I'll take Boys over 9

Volume II

A/N: And even more old chapters...


It had been two weeks since the whole waitress incident and everything was back to normal at Odaiba Boys Academy. Dorm III had won first prize, to Jyou's protest but the 'Lovely Ladies' cafe had been a hit. There were quite a few disappointed guys wondering where the shop had went...

Humming as she made her way down the hall, Mimi was surprised to see quite a number of people running around lately. It had been pretty peaceful but for that last few days all the boys were in a rush. "Miki-kun!" Catching up to her, Ken looked flushed but extremely excited. "You wouldn't believe the great news!"

"What is it Ken?" Confused at why the boy was so happy, Mimi wondered if Jyou had turned bi or something..."The ball, the ball!"

"The ball..." Mimi repeated still not getting it. She already knew about the ball they were holding with the neighboring girls school but it wasn't that exciting to her. Plus it was still weeks away in January, why was Ken so excited now? Giving her an exasperated look, Ken sighed. "You're new so I suppose I can let you go for being so dense."


"Miki! Aren't you excited at all?!"

"But it's weeks away..." Mimi figured, shrugging. "Why get excited now?"

Shaking his head, Ken pointed to all the numerous boys shuffling around. "See them? Everyone's excited weeks beforehand because everyone wants a good date! You don't want to be stuck with a loser do you?"

"D-Date?!" Mimi stuttered the word out with a flush. She had never thought about that! She would have to date a girl?! "N-No way!!"

Why are you so nervous? Poking her in the arm, Ken frowned when it suddenly dawned on him. "Oh! I get it! You're worried about your girlfriend right? Well it's just for the ball, it's not like you're going to marry the girl."

Sweatdropping, Mimi nodded. What else could she use as an argument? Great, she was finally at peace and now she had to worry about getting a date with a girl! What self-respecting girl would even look at her? She was probably thought as a loser. Suddenly Ken slapped her on the back, making her stumble. "I almost forgot! Nevermind! You don't need to find a girl!"

"Huh?" Relieved but confused, Mimi blushed. "What do you mean?"

"I mean I almost forgot why I was looking for you! Jyou just told me! We're going to be honorary princessess' for the ball!!"

"WHAT?!?!" Not understanding at all and panicked, Mimi almost fainted. "What are you talking about!"

"You'll see! Jyou's about to make an announcment!" Dragging her off, Ken whistled lightly, as Mimi cringed. Why were these things always happening to her?


In the gym, Jyou smircked at everyone's response to what he just told them. "You heard me! Two members from each dorm will be chosen to be honorary girls for the ball because of the lack of females at the academy next door! If we don't do this we won't have enough dates to go around!"

There were many mumbles through the crowd about who it would be and not wanting to go with a boy. Trying to hide and shuddering, Mimi slouched in her seat as Jyou went on. "Of coarse from dorm II it will be Miki Tachikawa and Ken Ichijouji!"

While Jyou went off naming the other boys, Ken beamed in excitment as Mimi almost passed out. Did he have to announce it to the whole school? Next to her Tai was about to cry out in happiness. Miki in...in a dress?! This was going to be heaven! Jumping up and down in delight, Tai smiled. 'I wanna go with Miki to the ball! Then our feelings can be finalized!'

Mimi shrank deeper into her seat. What was she going to do? Last time she was lucky but this time she was sure to be found out! She was so worried. Peering over his shoulder at her, Yamato smiled a little. He knew what Mimi must be going through and it made him laugh. She was always so worried but still wrapped up in funny situations like this. He wondered is it was destiny wanting her to be a normal girl again.

On stage Jyou flipped his hair, before his last announcment. "Okay people, one last thing. All male princess cadidates must go to the girl's academy for proper training to be a women. You know, ball room dancing and to get your costumes." A few groans were heard, Mimi's included. "Shut up! Anyway you will also need male escorts."

Mimi paled, why were things so unfair? "So which of you guys wants to take one of our beautiful 'ladies' as their date?" Everyone was silent except for Tai who couldn't stand it anymore. Grabbing Mimi's arm, he jumped up in a rush before exclaiming, "I wanna go with Miki!!!!"

Everyone stared at them in shock, as Tai beamed proudly that he had asked first and Mimi crimson, wanting to die. "T-Tai!! What are you doing?!" Clapping his hands together, Jyou grinned. "Excellent! Tachikawa and Kamiya then! Any other volunteers?"

As Taichi celebrated hugging a shocked Mimi, Yamato watched with a scowl on his face. What was that baka thinking? Holding her like that...


Mimi groaned. How did she get wrapped up in all of this? Why didn't she ever have a say in anything?! They were marching over to 'Odaiba Academy for Women' at that moment, the chosen boys to be princessess' and Jyou. He said it was the first day of proper female training for them and would be held till the ball. Mimi stared daggers at him.

Greeting them at the school's entrance, an energetic looking girl with purple hair waved to them. "Jyou! Jyou! You're late!"

"Oh, be quiet Miyako! Be happy I agreed to help you." Scowling at her, he ushered the rest of the boys through the gate. Once they were inside, Miyako lead them through the halls until they were all standing in a very big auditorium. In fact it looked more like a big fancy glass mirror more then a gym.

Smiling at their reaction, Miyako began to tell them about the room's history. Bored an frustrated, ten minutes later, Jyou interuppted her. "Look Miyako will you stop bragging and can we get on with this?"

"Oh, fine!" Shooting Jyou a death look, which he waved away, she called in numerous girls, all holding something in their arms. "These are girls from the proper etiquette club. They will be your intructors on bringing out your feminine side."

Mimi was in awe, as they all spread out to meet their partners. She had to agree they all looked very proper and refined. Walking perfectly, almost gliding. She was a bit envious but smiled when she saw a kind looking girl stop in front of her. "Hello, my name is Kamiya Hikari. I will be helping you today."

"Kamiya?" surprised Mimi stared at the girl. She looked familiar. "Yes, I have a brother. Taichi, is he a friend of yours?" So that was it! Nodding mutely, Mimi scratched her head. "Yea, I thought you looked familiar."

Hikari nodded before presenting a skily pull on skirt. "Here, wear this over your pants. It's to give you a feel of a dress." Blushing Mimi did what she was told but with great difficulty. It was just...degrading. After pulling on the embaressing tutu, Hikari lead her towards the middle of the room where many of the others were positioned. Ken for instance looked like he was in his element, as he sent a wink at her.

"Now..." Putting her hands on Mimi's waist, she pulled her closer. "We are going to practice the waltz. Do you know anything about it?" Blushing Mimi shook her head no. "Ah...I'm not good at dancing."

"I can fix that." Hikari's eyes twinkled, as the music started and they began to twirl around the room.


"Uwah! I'm so tired!" rubbing her feet, Mimi frowned at the blisters she was getting. They had been going to Odaiba Women's Academy for awhile now and Miyako had made all the 'ladies in training' start wearing heels while dancing. It was slow torture for the feet.

"Here Miki, try this," handing her a bottle of ointment, Hikari giggled at Mimi's delight, "You sure are a nice guy Miki."

"Thanks," applying the lotion, she didn't pay much attention to the other girl but when she looked up to give it back, Mimi noticed a glazed expression on Hikari's face. "Eh?" following the younger girl's gaze, her eyes landed on a tall handsome looking boy with hazel hair, "Who's that guy?"

"Huh?" blushing furiously, Hikari looked away, trying to hide her face, "W- Who?!"

"Hn," clicking her tounge, Mimi grinned, "You like him don't you?"

"What?! N-No!! Of coarse not!" red as an apple by now, Hikari couldn't look Mimi straight in the face. "H-He's just a friend. A guy from your school."

"Suuurrrree," winking at her, Mimi studied the guy, "He is cute though, good choice Hikari-chan."

"Isn't he?" Hikari sighed for a moment, before blushing over what she said, "I-

I m-mean--"

"Caught you," Mimi giggled at her, "Don't worry. I won't tell, promise."

"Promise?" the younger inquired but seeing the sincerity in Mimi's eyes, she sighed. "His name is Ryo Hatsukii from Dorm I. He's captain of the karate club."

"Karate! How cool!" Mimi gushed, startling Hikari as she thought, 'W-What a weird boy!'

"So has he asked you to the ball," Mimi asked but regretted it when she saw the crest-fallen look on her friend's face. "Gomen."

"Iee, it's alright Miki...but no he hasn't asked me," looking at Ryo, "I wish he would...but why would a popular guy like that ask me? I'm too young and not pretty enough..." she trailed off but Mimi suddenly grabbed her hands.

"Iee! Never give up Hikari!" determination shining in her eyes, Mimi turned to Ryo and back, "If you like him go for it! Never doubt yourself! He should be lucky to go out with such a cute girl like you!!"

"M-Miki!" Hikari blushed but nodded, smiling at the girl's spirit, "Right! Why should I have doubted myself? I'll go for it!"

"That's it Hikari-chan!!"

"Hiikkkaaarrriiiii!!!! What are you doing to my Miki?!?!?!" standing in the entrance way of the room, Yamato stood placid, with an hysterical Tai beside him. "Why are you holding his hands?! Shameful sister!! Hitting on Miki, how could you!!" Taichi marched up to them and slapped their hands apart, "Hikari! I thought you liked that other guy! Now you're hitting on my Miki?!"

Embarressed, both girls jumped up and hit Tai over the head screaming, "Baka boy!! You're making a scene!!"

"Owie," he whimpered, as Yamato walked over sweatdropping. Giving Hikari a sympathetic look, he said, "I'm sorry for you."

"I know," the girl agreed, "but you grow used to him, sooner or later."

"Hey!!" Taichi pouted, "I'm right here!!"

"Whatever," ignoring him, Yamato turned to Mimi, "We came to see how you were doing," he eyed the heels she was holding, "having fun?"

"Oh, yea," she scowled, "loads."

"They're torturing poor Miki!" Tai whined, "but go through it for me okay? I need to see you in a cute dress!" All three of them slapped him over the head shouting, "Baka!!"




"Oh, Mimi how are you? I was getting worried!"

"Just a bunch of weird things but I'm fine. How are you?"

"I miss you so much! I'll have to come visit soon!"

"Sugoi! How is Osamu?"

"Misses you too and is worried as hell. You should really call him."

"I will later, ne Sora what's the scoop with my parents?"

"Still in the dark."

"Good!" Chatting for a few more minutes, Mimi was oblivious to the fact that someone was watching her. Behind the corner spying intently, the figure took a few timid steps closer when the phone clicked. About to walk back to her room, Mimi was jerked back by something grabbing onto her arm, "Aiiee!!"

"Miki!" covering her mouth with a small hand, her kidnapper released her. "It's me Hikari!"

"Hikari!" stumbling back, Mimi flushed, "What do you think you're doing? You scared me to death! And what are you doing at the boys school?!" Taking a few steps back, Hikari flushed crimson, "I-I..."

"What is it?" Mimi raised and eyebrow, "You wanna see Tai or something?"

"No...I um...well..."


"I wanted you to...to...help me..."

"Help you do what?" Mimi was starting to get suspcious now. What could make the girl so flustered? "I want you to...help me ask Ryo-senpai to the dance!!"

"Is that all?" Mimi threw up her arms exasperated, "I thought you wanted me to blow up a bathroom or something!"

"Why would I do that?" Hikari blushed, "That would be wrong!"

"Of coarse..." shaking her head, Mimi smiled, "So should we find him right now? Or did you want to plan?"

"Well I'm...I'm just going to ask him but I'd like you to come with me. I'll get in trouble if I wander alone but if you say you invited me then it's okay."

"Alright, let's go!" grabbing her friend's hand, Mimi started to drag her to the karate room, "I bet he's training recruits now! We can catch him before it's over."

"W-With all t-those p-people?!"


"What if he rejects me!? In front of all of them!"

"He wont reject such a cute girl!"

"Y-You think so?" Hikari blushed, "Don't say weird things Miki!"

"Hai, Hai!" she sighed, 'Girls.'

With a lot of curious stares after them, the two finally made it to the karate room. Hesitating in front of the door, Hikari began to have doubts, "Miki...what if he really says no?"

"Then...He wont! He wont, now come on!" pulling her inside, Mimi silently prayed that he wouldn't break the girl's heart.


"Ha-ya!" Sounds of male voices yelling, filled the small gym. Hearing the door open, a few boys turned to see who entered but most were concentrating too hard. Ignoring the others, Mimi searched around the room, while Hikari hid behind her.

"Ryo! I need to see Ryo!" she shouted, to Hikari's embaressment. Hearing all the racket, Ryo appeared, scowl on his face. "What are you doing making so much noise? People are trying to find inner peace!"

"Gomen," pushing Hikari forward to the girl's horror, Mimi grinned, "but my friend Hikari-chan needed to speak with you." Frowning deeper at the evident closeness between the two, Ryo crossed his arms, "Girl's aren't allowed! Don't bring your girlfriend here for karate lessons!"

"I-I'm not!" Hikari sputtered, blushing but Mimi frowned, "Don't be so rude! She came here to talk to you so the least you could do is listen!" Flinching, Ryo had to agree he was being rude, 'But Hikari's fraternizing with that Tachikawa boy...' he thought angrily. "Gomen nasai Hikari- san...what did you want to talk to me about?"

Backing away slowly as they began to converse, Miki rooted inwardly, 'Go Hikari-chan!'

"Ryo-san I..." breathing deeply Hikari summed up courage, "will you escort me to the Winter Ball?" Shocked, Ryo stared before stammering, "H-Hai! I'd be honored!"

Waiting outside, Mimi sighed watching the birds fly by. She was happy she could help out her friend but felt a bit sad too. 'I remember when I was like her...if it was different...who would've asked me or I have asked? If I could go as a real girl...'


"Eh?" turning Mimi met Matt, staring at her with a bored expression. "I heard you're going out with Hikari now," he said nonchalantly. "What?!" she blanched, when he began to laugh. "Isn't true eh? Well you two were spotted running around together and things spread fast. Better hope Tai doesn't loose it."

"Kuso," she cursed under her breath and leaned against the fence he was on, "Ryo-senpai's not gonna like that."

"What do you mean?" Yamato eyed her, "What have you been up to?" Looking smug, Mimi closed her eyes and announced, "Right at this moment she's in the karate room asking him to go to the ball with her. And he's accepting...I hope.."

"Hn," he answered, turning back to the field, "how did you become cupid?"

"When she asked," smiling, Mimi hit him on the shoulder, "what are you thinking?"

"Un, just maybe...I should get you to set me up with a date too."

"What?" grabbing back her arm, Mimi looked down suddenly sad. 'That's right...Matts' free to get a date...who will he take?'

Feeling her become distant, Yamato looked down at her with an unreadable expression, "Though I'm kidding...I prefer to go alone," he responded, not meeting her gaze when she quickly looked up. "Y-You're not taking anyone?" Mimi questioned, "but why? I'm sure many girls would love to go with you..."

"I'm not interested in girls," starting to walk away, he called over his shoulder, "but I expect you to save me a dance!" Blushing, Mimi watched him go, 'Save a dance? I...'

Interupting the thought, Hikari ran out and hugged her tightly, "Miki!! He said yes! Arigato!!" Momentarily forgetting, Mimi beamed and swung her around, "Sugoi! Didn't I say this would be a sure thing?" They laughed together oblivious of the stares, "I should've never doubted!"

'Thank you Miki...' Hikari thought smiling, 'You're such a...a...different kind of guy.'


"One step, two step, three step," Mimi repeated, trying to keep in sync with the music. Leading, Hikari tried to keep the pace and encouraged her with a smile, "Gambatte Miki! You are really getting the hang of this!"

"Thanks," Mimi murmured, trying not to lose her concentration, "I just hope I'll be ready in time. I mean the ball is so close..."

"Four days!" Hikari chirped, "And Ryo-san and I will--" Mimi smiled slyly, cutting in, "Will do what? Kkkiiiiiiissssss?????" she imitated a faint look, while puckering her lips. "I-Iee!!" Hikari flushed, "It's not like that!!"

"Suuurrreee," her partner teased, "It's not like you've been dreaming of it or anything."

"I haven't!!"

"What are you two talking about?" Ken stared at them with a quirked eyebrow, "Giggling and such."

"Nothing!" The two girls exclaimed at the same time, "Nothing at all!"

"Hn," Ken huffed, "You don't wanna tell me!!"

"Exactly," Mimi smiled, "Because Ken-chan has a big mouth!"

"Do not!"





"Not again," Hikari sweatdropped, watching them argue, "Come on guys! We need to continue practice!"


"Hah!" Yamato jumped, catapulting himself over the bar. He swooshed through the air, causing people in the stands to cheer, "Go Matt!!" Landing on the plush cushion, he stared for a moment, into the azure sky. Sighing he heaved himself up. What was wrong with him? 'I can't stop thinking about the last few weeks...what's the matter with me? Why can't I get that cross dresser out of my thoughts?!'

Grabbing his towel, he began to wipe his forehead, when Taichi ran up to him with a can of juice, "Good work Matt!! If you keep practicing you're sure to win this year!"

"Who says I'm entering?" Yamato frowned, taking the can, "And why are you so happy?"

"Beecccaaauuussseee!!" Taichi sang gleefully, "In two days~! I take Miki to the ball!! He will be all dressed up and so kawaii!!" You could almost see the hearts floating around the boy and it irritated Yamato. Turning away with an aggravated vein, Matt scoffed, "Why are you so pleased? He's a boy! Plus he probably isn't too excited to go. Don't act like a homo Tai."

"I can't help it," Taichi smiled slightly and gazed down at the ground, "I cant help it but...my heart beats whenever he's around." Yamato slowly turned his attention to the other boy, eyes wide in shock, "T-Taichi?!"

Taichi laughed, scratching his head, "Haha! It's funny isn't it? I used to always joke about how I'd get a cute, cute girlfriend someday and I..." He trailed off, staring off into space, "I fell for a very cute boy instead. Am I weird Yamato?"

Stone faced, the blonde didn't respond. His features shadowed by his hair, the shorter boy couldn't make out his expression, "Matt?"

"You're a fool."

"Eh?" Taichi stopped walking, "What?"

"You're an idiot!!" Yamato suddenly blurted, "You're in love with Miki? He'll never love you back!! Just because you like him doesn't mean he likes you!!" Yamato's face was flushed in anger to Taichi's alarm and the boy stumbled back, "M-Matt! I...I know, I know it's a silly crush...to have on another boy but...why are you so angry?"

"I'm not angry!!" Yamato turned away and stormed off, 'I am not angry! Am I?'


"Uh, huh! Yup, the ball is tomorrow! Thanks Sora! I'll call you soon okay? Okay! Oyasumi!!" Hanging the payphone up, Mimi grinned. She was so excited! Maybe she shouldn't be because it might blow her cover but, 'I'll be able to act like a girl again after so long! I'm so happy!! Even if it is only for one night, I'll be Cinderella!!"

Walking into her dorm, she was all smiles until Yamato walked into the room just out of the shower, wearing his boxers and a towel around his neck, "Yo, where were you?" Quickly jumping on her bed to hide her blush, Mimi stammered, "J-Just making a p-phone call!"

"Oh," he sat on top of his bed and began to fish out a nightshirt, "So the dance is tomorrow huh?"

"Yea!" Mimi brightened, "You're still going right?"

"I have no date," Yamato pulled the shirt on, "Maybe I shouldn't--"

"You have too!" Mimi cried, surprising him, "You told me I had to save you a dance!! I plan on keeping my promise!!"

"Miki," Yamato stared at her, causing Mimi to blush further, "You're..."

"W-What?" Mimi quickly hid her head under the covers, "I-I need m-my sleep!!"

"Strange," Yamato concluded, getting up to turn off the light, "Very strange."

"Heh," Mimi sweat dropped, pulling the blankets down. Staring into the darkness for a moment, she blinked, "Matt?"


"Can I call you Yamato?"

"Why?" he looked at her startled, 'What brought this on?'

"I don't know...I just...it's your real name right? I just want to...be able to call you by your true name."

"Yea, I guess," he answered simply, causing her to smile, "Thanks Yamato!" Snuggling into her bed, Mimi began to feel the numbing affect of sleep, not noticing Yamato's gaze on her back. Deep in thought, he looked away from her, folding his arms behind his head and stared at the ceiling.

Watching the shadows dance for awhile, he glanced back at Mimi's slumbering outline and sighed, 'Is it so weird that Taichi fell for her? Even as a boy...she is so...' He couldn't explain it. What was the reason he was so drawn to her? 'So what? I don't know...but I over reacted with Taichi. Could it be? I was jealous?' He closed his eyes at the realization, 'Damn. Why do I need to fall for such a girl?'


"Everyone have their dresses?" Standing in front of the auditorium, Miyako beamed at the students, "The ball is tonight! And it is time for all you princesses in training to get ready for your princes!!"

There was a wave of moans from the boys and Mimi sighed, looking at the dress she was holding. It was a lovely white gown, with lace and ribbon but 'It looks sorta tight,' she sweatdropped. "Oh, I'm so glad you're all excited too!" Miyako ignored the glares and continued; "Now everyone get into the dressing rooms! You're waltzing partners will help you become beautiful!!"

"But what are we supposed to do with these?!" A random boy spoke, holding up a pink bra, "What are they for?"

"Those," Miyako stated proudly, "Are your boobs." There was another wave but this time everyone fell over. On stage Miyako had one of the girls near her bring up a platter of food. Holding up two buns, one in each of her hands, she informed, "These are meat buns! But tonight they will be your fill-in breasts! Put the bras on and place these where your lack of should go!"

"What?!" There were cries of disbelief and some nose bleeds, "We have to do what?!"

"No arguing!!" She glared at them, "You can eat them after the dance if you want!!"

"Come on," Hikari led Mimi through the crowd, "Miyako will never change. Besides it's only one night, you'll live."

"I hope," Mimi sweatdropped, 'I hope I don't get found out!'

"Oh, Miki!! You look fabulous!!" Hikari cried, as Mimi walked out of the dressing room wearing the white dress and blushed. "Y-You think so?"

"I can't believe how pretty you are! Girls will be envious of you Miki!!"

"Ah..." Mimi tugged at the long wig she was wearing, "Ano...I feel weird."

"Don't worry!! The volunteer dates will be here soon. Just hang out in the back and I'll come get you after I'm ready okay?"

"Sure," Mimi watched the other girl leave and sighed. She was excited but so...nervous. 'What of they find me out?' she wrung her skirt in frustration walking over to a mirror. Looking herself over, she couldn't help but smile and traced the lace pattern on her chest, "This is really pretty though..."

Her eyes fell onto something she didn't notice before. Her hand resting on the spot, Mimi's eyes widened in horror as she realized, 'This dress doesn't hide the breasts!!'

-To be continued...