Eirsed Revisited

1. The New Burrow

As the Burrow came into view, Harry's eyes widened at the changes that had taken place since his last visit two years ago. There were dozens of wizards and witches on the grounds waving their wands about. Some looked as if they were charming the air, some were concentrating on the trees in the surrounding forest, and a few were actually jabbing at the ground itself. To a Muggle it would have appeared if they had all lost their minds but Harry guessed the activity all had to do with Mr. Weasley's new position as Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

Harry had learned of Mr. Weasley's promotion when he had been ushered into the black limousine he was now riding in. He had known for weeks that Fudge had been forced to resign and that Amelia Bones had been named as his successor, creating the vacancy for the Department Head position, but he would have never guessed that Arthur Weasley, who so many powerful wizards in the Wizarding community looked down upon, would have gotten the job.

The seven guards accompanying him for the trip from the Dursleys would not speak further on the subject, or any other subject for that matter, as they were intent on staying alert for Harry's protection. Kingsley Shacklebolt was the leader of the guard detail and had given a friendly hello and the good news about Mr. Weasley, but he was all business afterwards and had not addressed Harry after confirming his identity to Harry, and Harry's identity to him, to their mutual satisfaction. They were acquainted with each other from the previous summer but Polyjuice and other magics made further testing necessary.

The house now came into view and Harry was again shocked at the changes. Gone was the quaint, ramshackle house that looked to be constantly on the verge of collapse. In its place now stood a circular building of stone probably three times the size of the old dwelling that had been there. It radiated strength, the strength of a fortress. Harry's brow furrowed and his lips pursed in sadness. The Burrow had always been so warm and inviting despite, or perhaps because of, its humble nature. Now there was an impression of foreboding hanging in the air. It seemed to have become an armed camp.

The limousine crept to a stop a few yards away from the huge wood door in the front of the building. The doors of the large black car opened and all the guards exited quickly. Harry sat in the back for a moment before finally moving to get out. His motions were slow as he was unsure of what to expect now. He was away from the Dursleys, which was something to be cheerful about, but this was not what he had envisioned when he had been sent for so suddenly. His heart had leapt for joy when he learned that he was to go to the Burrow instead of 12 Grimmauld. And though he was very sure he did not want to go back to the Dursleys, and even surer he didn't want to go to Sirius' house, he was now unsure he wanted to be here either.

Ron came bursting out the door with a huge smile on his face and ran to meet Harry as he stepped away from the limousine. There were others behind Ron but the ferocity of his welcome made them a blur. It also more or less quashed any misgivings Harry had about the new Burrow.

Ron crushed Harry's hand in his. "Harry! Welcome back! Can you believe this place?! Isn't it brilliant? A Weasley castle!"

Now that Harry thought about it, it did resemble a small castle. "It's certainly different. How long has it been this way?"

"Dad got the promotion two days ago. The Ministry sent a team of Aurors over immediately to beef up security. The first thing they did was start on the house."

"All this in two days?!" Harry was incredulous.

"Well, it's magic, isn't it?" Ron laughed.

Harry looked around again in wonder that such a transformation could have taken place so quickly. He knew he should be use to such things by now, but he reckoned it might have something to do with spending the last couple of weeks with his completely mundane relatives. They had a staggering gift for sucking the imagination out of a person.

Harry's attention was snapped back to the immediate with a tremendous hug from Mrs. Weasley. "So good to have you back here, Harry. I hope you can excuse all the…activity."

Mrs. Weasley's tone and sour expression made it pretty clear she did not excuse the activity herself. Her eyes showed great disdain for all the commotion around her home. Still, she managed to make Harry feel as welcome as ever.

"I need to get back to lunch. It'll be ready in a few minutes." Molly Weasley turned and hurried back through the large door.

Harry then noticed that there was only one other person present to greet them, a very pretty girl, and though she seemed familiar he didn't recognize her right off. She wasn't Hermione or Ginny and he wondered where they were.

Ron spoke, "You remember Susan, don't you, Harry?"

"Susan? Susan Bones? Uh, well, wow, you've changed." Harry could not tell if she had put on a few inches in height or lost weight or gained weight. He remembered her from the DA sessions as a rather plain girl. She wasn't plain anymore.

Susan smiled, obviously choosing to take Harry's words as a compliment. "Hi, Harry. It's nice to see you again. Auntie should be out in a few. She wanted to meet you again, under better circumstances than the last."

"Auntie?" Harry remembered their first meeting in the Hog's Head pub and made the connection. "Amelia Bones is your aunt and she's here?"

"Well, great aunt actually, she was making a Floo call when you arrived. With the new job, she's been rather busy lately, if you can imagine."

"Alright." Harry turned to Ron who was smiling at Susan in an odd fashion. After several seconds, Harry cleared his throat to get Ron's attention. "I thought Hermione was here already? Is she? Where is she?"

Ron tore his gaze away from Susan to face Harry. "She's in the garden with Ginny and Luna. I don't think they know you're here yet. We weren't expecting you for another hour or so."

Susan laughed. "We surely weren't."

Harry thought it was an odd thing to say and turned to raise a questioning eyebrow at Ron. As it turned out, he ended up raising both eyebrows in surprise when he found Ron blushing furiously and smiling at Susan again.

"I see," said Harry slowly. Ron and Susan? There are definitely a lot of changes going on around here. "What are they doing in the garden? Degnoming?"

Ron reluctantly turned away from Susan again. "Hmm? What? Oh, they're practicing some spells I think."

"They're what?!" Harry was shocked. Dozens of Aurors about and the new Minister of Magic inside the house and the girls were practicing magic? "They'll be expelled!"

Ron looked confused. "What? What are you- Oh, yeah, you don't know yet."

"No, I guess I don't know a lot of things. What's going on?"

"Minister Bones gave us all exemptions from the underage rule. You, me, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and Neville, all the students involved with that business in the Department of Mysteries, we don't have to worry about that anymore. We have to watch out for Muggles as the Statute of Secrecy still applies, but then so it does for all Wizards and Witches."

"But why?"

Susan spoke up, "Well I suppose you can think of it as half apology and half a reward. An apology on behalf of the Ministry for all that Fudge did or tried to do or didn't do and a reward for your recent actions against You-Know-Who."

Harry felt like throwing up. He lowered his eyes and spoke quietly, "I don't want a reward for that. I got someone killed. Someone…"

As Harry's voice trailed off, Susan gave a stricken glance to Ron. Ron shook his head back at her and shrugged.

"Let's get your things to Fred and George's old room before lunch." Ron took out his wand and waved it at Harry's trunk, "Locomotor trunk."

Ron and Susan hastily turned to go into the house. Harry let them go and stayed to gather his thoughts. Just as they disappeared into the darkness beyond the door, Amelia Bones came out of it and smiled wearily at Harry. Her short gray hair seemed frazzled and her cheeks showed the grimy evidence of her recent Floo call. Harry noticed she was not wearing the prominent monocle that she had on at his hearing. He guessed she used it during trials to help her look more menacing, or perhaps it had some magical properties. At the moment though, she very much looked like someone's dotty, sweet, old grandmother, not the Minister of Magic or the former Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

"There you are, Mr. Potter. So good to see you again, and out in the sunshine too, not in some musty courtroom. I do apologize for that business. A full trial body called and assembled for such a minor infraction. Quite inappropriate, I assure you. I've had the entire matter wiped from the records as well as the business with the house elf's pudding and that other incident with your Aunt Marge. None of it will ever be brought up again."

"Ah, well, thank you, Minister."

"Not at all, dear boy. You should also know that the Ministry has seen fit to exempt you and your friends from all such future charges. Arthur assures me that you will not abuse this trust, as does Headmaster Dumbledore. It seems you have some rather influential friends now." She gave what looked to be a genuine smile.

Harry smiled back but also remembered a time when her predecessor had also been affable. "Yes, it seems so. Thank you for the exemption as well, Minister."

"And I should like to be your friend too. Shall we dispose of this Minister and Mr. Potter business? Shall I call you Harry and you may call me Amelia?"

Harry shifted on his feet uncomfortably. "Uhm, well, you can call me Harry if you like, but I don't know that I feel comfortable with your first name. I don't even do that with Ron's parents."

"Ah, dear boy, respect for your elders, I appreciate that. Let's see, Madam Bones alright then?"

"Yes ma'am."

She took Harry's arm in a congenial manner. "Right then, let's eat. Molly seems to be putting on quite a banquet for you, though I've never seen her do anything short of a miracle with a meal."

"Do you eat here a lot, Madam Bones?"

"For the past several weeks, yes. Arthur has been invaluable catching me up with Voldemort's activities."

Harry looked at her with surprise and a little more respect.

She noticed his look. "Yes, I say his name. It took awhile I grant you, but the Headmaster makes sense on that point, as he does on every other subject he offers opinion on. I won't be working Voldemort's name into any public speeches just yet as I must bow to the certain sensibilities for the time being. I will be working hard to build the trust in the Ministry back to previous levels. But I will not give him more power if I can help it, especially over me. He has taken too much from my family already."

A sudden loud pop to his right had startled Harry, as well as several of the nearby wizards and witches, who turned to the sound, wands at the ready. The smiling face of Arthur Weasley greeted them all, and everyone relaxed and wands lowered.

"Ah good, managed to sneak in before the anti-apparition spells went up. Oh, but it will be a nuisance when they are in place."

"Now Arthur, your family's safety is worth a little inconvenience. Yes?"

Mr. Weasley seemed surprised to realize he had such a nearby audience. "Amelia! I was looking for all over at the Ministry and here you are at my home. How positively ironic! And Harry's arrived too! Wonderful!"

"Harry and I were just getting reacquainted on the way to lunch. Molly should have it ready any minute now."

"Amelia's not so very terrible is she, Harry? That is, when she isn't trying to toss you from school, eh?" Mr. Weasley winked at him.

"Arthur you know very well that was none of my doing. Mr. Potter here rather impressed me that day. And he impresses me further today. Perhaps I'll just have to sack you and hire him." There was another wink, this time from Madam Bones.

Mr. Weasley laughed loudly. "Merlin's Beard! Lasted only three days. Well, on the brighter side, I believe I won the office pool."

"What do you say, Harry? Fancy a go at Magical Law Enforcement?"

Harry was bewildered and amused at the way Madam Bones and Mr. Weasley got along, but they had given him an opening. "Actually, I would. Last year at school I decided I'd like to be an Auror."

Mr. Weasley's good humored smile vanished immediately, and then he sighed loudly. "I can't say that I like that idea, Harry, but I suppose it's an obvious choice for you. Though, would you mind terribly not volunteering that information to Molly? I'm not asking you to lie to her, but it'll be two years before you are out of school, and you might change your mind in that time. She doesn't need something else to worry about, especially if it might not happen. If I am still the Head of the Department when you're out from Hogwarts, I'll do what I can to help you."

Harry nodded and offered a small smile at the promise of help. In his heart, he knew he would not change his mind.

Madam Bones looked back and forth at the now solemn Harry and Mr. Weasley. "Hmph, put my foot in it again, eh? Some politician I make. I hate this bloody job already."

Mr. Weasley's smile returned. "Which is one of many reasons you'll be so brilliant at it, Amelia."

She looked doubtful. "I don't follow your logic, Arthur, but time will tell. Shall we take lunch?"

The three entered the large door and Harry was greatly relieved to discover that the interior of the Weasley home had not changed much, except that it seemed just slightly larger. It was even more of a relief that the cozy kitchen Mrs. Weasley so expertly and efficiently negotiated had not changed one wit. To Harry's mind, that part of the house bordered on sacred.

Mrs. Weasley spoke to them over her shoulder, "I'll have it all ready in just another minute. Go ahead and sit down."

As Harry took his seat Hermione, Ginny, and Luna entered the room. Hermione and Ginny were dressed in summery Muggle fashion. Luna was much witchier in her attire and had several flowers, practically a full blown bouquet, tied into the topknot of her hair. Hermione and Ginny were somewhat dirty and glistening with perspiration, but, though oddly dressed even for a witch, Luna was perfectly clean and dry.

When she saw Harry, Hermione immediately brightened and rushed over for a quick hug. "Harry! When did you get here?"

Harry's cheek was left somewhat moist from her close contact but she didn't smell bad, in fact, the feminine scent was rather nice. "Only just. What have you been up to? Bit of a mess, aren't you?"

"Well that's a fine thing to say!" Hermione tried to act upset but failed and a smile broke through. "But you're right of course. We've been having a go at Occlumency."

"Really?! Having any luck? If I could learn it without Snape's help … well, that would just be tremendous!"

Hermione's smile faded into a look of disappointment. "Not really I'm afraid. Luna is doing alright but Ginny and I keep collapsing. The reason for the dirty clothes, you see."

"Yeah, I had a time with that training with Snape. I suppose the garden is a softer fall than the dungeon floor, but it is made of dirt."

"Exactly. Still though, it is wonderful to be able to practice magic over the summer." She turned to Madam Bones. "Thank you again for that, Minister."

"For the hundredth time, Hermione, you're welcome. And for the two hundredth time, it's Amelia or Madam Bones."

Mrs. Weasley began loading the table with huge amounts of food. "Where have Ron and Susan disappeared to? It's time to eat."

Ginny snorted laughter and Hermione looked at her with a faltering smile. Luna was occupied with trying to shake an errant bloom from her field of vision without using her hands.

Hermione brushed her self off a bit and then spoke, "I'll go fetch them."

As she left, Ginny finally managed to stifle her snickering. She hesitated for a moment but then gave him a quick hug too. "Hey, Harry. Welcome back."

Harry's face was briefly covered in long red hair. He breathed deeply and took in her scent as well. "Thanks, Ginny, good to be back. Seems I've missed a lot of changes."

"Mm. You certainly have. We are all so proud of Dad."

Mr. Weasley looked at her, obviously pleased at her words. "Now, Ginny, we all agreed not to make too much of this. They couldn't spare any practicing Aurors to move up, so that's why I got the job."

Madam Bones began to fill her plate and spoke without looking up. "Arthur stop being so modest. You've run the Misuse office efficiently for years, done so much with so little. You weren't even formally the supervisor, but you managed it quite well. That's what we need now: efficiency and decisiveness. The Ministry still has too many people like Fudge, bloody bureaucrats. You'll forgive me, Molly."

"Of course, Amelia, and I'm inclined to agree. I also agree with you about Arthur as well. He should take some credit."

Mr. Weasley took her hand as she joined the table. "But Molly, you hate this, the new house, the constant security, all of it."

"It's a troubling time. We must all do what we can. I know you'll be a large part of ending it and I am so very proud of you."

Madam Bones smiled. "And of course having the Headmaster say that - let me see, what was it he said? From your work with the Order, he knew you to be the greatest thing to happen to organization since the paper clip. I haven't the first idea what a paper clip is, but an endorsement from Dumbledore is something to be considered, indeed."

Mr. Weasley brightened. "Ah, yes, Amelia, you see a paper clip is a rather clever little thing –"


"Yes, Amelia?"

"I don't really care what a paper clip is."

"Of course, Amelia."

Madam Bones continued, "Point is, you know how to do a lot with very few resources and that's what we need now. It will take time to rebuild the ranks of the Aurors to what they were the last time we were faced with – well, what we are faced with."

The three adults continued to talk as Hermione returned followed by Ron and Susan hand in hand. As Ron and Susan sat down, Harry took a bite of bread, trying to deal with the oddness of the thought of Ron with a girlfriend. On Ron's other side sat Luna who had finally finished adjusting the flowers in her hair and was now studying a piece of roast pork as if it were a copy of The Quibbler.

"Hello Luna. Had a good summer?"

She looked up with that perpetually surprised expression of hers. Her large unblinking eyes seemed to both see him and look through him simultaneously. "I've mostly been helping dad with the paper until I came here."

"So you've been having some success with Occlumency? I hope you can help me. I'm hopeless."

Luna put a hand to her chest and said quite dramatically, "'Those without hope are doomed to fail before they begin.'"

Ginny choked back a laugh through a mouth full of food.

"Er, right." Harry turned to Hermione. "Do you practice everyday?"

"Everyday that Fred and George and Bill don't visit. Then it's Quidditch, Quidditch, Quidditch." Hermione made a face that left no doubt of her feelings on that matter.

Ron's head whipped around, torn from his complete attention to Susan. "Wha-? Quidditch? When?"

Hermione rolled her eyes in disgust but Ginny and Susan laughed aloud.

Harry smiled at Ron. "God but it's been ages since I was on a broom. With the ban and all it's been what? Seven months?"

Ron beamed back. "We can practice some Quidditch after lunch then."

"Just two people? We've done that before I guess. It's better with more flyers though."

"Four actually. Ginny of course, and Susan."

Harry blushed at having forgotten Ginny was on the team, stupid really, she had only taken over for him as Seeker for pity's sake. He smiled at her sheepishly. "Sorry, Ginny. I'm a prat."

Ginny waved it away. "S'alright, Harry. I'll just take it out on you in the air so you won't forget next time."

Harry nodded to accept the challenge, and then he turned to Susan. "You play?"

"Well, I'm not nearly good enough to be on the house team, but I'm an alright flyer."

"Yes, she is," Ron added, and he and Susan were off to their own world again.

Harry stared at Ron for a moment and wondered if he had been that oblivious with Cho. He decided he hadn't and turned back to his food. Hermione mentioned something about writing Viktor while the others were off flying. Ron's attention to Susan did not flicker in the slightest. In the past, such a comment had never failed to rouse some response from him. Yes, there definitely have been some changes.


Luna had left for her nearby home right after lunch, promising to return in the morning for more Occlumency practice. Hermione made good on her statement to write Viktor and disappeared to Ginny's room, which they were sharing despite the room available in the enlarged house. Four people were not nearly enough for even an attenuated version of a full game so they settled for drills with Harry, Ginny, and Susan playing chaser against Ron as keeper. Ron was nothing short of maniacal in the air and Harry learned from the girls that Ron was even more obsessed with the game these days, bordering on Wood-ness. Harry had to give him credit, even when faced with his new girlfriend trying to score on him; he managed to block every shot. Ron seemed imbued with a confidence that Harry had never seen before. Whether it was the result of his dad's new position, his own performance at the last Quidditch game for the House Cup, that he now had a pretty girlfriend, something else entirely, or some combination of these reasons, Harry could not say, but he would say that it was high time Ron realized what a truly great person Ron was.

They played for several hours until Harry took a "misthrown Quaffle" (summarily identified as a well-aimed, overripe grapefruit) to the back of the head from Ginny. Apparently, this was how she had decided to "take it out" on him. After which, the activity degenerated from Quidditch drills into a somewhat nasty, high-speed version of follow the leader with a laughing, taunting  Ginny in front, followed by a sticky-haired, cursing Harry, followed by a concerned Ron intent on defending his sister, followed by Susan who was chuckling and shaking her head at the lot of them. The chase ended without resolution as Mrs. Weasley called everyone to dinner.

Dinner that night was a quiet one, as the flyers were exhausted, and Fred and George were not about. Madam Bones and Susan left soon after dessert. Everyone trudged up the newly redone non-creaking steps to their perspective rooms and prepared for sleep. Harry opened his trunk and checked to see if the travel had disturbed the contents very much. He then pulled out his pajamas and changed into them. A knock sounded at the door as he finished doing up the last button.

"Come in."

Ron entered the room grinning. "Hey Harry. Settling in alright?"

"Yeah. It'll be strange staying here and not listening to you snoring all night though."

"I don't snore. Besides, a bloke needs his privacy, and we've got the room now. I mean, we had the room before dad's promotion with Fred and George moving out, but now we have loads more. Mum was joking about having more children to fill the place up again. God, at least I hope she was joking."

Harry looked suspiciously around the room that the infamous Fred and George used to call home. "Is it safe in here? Would they have left any, uh, surprises about?"

"Mum made me search the place over last night. I'm still alive, so I think you'll be OK," Ron smirked.

Harry was dubious, but then cocked a questioning eyebrow. "So you and Susan, eh?"

Ron's face lit up and he started gushing, "Isn't she brilliant? She started coming over with the Minister. Madam Bones has been working with Dad constantly, and we were spending all this time together and all of sudden, boom, we're kissing! She's so wonderful!"

"That's great, Ron. I don't remember her being that pretty, but she certainly is now. You must have a good effect on her too."

"Nah, she turned sixteen last month so her mum allowed her to start using some minor glamour spells and potions."

"Oh, war paint," Harry said with sudden realization.

"War paint?"

"That's what Uncle Vernon calls women's make up."

"Make up?"

Harry shook his head, "Never mind."

"We're going to Diagon Alley in a couple days. Susan and I weren't together when she had her birthday. Do you think you could help me pick something out for her?"

"Me? Why not Hermione or Ginny? They're girls. They know what girls like. I assure you, I haven't a bloody clue." Harry thought of his time with Cho in Hogsmead.

"Well, I wouldn't know if Ginny was being serious or not. She's getting as bad as Fred and George, already worse in some respects. And Hermione, well, I don't know. I don't feel comfortable asking her."

"Why not? She's your friend too. I think she'd be happy to do it."

Ron's brow furrowed. "Maybe, it's just- I don't know. Please, Harry, you help me. I promise to get you a really great birthday present."

"Stop it. I'll help. I don't want anything special for my birthday."

Ron laughed. "Too bad, mate. Your birthday is in a week and Dad's salary just quadrupled or more. The whole family is looking for an excuse to have a party and you're it. Dad wouldn't let us celebrate his promotion for its own sake."

"The whole family is coming to my birthday? Percy too?"

Ron made a face. "That git is out of the family as far as I am concerned. That bloody letter. Mum is keeping his room ready, if he has the nerve to show his face here, which he won't if he wants to keep his teeth. That's why you're in here, risking Fred and George's absent charms, at least until more of the new rooms are finished."

"He is your brother, Ron. I didn't care for what the letter suggested either but-"

"You're more my brother than he ever was or will ever be."

Harry stood silent trying to think of something to say to that declaration. It certainly was a "new" Ron. The boy he had met on the train as a first year would have been blushing head to foot from such an emotional statement but the young man standing in front of him now simply smiled in quiet confidence. Harry finally smiled back when he managed to swallow enough of his own emotion to do so.

"Thanks, Ron. That's really nice of you to say."

Ron made a dismissive wave. "It's only true, Harry. It's only true. Guess I'll say good night. On the way up the stairs, Hermione sounded like she was going to be a ruddy elf-driver tomorrow with this Occlumency business. No excuse to get out of it as we won't really have enough flyers to practice Quidditch. Susan won't be back for a couple days. See you tomorrow."

"G'night, Ron."

Harry gingerly crawled into one of the beds not knowing or caring if it was Fred's or George's as they were probably equally dangerous. He pulled up the covers and lay there for several minutes waiting to be thrown off the bed, swallowed up by the mattress, or attacked by the pillow but nothing happened. There was a very irritating buzz like an insect flying around his head, but every time he sat up and lit his wand there was nothing. Several more minutes passed and the buzzing finally stopped. He fell into a restless sleep, once again dreaming of Sirius' death and his own duel with Bellatrix Lestrange. The outcome of this reoccurring dream/nightmare was always different than the last. This time, Harry killed her.

A/N: Whelp, here I go with a "real" fic finally. Hope I make it to the/an end. And before anyone posts a "ship bitch", I'll just say that it will be many chapters before the final ships are settled but those who have read my other stuff probably have an idea who'll end up with who. I'm guessing about a week between posts at this time. I am doing my best to stick to canon and I will update already posted chapters if I or someone else catches obvious deviations.