Troubled Waters

Pairing: Calleigh/Speed

Rating: R

Disclaimer: These characters aren't mine, they belong to CBS but I'm borrowing them for awhile

A/N: This is a sequel to my first fic Butterflies but be warned, the fluffy factor is not nearly as high.

As people brushed by her in the halls of CSI, Calleigh was not a happy camper, for a number of unpleasant reasons. She had PMS in a big way. The case she was working on involved the deaths of children, which was never easy. To top it all off, her boyfriend had just passed by her in the hall with one of their co-workers and she had barely gotten a hello. She had been seeing Tim for about a month now and things were going great--in bed at least.

By day they worked together, often side-by-side, giving no clue to anyone that by night they shared the same bed. Things were different then and so was he. He was warm, passionate and treated her like gold. Work was another story. At first keeping their tryst a secret had been fun. They would go all day wanting each other and prolonging it only added to their pleasure when the day was done. Lately, though Calleigh felt Tim had been taking their work relationship too far. He was so cold to her sometimes and she felt he was trying too hard to let everyone know that she was nothing more than a friend. She tried to tell herself it was all an act but deep down she was afraid that it was true.

She'd tried to discuss going public with their relationship a few times but he always made an excuse and Calleigh didn't want to waste what little time they had together arguing. It was just hard to understand why he didn't want anyone to know they were together. It's not like he was trying to make her understand either.

For the last week she had spent every day determined to have it out with him but then he would look at her with those brown eyes that looked right into her soul and as soon as he kissed her she was lost. She couldn't control the reactions her body had to his touch and all of the convictions she'd had during the day disappeared when they made love. When they were together and he was inside her she felt wonderful but right now she felt like crying. She wanted more from him than this and she had thought he did too, in the beginning.

Now, it was like part of him was holding back and he was afraid to move forward for some reason. So they continued to spend their nights closer than ever while during the day they seemed to be drifting further and further apart. Calleigh fought back the tears brought on by these thoughts and noticed John Hagen coming toward her, smiling at her in that smug way of his. They were working a case together right now and he seemed to be flirting with her more shamelessly than ever. It would give her so much pleasure to be able to tell him about her and Tim, surprise the hell out of him. That would have to wait until later. As Hagen got closer she could see the tension in his jaw.

"Calleigh, he got another one." He said, sadness in his eyes.

"God, no." was all Calleigh could say.

"There's good news though, Calleigh. She's alive and she's made an I.D."

"Oh, that is good news. Is it someone we know?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. His name is Evan Schneider. Horatio and Speedle helped put this guy away for nine counts of sexual assault two years ago. Unfortunately he got out on a technicality last month."

"Right around the time young girls turned up raped and murdered in Miami. I remember that guy--he was twisted. Obviously being in prison didn't make him any more suited for life on the outside. How can they just put guys like that back on the street?" Calleigh asked in frustration.

"We're going to put him back in prison, Calleigh don't worry. We just have to catch him before he does this to someone else. This latest girl was the teenage daughter of an ex-girlfriend so this guy is starting to get personal. It's going to be easier to catch him now." Hagen assured her.

"Did he leave any DNA evidence behind this time?"

"No. He's smart enough not to do that but not smart enough to cover up his face. He left this girl for dead but she pulled through and he wasn't counting on that. He let the poor thing know who he was before he raped and strangled her." Hagen said, shaking his head in obvious disgust. "I'm going to go and question her right now if you want to come with me."

"Definitely. Let's go." Calleigh tried to ignore the hand Hagen put on the small of her back as they walked out the door together. She knew he cared about her but he hadn't made any aggressive advances so she left it alone. She didn't want to make things awkward between them and it's not like Hagen knew she was with Tim. As far as anyone knew she was a single woman.

After they left the hospital Calleigh asked Hagen if he would mind dropping her off at home. There wasn't any more work to be done today and she just wanted to be alone. She had driven to work with Tim and she figured he would call her cell when he couldn't find her later.

After changing into something comfortable Calleigh decided to go for a walk. She figured the fresh air would do her some good and it was such a nice day out there. Maybe she could get some thinking done too. Taking her cell phone with her, she headed in the direction of a park that was near her apartment.

It was a good walk and she often liked going there to sit and people-watch, trying to imagine the lives of everyone around her. She wondered if other people noticed her and if she looked as lonely as she felt right now. When she reached her destination Calleigh was little disappointed to see how deserted it was and realized that it was close to dinnertime and most people were probably at home with their families. She sat down on a bench anyhow and reached for her cell phone, feeling the need to hear Tim's voice. Suddenly someone grabbed her from behind, pressing a cloth over her mouth and nose.

The phone dropped to the ground as Calleigh tried not to breathe the chemical she knew was on the cloth and fought back at her attacker. The hands were too strong though and she had to breathe. Tim's face flashed into her clouded mind and she felt sadness and regret before everything went black.
