Title: Another Devil
Author: DeityOfDeath
Archive: Yes please...
Pairings: 1x2x5, 3x4
Category: Drama, romance
rating: PG. 13 and hopefully an NC-17 sometime soon.
Spoilers: Maybe... Episode Zero hints.
Warnings: Yaoi, Lemon scenes, pregnant men, Pregnant Duo.
Disclaimers: I never have nor will I ever own Gundam Wing or its chars. They are property of Bandai and a few other major companies.
A note before you read:
This chapter takes place ten years after the last chapter. Here are basics.
*Helen Lucille Maxwell - 10
*Chao An Chang 8
*Jie An Chang 8
*Ryu Jude Yuy 5
*Dathan Leo Maxwell
*Aaron Laith Winner-Barton 9
*Zarifa Winner-Barton 7
*Zarina Winner-Barton 7
*Zoraya Winner-Barton 7
After Laith the poor couple was gifted with triplet girls on their second try. Quatre said no more unless Trowa's going to carry.
Peacecraft: Noin and Milliardo
*Selena Mira Peacecraft 11
*Milliano Peacecraft 9
Two are enough for these busy parents. Especially since Noin is still assisting Relena who already has two sons of her own after marrying a kind aristocrat after meeting at a Peace summit.
*Marimea Kushrenada 22
*Bryant Po 11
*Branden Po 11
*Triessa Marie Po 8
Another Devil
Chapter 13: Walk like an Egyptian
"Helen! Stop torturing your brothers and get your tush down stairs now! The bus will be here any minute now!"
I sighed and rubbed pushed my bangs out of my eyes again. It was time I got a slight hair cut. I'd get more but I'm pretty sure Heero and Wufei would have a fit.
"Coming Dad," I heard called out in what one could have called a sweet and lilting girls voice, but I knew better. Oh, I'm not saying that my daughter isn't the sweetest thing this side of the galaxy or that her lavender almond shaped eyes and bow like lips framed in black curling waves was anything but angelic…I'm just saying…she is my daughter, and that means she's got some of my conniving and cunning in her which makes her as sweetly evil as they come.
"Good morning, Pa~!"
I turned to see her jump from the last three steps and into the kitchen in her catholic school uniform. Yes…picture of innocence…
I watched as she pulled her hair on the right side over her shoulder and began braiding it with the dexterity surpassing most ten year olds before doing the same to the other side, tying both ends off with navy blue ribbons to match her blazer and skirt.
"Has Toosan come home yet," she asked as she made her way to the kitchen table pulling her plate of pancakes closer and slathering them in Kings Syrup.
"Not yet, which means he might be able to get some sleep if you and your brothers are out the door before he gets home," I said as I set three more plates on the table.
I watched as she rolled her eyes. I grabbed the newspaper and bopped her on the head with it.
"Ow, what was that for!"
"Does that mean I should bop you until you realize," I asked as I lifted the newspaper again.
"No! I'm sorry for rolling my eyes."
Just then my youngest son came down the stairs followed by his brothers. My youngest Ryu was only five but he had to be the shortest of all my children. Most people still mistook him for a younger age which he disliked and told them so loudly. Poor boy had Heero's height, I could only hope that he got to his fathers full height by the time he hit his teens otherwise the boy was doomed. He was a cutie though, with his dark brown messy locks and cerulean blue eyes.
My two middle children were literally double trouble although they feared their older sister. Chai and Jie were 7 and looked every bit like their carrier father Wufei. Ebony haired and olive skinned and long limbed. I could see Heero's eye shape and their hair had somehow managed to get some of my waviness.
I had to say that our genes combined made for some interesting children, but none more so than Helen. She kept all of us on our toes.
"Good morning Ba ba~!"
I felt a pair of arms wrap around my middle and pull me against a smaller but more muscled chest. I couldn't help but grin. Wufei maybe shorter but he could easily hand my ass to me on a platter.
"Sit and eat, and no carbonated stuff this early in the morning, its milk or juice," he said from where he still held me. Both of us had heard the sound of the soda bottle being opened and then the groans of displeasure as the cap was replaced and the fridge was opened and the milk carton and pitchers of juice were pulled out.
Wufei quickly kissed my check and then let go. I turned around after placing his serving of pancakes on his plate and set it in front of him while he placed a tea bag in his everyday mug. He always some sort of warm tea with breakfast, on long days he had tea and took a cup of coffee in a travel mug. Something I kind of got him into.
I watched our children devour and smiled in my coffee mug as Ryu downed his second glass of milk; my silent and brooding Ryu.
I heard the horn blow and watched as my children scrambled from the table, taking last bites and down the last of their drinks before they grabbed bags and tossed on shoes and jackets. I ran behind them grabbing lunch boxes and bags making sure jackets were zipped and shoes were tied as we headed for the front door. I opened the door and saw Heero standing there. He grinned as Helen came out the door and gave him a hug before running for the bus, Chao and Jei behind her.
Ryu stood with his hand in mine as I walked up to the bus until we came to the doors I let go of his hand and watched him board waving good bye before stepping back and watching as the bus took off. It was hard to think of our children as "experimental soldiers" when they had yet to hit puberty and the biggest problems in their lives were where their shoes were, the cutest boy in the class and the latest gossip.
I shook my head and grabbed Heero's hand pulling him through the door behind me.
"Hungry Ro'," I asked as we entered and I closed the door letting him walk ahead of me.
"Smells like pancakes, you managed to get up early huh?'
I frowned and bopped him on the shoulder, "I like you, haven't been to bed yet. Those reports for Une took longer than I thought they would," I said as I entered the kitchen and made my way to the stove to start another set of pancakes.
"Is she still trying to figure out the whereabouts of the 'doubles'," asked Wufei from his place at the table.
"Yes, and can you blame her. It's kind of creepy knowing there are clones of us running around. Just how did this Dr. Cold manage to clone them? How did she obtain our DNA, how did she age them, were they someone elses experiment she took over? There's just too much of this case left open for anyone to be satisfied. And there are still other questions like what organization was she working for and what was there aim? How long has the war been over? Over 15 years or so right?"
I sighed, "It's just mind boggling. And even with our gundams destroyed there are rumors that someone out there is still trying to perfect the designs and build more which leads to why and who. It's a full circle that's missing gaps…"
"We'll get to the answer eventually Duo. We'll probably even get to it before we're old," answered Wufei as I flipped the pancakes on the stove and readied a plate.
"We're not the only ones searching. Sally is back to doing undercover work now that Marimea is graduated and able to watch the little ones when she doesn't have classes. Une has her feelers out and I've even heard that Milliardo and Lucrezia are playing spy while playing the perfect diplomats," said Heero as he sat down next to Wufei making himself a cup of green tea.
"What Heero's saying is that sometimes patience is needed."
I sighed and placed Heero's plate in front of him and sat down in front of one of the kids abandoned plates, piling it with the uneaten portions from the other plates at the table, placing the empty plates in a stack.
I started and watched as Wufei stood up, "I'll see you guys sometime tonight. Try getting some sleep before the children get home."
"Seven hours of sleep would be nice," I said as I watched him leave with his travel coffee mug in hand.
"Coming to bed," Heero asked as he finished eating and stood up.
"Let me get these dishes done and I'll be there."
I started piling the dishes in the soapy dish water and began washing and placing them in the drying rack. It hadn't taken long to finish the dishes or clean the counters, stove and table and soon I found my way to the bedroom where Heero laid under the covers his clothes left on the floor in a pile, his shoes in the doorway. I stifled my sigh as I put his shoes to the side, emptied his pockets onto our dresser and then put his uniform into the dirty clothes hamper which was now overflowing.
I looked around our room and then back out into the hallway and realized I had a million things to do before the kids got home. I decided that since I had volunteered to work from home I'd be the housewife although…sometimes I regretted that decision…
I quietly pulled the hamper out of our room and then shut the door. By the time I had grabbed the dirty clothes from every room in our house and sorted them and started the second load; the first in the dryer already I decided it was time to start on the next chore. I don't remember how many loads of laundry or how many I had taken out of the dryer and folded before sorting them, all I remember is sitting on the couch wedged in the middle of warm piles of clothes smelling of dryer sheets with a freshly washed and dried quilt in my lap and my legs propped up on the ottoman.
I woke up snuggled under my clean quilt with a small head snuggled on top of my chest, his head tucked under my chin. I was now horizontal across the couch.
I blinked and grinned seeing the piles of clean clothes and baskets gone from the living room and the smell of dinner cooking in the kitchen. I slowly sat scooted into a sitting position, careful not to wake Ryu.
I looked over at the loveseat where Helen sat doing her homework, her brothers on the floor at her feet doing the same.
"Bless you," I said smiling at their stunned looks.
Ryu blinked up at me yawning and then gave me a hug, "Hey, little man, do you have homework?"
"All done," he said as he worked to wake up.
I gently lifted him and placed him on the couch as I slide the quilt off and stood up stretching.
"Toosan's making dinner," said Jei as he closed a small colorful book and placed it inside his messenger bag.
I made my way towards the kitchen stopping to pat each child on the head as I did so.
Once in the kitchen I walked over to Heero who turned to meet me and gave me a nice passionate kiss.
When we broke apart Heero spoke, "Wufei called, he should be home early so I figured we can all put the kids to bed and then maybe have some adult time."
At that I grinned, "I LIKE adult time."
He bopped me on the head.
Maybe being domesticated wasn't so…bad.
To be Continued…
Trying to update and finish some of these stories…I'll try my best.