Season 2 Chapter 4
Chapter 15: Camp Hell
Adam, Rachel, Arielle, and Laurel were forced to get jobs over the summer to help with money for such a big family! They decided to work at Camp Greenlake, a nearby camp, knowing it could be lots of fun to work with kids.
It was their first day at camp and Adam, Rachel, Arielle, and Laurel were walking around the camp while campers began to get off their buses. They were pretty young, from about ages 7-13.
"Well this should be interesting," Adam read, as he and Rachel were assigned to the seven year olds. Arielle and Laurel got the thirteen year olds. They said goodbye, and Adam and Rachel were waiting in their cabins for the kids to arrive.
"We just got to make the best of it," Rachel told him. "Who knows, this could be lots of fun."
"Oh I agree, I just hope the whole witch thing doesn't interfere," Adam was worried.
"Oh, well of course it will!" Rachel laughed.
Adam looked confused.
He didn't have much to think, because a demon shimmered in out of nowhere.
"Woooah," Rachel jumped up and threw an electric ball at it, but the demon dodged it.
Adam telekinetically threw him against the door, and Rachel froze its body.
"Who are you?" Adam yelled.
"And why would you be shimmering into a public area?" Rachel asked.
"I answer to no one but the great leader," the demon answered.
"Um okay...who is the great leader?" Rachel snapped back.
"I tell NO ONE," the demon was prideful.
"Yeah okay, shut up," Adam blew him up. "Sorry he was just getting annoying, we'll deal with this later."
As soon as he said later, another demon shimmered in.
The campers were on their way, and they had little time.
Adam blew it up.
"This is really weird," Rachel noted.
The campers came in and sat down.
Adam and Rachel were nervous, but the kids looked excited, so they got to business.
"Okay kids, my name is Adam and this is my sister, Rachel. We will be your camp," Adam was interrupted by a demon who shimmered in behind the kids
He created an energy ball and was ready to throw it at one of the kids, but Rachel froze him. She then froze the campers.
"Why does this keep happening every 5 seconds!" Rachel complained.
"I don't know but these kids are in danger," Adam told her.
"You think it has to do with Laurel?" Rachel asked.
"I don't know. We need to get rid of him first," Adam told her.
Rachel threw an electric ball at it, and the demon was electrocuted and burned into the ground.
She unfroze the kids and then began to give them a tour of the camp.
------------------------------------------13 year old, cabin---------------- ----------------------
"Welcome campers. I know you guys are older and don't want a huge discussion, but my name is Arielle," the witch introduced herself.
"And I am Laurel. We will be your counselors for the summer."
The kids looked utterly bored. All they wanted to do was swim.
"Okay anyywayyyyyy," Laurel's voice became panicky when a demon shimmered in behind the kids. He drew a knife a pointed it at her.
"Look flashlight," Laurel said quickly as she flashed her high beams at the demon, as well as the kids.
"I can't see," one girl cried.
"Wow what a strong flashlight," Arielle tried to calm them down as she blew her mace whisper at the demon. Instead of just blinding ash, fire sparks flew at him as well. Her power was growing. The demon shimmered out.
"That's handy," Laurel noticed.
"Is everyone okay?" Arielle asked.
"Dude, don't ever point that thing in my eyes again," one moody kid said.
Arielle and Laurel looked anxiously at each other.
------------------------------------------The Manor------------------------- --------------------
"So how was New York City Phoebe?" Piper asked as she fed Wyatt and Chris.
"Ah marvelous! All those journalists together gave me a headache, but Times Square was fabulous as well as the beautiful hotel I stayed in and the hotel doorman," Phoebe winked.
"Yeah well things here have been crazy," Piper told her all about Laurel and the Charmed Ones getting sent back in time.
"Aww I feel bad. But don't worry the teachers orientation went great and I should be starting next fall which means more salary. And you have us for the summer," Paige came in, very chipper.
"What time do our bigger rascals come home from their first day at work?" asked Phoebe.
"Anytime time now," Piper was interrupted by the door slamming.
"BIG problem," Adam came in yelling out.
"What? What's wrong?" Phoebe was worried.
"Demons. Lots and lots of demons," Arielle shook her head.
"In English please?" Paige hurried her.
"Okay while at camp, demons kept shimmering in. Adam and I vanquished at least 5 today. Every time we interrogated them, they told us they were working only for their Great Leader."
"It was weird. Arielle and I had the same problem," Laurel told them.
"Yeah and usually demons don't just attack at camps and show their faces publicly incase they are found," Arielle finished for her.
"Well this won't be a problem, we just got to find out who the Great Leader is," Piper calmed them.
"Easier said then done," Adam snickered.
"Well go relax, dinner will be ready soon," Piper told him.
"Umm Aunt Paige, can I see you in the other room," he hinted to her.
"Sure," she looked confused but followed him upstairs to the attic.
"Okay I can't eat with you guys tonight," he said.
"Why not?" Piper followed.
"Well, I am going on a date," he blushed.
"AWWW A DATE! With WHO? Who is the lucky lady?" she joked with him.
"....ummm," Adam looked nervous. "Alysse."
"Oh...oh no," Paige looked down.
"I know I know, but Piper was allowed to date her whitelighter and it is just harmless fun. Pleeeasse," he begged.
"Okay fine. But do not tell Piper. I will make an excuse that you are going out with your buddies tonight," Paige smiled.
----------------At Quake, a nearby restaurant Piper worked at when she was young-------
Adam and Alysse were laughing, and enjoying their meals while chatting about Alysse's pre-whitelighter life.
"Let's see, I died in 1999. Whiteligher training took me a long time and then I wound up here!" she told him.
"If you don't mind me asking how did you die," Adam questioned.
Alysse looked serious. "Well, a darklighter got to me when they found out I'd be a whitelighter."
"Oh well let's get off that topic, I am sure you do not want to talk about your death all day," he chuckled.
Alysse loved his odd humor and the two had a relaxing evening, exchanging childhood past information.
"My parents and I, well before they were killed by the Triad, an old group of evil your parents faced...we used to go to Giants games every week, because we had season tickets. My dad and I would love roaring during the games," she reminisced.
"Well I'm a Braves fan, so I spent my time yelling at the home team," Adam continued.
"How long do you think they will let us go on these little dates before they try to split us up? Alysse questioned.
"Eh let's not try to worry about it until it comes," Adam laughed.
Just then a demon shimmered in unnoticed behind a corner.
He walked in a grabbed and knife. "WHERE ARE THE WITCHES" he cried out.
"Uh oh. Alysse got get Rachel," Adam quickly said as she orbed out to go back to the Manor.
-------------------------------------------The Manor------------------------ ----------------
Alysse orbed in, while the gang were all eating dinner.
"What are you doing here?" Piper asked curiously.
"Quick Rachel now," she grabbed and orbed Rachel to Quake.
-------------------------------------------Quake---------------------------- ------------
Alysse and Rachel orbed into the woman's bathroom and ran out to find the demon pushing over tables.
Rachel noticed Adam and quickly froze the room of only twenty people.
"Quick hurry, I can not freeze this many people for long," Rachel told Adam.
Adam blew him up and looked up at the video cameras that watch over the restaurant telekinetically pulled them out.
Alysse and Rachel orbed back to the Manor after everything was unfrozen.
Everyone who panicked looked around confused, but there was nothing they could do about it since the cameras had been destroyed.
-------------------------------------------The Manor------------------------ ----------------
"I thought you were with your buddies," Piper was furious as she pulled Alysse and Adam aside.
"I was with one of my buddies. My good buddy, Alysse," Adam tried to joke his way around it.
Piper rolled her eyes, "Ok this isn't important. You guys just escaped exposure."
"Correction. The demon escaped exposure," Adam came back at her. "These demons are like walking into their deaths."
"Let's go check the Book of Shadows again," Piper told him.
Alysse and Adam orbed to the Book of Shadows.
"I'm sorry I got you in trouble," Adam told Alysse.
"Oh don't worry about it. She'll cool down once we solve the problem," she replied.
Adam held his hands over the Book of Shadows and yelled, "Suicidal demons." The book flipped to a page on the demon Suircia, a demon who looked more like an octopus on legs.
"Oh okay never mind," he sighed. "Oh wait a minute! What were those Japanese soldiers called, the ones at Pearl Harbor that flew into the ships on purpose, to kill no matter what" he asked Alysse.
"Umm kamicozy...kamakoze...I forgot, it's been awhile since I was in history?" she replied.
"KAMIKAZE! That's it!" he cried out as the book flipped on command to the page on Kamikaze Demons.
"Kamikaze Demons: Controlled by the demon of hypnosis, Layos. He hypnotizes ordinary demons, and orders them as assassins to kill no matter what, knowing good witches would attack them from preventing magic to be exposed," Alysse read aloud.
"Layos!" Adam called out as the book flipped to the page on the demon. "Layos: Demon of Hypnosis. Must be hypnotized himself to be vanquished."
"That's all it says?" Alysse asked.
"Yep," Adam replied.
The two went downstairs to give the rest of the family the news.
"Well why don't we all lure the demon into public then get a piece of his flesh and scribe for him," Rachel suggested.
"Sounds good to me," Paige told her.
"I'm going to go check on Wyatt and Chris," Piper left the room.
Right when she left, a kamikaze demon shimmered in. However it wasn't an ordinary demon, it was a Lazarus demon.
Adam went to blow it up, but the demon dodged it, and instead a vase blew up.
Rachel threw her electric ball but that also missed. The Lazarus drew three small knives. He threw one at Arielle, which landed in her chest.
Laurel, who the Lazarus demon had through across the room, was also unconscious.
Adam telekinetically threw him, but not before he threw the knife in his leg.
"Shit!," Adam dropped in pain to his knees.
The third knife was meant for Rachel, but she froze it. Then she heard a scream in the room where Piper was. She froze the Lazarus and threw an electric ball at him.
Phoebe came from behind used her empathy to shift his emotions into a telekinetic blow that sent him flying into Rachel's ball. Adam regained focus and blew him up. Alysse healed Paige, who collected the dust and orbed to a cemetery to bury it.
While Alysse healed Rachel and Adam, Phoebe ran to find Piper, who was missing, along with her children.
"Oh my god," Phoebe was shocked.
-----------------------------------Manor Living Room------------------------ -------
Paige was comforting Phoebe. "Don't worry we'll find her Phoebs."
"I think we should let Leo know," Phoebe said.
"He's an Elder. I don't think he can just do that," Paige answered.
"Yeah but he always breaks the rules," Phoebe argued.
Adam looked at Alysse when Phoebe reminded them of Leo and Piper. "LEO!!" they all yelled at the same time.
No response.
"LEO!!!!!!!!" Phoebe screamed at the top of her lungs.
"Okay, okay I'm here," Leo orbed in. "What's wrong?" he asked.
Prue soon followed.
"MOM!" Rachel, Adam, and Arielle ran to Prue, who they had not seen in a month.
"Hey you guys have made me so proud this last month," she smiled. "I have been watching you guys ever since."
"Aww okay enough of the mushiness, let's cut to details. Piper, Wyatt, and Chris have been kidnapped," Paige told them.
"And I can't get a premonition because there is no evidence," Phoebe explained.
"Leo you better take care of this since its your wife and kids. I'll come visit by once all is cleared, there is a huge Elder Meeting tonight," Prue hugged her kids again and orbed back.
"Wow that was short coming," Rachel looked bitter.
Paige told Leo all he needed to know about Layos and the Kamikazes.
"Well, are you sure you are dealing with Layos and not another demon?" he asked.
"Positive, why else would the kamikaze Lazarus attack at the same time?" Paige asked.
"Unless Layos is working in unison with someone?" Arielle suggested.
"The only way to find out is to split up. Paige and I will go scry for Piper. You three go to any public place to see if the Kamikazes keep coming," Phoebe suggested.
Adam, Laurel, Rachel, and Arielle left to go to a nearby playground.
"No need to scry Phoebs, I know it is against the Elder rules and all but they have been lenient with me lately," Leo said as he tried to sense her. They had tried to use the "Call a lost sister spell" but that was no use.
"She isn't in San Francisco," he told them. "My guess is she's in the Underworld."
"Then it is the Underworld where we shall go," Paige told him.
"But we aren't sure yet," Leo tried to make her not jump to conclusions.
"Does that ever stop us?" Phoebe laughed.
"Send us to the deep darkness below, where souls are tormented and demons grow, bring us to the place where all is fear, bring us to the underworld far and near," Paige and Phoebe read as they were shimmered out of the attic and into the Underworld. They made sure to write a returning spell.
--------------------------------------San Francisco Memorial Park----------- --------------------
"Come out, come out, wherever you are demons!" Adam yelled out.
The park was full of people, who looked at Adam like he was nuts.
"Shut up are you dumb?" Rachel insulted him.
"What? Rach, no one here is going to think I am serious plus the demons we are against seem dumb enough to expose themselves," Adam argued.
Just then, three men who all looked very angry came jolting towards them.
"Are they demons?" Laurel asked.
"Well seeing as though they have very angry faces and what looks like athemays in their pocket would make them fit the classification of demons," Arielle nodded.
Rachel didn't freeze them, because it would be nearly impossible for her to freeze to whole crowd.
"What are we supposed to do now?" Rachel asked.
"Fight using our human instincts?" Adam guessed.
Arielle grabbed one of the demons' arms and kneed him in the stomach.
Adam punched one of them in the face, as the crowd started to drawl in with scared faces as the demons drew their knives.
"Go call for a help," a nearby lady told her teenage daughter, who reached in her pocket for a cell phone.
The demon saw this and threw his athemay at her, which pierced her cell phone, which was in her hand, and caused a nasty gash.
As the crowd saw this, they began to flee, which gave Rachel the chance to freeze them. But one of the demons raised his hands and used his magic blocking power to reflect it. He grabbed Laurel and shimmered out.
Adam blew up both of the demons.
The girl got help from local paramedics, and the group ran to a nearby alley and called for Alysse, who orbed them back to the Manor.
-------------------------------------------The Manor------------------------ -----------------
"That didn't go anywhere as close as to planned," Adam was panting.
"What happened?" asked Leo.
"Well the crowd was a bit to big, and before we knew it, the demons were there. We couldn't freeze that whole entire crowd, so we just fought back." Rachel explained.
"A girl went to get help and the demon threw a knife at her, which gashed her hand," Adam continued. "The crowd ran away, leaving just a few people for Rachel to freeze. One of the demons had a rejecting power and then grabbed Laurel and shimmered away."
"All of this in public?" Leo was shocked.
"Yeah. We were lucky that no cars drove by that time," Arielle was relieved.
"Do you think the same demons that took Piper and the kids are in cahoots with the demons who took Laurel?" Adam asked.
"No doubt about it," Leo told him, "but we can't risk all of you going to the Underworld."
"Hm I disagree," Arielle said. "I think if Adam stays up here, his attack power is the strongest and will get him out of the jams. Rach and I can go under and try to find Phoebe and Paige."
"I don't know," Leo said. "There has been word that the Source's evil soul is looking for a new host. It'd be a perfect time for it to do so."
"Wait wait wait. Already? We just vanquished him!" Adam questioned.
"The Source works in odd ways. The only way it will ever be destroyed is if its killed out of its host, and so far there is no way to do that. Not even the Power of Three could," Leo explained.
"Okay enough chit chat," Rachel switched the serious conversation to finding a way to save the family. "We got to go now, if we plan on anything working out."
Rachel and Arielle repeated the same spell Phoebe used, "Send us to the deep darkness below, where souls are tormented and demons grow, bring us to the place where all is fear, bring us to the underworld far and near."
The two vanished into the Underworld.
----------------------------------------------Underworld-------------------- -------------------------
"This place is like a series of tunnels and my empathy is only picking up hate," Phoebe was frustrated.
"Well that can't be good. Wouldn't that mean they are evil?" Paige asked.
"No it would just mean there was a majority of hate," she said.
As they turned the corner, little Wyatt crawled over.
"That was some dumb luck," Paige was confused.
Out of the blackness came Piper holding Chris.
"Wait this is weird," Paige turned to Phoebe.
"Piper?" Phoebe asked.
"Hey guys," she said. "I will be honest, I have no clue how I got here. The demons took us down here and mumbled some demon language and I said a spell to make them attack each other and they did so I walked out of the room and wound up here."
Phoebe tried to "read" Piper's emotions and noticed there was no evil or hate coming from her heart.
Paige was still very leery. Everything happened so quickly. They said the spell that would bring them back to the Manor.
-------------------------------------------------The Manor------------------ ----------------------
When the crew got back, they received word from Leo that Adam was out demon- hunting, and Laurel was also kidnapped.
"This is a crazy wild goose chase," Paige rolled her eyes.
------------------------------------------Back at the Playground------------ ------------------
When Adam reached the playground, cops just wrapping up their search for the so-called, Trio Bandits, the media called them. They left, and no one was seen near the park of out fright.
Just like expected demons began popping out of nowhere.
"Move and I blew you up," Adam said. All the demons ignored his comment, and Adam blew them all up one by one. Adam picked up one of the demons' ashes and put it in an envelope and returned to the Manor.
-------------------------------------------------The Manor------------------ ----------------------
When Adam returned, he approached his family.
"I figure if we want to find out what's going, we need to find the source of the kamikazes, and that's Layos. So I took demon ash and figured we could scry for Layos with it," he said.
"Great idea!" Phoebe said joyfully. "I'll go get the scrying stuff."
As she turned around, three more demons shimmered in.
"O god this is soo annoying." Adam stamped.
Piper went to blow them up, but instead fire splurged from her hands.
"What the heck?" she looked at her hands. The demons were on fire, along with the Manor.
Chris crawled in and he went to cry, but instead he blew fire out of his mouth.
Piper tried to freeze the house, but instead three kitchen cabinets exploded.
Adam turned on the faucet and used telekinesis to spread the word over the house. After 15 minutes, the fire was out.
"I think I know what happened when you were in the Underworld," Adam bent down, catching his breath.
He looked in the Book of Shadows. "The Witches' Cold," he read. "A sickness that turns witches powers into demon-like powers caused by a powdery herb used by demons."
"So one of the demons' must have sprinkled evil pixy dust on us while we into the Underworld," Piper pieced together the puzzle.
Phoebe scryed while Piper and Paige tried to fix all of the broken materials using a spell.
"Revive our house, damaged by demon lust, fix what has been done, cure the dust," Paige said as all of the house burns were revived.
"Will this come back to haunt as personal gain?" Paige asked.
"We'll worry about that later," Piper said. "For now, we need to find Laurel and Rachel and Arielle before they get hit by Witches' Cold."
"Can we cure the disease?" Paige asked.
"Yeah it is just a 24 hour cold," Adam laughed.
"Well then we are all defenseless except for you, since our magic will cause more destruction then good," she said.
"FOUND HIM!" Phoebe jumped up. "He is hiding at the old San Francisco Fishing and Docking Company."
"Why there?" Adam asked.
"No clue, but Alysse will orb you there," Piper told him.
Alysse did so, and Adam was roaming the old building, which was very dim.
"Wait a minute, this place looks very familiar," Adam stopped.
In the distance, he saw 3 dark figures. One of them orbed out as soon as Adam caught sight of him.
"Gabrielle," Adam recognized the orbing. The only evil whitelighter he knew was Gabrielle.
One was Layos and the other one was unrecognizable cause of the dim light.
Just then, every light above turned on slowly in a domino effect.
"MRONE!" Adam recognized the other demon, who escaped the night Tim Hassall died.
"Yeah well I'm back with a new power," Adam smiled.
Mrone shimmered to him and kicked him straight in the gut.
Adam had no time to react and fell to the ground.
--------------------------------------------Underworld---------------------- -------------------------
"Rachel I don't think Laurel is here," Arielle said.
"Why not?" asked Rachel.
"Well, even if she was, we have no clue where to start," she said.
"Uhh," Arielle was trying to think of something to say when a premonition hit her. She saw Laurel struggling as two demons took her into a dark room. Then they heard screams.
Arielle looked around and saw familiarity.
"What? What's wrong?" Rachel asked.
"This way, quick!" Arielle and her ran down a corridor and busted through a dark black door.
Laurel was sitting in a chair tied up.
"Wait, a trap," Rachel looked around but no one was there. Arielle used her new fire sparks to untie the rope and they said the spell to return to the Manor.
--------------------------------------------Manor--------------------------- -------------------- Everyone returned back to the Manor, where Piper told them that their journey did not end there. They had to go help Adam with Layos.
Alysse made another trip.
"ADAM!" Rachel ran to her unconscious brother as Layos and Mrone stood over him.
"YOU?" Arielle recognized him.
Alysse healed Adam, and Laurel used her blinding magic. Piper threw an electric ball at Mrone, who flew backwards.
Adam stood up, took one look at Mrone and blew him up.
Layos laughed. "Dumb fools, soon you'll be under my poor." His eyes began to swirl and he began a Latin spell to induce hypnosis.
Everyone began to get very sleeping, until Adam looked around for something to reflect his powers back at him. He caught notice of a piece of glass laying on the floor that crushed after Rachel threw his electric ball. Adam used his telekinesis and Layos had hypnotized himself.
"See you later asshole" Adam said as he blew him up.
Rachel wiped her forehead. "What a longggg day!"
"If Mrone was a spirit, how come I could blow him up and why did he work with Layos if he wanted the Source killed anyway?" Adam turned quickly to Arielle.
"I guess Layos hypnotized his spirit and resurrected his body? I have no clue this day has been a day of hell," she answered.
--------------------------------------------Manor--------------------------- --------------------
"I am really confused why Laurel was so perfectly in good condition," Adam told Piper.
"Maybe you guys got her before the demons could." She said.
"Cmon Aunt Piper. You know there is a loop hole somewhere," he said.
"Oh there are about 5 loop holes, but you can't dwell on them. Relax, your time will come when you have to piece together the puzzle," she encouraged him.
"Thanks Miss. Cleo," Adam laughed.
Upstairs Laurel was laying down, as she began to feel very sick.
ON THE NEXT CHARMED: -Laurel's attitude begins to head for a terrible downfall -The Charmed Ones face off against a group of three teenage demons who call themselves The Dark Ones.
"That is so cliché. Cmon you couldn't think of a better name than that?" Adam told Riley.
"Yeah cliché this!" he said as he telekinetically threw Adam onto a gate in which the top of the spikes impaled him.
"No not again," Piper rushed to her nephew, who was dying on the gate. Alysse and Leo were no where to be found.
Season 2 Chapter 4
Chapter 15: Camp Hell
Adam, Rachel, Arielle, and Laurel were forced to get jobs over the summer to help with money for such a big family! They decided to work at Camp Greenlake, a nearby camp, knowing it could be lots of fun to work with kids.
It was their first day at camp and Adam, Rachel, Arielle, and Laurel were walking around the camp while campers began to get off their buses. They were pretty young, from about ages 7-13.
"Well this should be interesting," Adam read, as he and Rachel were assigned to the seven year olds. Arielle and Laurel got the thirteen year olds. They said goodbye, and Adam and Rachel were waiting in their cabins for the kids to arrive.
"We just got to make the best of it," Rachel told him. "Who knows, this could be lots of fun."
"Oh I agree, I just hope the whole witch thing doesn't interfere," Adam was worried.
"Oh, well of course it will!" Rachel laughed.
Adam looked confused.
He didn't have much to think, because a demon shimmered in out of nowhere.
"Woooah," Rachel jumped up and threw an electric ball at it, but the demon dodged it.
Adam telekinetically threw him against the door, and Rachel froze its body.
"Who are you?" Adam yelled.
"And why would you be shimmering into a public area?" Rachel asked.
"I answer to no one but the great leader," the demon answered.
"Um okay...who is the great leader?" Rachel snapped back.
"I tell NO ONE," the demon was prideful.
"Yeah okay, shut up," Adam blew him up. "Sorry he was just getting annoying, we'll deal with this later."
As soon as he said later, another demon shimmered in.
The campers were on their way, and they had little time.
Adam blew it up.
"This is really weird," Rachel noted.
The campers came in and sat down.
Adam and Rachel were nervous, but the kids looked excited, so they got to business.
"Okay kids, my name is Adam and this is my sister, Rachel. We will be your camp," Adam was interrupted by a demon who shimmered in behind the kids
He created an energy ball and was ready to throw it at one of the kids, but Rachel froze him. She then froze the campers.
"Why does this keep happening every 5 seconds!" Rachel complained.
"I don't know but these kids are in danger," Adam told her.
"You think it has to do with Laurel?" Rachel asked.
"I don't know. We need to get rid of him first," Adam told her.
Rachel threw an electric ball at it, and the demon was electrocuted and burned into the ground.
She unfroze the kids and then began to give them a tour of the camp.
------------------------------------------13 year old, cabin---------------- ----------------------
"Welcome campers. I know you guys are older and don't want a huge discussion, but my name is Arielle," the witch introduced herself.
"And I am Laurel. We will be your counselors for the summer."
The kids looked utterly bored. All they wanted to do was swim.
"Okay anyywayyyyyy," Laurel's voice became panicky when a demon shimmered in behind the kids. He drew a knife a pointed it at her.
"Look flashlight," Laurel said quickly as she flashed her high beams at the demon, as well as the kids.
"I can't see," one girl cried.
"Wow what a strong flashlight," Arielle tried to calm them down as she blew her mace whisper at the demon. Instead of just blinding ash, fire sparks flew at him as well. Her power was growing. The demon shimmered out.
"That's handy," Laurel noticed.
"Is everyone okay?" Arielle asked.
"Dude, don't ever point that thing in my eyes again," one moody kid said.
Arielle and Laurel looked anxiously at each other.
------------------------------------------The Manor------------------------- --------------------
"So how was New York City Phoebe?" Piper asked as she fed Wyatt and Chris.
"Ah marvelous! All those journalists together gave me a headache, but Times Square was fabulous as well as the beautiful hotel I stayed in and the hotel doorman," Phoebe winked.
"Yeah well things here have been crazy," Piper told her all about Laurel and the Charmed Ones getting sent back in time.
"Aww I feel bad. But don't worry the teachers orientation went great and I should be starting next fall which means more salary. And you have us for the summer," Paige came in, very chipper.
"What time do our bigger rascals come home from their first day at work?" asked Phoebe.
"Anytime time now," Piper was interrupted by the door slamming.
"BIG problem," Adam came in yelling out.
"What? What's wrong?" Phoebe was worried.
"Demons. Lots and lots of demons," Arielle shook her head.
"In English please?" Paige hurried her.
"Okay while at camp, demons kept shimmering in. Adam and I vanquished at least 5 today. Every time we interrogated them, they told us they were working only for their Great Leader."
"It was weird. Arielle and I had the same problem," Laurel told them.
"Yeah and usually demons don't just attack at camps and show their faces publicly incase they are found," Arielle finished for her.
"Well this won't be a problem, we just got to find out who the Great Leader is," Piper calmed them.
"Easier said then done," Adam snickered.
"Well go relax, dinner will be ready soon," Piper told him.
"Umm Aunt Paige, can I see you in the other room," he hinted to her.
"Sure," she looked confused but followed him upstairs to the attic.
"Okay I can't eat with you guys tonight," he said.
"Why not?" Piper followed.
"Well, I am going on a date," he blushed.
"AWWW A DATE! With WHO? Who is the lucky lady?" she joked with him.
"....ummm," Adam looked nervous. "Alysse."
"Oh...oh no," Paige looked down.
"I know I know, but Piper was allowed to date her whitelighter and it is just harmless fun. Pleeeasse," he begged.
"Okay fine. But do not tell Piper. I will make an excuse that you are going out with your buddies tonight," Paige smiled.
----------------At Quake, a nearby restaurant Piper worked at when she was young-------
Adam and Alysse were laughing, and enjoying their meals while chatting about Alysse's pre-whitelighter life.
"Let's see, I died in 1999. Whiteligher training took me a long time and then I wound up here!" she told him.
"If you don't mind me asking how did you die," Adam questioned.
Alysse looked serious. "Well, a darklighter got to me when they found out I'd be a whitelighter."
"Oh well let's get off that topic, I am sure you do not want to talk about your death all day," he chuckled.
Alysse loved his odd humor and the two had a relaxing evening, exchanging childhood past information.
"My parents and I, well before they were killed by the Triad, an old group of evil your parents faced...we used to go to Giants games every week, because we had season tickets. My dad and I would love roaring during the games," she reminisced.
"Well I'm a Braves fan, so I spent my time yelling at the home team," Adam continued.
"How long do you think they will let us go on these little dates before they try to split us up? Alysse questioned.
"Eh let's not try to worry about it until it comes," Adam laughed.
Just then a demon shimmered in unnoticed behind a corner.
He walked in a grabbed and knife. "WHERE ARE THE WITCHES" he cried out.
"Uh oh. Alysse got get Rachel," Adam quickly said as she orbed out to go back to the Manor.
-------------------------------------------The Manor------------------------ ----------------
Alysse orbed in, while the gang were all eating dinner.
"What are you doing here?" Piper asked curiously.
"Quick Rachel now," she grabbed and orbed Rachel to Quake.
-------------------------------------------Quake---------------------------- ------------
Alysse and Rachel orbed into the woman's bathroom and ran out to find the demon pushing over tables.
Rachel noticed Adam and quickly froze the room of only twenty people.
"Quick hurry, I can not freeze this many people for long," Rachel told Adam.
Adam blew him up and looked up at the video cameras that watch over the restaurant telekinetically pulled them out.
Alysse and Rachel orbed back to the Manor after everything was unfrozen.
Everyone who panicked looked around confused, but there was nothing they could do about it since the cameras had been destroyed.
-------------------------------------------The Manor------------------------ ----------------
"I thought you were with your buddies," Piper was furious as she pulled Alysse and Adam aside.
"I was with one of my buddies. My good buddy, Alysse," Adam tried to joke his way around it.
Piper rolled her eyes, "Ok this isn't important. You guys just escaped exposure."
"Correction. The demon escaped exposure," Adam came back at her. "These demons are like walking into their deaths."
"Let's go check the Book of Shadows again," Piper told him.
Alysse and Adam orbed to the Book of Shadows.
"I'm sorry I got you in trouble," Adam told Alysse.
"Oh don't worry about it. She'll cool down once we solve the problem," she replied.
Adam held his hands over the Book of Shadows and yelled, "Suicidal demons." The book flipped to a page on the demon Suircia, a demon who looked more like an octopus on legs.
"Oh okay never mind," he sighed. "Oh wait a minute! What were those Japanese soldiers called, the ones at Pearl Harbor that flew into the ships on purpose, to kill no matter what" he asked Alysse.
"Umm kamicozy...kamakoze...I forgot, it's been awhile since I was in history?" she replied.
"KAMIKAZE! That's it!" he cried out as the book flipped on command to the page on Kamikaze Demons.
"Kamikaze Demons: Controlled by the demon of hypnosis, Layos. He hypnotizes ordinary demons, and orders them as assassins to kill no matter what, knowing good witches would attack them from preventing magic to be exposed," Alysse read aloud.
"Layos!" Adam called out as the book flipped to the page on the demon. "Layos: Demon of Hypnosis. Must be hypnotized himself to be vanquished."
"That's all it says?" Alysse asked.
"Yep," Adam replied.
The two went downstairs to give the rest of the family the news.
"Well why don't we all lure the demon into public then get a piece of his flesh and scribe for him," Rachel suggested.
"Sounds good to me," Paige told her.
"I'm going to go check on Wyatt and Chris," Piper left the room.
Right when she left, a kamikaze demon shimmered in. However it wasn't an ordinary demon, it was a Lazarus demon.
Adam went to blow it up, but the demon dodged it, and instead a vase blew up.
Rachel threw her electric ball but that also missed. The Lazarus drew three small knives. He threw one at Arielle, which landed in her chest.
Laurel, who the Lazarus demon had through across the room, was also unconscious.
Adam telekinetically threw him, but not before he threw the knife in his leg.
"Shit!," Adam dropped in pain to his knees.
The third knife was meant for Rachel, but she froze it. Then she heard a scream in the room where Piper was. She froze the Lazarus and threw an electric ball at him.
Phoebe came from behind used her empathy to shift his emotions into a telekinetic blow that sent him flying into Rachel's ball. Adam regained focus and blew him up. Alysse healed Paige, who collected the dust and orbed to a cemetery to bury it.
While Alysse healed Rachel and Adam, Phoebe ran to find Piper, who was missing, along with her children.
"Oh my god," Phoebe was shocked.
-----------------------------------Manor Living Room------------------------ -------
Paige was comforting Phoebe. "Don't worry we'll find her Phoebs."
"I think we should let Leo know," Phoebe said.
"He's an Elder. I don't think he can just do that," Paige answered.
"Yeah but he always breaks the rules," Phoebe argued.
Adam looked at Alysse when Phoebe reminded them of Leo and Piper. "LEO!!" they all yelled at the same time.
No response.
"LEO!!!!!!!!" Phoebe screamed at the top of her lungs.
"Okay, okay I'm here," Leo orbed in. "What's wrong?" he asked.
Prue soon followed.
"MOM!" Rachel, Adam, and Arielle ran to Prue, who they had not seen in a month.
"Hey you guys have made me so proud this last month," she smiled. "I have been watching you guys ever since."
"Aww okay enough of the mushiness, let's cut to details. Piper, Wyatt, and Chris have been kidnapped," Paige told them.
"And I can't get a premonition because there is no evidence," Phoebe explained.
"Leo you better take care of this since its your wife and kids. I'll come visit by once all is cleared, there is a huge Elder Meeting tonight," Prue hugged her kids again and orbed back.
"Wow that was short coming," Rachel looked bitter.
Paige told Leo all he needed to know about Layos and the Kamikazes.
"Well, are you sure you are dealing with Layos and not another demon?" he asked.
"Positive, why else would the kamikaze Lazarus attack at the same time?" Paige asked.
"Unless Layos is working in unison with someone?" Arielle suggested.
"The only way to find out is to split up. Paige and I will go scry for Piper. You three go to any public place to see if the Kamikazes keep coming," Phoebe suggested.
Adam, Laurel, Rachel, and Arielle left to go to a nearby playground.
"No need to scry Phoebs, I know it is against the Elder rules and all but they have been lenient with me lately," Leo said as he tried to sense her. They had tried to use the "Call a lost sister spell" but that was no use.
"She isn't in San Francisco," he told them. "My guess is she's in the Underworld."
"Then it is the Underworld where we shall go," Paige told him.
"But we aren't sure yet," Leo tried to make her not jump to conclusions.
"Does that ever stop us?" Phoebe laughed.
"Send us to the deep darkness below, where souls are tormented and demons grow, bring us to the place where all is fear, bring us to the underworld far and near," Paige and Phoebe read as they were shimmered out of the attic and into the Underworld. They made sure to write a returning spell.
--------------------------------------San Francisco Memorial Park----------- --------------------
"Come out, come out, wherever you are demons!" Adam yelled out.
The park was full of people, who looked at Adam like he was nuts.
"Shut up are you dumb?" Rachel insulted him.
"What? Rach, no one here is going to think I am serious plus the demons we are against seem dumb enough to expose themselves," Adam argued.
Just then, three men who all looked very angry came jolting towards them.
"Are they demons?" Laurel asked.
"Well seeing as though they have very angry faces and what looks like athemays in their pocket would make them fit the classification of demons," Arielle nodded.
Rachel didn't freeze them, because it would be nearly impossible for her to freeze to whole crowd.
"What are we supposed to do now?" Rachel asked.
"Fight using our human instincts?" Adam guessed.
Arielle grabbed one of the demons' arms and kneed him in the stomach.
Adam punched one of them in the face, as the crowd started to drawl in with scared faces as the demons drew their knives.
"Go call for a help," a nearby lady told her teenage daughter, who reached in her pocket for a cell phone.
The demon saw this and threw his athemay at her, which pierced her cell phone, which was in her hand, and caused a nasty gash.
As the crowd saw this, they began to flee, which gave Rachel the chance to freeze them. But one of the demons raised his hands and used his magic blocking power to reflect it. He grabbed Laurel and shimmered out.
Adam blew up both of the demons.
The girl got help from local paramedics, and the group ran to a nearby alley and called for Alysse, who orbed them back to the Manor.
-------------------------------------------The Manor------------------------ -----------------
"That didn't go anywhere as close as to planned," Adam was panting.
"What happened?" asked Leo.
"Well the crowd was a bit to big, and before we knew it, the demons were there. We couldn't freeze that whole entire crowd, so we just fought back." Rachel explained.
"A girl went to get help and the demon threw a knife at her, which gashed her hand," Adam continued. "The crowd ran away, leaving just a few people for Rachel to freeze. One of the demons had a rejecting power and then grabbed Laurel and shimmered away."
"All of this in public?" Leo was shocked.
"Yeah. We were lucky that no cars drove by that time," Arielle was relieved.
"Do you think the same demons that took Piper and the kids are in cahoots with the demons who took Laurel?" Adam asked.
"No doubt about it," Leo told him, "but we can't risk all of you going to the Underworld."
"Hm I disagree," Arielle said. "I think if Adam stays up here, his attack power is the strongest and will get him out of the jams. Rach and I can go under and try to find Phoebe and Paige."
"I don't know," Leo said. "There has been word that the Source's evil soul is looking for a new host. It'd be a perfect time for it to do so."
"Wait wait wait. Already? We just vanquished him!" Adam questioned.
"The Source works in odd ways. The only way it will ever be destroyed is if its killed out of its host, and so far there is no way to do that. Not even the Power of Three could," Leo explained.
"Okay enough chit chat," Rachel switched the serious conversation to finding a way to save the family. "We got to go now, if we plan on anything working out."
Rachel and Arielle repeated the same spell Phoebe used, "Send us to the deep darkness below, where souls are tormented and demons grow, bring us to the place where all is fear, bring us to the underworld far and near."
The two vanished into the Underworld.
----------------------------------------------Underworld-------------------- -------------------------
"This place is like a series of tunnels and my empathy is only picking up hate," Phoebe was frustrated.
"Well that can't be good. Wouldn't that mean they are evil?" Paige asked.
"No it would just mean there was a majority of hate," she said.
As they turned the corner, little Wyatt crawled over.
"That was some dumb luck," Paige was confused.
Out of the blackness came Piper holding Chris.
"Wait this is weird," Paige turned to Phoebe.
"Piper?" Phoebe asked.
"Hey guys," she said. "I will be honest, I have no clue how I got here. The demons took us down here and mumbled some demon language and I said a spell to make them attack each other and they did so I walked out of the room and wound up here."
Phoebe tried to "read" Piper's emotions and noticed there was no evil or hate coming from her heart.
Paige was still very leery. Everything happened so quickly. They said the spell that would bring them back to the Manor.
-------------------------------------------------The Manor------------------ ----------------------
When the crew got back, they received word from Leo that Adam was out demon- hunting, and Laurel was also kidnapped.
"This is a crazy wild goose chase," Paige rolled her eyes.
------------------------------------------Back at the Playground------------ ------------------
When Adam reached the playground, cops just wrapping up their search for the so-called, Trio Bandits, the media called them. They left, and no one was seen near the park of out fright.
Just like expected demons began popping out of nowhere.
"Move and I blew you up," Adam said. All the demons ignored his comment, and Adam blew them all up one by one. Adam picked up one of the demons' ashes and put it in an envelope and returned to the Manor.
-------------------------------------------------The Manor------------------ ----------------------
When Adam returned, he approached his family.
"I figure if we want to find out what's going, we need to find the source of the kamikazes, and that's Layos. So I took demon ash and figured we could scry for Layos with it," he said.
"Great idea!" Phoebe said joyfully. "I'll go get the scrying stuff."
As she turned around, three more demons shimmered in.
"O god this is soo annoying." Adam stamped.
Piper went to blow them up, but instead fire splurged from her hands.
"What the heck?" she looked at her hands. The demons were on fire, along with the Manor.
Chris crawled in and he went to cry, but instead he blew fire out of his mouth.
Piper tried to freeze the house, but instead three kitchen cabinets exploded.
Adam turned on the faucet and used telekinesis to spread the word over the house. After 15 minutes, the fire was out.
"I think I know what happened when you were in the Underworld," Adam bent down, catching his breath.
He looked in the Book of Shadows. "The Witches' Cold," he read. "A sickness that turns witches powers into demon-like powers caused by a powdery herb used by demons."
"So one of the demons' must have sprinkled evil pixy dust on us while we into the Underworld," Piper pieced together the puzzle.
Phoebe scryed while Piper and Paige tried to fix all of the broken materials using a spell.
"Revive our house, damaged by demon lust, fix what has been done, cure the dust," Paige said as all of the house burns were revived.
"Will this come back to haunt as personal gain?" Paige asked.
"We'll worry about that later," Piper said. "For now, we need to find Laurel and Rachel and Arielle before they get hit by Witches' Cold."
"Can we cure the disease?" Paige asked.
"Yeah it is just a 24 hour cold," Adam laughed.
"Well then we are all defenseless except for you, since our magic will cause more destruction then good," she said.
"FOUND HIM!" Phoebe jumped up. "He is hiding at the old San Francisco Fishing and Docking Company."
"Why there?" Adam asked.
"No clue, but Alysse will orb you there," Piper told him.
Alysse did so, and Adam was roaming the old building, which was very dim.
"Wait a minute, this place looks very familiar," Adam stopped.
In the distance, he saw 3 dark figures. One of them orbed out as soon as Adam caught sight of him.
"Gabrielle," Adam recognized the orbing. The only evil whitelighter he knew was Gabrielle.
One was Layos and the other one was unrecognizable cause of the dim light.
Just then, every light above turned on slowly in a domino effect.
"MRONE!" Adam recognized the other demon, who escaped the night Tim Hassall died.
"Yeah well I'm back with a new power," Adam smiled.
Mrone shimmered to him and kicked him straight in the gut.
Adam had no time to react and fell to the ground.
--------------------------------------------Underworld---------------------- -------------------------
"Rachel I don't think Laurel is here," Arielle said.
"Why not?" asked Rachel.
"Well, even if she was, we have no clue where to start," she said.
"Uhh," Arielle was trying to think of something to say when a premonition hit her. She saw Laurel struggling as two demons took her into a dark room. Then they heard screams.
Arielle looked around and saw familiarity.
"What? What's wrong?" Rachel asked.
"This way, quick!" Arielle and her ran down a corridor and busted through a dark black door.
Laurel was sitting in a chair tied up.
"Wait, a trap," Rachel looked around but no one was there. Arielle used her new fire sparks to untie the rope and they said the spell to return to the Manor.
--------------------------------------------Manor--------------------------- -------------------- Everyone returned back to the Manor, where Piper told them that their journey did not end there. They had to go help Adam with Layos.
Alysse made another trip.
"ADAM!" Rachel ran to her unconscious brother as Layos and Mrone stood over him.
"YOU?" Arielle recognized him.
Alysse healed Adam, and Laurel used her blinding magic. Piper threw an electric ball at Mrone, who flew backwards.
Adam stood up, took one look at Mrone and blew him up.
Layos laughed. "Dumb fools, soon you'll be under my poor." His eyes began to swirl and he began a Latin spell to induce hypnosis.
Everyone began to get very sleeping, until Adam looked around for something to reflect his powers back at him. He caught notice of a piece of glass laying on the floor that crushed after Rachel threw his electric ball. Adam used his telekinesis and Layos had hypnotized himself.
"See you later asshole" Adam said as he blew him up.
Rachel wiped her forehead. "What a longggg day!"
"If Mrone was a spirit, how come I could blow him up and why did he work with Layos if he wanted the Source killed anyway?" Adam turned quickly to Arielle.
"I guess Layos hypnotized his spirit and resurrected his body? I have no clue this day has been a day of hell," she answered.
--------------------------------------------Manor--------------------------- --------------------
"I am really confused why Laurel was so perfectly in good condition," Adam told Piper.
"Maybe you guys got her before the demons could." She said.
"Cmon Aunt Piper. You know there is a loop hole somewhere," he said.
"Oh there are about 5 loop holes, but you can't dwell on them. Relax, your time will come when you have to piece together the puzzle," she encouraged him.
"Thanks Miss. Cleo," Adam laughed.
Upstairs Laurel was laying down, as she began to feel very sick.
ON THE NEXT CHARMED: -Laurel's attitude begins to head for a terrible downfall -The Charmed Ones face off against a group of three teenage demons who call themselves The Dark Ones.
"That is so cliché. Cmon you couldn't think of a better name than that?" Adam told Riley.
"Yeah cliché this!" he said as he telekinetically threw Adam onto a gate in which the top of the spikes impaled him.
"No not again," Piper rushed to her nephew, who was dying on the gate. Alysse and Leo were no where to be found.