Choosing my confessions

Trying to keep an eye on you

Like a hurt lost and blinded fool

Oh no I've said too much

I set it up

Yusuke had gotten the entire club clapping enthusiastically in rhythm Kurama's voice and the medium paced music. He sung louder and louder, putting every ounce of his heart and soul into the song, as if he were singing it for Hiei alone.

Consider this

The hint of the century

Consider this

The slip that brought me

To my knees failed

What if all these fantasies

Come flailing around

Now I've said too much

I thought that I heard you laughing

I thought that I heard you sing

I think I thought I saw you try

Now he was positive of one of two things, either Hiei was really there in the shadows, smiling his crooked smile at him, or he had gone totally insane from missing him.

But that was just a dream

That was just a dream

One lone tear rolled down his frustrated face. If that really was his fire demon standing among the shadows then he knew now how he felt. Hiei was no fool and he would know immediately who the words were directed at. If it was not, then he had completely lost his mind. Or perhaps the two options were one in the same.

Aight, that's it. There's my little story, Review please, flame if you like, constructive critisism is always welcome, thanks for reading. -Lady

The song "losing my religion" belongs to rem.