Title: Norrington's Choice

Author: OceanGirl28

Disclaimer: I do not own Disney. I do not own the script. I do not own the movie. I do not own the actors. I do not own the characters. I do not own anything! Got it? Lol

Rating: PG-13 for violence, language, and some sensuality

Summary: What if Norrington couldn't let Elizabeth go. What if he didn't go easy on Will? What if the consequence for Will's actions... was death? Elizabeth/Will fic. R/R! (No flames please!) [NORRINGTON LOVERS DO NOT READ]

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"You forget your place." Commodore Norrington said coldly to Will Turner as Jack and Will surrendered to the British Guard.

"It's right here," Will replied sternly, "between you and Jack."

There was a pause.

"As is mine." a voice said from behind Norrington. It was none other than his fiancée, Elizabeth Swann, who walked over to Will and held his hand.

Will smiled.

Commodore Norrington was in shock.

"Elizabeth!" her father, the Governor of Port Royal, said annoyed, "Lower your weapons!" he ordered Norrington's men.

They ignored him and kept pointing their swords at Will, Jack, and Elizabeth.

"For God's sake, lower them!!" the he yelled.

They obeyed.

"Is this where your heart truly lies?" Norrington asked Elizabeth.

"It is." she replied, guiltily.

The Commodore looked heartbroken.

"Well, I guess this is the end!" Jack Sparrow spoke up suddenly.

He walked over to Norrington. "I want you to know that I was rooting for you all along." he said to him.

"Elizabeth?" he said, while walking to her. She turned around from staring at Will. "It would have never worked out between us darling - - I'm sorry."

Elizabeth looked confused but chose to ignore him.

"I want you all to remember this, as the day - - " Jack tripped over the wall before he could finish his sentence, and fell hundreds of feet down into the sea.

A few men, including the Commodore ran to look over the wall.

"Idiot," one of them said laughing, "He has no where to go but back to the noose!"

Just then the Black Pearl, now with white sails, appeared from behind the rocks, and Jack swam towards it with a smile on his face.

Commodore Norrington sighed and ordered all but two of his men to go after the Pearl, as he turned back to Will and Elizabeth, who were still gazing at each other dreamily.

"Mr. Turner!" he yelled.

Will started to turn around with a sad look on his face, but Elizabeth stopped him.

He sighed, "I will accept the consequences for my actions." he said to her.

Elizabeth bit her lip and reluctantly let Will go.

"Mr. Turner," Norrington started, "Do you know what the consequences for meddling with a pirate are?"

Elizabeth acted as if she wasn't listening, for she had been taught long ago not to eavesdrop, but kept her ears sharp to hear what the Commodore was saying.

"No, sir." Will replied, refusing to look him in the face.

"Death." the Commodore said calmly.

Will's eyes grew wide.

Elizabeth couldn't pretend she wasn't listening anymore as she heard what Norrington said. "No!" she yelled in protest.

"Take Mr. Turner here to the dungeon." Commodore Norrington ordered the two men left behind.

Elizabeth and Will's eyes were flashing back and forth everywhere, as if it hadn't occurred to either of them what was happening.

"Which cell Commodore?" one of his men asked.

"You can put him in the cell with the pirates... since he seems to fit in well with them." Norrington smirked.

"Pirates?" Elizabeth asked as she walked towards her fiancée, "Barbosa's pirates?!"

"Commodore this is uncalled for - - " Elizabeth's father said.

"Governor, go home and rest." Norrington replied, "your daughter will join you shortly."

The Governor looked reluctant.

"That is an order!" Commodore Norrington raised his voice slightly.

Governor Swann sighed and turned to go home.

Meanwhile, Norrington's men were putting hand-cuffs on Will.

"Stop it!" Elizabeth yelled, running towards him, "No!!"

She pushed the men away.

"Will go! Go with Jack! Go now, before it's too late!" she said quickly under her breath.

Will looked reluctant.

Just then she was pulled away by Norrington.

"Darling, you're just tired from all of the commotion this past week, you'll be fine." Commodore Norrington said while caressing her cheek with his hand, "Now, let us go back to your house and leave this - - pirate - -" he spat, "to be dealt with by my men." he motioned towards the two, clumsy- looking guards of his.

Elizabeth looked at him disgustedly.

"Don't touch me." she gritted through her teeth.

He looked at her, offended.

"I said don't tou - - " she started saying, her voice raised, but was cut off by Norrington kissing her harshly.

The men holding Will back were in such shock from Norrington's rudeness, that they let go of Will, not noticing.

Elizabeth was trying to get him off of her, hitting him on the shoulders and kicking him in the legs, but he wouldn't let go. She was starting to feel the way she did when she first wore a corset. Drowsy, sick, and running out of air.

"You bastard!" Will yelled as he punched Norrington hard on the cheek, causing him to let Elizabeth go, and fall to the ground. Elizabeth was gasping for air as she coughed and grasped her stomach.

Will jumped on top of Norrington and punched him over and over again with anger, as Norrington's soldiers tried to pull him off of their Commodore, which they achieved with some difficulty, and checked to see if he was all right.

While they attended to Norrington's bloody nose, Will ran to Elizabeth, who was coughing and spitting, trying to get the disgusting taste of Norrington out of her mouth.

"Elizabeth are you all right?" he asked worriedly.

Before she could answer him, the two firm hands that held Will back once before grabbed him again, as Norrington did the same to Elizabeth.

"Let GO of me!" Elizabeth screamed while hitting and kicking as hard as she could.

"Calm down Elizabeth." Commodore Norrington ordered.

But Elizabeth did the exact opposite. She grabbed Norrington's sword out of his belt and aimed it at his throat.

"LET - - WILL - - GO" she said sternly, word for word, as she moved the sword even closer.

"Now Elizabeth - - don't be rash." Norrington said slowly and carefully, staring at the sharp tip of the sword Will made for him.

"Let Will go, and I'll let you go, Commodore." She replied simply.

Norrington seemed to be in deep thought.

Elizabeth looked him square in the eye.

He sighed, "Alright, Elizabeth."

She looked satisfied, as she handed him his sword.

Just then, as she was handing it to him, he grabbed his sword harshly and pointed it at Will's neck, and as he did so, he heard a shriek of pain from behind him.

As Norrington had lied and grabbed his sword, Elizabeth hadn't expected what had happened and shifted to the side as the sword slit her arm.

"Elizabeth!!" Will yelled.

Commodore Norrington turned around to see Elizabeth, lying on the ground, grasping her bleeding shoulder.

She winced in pain.

Norrington turned around and saw what he had done. His career, respect, and fiancée's life were at stake! He didn't know what to do, [Should I help her?] he thought. [No, she won't want my help.] he answered himself as he took one last look at Elizabeth, and ran. However, he only got a few feet away when some of his men stopped him with big news, "Sir! The Pirates, they've escaped!"

"What?!" Norrington shouted, "How could you idiots let this happen!"

The stared at Norrington, not knowing what to do.

"Well, don't just stand there! Go, GO! Alert the town that there are dangerous pirates on the loose and send every soldier out in search of them, NOW!" he yelled, as he ran after the guards, his mind obviously off of what had just happened to Elizabeth.

The poor girl's blood was flowing freely now, and almost her entire arm was covered in it. Although the sword only struck her lightly, Will had made it so well that it was extremely sharp.

While Will kicked, punched, and yelled at the guards holding him back, they conversed on what they should do.

"Bu' we're suppose to take 'im to the jail! That was the Commodore's orders!" one of them said.

"Bu' we can't jus' leave 'er here!" the other replied.

"Well then wha' should we do?" the first one asked.

Will couldn't stand their stupidity anymore and with one swift move jumped on both of their feet, causing them to yelp in pain and let him go.

"Sorry, boys." Will said, and before they knew it, they felt an enormous pain in their noses as Will punched them each at the same time, knocking them out.

He then ran as fast as possible to Elizabeth.

She was whimpering and her eye sight was blurry with tears of pain she fought to hold back. "Will... " she breathed. As he gently held her head up. "Shh, don't speak." He replied softly, as he put his knee in place of his hands, so that she could lean against it, tore off a piece of his blouse, and tied it around her wound gently. "We need to get you back to your house."

"No, Will," she fought to speak, "You need to go - - go now before Jack gets too far away! I'll be fine... " She tried to stand but failed.

"Elizabeth I'm not going to leave you." He said sternly.

"Will, go! Please go... "

The last thing Elizabeth saw was Will's worried expression as she felt her eyes fall to the back of her head and blacked out into his arms.

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I just want everybody to know that I don't hate Commodore Norrington and him being one of my "bad guys" just went along with the idea I had for my story. Sorry for all the intensity n' stuff. I can't help it, it's just the way I write! (I get so into it ya know?) Lol, well I don't think I've got all of the script from the movie perfect, but I tried my best! R/R! (No flames please!)

Shout-outz to my reviewers for chapter one:

To "pir8_wuman84": Thank you for correcting my mistake, yes, I do believe that it is "noose" instead of "dock". Lol, I've seen the movie four times myself (and am planning to see it more! Everyone thinks I'm crazy for wasting so much money but it's just so good that I can't last more than a few days without seeing it!) So yes, we are both very devoted fans, hehe.

To "Moonbeam": Thanks for your apology. Yea I'm thirteen, also, and have mood swings so I understand, lol! I am truly sorry for making Norrington my "bad guy", but don't worry, there are to be more villains as the story progresses so it will not be all about how "evil" Norrington is.

To LordLanceahlot: Thanks so much for such a great review!

To "Jezrael the Jealous": Lololol, I didn't think there was such a thing either until I got a few suggestions and flamers, hehe!
