Troubled Waters

See Part 1 for Disclaimers, etc.

As she screamed and struggled, the strong arms around her waist didn't let go but instead held on tightly and Calleigh heard Tim's deep voice in her ear, comforting her. She opened her eyes and realized she was on the floor of her bedroom with Tim holding her in his arms. She looked at him in bewilderment. Feeling the tears coming once again, Calleigh was surprised she had any tears left. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on for dear life.

"You were dreaming, Cal. It's okay, you're safe at home." He crooned, rocking her in his arms.

"He won't leave me alone, Tim." Calleigh said, looking at him with a tearstained face. "He's in jail but he still won't leave me alone. I can't forget the feeling of him, forcing himself--" her voice broke and Tim hugged her tightly.

"It's going to take some time to get over this. I'd be surprised if you didn't have nightmares, baby. Christ, I'm having some of my own, just not as extreme as yours." Picking her up gently, Tim carried her back to the bed and climbed in beside her. "You don't have to be strong, Calleigh. Cry all you want and let it out. If you want to talk about what happened you can tell me anything, I need you to know that."

"I do know that, Tim but it's too soon. I just can't relive it right now."

"I understand that, Cal. I just want you to feel safe and it breaks my heart knowing that you don't feel that way. Just tell me what I can do to make you feel better. I'll do it." Calleigh smiled gratefully at him.

"Just hold me, please. I feel better just being close to you, really." Calleigh closed her eyes then, desperately willing the events of the previous day to leave her in peace. All she wanted was to sleep, knowing that she was perfectly safe in Tim's arms. Only when her breathing deepened and she seemed to be sleeping peacefully did Speed allow sleep to claim him too.

Calleigh made it through the rest of the night with no more nightmares and woke up in the morning feeling very content and at peace. Then the events of the previous two days came flooding back to her sleep-fogged mind and she felt that sick feeling in the pit of her stomach once again.

Tim was still asleep next to her and she looked at him, thinking how adorable he looked when he was sleeping. Calleigh was overwhelmed with love for him and snuggled up to him, drawing comfort from his mere presence. If this ordeal had taught her anything it was that Tim was the most important person in her life.

When Schneider had her locked up all of her thoughts had been of him and their future together. Getting married, having babies, growing old together. Calleigh knew now that she wanted all of that and she wanted to experience them with Tim and no one else. Calleigh smiled at Tim, as he groaned in his sleep and stretched, slowly opening his eyes. He smiled when he saw her watching him and hugged her tightly.

"How are you, Cal?"

"I'm okay. I'm definitely better than last night."

"I'm so glad to hear it, baby." Tim was relieved at the calmness in her blue eyes this morning. It was a far cry from the terror and near hysteria he'd seen in them last night. "Today we can spend the day doing whatever you want to do, Calleigh." Tim knew Horatio would give him the day off and he figured she could use a day to just mellow out. If she wanted to go and see the rape counselor he would gladly support her but he had a feeling she'd probably rather get her mind off the incident for a little while.

"The idea of staying in bed has a nice ring to it." Calleigh said, closing her eyes again and smiling peacefully.

"That works for me. I can think of worse ways to spend a day." They cuddled in bed for awhile and then decided to go and cook breakfast together. For a little while, as they goofed around while making breakfast, Calleigh was able to forget about the nightmare she'd survived. She just hoped that she'd be able to hold onto Tim through the difficult times ahead.

Five weeks later, Calleigh's life felt almost back to normal. She had just finished her last weekly therapy session and would now be continuing with sessions only once a month. She'd had nightmares in the beginning but they had been gone for a while now and Calleigh knew that she didn't need so much therapy anymore.

Therapy to help her through the rape had been very grueling and she had wanted to stop going more times than she could count. Tim had been behind her all the way, pushing her to stick with it. She had fought against him at times and had considered ending their relationship more than once to spare him the pain she was going through.

Tim had always prevailed though, convincing her that he loved her and wanted to be there for her. He had a lot of anger and pain of his own to deal with and together they worked through that. Calleigh had finally talked to him about the rape and they had shed a lot of tears together when she did. Talking about it with him was a major part of the healing process for Calleigh.

After a speedy trial in which Calleigh testified against the bastard, Schneider was put on death row and Calleigh was finally able to start putting the whole ordeal behind her. She had only waited a week before returning to work, insisting she could handle it. Everyone kind of tiptoed around her at first, believing her to be some kind of delicate flower. Calleigh proved to all of them that she could handle it by solving a tough case on her first day back.

Work was the easy part, it was the rest of her life that was hard. Being around Tim, even while they were working, helped her a lot. Their friends and co-workers had been thrilled to find out they were dating and Calleigh was very glad that the secret was out. During her recovery there were times she just needed to be near him and was glad they didn't have to hide their affection for each other. Calleigh felt bad for clinging to him but there were times she felt like she was drowning and he was her life raft, the only thing keeping her afloat.

Things had changed in their relationship though, and not all for the better. They had spent every single night together since Calleigh's abduction but they still hadn't made love since it happened. At first, because of Calleigh's injuries, there was no question of sex. Calleigh wanted him but at the same time there was relief because sex was the last thing she wanted to think about.

Tim had been very understanding but now so much time had passed and the romance that had been so hot and heavy in their relationship seemed to have died. Having left work early for her therapy session, Calleigh had some time to herself and she was glad. She was planning a romantic candlelit dinner for Tim that she hoped he wouldn't soon forget. For a relationship as new as theirs was, she hated feeling like an old married couple who didn't bother with sex anymore. It just wasn't something she imagined would ever happen to them, even if they ever were an old married couple someday!

Tim entered the apartment and looked around, wondering why it was so dark. Calling out to Calleigh softly, Tim wandered into the kitchen and found her waiting for him next to a candle-lit table.

"You're right on time, I just finished dinner." Calleigh embraced him and Tim couldn't help but notice how gorgeous she looked. She had changed into a long, dark blue dress with spaghetti straps that showed off all her curves.

"Hey, you look beautiful Calleigh. What's the occasion?" He asked, gesturing at the table.

"Just us, being together." Calleigh replied, kissing him and pressing her body close to his. Tim was surprised at how much passion was in the kiss and he responded in kind. Her hair was hanging in loose waves down her back and Tim ran his fingers through it as they kissed. Calleigh was the one who broke the kiss, much to Tim's disappointment. "More of that later, I promise. Right now, I think we should eat."

Tim sat at the table, feeling very turned on as he watched Calleigh bringing him his food. She had definitely dressed for him tonight and he was most appreciative. He also couldn't help but notice how happy and relaxed she looked, more so than she had in weeks. He was glad, knowing that must mean her session had gone well today.

He was so proud of Calleigh, she had shown amazing strength in the last little while and hadn't wallowed in self-pity like some people might have. Not that he would have blamed her if she had. If their positions were reversed Tim wasn't so sure he would have handled it as well as she had.

"Save room for desert." Calleigh warned him, as he started to eat. The food was delicious and dessert was chocolate cheesecake, one of Calleigh's specialties. After dinner they relaxed on the couch for awhile, digesting their food and watching television. Tim didn't mean to fall asleep but what with a full belly and Calleigh's warm body next to his, he couldn't fight the fatigue that hit him. Hearing Tim's soft snore, Calleigh was a little disappointed. This wasn't exactly what she had planned for this evening. Oh well, the night was young and she knew that Tim would wake up eventually.

Calleigh let Tim sleep for about an hour before she got bored with television and decided it was time for him to wake up. She began softly kissing him, starting with his eyelids and moving on to his cheeks, neck and finally his lips. Suddenly he was kissing her back and pulling her to him with intensity. It had been too long and Calleigh was aching for him.

Judging by Tim's reaction to the kiss, he felt the same way. Calleigh didn't want him to doubt her intentions so pulling away from him for a moment she reached around to unzip her dress. Tim wordlessly helped her out of the dress and looked at her hungrily. He had wanted to make love to her for so long but knowing what she'd gone through had made him hesitant to make the first move. She was making it plainly obvious now that this was what she wanted. Picking her up off the couch, he carried her to the bedroom.

For Calleigh, making love to Tim again was like a re-awakening. He was loving, tender and everything else that she could need or want. When she had first been raped she had been worried that she might think about it when she was with Tim but memories of Schneider and the things he did to her were nowhere to be found their bodies came together for the first time in too long.

Tim looked at the clock, surprised at how much time had passed unnoticed. After another round of lovemaking Calleigh had drifted off to sleep, her body still entangled with his. Tim on the other hand, was way too wired to sleep. He was so happy that things were finally back to normal in this part of their relationship---they couldn't get enough of each other.

If nothing else, this whole thing had proven that their relationship wasn't based entirely on sex but Tim had to admit that it was a huge bonus and things hadn't been the same without it. They had an intimacy that was quite unlike anything Tim had ever experienced and he was really relieved that they had made it through unscathed.

She was the most important person in his life and he was painfully aware how close he had come to losing her. It had really taught him to make the most of the time they had because who knew what was going to happen? Tim stroked Calleigh's blonde head gently, wondering what he did to deserve her and closed his eyes, ready to join her in sleep.

The End