Soul Mates

Summary: Buffy the head cheerleader, Angel quarterback for the football team. It's a match made in heaven or not? AU

Feedback: Feel free to tell me what you think!

Disclaimer: I don't own any of it, but the plot and Chris!

Spoilers: AU

By: CherryTwister (Peach)


************Altered Ending************

Buffy opened her eyes, as the sun from the window caressed her face. She looked around to see that she was in a room that wasn't familiar. Then she noticed her mom and dad watching her.

"She's awake!" The Joyce screamed and moved closer to the bed and gave her a hug.

"Honey, how do you feel?" The Joyce asked her, with a worried look. Buffy remembered back to Parker. Then a concerned look crossed her face. How were Chris and Angel?

"Angel.....Chris?" She said as she started to get up from the bed, but Joyce stopped her.

"Angel got out last week, he's fine now and Chris.......well he didn't make it." Joyce told her daughter. Chris didn't make it. Tears rolled down Buffy's face. It was all her fault, Parker had killed him. She had brought him into it and now Chris was died.

Then the doctor came in and told them at she could go home tomorrow. The news made Buffy happy, she hated hospitals. Right after the doctor left them, Angel came in.

"Angel!" Buffy screamed and smiled. She was happy to see he was okay, though he had a cut lip. Hank and Joyce left leaving them alone. Angel gave her a hug and kissed her. They stayed in embraced for a long time, not wanting to let go of each other.

"Buffy, I was so worried." He admitted as they pulled away from the kiss.

"Chris." Buffy cried again, she couldn't believe he was died. He had saved her life.

"'s okay now." Angel said and kissed her tears away. She believed him, now that Parker was gone she felt better.

"I love you." He said and gave her a kiss, holding her tight. Then Buffy pulled away and stared at Angel for a long time.

"I love you too." She said finally and pulled into another kiss.

Everything was going to be okay.


AN: Happy ending! Short, but happy, right? Well, I got it out soon, so that counts for something. I still need ideas for the squeal. So just e-mail [email protected] and gave me some ideas or at least what you want to happen! I also want to let everyone know this part never happened when I write the squeal because Buffy is going to still have memory lose, this was just another way to end the story.

Thanks to everyone that read my story, means a lot to me that people liked it!

Squeal coming soon (I hope)