Hellos again. I've decided the title is awful and should be changed? Any ideas? Moving onward I know that Naruto wouldn't think of seducing Sasuke on his own, you will find out later (in this chapter) just how he gets the idea. And I'm not going to do anything-bad..yet.

I was kidding. Kidding. Ha. Ha. Besides this fic is made for fluffy Shounen Ai so it won't be as bad as you think. So there. Anyway I'm trying to decide if I should add some humor ( I'm awful at it) or deal out some angst. ( I got an idea to make it real angsty for Naruto.) Your call?

I don't own Naruto. Still in Naruto's p.o.v.

Summary: Naruto has fallen into the over- used cliché of being in love with his best friend. So he's resorting to seducing him? What the hell? Shounen Ai ( Narusuke)

Great just great. The 'mission' * snort* was as boring as hell. It was a complete waste of time. I need action, adventure, excitement; something at least partially entertaining. Our mission wasn't any of the above.

We were cleaning. Damn I even had to wear this dainty blue apron. Of course Sasuke had to wear a pink one so it wasn't so bad. We cleaned windows, vacuumed, dusted, and all that shit. Sakura did the dishes and mopped the floor. Kakashi-sensei did nothing, but read in his book. Big surprise there.

It took three fricking hours. All we did was clean and clean just because some old hag is too much of a lazy ass to do it herself. The whole time she was yelling at us saying that we were too slow, or that we were doing it wrong. But there was this one funny part; I told Sasuke he missed a spot teasing him yanno and he freaked.

We practically had to drag Sasuke away from the windows since he refused to leave till everything was clean and I mean EVERYTHING. Ugh! Who knew he was obsessed with cleaning. He would probably scream if he saw my house. And now we're heading back.

. " Naruto."


"What's wrong you seem a little distant?"

"Oh nothing Sakura, I just didn't sleep well last night."

She nodded. Well it was true. I just had to have the dream with Sasuke covered in chocolate syrup? That was weird, good yet weird. I wonder if Sasuke like chocolate. However one part was real bad; cause Sasuke was shirtless and covered in chocolate..Damn I'm corrupted.

What's the matter did your hat keep you up all night?" [1]

Damn Sasuke. I am really beginning to regret that Sasuke found out about my nightcap. Really bad. There is no way I would ever tell Sasuke something that embarrassing. He found out a few weeks ago. How the hell was I supposed to know that he was spying on me? Then he bugged me about till I told him. When he wants to he can be really annoying in his whole bastard way.

"It's a night cap and no it didn't keep me up."

Sasuke smirked. Why does he have to have such a sexy smirk? It's mocking, intimating, and shit it should be illegal to have -such- a sexy smirk. He's still watching me, I quickly turned away, am I drooling? Nope. That' s good.

"Well then maybe I'll show Sakura your little 'night cap?"

"You can't."

If possible, Sasuke's smirk got wider. No matter how sexy that smirk is I can't let him do that. I would be the laughing stock of the village... * mental sweat drop* Well I am the laughing stock of the village, at least to my old classmates, but that nightcap is mine. It's very personal.

Time to resort to the puppy look. The most evil invention ever. Time to over flow Sasuke with cuteness. :::Evil mental laugh::: Sasuke was still staring at me with those ebony black eyes of his, waiting for my reaction. Won't he be surprised. I did the innocent chibi eyes and the quiver lip, please who could resist that?

Apparently not Sasuke. I mentally grinned as the smirk slowly disappeared from his face and I swear his eyes softened slightly. HA! Sasuke had succumb to the Puppy Look of Doom.( Insert evil laughter here.)

"So you going to the festival in 2 weeks?"

I blinked at the change of subject. Score! " The Sakura festival?" I shrugged my shoulders.

/Maybe he's asking you out/. I quickly shook that thought from my head. This -was- Sasuke! He would not be asking me out. It was just a simple question. No need to get my hopes up.

" Are you going?" I asked. Sasuke hned.

It was about five in the afternoon, Sakura said she had to meet Thick Eyebrows somewhere and Kakashi-sensei.Well who really knows where he goes anyway? So it was just Sasuke and I. I looked straight in front of me and saw Sasuke's house was coming up.

"Oi! Sasuke I'll race ya to your house!"

Sasuke snorted, " I'll win you know that."

"We don't know that for sure, but if you're scared.."

Bam! He took the bait. I mentally smirked. Sure Sasuke would win, but I still want to challenge him and hopefully pretend that we still have that rivalry thing going on. I can't let him find out my secret. "1...2..3...GO!"

Sasuke won as usual, but I also won something too, I kept my secret safe. I watched Sasuke go into his house as I headed for mine. I walked in, closed the door, and headed for the kitchen. The door opened and it was..

"Hi Kakashi-sensei! What's up?"

I glanced at my teacher, who had sat on the couch, staring at me. What's he doing here? Unless he knows, well I know he knows. Yet what does he want?

"We need to talk about Sasuke."

'Shit he knows. Damn what am I going to do?'

"What about that asshole?"

"How about the fact that you /like/ him?"

"There's nothing to talk about."

"You know it's never good to keep your feelings, especially these kind of feelings, bottled up."

I snorted, " Oh right. I should just go up to him, confess my undying love for him, and live happily ever after. I can't he would hate me!"

Kakashi-sensei's visible eye narrowed till it seemed to glean with amusement. Crap I'm in trouble. And I can't tell because of that mask, but I'm sure he's smirking. Smirking Kakashis are never good.

"Well then there's only one thing left to do."

"And that thing is..?"

"Are you sure you want to know?"

DAMNIT!!! Tell me already!!!"

You're going to have to seduce him."

"Wha- What?!"

To continue or not to continue? Choices choices. I'm not THAT evil so I'll continue. "Seduce? What the hell is that?"

A large sweat drop appeared on Kakashi-sensei's head. "You're kidding. Haven't you ever seen an R rated movie?"

"Nope. Iruka-sensei says they're bad. Besides he won't let me."

Kakashi-sensei mumbled something that sounded like 'Iruka-sensei is too innocent for his own good.' Kakashi-sensei leaned close to my ear and whispered something.

"What?! You mean that's seduction. You're not serious." I glanced at him and his still only visible eye seemed to glow. Shit.

"Well if you're not happy with that choice you can always tel-"

"No. How do you now this is going to work? "

Kakashi-sensei rolled his eye and replied. "It's not that difficult to understand. All you have to do is flirt a bit and see how he reacts. If he likes it, great; if not you always have a few minutes to make it up to him before he punches you."

"You're a * big* help, you know that?"

Kakashi-sensei merely chuckled. Damn him. "It's not that bad besides, it's better then telling him."

I glared in response.

He chuckled again, I know he's smirking under that mask. "Look at it this way, it's better to tell him, or in this case seduce, him then to hide your feelings. Because if you do hide your feelings, he might move onto someone else, and then you're have to live with the regret for the rest of your life."


I sighed, " Okay say I did 'seduce' him, it's only flirting right, he'll never know?" I watched Kakashi-sensei nod his head. "This is stupid! I don't even know the first thing about seducing!"

"I'm sure you'll think of something, but do it on your own time." He slowly got up.

Okay I was confused. "Aren't you going to help?"

"Don't worry I will help."

"Well then HELP!" I looked up and he was gone. Crap! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`

I sighed. How the hell was I going to pull this off. Let's see Iruka-sensei won't be much help, Kakashi-sensei... I'm not going there, ..Sakura? Yes! Sakura would definitely help. I quickly ran outside and raced off to Sakura's house. She would hopefully help me.

When I got there she was about to leave. "OI! Sakura! "

"Oh. Hey Naruto. What's up, but make it quick. I'm in a hurry."

"Well I have a problem.."


Next chapter: Enter Sakura the Matchmaker, Naruto gets a new wardrobe and Naruto learns the 'art' of seduction. All ideas are welcome.

Review time:

Dillon- Sorry if it's too sweet. And thanks for your support

BishieHuggler- I'm working on the best friend thing, thanks for the advice.

Venus6- Hey! Yes more support for Naruto/ Sasuke! It's a good start..ALRIGHT!

Faith4- :::claps:::: I'm getting embarrassed. ^_^;;

Waya- Why is did you think I was Spanish? Is my grammar THAT bad? -__-(). Anyway ::Gives cookie:: for helping me. Happy you enjoyed it.

SasukeRamen- Okay I will. ::Grins:::

RadicalL- Of course Naruto wouldn't' think of that, but Kakashi on the other hand..:::laughs nervously:::;

Ko-Chan2- :::Glomps::: Thank you so much! Don't worry we will soon see what Kakashi ( yes he's helping hint hint, and Sakura have in store for poor Naruto.) I love the suggestions.

Jiro- You really think this is good? :::Smiles::: Don't worry Naruto will think of something and yes he IS cute.

Firedragon97- Thanx for the suggestions they will become VERY useful later. :::Evil smirk::::

AsnGothic- Nope this is Narusuke all the way. Thanx for my little mishap. ^_^(). You love it? I feel so special. It's only the first chapter.

Shinigami- Well here it is as you requested.

Tuskafel- ::Nods:: We need more Naru/ Sasu out there. Totally. Of course I'll write more. No OOC. YES!!!!Oh don't' worry there are some surprises.

Maiden-Chan- Is it really that good? I'll fix it right away. More kawaiiness for all!

One more thing, sorry if it's a bit rushed I'm trying to get to the Seduction part. So yanno that is what you guys out there WANT right?

Thank you everyone who reviewed! You guys rock! I feel special now. Anyway read and review. Cause reviews make writers happy.