DMK: GAH! I'm updating this!


DMK: …uhh…no?

Hotshot: … hmph. Don't read this. She did in school, so we ALL know it'll suck


Chibodee: now that ain't nice… *in Maxter, towering over H/S*


DMK: ^^'' I couldn't have said it better myself… ONWARD!


Chapter 4


The said mech cringed for what seemed like an eternity, and, when he realized that his head HADN'T been sent rolling, he opened his optics. The Shadow was in mid-swing, but his arm was unable to move. …Something had him!

Schwartz turned halfway, and was greeted by a solid punch to the face. "AGH! WHY YOU-!!"

There was ANOTHER Transformer! This one was huge, colored green, purple, and gray. "I'm sorry, human," he answered coldly. "But your fights' with ME now."

Hotshot stared. And so did everyone else on that battlefield. "S-Scavenger?!"

He just glared at him out of the corner of his goldenrod optics. "You let yourself be beaten MUCH too easily, Hotshot. Now, if you'll excuse me…" Scavenger faced Schwartz fully, but neglected the navy blur that was the Bolt Gundam as it charged his way.

It was too late when the Autobot took notice, and so Argo landed a hard shoulder to the mechs' back. Scavenger swayed, but stayed standing, and lashed out at the Bolt as it ran by. "So, you want to fight me as well?"

The NeO-Russian grinned, said nothing, and unleashed his Graviton hammer. Not giving the Transformer any time to react, he swung it down on him, knocking him senseless and throwing him back into the trees. "Ahh!"

It was then that Hotshot realized that this wasn't going to be a pretty fight. He didn't even notice Sai Saici's Dragon Fang arms heading his way, until two twin booms knocked the dragons off their course and sent them back to the Gundam they came from.

"Huh?! Wha?!"

"You okay bro?" A young voice called from above. Again, all eyes focused on the new comer. Or rather, new comers.

"Sideswipe! Blurr! RedAlert!"

The one who had saved Hotshot from the Dragon Gundam, Sideswipe, grinned. "Duh! We stand together, and we fall together!"

Jetfire, from above, was blowing up the pursuing Rose Bits with his Plasma Blaster when he took note of the four Autobots that had joined the fray. 'Bout time they showed up,' he thought as he fired off another shot.

"Yee-Hah! More moving targets!" Chibodee crowed as he unholstered his Giant Magnum Guns and started to fire.

Sideswipe ducked quickly, only to stare optic-to-optic with Sai Saici. "Gah!" He backstepped, still atop the cliff that was above the rest of the battle, and felt his foot slip. He started to fall over, when he felt something grab him.

"Whoohahaha! Watch yerself Autobot! Ya almost got killed!" A new, and slightly annoying voice whooped from above. Looking up, Sideswipe noticed another newcomer,


"The name is Cyclonus! Say it with me: Cy-clon-us! And yeah, a' course it's me! Now let's trash these fleshbags an' get outta here alive!"

Chibodee watched as another wave of Transformers entered the fray. These all had purple symbols on various parts of them, but instantly went to the aid of those emblazoned in red. There were five of them to be exact. "How many of these things ARE there?!"

"I dunno, but I don't want to stick around and find out!" Sai responded, turning on a black and gold mech that was speeding at him. "Take this!" He shouted, firing a wave of flames at him.

          "Wheeljack! DUCK!" Hotshot managed to shout before he saw his friend disappear in flames.

          "AAAAAGH!" After the fire subsided, the Decepticon was laying on his back, charred and rather stunned. "Ow… that… smarts…" He groaned, sitting upright.

          "Ha! Now you're going DOWN!" Sai exclaimed, taking out a Gundam-sized Bo staff, the tip emitting a greenish yellow, energy blade.

          "I don't think so, human!" A loud and almost regal voice disagreed. "You will pay for trifling with us!"


          Within seconds, Sai Saici was sandwiched between two more of the Transformers, one obviously the leader, the other no more than a soldier. When the two parted, Sai fell onto his behind, gasping for air that had been forced from his lungs. "I'm gonna feel that in the morning…"

          "You obviously underestimate we Transformers," Wheeljack managed as he stood, though the fire he had been damaged by did more to his mind than to his body-he had a terrible fear of flames. "And human or not, we're still going to melt you down."

          "Hey!" RedAlert shouted, hearing that. "You heard what Optimus said; no humans are going to be killed, you understand?!"

          Schwartz caught this, and started to wonder if these robots were all that bad, but soon, Demolisher, one of the Transformers that had double-teamed Sai Saici, planted a hard kick to his back. "Take that yeh fleshie!" But was soon cut short when Chibodee landed a roundhouse to his flank. "Gah!" He fell over with a thud, eating dirt.

          "Yo Schwartz, ya alright?"

          "Fine, just watch your back!"


          "…I told him so…"

          Chibodee was on his behind faster than he could realize, one last Transformer standing above him. This one was red, blue, and silver, with gold optics. "I apologize, but you're attacking my men."

          "Optimus!" Hotshot cheered after ducking from a salvo, courtesy of George's rose bits. "You're here!"

          He nodded once, and looked to his left, just as Domon ran his way. Sidestepping, the NeO-Japanese Gundam fighter sailed past harmlessly, the Burning Finger singing Optimus' armor. "Listen, I don't want to fight you!" The leader of all Transformers shouted as Domon pivoted on his heel. "This is all a misunderstanding!"

          "I'll show ya a misunderstanding!" Chibodee shouted as he raced to Domon's aid. Optimus unleashed a cry as a Machinegun Punch connected, denting Optimus badly and sending him flying. Reeling, Prime stood, but was struck by the King of Hearts hard in the chest.


As Rain watched, she didn't notice the rocks above her start to shift. First a little scoot, then with a deafening rumble, they cascaded down that cliff towards her.


Domon, from where he was fighting Optimus, looked over at the cliffside. "Rain! No!" No matter how fast he moved, he wouldn't reach her in time.

From another spot, a certain yellow Transformer caught wind of this. Taking an insane risk on his part, he reverted into his sportscar alt mode, and zoomed towards the chaos as fast as he could. With one more shout of 'Transform!' he scooped the Gundam Crew member into his hands…

And was swallowed in the avalanche.

"Hotshot!" Sideswipe exclaimed, dashing forward.

"Rain!" Domon did the same.

As the rocks and mud came to a halt, all fell silent. That's when it hit Schwartz- these 'Transformers' weren't evil! Why else would the yellow one had attempted to save Rain?

"Smokescreen, Scavenger, come on! Let's get them outta there!" Jetfire exclaimed as he landed roughly and began to dig with his hands. The Gundam Fighters watched this with interest, as the orange one took his Vice Commander's advice and started to also pull aside rocks and dirt. Domon, not about to let his love be buried alive, dashed forward and began to copy Smokescreen and Jetfire.

"There's no need for that," Scavenger said calmly, pointing to another part of the rubble. "See for yourself."

          With a little twitch, the mound of earth heaved upward, and suddenly, Hotshot emerged, dirty and battered, with his hands closed protectively. "Whoo-ee! That was fun… NOT." The mech said, opening and lowering his hand to the ground, allowing Rain to step off.

          At the sight of the unscathed Gundam Crew member, all of the fighters sighed in relief. "Sis' okay!" Sai said happily, jumping up and down a few times before his random moment of hyperness faded.

          Ignoring the possible 'threat' of the Transformers, Domon was out of his Gundam in a flash, hugging Rain to no end. "I thought I lost you again…" He said quietly to her, letting his emotional side show for a few moments.

          "Well I'm just fine," she answered, looking back to Hotshot. "Thanks to him."

          Hotshot put a hand behind his head sheepishly. "Aw… That was nothin'…"

          "Uhh, you okay bro?" Sideswipe asked uncertainly, taking notice of his battered state.

          "Pfft. If I didn't have half my joints clogged, yeah, I'd be greeeeeeeat…"

          RedAlert shook his head. "Oh stop whining. That's nothing a little flushing out can't cure."

          "Me stop whining? I can hardly move!"

          Optimus sighed heavily and looked to Domon. "I apologize for my men if they've harmed you in any way. We were only here to recover something."

          The King of Hearts nodded. "'S alright. Sorry if we were a bit rough on you too."

          Smokescreen shrugged. "Hey, fine by me! I needed a little work out!"

          Chibodee and Sai Saici had to agree as well. "You guys aren't too bad for whatever ya are," the NeO-American said to them. "Actually… who- or what- ARE you?"

          "Hm, I do suppose a bit of an introduction is in order…" The Autobot Commander began to himself. "Well my name is Optimus Prime, and I am the leader of the Autobots… We're Transformers from the planet Cybertron."

          "So you're like, giant robots from another world that can like, think for themselves and stuff?" Sai Saici asked, now perched on the shoulder of his inactive Dragon Gundam, sitting cross-legged.

          "Ehh, yeah, you could say that." Hotshot began.

          Meanwhile, Rain was having a literal field day. I mean, how many times would a person honestly come across beings such as these? Gundams had very limited sentient capabilities, only able to respond to their fighters' calls and such, but these robots could think, speak, and move all on their own. "So you're called Transformers because of that ability of yours…" She speculated. "I could learn so much from studying you…"

          "Well that would be RedAlert's department," Hotshot told her, jerking his thumb over his shoulder at the Transformer medic and scientist. "He knows all of that techno junk…"

          "Perhaps I will chat with you a bit later, if I can…" She said, looking up at him from the ground.

          "Gladly, as I am quite curious as to how these Gundams of yours function."

          "Oh great," Chibodee muttered to Sai. "The geniuses are fraternizing… we'll be here all day…"

          Hotshot heard and almost broke out into laughter, had it not been for the dark, looming shape that had suddenly eclipsed the sun. "What… in the world… IS THAT?!"

          All eyes and optics were lent skyward, as they took note of a huge meteorite that passed overhead and hit the earth, between a large valley several miles away. Suddenly, the Shuffle Crest on Domon's right hand exploded with light and pain, and he yelped, looking at it in surprise. Every other Gundam Fighters' crest soon did the same, and Chibodee suddenly realized it. "D-Domon… You don't think… IT's back…" He began gravely, watching the ball of fire fade.

          "What else could it be?"

          Sai Saici panicked. "Nononono! Not again!

          The Devil had returned.



DMK: ^_^'' okay, MAJOR suckage. This was one of those chapters of mine that I wrote solely to get me back into the swing of the fanfic. So, if facts are out of whack, I will have more than likely caught it… (and am probably writing it out again ten times better…)

Hotshot: YOU DID ANOTHER SLAGGING CLIFFHANGER! ARGH! *eerie singsong tone* …the readers aren't gonna liiiiike that……

DMK: and another note, I haven't seen G-Gundam in Primus knows how long, so I might have some of the characters OOC… if I do, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me? Nicely?