Title: Carefully to Tread
Author: Xionin
Rating: Strong R
Summary: Set mid-season 6. Begins at the end of 'Once More With Feeling'.
Buffy needs something to make her feel alive, but she already has something, if she'll only open her eyes.
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon, Fox, Inc. and Mutant Enemy own BtVS and its characters. I just treat them better.
Feedback: ...would really, really be appreciated. I'm still new to the game. [[email protected]]


Buffy is idly tracing random patterns across his chest with her fingertips. She marvels at how smooth and flawless his skin is in most places. The porcelain expanse is marred only by a few feint scars. Spike watches her with fascination.

He doesn't really understand divine providence; doesn't necessarily believe in it. But if the miracle of having her in his arms is proof-positive, well...he's a believer.

"I should get back soon. Dawn will be worried." She sighs and her warm breath sends ripples of contentment throughout his flesh.

"Yah, she might." He pulls her closer to him, wrapping the damp sheet around their sated bodies. "Then again..."

"She might not?" She tilts her head up so that their eyes meet and smiles into him. She takes a quick, involuntary breath; something she's been apt to do all afternoon when she's found him gazing at her the way he is now. Worshiping her with his eyes. Even the tiny devilish smirk he sports doesn't diminish what his heart says.

Every. Time. He. Looks. At. Her.

"I've...I've never known anyone who loves like you do." At that, his features soften with humility.

"No? How's that, then?" He runs his fingers through her passion-tangled hair.

"You give so much...i-in everything you do, I mean..." She frowns a bit, searching for the right words. "It's...overwhelming, and more than a little intimidating the way you throw yourself into it. Give so much." She shrugs. "I don't know how to love like that."

"Oh that's bloody nonsense, Buffy. C'mon, now." He kisses the top of her head and wraps his arms even more securely around his insecure...what...girlfriend? He'll have to ask her about that one. "You are very loving, luv, very...caring and warm and beautiful and..."

"What does being beautiful have to do with it?"

"It's a perk." He chuckles and she laughs lightly against him. "Seriously, Buffy luv, you have nothing to worry about in that department. Do you think I would have fought so hard for something not worth achieving?"

She thinks on that a moment.

"No...I guess not." She sighs.

"Damn right, so..."

"Will you teach me?" She shifts again to look at him and he is astonished at the fear in her eyes.

"Ah...pet." He pulls her on top of his body, stretching underneath to give her a pillow of hardened male flesh; from now on, it's her favorite kind. She braces herself against his chest with the flat of her palms and he rests his hands lightly on her shoulders before sliding them down to her waist.

"I'm the one that bloody well needs to learn. You..." He brushes the hair back from her face to study the flicker of gold candlelight reflected in the depths of her green eyes." You're the one teaching me, luv."

"Nuh uh, Spike, I'm not buying that."

"Not tryin' to sell anything, am I? Think of Dawn."


"You love her, yeah?"

"Of course! She's my sister." She frowns in confusion.

"Ah, but she isn't in the conventional sense. When you learned the truth about...where she came from, you didn't turn her away. Didn't stop loving her, did you?"

"No, I would never...I couldn't...she's...I love her."

"Because she's your sister, right?"

"Yes." He smiled and pulled her in for a brush of a kiss.

"A lot of people wouldn't be so gracious, Buffy. You loved her despite...everythin' you learned, everythin' they did to you. To your memories. Your life. You loved her." He studies her eyes, watching them fill with realization and acceptance. "You still do." Buffy blushes a little under the scrutiny.

"I...yeah, ok. I see what you're trying to say." She chews her lip and ducks her head into his chest. He massages the nape of her neck, feeling her relax into him a bit more. He bends his mouth to her ear.

"You've an incredible capacity for love, sweetness. I'm a lucky bloke, having you in my world. In my arms."

"In your bed." She looks up at him, her eyes showing a now-familiar twinkle. He offers a slow, but feral grin.

"That too." Buffy chews on her lower lip and he groans. She can feel his arousal stirring between her thighs where it rests. He senses the reawakening of her desire; the heat in her skin, the quickness of her breath, the almost imperceptible electrical charge she emanates.

"I think..." She teases him with a near-kiss. "Dawn..." Another. "Will be..." He moans as her lips brush his. "Alright for..."

Having had enough, he surprises her by grasping her head in his hands; giving her a look that instantly has her melting into a puddle of goo.

"A few more hours." He growls.

"Hours?" She squeaks. He loosens his grip as his eyes drop to her luscious mouth, just begging to be captured. His jaw twitches in anticipation.

"Yeah." He pulls her down and rolls her over for a slow, searing kiss. All else forgotten.


"You're such a...little...girl."

Spike buries himself in her again and again, delving into the impossible heat, touching the calm at the center of her storm.

"I am not little."

Buffy feels her soul expand as he fills her up, fills the aching void she hadn't even been aware of. He moves his hands to her hips and grasps them, easily holding her frame in his hands. He feels as if he could wrap his fingers around her twice.

"Yeah you are."

Spike rolls them over, never leaving her body, so that she is on top. She gasps at the change in angle that the position provides. He takes the opportunity to cup her breasts in his palms. They are ample, but they disappear behind the white flesh of his hands. 'Like a handful of sunlight.' he muses.


Buffy begins to undulate above him, her eyes are half-lidded; her mouth slack with increasing pleasure. He just watches her.

"You're a tiny dancer."

She opens her eyes and smiles into his.

"Am I graceful?"

She lifts her arms above her head and Spike thinks he must be catching a glimpse of Salome's power.

"Yes, luv."

He meets each of her rotations with a thrust and her mewling fills some space of happy in him he long thought dead.

"Just little."

Her voice is breathy, his rapidly descending into growls as she moves atop him. Her hair brushes the tops of his thighs as she arches her back, dancing in a wash of passion.

"Little, yes. And graceful and beautiful...so beautiful."

His voice trails off as he feels her slayer's muscles' tell-tale tightening around him.

"Too...too little?"

Buffy's heart is opening up along with her body. This is that dangerous time when anything he says can mold her or break her. When she is the most vulnerable; could be so easily hurt...or...'god this is glorious' she thinks to herself. 'There's no other word for it: glorious'.

"No...Just right...just...perfect, Buffy. You're perfect, luv. Perfect. Per. fect."

The words are irrelevant, now. The pressure building between them explodes in a myriad of colors and sounds; their voices mingling in a chorus of ecstasy.

Exhausted and fulfilled their bodies gravitate towards more contact as Buffy lowers her chest to his. He gathers her to him and strokes her back and thighs, using feather touches. He murmurs words of love into her hair. Her breathing soon becomes soft and shallow as she drifts off, still atop him; him still inside her.

Spike notes how his still-hardened length feels encased in her flesh. How she fills his arms, his heart. How this tiny slip of a girl rules him.

"You're right, Buffy." he whispers, placing light kisses on her neck and shoulders. "You're not little, little girl. You're my whole bloody world."



Author's Note: Well. Here endeth the story. I can't tell you how appreciative I am for all of your feedback and encouragement. I feel like we were all in this together.

The original idea for this fic consisted of one chapter. One. But you guys gave me the courage to allow the pair of them to speak to me and to tell the story they wanted to tell. So I let them take over and it brought us here. A few people have requested a sequel. To be honest, I can't foresee one at the moment, but as I become more acquainted with season 6, I believe I will have more stories. Inevitably, I'll end up following this somehow. It may not be a 'sequel', per se, but there is more there to be sure.

Special thanks: Muchas, muchas gracias a Maribel, my beta and friend. This story would not have been possible if not for you. You give me confidence and keep me going. A huge thanks to Ranaslayer. You know how to peel back the layers and get to the heart of what I am trying to say. Even when I don't know what I'm trying to say.

Thank you: Everyone that ever reviewed on the site or at FF.net, the Sandlot or on my LJ: Julchek, Dettiot, Lilpuff, Ancientgirl, Shady, Jerusha, Pattyanne, Paola, Melinda, Christie, Mandi, Signa, Mary Rose, Irishwoman39, Miriam, Spikealicious, Mar Ala, SassySlayerSL7, Captain and Fearless Leader, Hannah, N-Bred, Julia9, Coquine, Shan-suedluvsbitch, Ilpopi, Sweet Ali, Just Kumi, Kil, Jude Space, Esile ["Love Smut" LOL], Lyns, Spike's Heart, Artemis Child, Moxie, and Spiked Vamp.

I hope I didn't forget anyone. If so, please know that all of your reviews are important to me. I'm writing for you, as much as for myself and I love hearing what you think; how my words feel to you. Take care and I hope to hear from you soon.

Now back to 'How Many Days' and 'The Fall of Aurelius'.
