Standard disclaimer: I don't own CT but I dare you to sue me, the only money I can give you is the money I owe, so feel free, I need to get rid of the debt somehow. Flames will be used to reduce heating bill so light me up one side and down the other. For those of you who are easily offended or close minded, you probably won't want to read this one, it will eventually have sex between two males. It will also tackle some tougher subjects. It starts out after Lavos is defeated normally and the ending "Moonlight Parade A" is obtained.


Light and Dark

Despite the sun still up, they had stopped for the day, they were somewhere in the forest where Medina village would be in a few hundred years. It was still warm out, but they had already started a fire just so they wouldn't have to later. Magus watched from the shadows, he never neared the campfire. He wasn't even sure why he came on this trip. The mystic brushed a strand of long blue hair from his violet eyes, and shot a glance to the campfire. There was that foolish Marle, off in her own little world, if not sleeping despite the hour. The robot with a real heart, recharging, after a hard day spent trying to determine the probability of when Cronos mother had appeared after wandering stupidly after the kitten, right through the time portal. Glenn, now human, was staring into the campfire, probably thinking about his dead lover Cyrus. He had returned him to normal after they killed Lavos. Ayla, the savage stone age woman, Magus got along with her if only because she didn't talk as much as the others. Magus moved onto the next of the team. In his opinion, one of the more likable members of their ragtag team, caring, loving Lucca, with the silent leader resting his head in her lap.

He felt a pang of jealousy for her, which was in no way lessened by his knowledge of her and Cronos completely platonic relationship. His eyes fell upon the glorious spiky haired redhead, held back by the bandana. Strong Crono, who never cried, and never faltered, and always dependable and ever silent. In his own way, magus mused to himself, that boy was the loudest. Speaking with his eyes, his hollow emerald colored eyes. False emotions, Magus knew, he knew because he too had hollow eyes. His emotions too were facsimiles . In a way, he felt he was the only one who could really understand the redhead, but even he didn't know the boys past. He knew that Lucca couldn't see past the mask, but she knew just the same when he was sad. He felt a tiny bit elated for that boy to have such a good and loyal friend, but once more, at the same time, jealous.

He turned to get a better look at the group. Crono had his head in Luccas lap, he wasn't crying, or anything, just looking into Luccas eyes. She was a genius, and even he admitted that she was an asset to the team. Magus knew that he might have grown attached to her, but he could throw those away whenever he needed to, those didn't matter to him. Magnus looked to the boy, he watched him closely, and his mask like eyes.

The silence was broken, and by that blond idiot.

"I know! Let's split up, we can cover more time periods then! " She yelped in her annoying high-pitched voice. The princess in her ever shear clothes that would be blue if they were thick enough to have a color. Lucca almost got angry. She had more than the right, but the lavender haired genius simply closed her eyes and crossed her arms under her breasts as she struggled to keep her anger in check.

"Listen Marle.. I'll go slow this time. We can't go to more than one time period at once. If something changes in one period it changes in all.. If we cause something to change in this time, it changes in our time and in the future. Suppose we accidentally cause a landslide that may cause an instantaneous change of ten tons crashing down on one of the groups." Lucca said in a low voice, clearly angry, but the princess simply seemed not to notice. Crono stood up and began to walk away, after shooting Lucca a look that said he wanted to be alone. The redhead walked off into the forest. Magus turned fully, and looked into Glen's eyes, the swordsman was staring at him now. He brushed his long hair out of his face with a gloved hand as he flashed his sharp canines, before disappearing into the shadows, after the katana-wielding warrior of light.

It took him less than a minute to catch up to the crimson spiked swordsman. He had traveled a great distance in such a short time, out of earshot from the group for the most part, it was perfectly quiet. No insects, which was strange. He looked into the lake, almost crystal clear, and showing the perfect reflection of the harvest moon. The katana nicknamed rainbow was sheathed and stuck into the ground, with its sword knot blowing in the slight win. Magus walked up quietly next to Crono, and sat down without a word. The mystic turned slightly, watching the swordsman out of the corner of his eye, he was looking over the lake. Crono slowly turned towards Magus, his false eyes seemed more real, and they were filled for once, with sadness, pure unmitigated sadness. Real, true, human emotions. Magus turned more, his hair falling in the way of his vision, but being quickly brushed away. He was elated that Crono might share something with him, a trust, but deflated at the same time, at the feelings and more importantly the memories that that look brought up. In his mind, he was a kid again, loosing his mother to Lavos, and his sister to the Mammon Machine. He looked deeply into Cronos eyes, suddenly captivated, wondering what gave him those eyes. He had not realized he had spoken out loud until he saw Crono seemingly analyzing him.


"What gave you those eyes." The words were soft..

Crono was more than a little surprised when Magus asked that question. He had not realized the elfish magician could see through the facade. Crono began to analyze the dark magician, to try and discover to what extent.

He can't possibly tell.. there's no way. .The thoughts were traveling through the swordsman's head with dizzying speed. He kept his calm as he began to investigate the mystic more closely. His eyes met violet gaze that held him, almost froze him with its depth, he seemed to know all, certainly more about magic than the rest of them combined. He slowly thought back to what happened to Magus, what gave him the cold calculating eyes, which loathed the rest of the world. Crono didn't have it in him to hate the whole world, so instead he had hidden himself inside a world of content life, or at least what looked like one, only from the outside.

Magus seemed to be waiting for an answer, but the swordsman knew he wasn't truly expecting it. He turned his head, to look back over the crystal Lake, and Magus followed suit. The pair sat there in silence till well after sunset.

Crono looked over as he his ally move, he was crouched low, with his sickle tucked under his cape, ready for use as he watched the still dark forest. It was only barely lit by the false dawn. Magus wasn't tense, fluid, as always, but that meant something was approaching. The swordsman pulled the sheathe from the ground, and slid the scabbard in between his body and the tough cloth sash. He spun towards the bush, and his calloused hand went to the hilt of the katana, preparing to strike by baring an inch of the multicolored blade. The dangerous pair waited in absolute silence. He heard it come through the brush, and he reacted almost in sync with the blue haired mystic. He saw a slightly surprised Glen remaining absolutely still. The curved blade of the sickle went right along with the curve of the knight's neck. Right below Cronos katana.

The red headed swordsman shared a secretive smile that passed by Glenn without so much as his notice. The slight shock wore off of Glen, who clearly hadn't expected to be ambushed anytime soon. His hand dropped off of the hilt of his double-edged sword.

"Everyone is looking for you two." He replied watching him, he had always been cautious about Magus. The weapons were put away, and Glenn relaxed. "You should head back.." The knight turned his head to look into Magus' eyes, making it near impossible for Crono to see either of their faces.


The mystic was kind of surprised as the knight looked at him, he almost didn't hear the next words coming out of his mouth, they were so quiet. His old nemesis seemed to know all about him, even his hearing, so he didn't talk very loud.

"Magus, I need to talk to you." The knight said, his eyes intense and almost trying to burrow into Magus' mind, or so it seemed, but the blue haired pale man could keep his mind closed even to the most powerful psychics, and so this man had not a chance of finding out his secrets without his consent.

"Crono, I need to talk to Glenn, I'll meet you in camp." Normally, Magus never would have allowed this to go on, he usually didn't talk to Glenn, but there was just something about how serious he was this time. The red headed swordsman complied, turning and walking promptly into the forest, and Magus had full confidence in the redhead's skills.

"What is it Frog? " Magus said, tightening his glove on his right hand as he watched Glenn closely, the man didn't seem to care, that typically ruffled Glenn's feathers, this was something serious. He was even more shocked by what he heard next.

"I see you want to get right to the point tonight Magus. I can tell that you want Crono, and not just for a one time thing." Glen had his hand near his sword in case he had to save his own life, even though Magus was faster. He could almost see the shock on the vampire-like mans' face. "And I might be able to help you.. but I have to ask you to help me in favor" Magus frowned.

"I guess a favor for a favor is fair. " Magus said, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against a tree, his eyes dropping as to not show his disappointment if it was something outside his power. "but your lovers too far gone to be brought back."

"Its not that.. I've come to terms with that already.. but.. If I help you with Crono.. you have to promise to help me with Lucca.." Glenn said, watching his rival for any sign. He got one in the form of a smirk.

"Why Glenn.. I had no idea you went after both.. and I'm guessing this had something to do with your desperate plea for me to remove my curse." Magus tightened his glove, and stood up fully, turning to face the knight before opening his eyes to meet Glenn's. "You've got yourself a deal Frog."

As usual, his rival remained stoic to the name, but for the first time, the pair shook hands without the world in jeopardy.