Standard Disclaimer: Do not own any part of GW. Sad I know.
Story is in Relena's Pov...timeline is three years since the Marimaie incident.
* denotes personal thoughts

Relena and Duo: Closet Cases by gethmane8

Chapter 5

I was hopelessly in love with Duo and my heart felt full to bursting. We had taken that final step and I couldn't be happier. And from his exuberant actions, I knew he echoed my feelings. Just laying beside him in bed was wonderful. I don't know what I imagined making love to be with Duo would be like, but it was better than any dream.

"Penny for your thoughts, Lena?" Duo asked, rolling over in bed, putting his arm around my waist as he held me. He had nice strong arms. I loved his arms. I also couldn't help but notice how the thin sheets barely covered his lower half. I didn't dare lower my eyes from his face!

I shook my head no and he smiled devilishly at me. The look in his eye made me wary and excited at the same time. God, knows what that man thinks about?!

"So, did I pass the test?" he asked, smirking. It only took me a second to catch on to his meaning and I blushed in reply. He always made me blush!

"You'll do." I answered cheekily. His shocked face with his mouth hanging down like a gaping fish made me chuckle. He's too cute.

My laughter got him laughing in return. He pulled me closer in his arms and kissed the top of my wild, unkempt hair.

"What a ringing endorsement. Guess I'll have to work harder for a standing ovation. Let's do that now." he said. He rolled me beneath him, his mouth seeking out mine.

Duo could barely contain himself. He was instantly on fire when their mouths met. How had he ever thought the two of them could remain just friends? He must have been nuts. His mouth wandered over the curve of her cheek, touched her ear. Nipping at the ear lobe, he smiled hearing her gasp. His tongue touched hers and she shuddered as his hands reached out to caress her chest. When she grabbed the back of his head in her right hand and held tightly, pushing his head in closer, Duo lost it. His tongue furiously dueled with hers as his hands spread about her perfect figure and made her his again.

Whoa, his tongue! His tongue touched mine and all complex thoughts left my head. All I knew was Duo was kissing me, caressing my body like no man had ever done before. And I loved it. I loved him. Hate mail, worries for my safety, Heero and all in between meant nothing to me except just the two of us.


Damn them! No, damn him. He corrupted her.

They had slept together. After months of foreplay it seems, they had actually slept together. Heero cursed and seethed as he observed the happy couple. Watching them make out in the pool had almost killed him. Watching that traitor pull her out and take her back inside, knowing where they were going and what they were going to do, made him enraged. Their lovey dovey behavior made him want to retch. Made him want to put a bullet between that backstabbers eyes he once labeled a friend. And her...God, he wanted to scream at the unfairness of it all! He'd finally come to grips with his feelings for her and she moved on.

No longer loved him. Wanted to be his friend.

Ridiculous. He couldn't just be her friend after all they had been through and shared. She was his and if Duo or anyone thought differently, then hell was about to be paid.

Stepping away from his hidden spot up in the trees in the back of Relena's spacious mansion, he noticed a piece of paper situated boldly ontop of the hedges. His hackles rose for some unknown reason as he jumped from the trees branch down to the ground below.

It was another threatening letter. He was already certain it was before he even crouched down next to it. He nudged it open with the tip of his boots and read the angrily sprawled letter before stepping away. He wasn't stupid enough to leave any fingerprints on it.

His eyes narrowed in anger at this newest threat. It was laid here out in the open to be easily found and he knew all eyes would be pointing to him. Someone was tormenting Relena and framing him for it.

*I'll be damned if I'll let anyone hurt her, let alone take her away from me. I'll catch this bastard and get her back.*

Slipping pass the security cameras with ease, Heero disappeared as silently as he appeared.


Unlocking the door to his apartment, Heero tensed as he closed his apartment door. Trained to be wary and alert, he quickly reached in the back pocket of his jeans for his gun, when he heard a sound behind him.

"Long time no see, Heero." a soft spoken voice rang out.

Heero stiffened for a slit second as a lone figure stepped out of the corner. Tall and lanky, with gravity defying bangs, the figure gazed stoically back at him while he leaned casually against the far wall.

"I could have shot you in an instant, Trowa. What the hell are you doing here? Breaking and Entering? I thought that was my M.O." Heero hmped, walking into his small living room space and seating himself down on the couch.

"You're not the only person who knows how to pick a lock. Your security measure are atrocious by the way." Trowa replied. Seeing his friends non threatening posture, he seated himself next to him on the couch. Nondescript and cold was the only way to describe the apartment. All the furniture was a dull gold in color. No pictures, plants, or any sign of real emotion or heart in any part of the room. Lord, what a depressing place even for the man labeled perfect soldier!

"I suppose you're here to question whether I'm behind the threatening letters?" Heero cut to the chase. His dark expression showed the tumultuous emotions just starting to resurface.

"Are you? Have you finally been driven over the edge by Relena's relationship to Duo?" Trowa bluntly asked, leaning forward with his elbows on his thighs.

Heero growled at the mention of it, but shook his head no. "I did not send those letters, Trowa. Interrogate me if you need."

Trowa's unnerving stare settled over Heero's face before he nodded in return. "I believe you. Changing the general consensus is the problem. If everyone is looking at you as suspect, the real culprit will get bolder. And that spells danger for Relena."

Disturbed with the idea, Heero told Trowa about being on the property earlier and about the note he found. Stunned, Trowa pulled out his cell phone and quickly called headquarters. After a brief, but heated discussion with Une, he got off and back to the matter at hand.

"Do you think Relena believes I'm sending them?" Heero suddenly asked. No matter his conflicted feelings, her continued faith in him had always kept him going. If she thought he was behind this...

"No, you know she doesn't think that. She's adamant it's not you." Trowa said.

"But everyone else does. Duo does." Heero frowned, clenching his fists.

"He's anxious to protect her, just like you are. He's observing final judgement until evidence says otherwise, but I don't think he does. You two were tight. I think you should talk to him about this case. You both love her after all." Trowa replied.

Standing up, Heero turned his back on Trowa and the conversation. He couldn't stand any more talk about his relationship situation. Trowa wisely kept silent as he watched him looking out through his window curtains.

"I'll be in touch. Don't do anything rash." Trowa pleaded, getting off from the couch, heading to the front door. With one last concerned look, he shut the door behind him.


It was late evening on a beautiful, yet extremely hot Saturday night. Everything was very peaceful-I smelled a rat!

After spending a somewhat relaxing day with Duo, inside and outside of bed, Duo had been suddenly called away. For two hours I waited, suspicious. I was further alarmed when some members of my security team disappeared around the property and it was suggested I not leave the house. Who did they think they were fooling?

I hated the feeling of everyone babysitting me and keeping me in the dark. I was the one receiving hate mail. I should be abreast of this case. I was comforted by the knowledge that my sister-in law, and faithful butler were there to be with me. Milliardo had disappeared along with security, adding to my suspicions. It felt strangely like one of those tv stakeouts as the three of us hung out together in the den.

"You stink at chess, Ms. Relena." Peygan replied, eyes twinkling, smiling good naturedly at me as he moved his chess piece across the board.

I looked down at the board sheepishly. Peygan had soundly beat me each game we played. I really did stink at the game. Noin and I shared a grin.

The dens door opened and my brother, Duo and Wufei entered looking much too serious. I felt my heart plummet. I quickly stood, nervous for an answer. Noin must have felt the tension also because she stood up along with me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"What's happened?" I asked.

Milliardo stepped forward, trying to put his arms around me, although I pushed him back. His actions scared me since I knew something really bad must have happened.

"What's happened?" I asked again, narrowing my eyes in frustration. *Why wouldn't they just come out and tell me?!*

Wufei, not known for his delicate nature or subtlety just walked over and handed me the letter. My hands shook as I read it aloud.

I know about you and your lover. I know about your betrayal. SLUT! TRAMP!
I'll make you pay and everyone you ever loved. You belong to me! You'll spread your
legs only for me! Enjoy your safe, comfortable mansion now, soon we will be together.
But for now, I'll comfort myself with your replacement. Your mother says hello.

I stumbled backwards in surprise once I finished the letter. My mother?! My mother, the wonderful woman who had raised me along side my foster father. Who shared my late fathers pacifist ideals and helped shape me into the woman I am. No!

I looked up at everyone in the room in disbelief. Peygan was as white as a sheet and Noin shook her head in complete horror, a hand covering her mouth. The angry, deadly expression on Milliardo's face made me realize this wasn't a sick joke. Hate mail was one thing-God, my Mom!

"Once we discovered the letter we checked it out thoroughly. Mrs. Darlian hasn't been seen in three days. Her house shows no signs of forced entry, no money missing, credit cards, clothes or jewelry, but we did find her purse in the house. Nothing was missing from it. Her housekeeper says her high blood pressure medicine hasn't been touched." Wufei replied.

"S-She takes her medicine religiously, she'd never leave it behind." I said, voice cracking as I fought not to panic or worse, burst into tears. I was vaguely aware of Noin and my brother leading me back to the couch and forcing me to sit.

"We'll find her, Relena. Find her and this monster and make sure he's put away for life." Duo said. He sat down on the edge of my coffee table and held my hands. His thumb stroked over my knuckles softly, his eyes filled with compassion. His kindness and love brought me to tears. I flung myself in his arms and cried.

*My poor mother. God! Whomever was behind this would pay. Forget pacifism. If he hurt my mother-please, please don't let this person hurt my mother. And please don't let it be Heero! I can't go on if it is.*

Hope this isn't getting too dark for people and scaring them off. Special thanks to the people reviewing and following this story. Reviews, even the constructive ones, make me happy. One question? Lemon or not for the happy couple. Either way is fine with me. Hit me back with some answers. Next updates coming soon.