A/N: This story was first started in 2003. Since then, I have grown as a person and as a writer, so I wanted to adapt some of the earlier chapters that I published when I was younger to my current writing style. No plot changes are being made…I'm just correcting some grammar and other issues. Also, please keep in mind that I started this story after the first movie came out, so the events from the other movies will not be included. And finally, I understand that the storyline will seem a bit choppy until all the chapters have been revamped to my liking, so please bear with me! But most importantly…enjoy. :)
Disclaimer: I don't own PotC, but I do own Valerie Springfield, who will be appearing in the later chapters.
Chapter 1 – Version 2.0
"I still can't comprehend how I was lucky enough to end up engaged to you," Will said, gently squeezing Elizabeth's hand as the couple strolled happily through the garden.
"I could say the same about myself," Elizabeth replied, smiling at her fiancé.
They continued to walk through the maze of scarlet rose bushes that surrounded them. Finally they stumbled upon the small white gazebo that sat in the heart of the garden. Will stepped up and offered his hand to Elizabeth. She took it gingerly and pulled herself inside, seating herself onto the chestnut bench that stood within. Will sat down next to her and brushed a lock of golden hair from her face. Elizabeth gave him a weak smile, but said nothing. She scanned her mind for a comment or a conversational topic, but found none available. They sat in an uncomfortable silence for a few moments. Neither one found words to cut through the still air around them. Will glanced at Elizabeth and studied her face for a minute. She was looking off into the distance, lost in some faraway thought. He shifted his gaze to the setting sun and wondered what his future wife could be thinking about.
Elizabeth was indeed immersed in her thoughts. She was asking herself why it was so difficult to have a conversation with Will. The challenge had never presented itself before. 'But we never really spent much time alone together before now,' she recalled. 'It was never this way when I was around Jack.' She sighed at the last thought and allowed her memories to transport her to a happier time.
"Mister Sparrow! I'm not entirely sure that I've had enough rum to allow that kind of talk!" Elizabeth exclaimed and pushed Jack away.
Jack gave her a toothy grin before polishing off the remnants of his rum. Elizabeth looked at the bottle in her hand and wondered whether she should dispose of the wretched substance. Part of her knew that she should pour it into the sea and succumb to sleep, but her more adventurous side urged her to take a risk and to continue drinking. She smirked and pressed the bottle to her lips, cringing slightly as the alcohol burned her throat. Suddenly, she felt the sand shift beneath her dress. She glanced up and noticed that Jack was struggling to stand up.
"S'the matter?' she slurred, surprised to discover that her tongue was not cooperating.
"Out of rum," Jack murmured and disappeared into the shrubbery.
Elizabeth straightened up and allowed her eyes to settle on the sea. 'Am I ever going to see Will again?' she wondered. 'What if he's given up his search for me?' She began to imagine living out the rest of her days, few as they may be, stranded on the island with Jack. She bit her lip, feeling a pang of guilt. The idea of a life on the sandy beaches with Jack by her side sounded like paradise to her at that particular moment. She blamed the rum flowing through her veins and pushed those thoughts aside, focusing instead on the handsome pirate that was making his way back towards her.
Jack was cradling three bottles of his favorite elixir under his arm as he staggered towards the shore. He tossed a bottle into the sand beside Elizabeth and kept the other two for himself. He sat down next to her and pulled the cork from the bottle with his teeth. After taking a long drink, he smacked his lips and began to survey the serious expression on Elizabeth's face.
"You miss him, don't you pet?" he asked.
"Hm?" Elizabeth hadn't been listening. She was becoming all too aware of how close Jack was sitting. The forbidden fantasies began to creep back into her mind.
"Will. Do you miss him?"
"Oh," Elizabeth said. "Yes, I suppose I do."
"You suppose?" Jack chuckled. "That doesn't sound like a very passionate response, love."
Elizabeth bit her lip again. Her thoughts were becoming fuzzier by the minute as the alcohol continued to overcome her senses.
"He's very much in love with you, you know," Jack said quietly.
"I know," she sighed. She had no doubts about the strength of Will's love for her, but her affection towards him seemed to be waning at the moment.
"Is there something burdening you, poppet?" Jack asked. He was growing concerned. Elizabeth's sudden withdrawal from him was making him worry that he had offended her. She had been laughing and dancing with him just minutes before.
Elizabeth looked up. Jack's eyes shone with a sincerity she had never seen before. She attempted a small smile.
"Nothing," she finally responded.
"Darling, you can trust me," Jack assured her.
Elizabeth laughed. "That's something I've learned not to do."
He grinned. "A valuable lesson. Still, what are the chances we'll leave this island? Besides," he added in amusement. "I think you're drunk. Let's hear it."
She laughed again. Jack's eyes were sparkling with childish mischief and she found herself slowly giving into his charm.
"The rum seems to be toying with my heart," Elizabeth said.
"The heart is a fickle beast," Jack replied.
"It would appear so," she sighed. Jack cocked his head and squinted at her. "What?" she snapped.
"You're being unusually vague, my dear," he said. "If you draw this confession out any longer, you may find me dozing off."
"Mister Sparrow!" He chuckled as she shoved him playfully.
"That's Captain Sparrow, love."
"You're a right git, Captain."
"You're insulting my honor," he grinned.
"You have no honor!" she teased.
"In that case, I can get away with doing this," he purred. Elizabeth let out a shriek as he pounced on her and pinned her arms into the sand. However, she was not one to admit defeat easily. She gave Jack the most sensual look she could muster, gazing intensely at him through her thick lashes while pushing her lower lip forward in a pouty manner. She felt his grip soften slightly as a soft gasp escaped him. He began to lean in to kiss her, but Elizabeth used the moment to her advantage. Using all her might, she threw herself against him. They began to tumble in the sand as they struggled for dominance. However, Elizabeth's momentary burst of strength passed quickly and Jack finally pinned her down again. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment, then broke out into uncontrollable fits of laughter.
"You have absolutely no couth, do you?" Elizabeth asked.
"None whatsoever love," he grinned devilishly.
Elizabeth chose her next words carefully, ready to take advantage of her newfound courage. "I'll never understand how women find you irresistable."
"What can I say, I'm naturally charming."
"You certainly are," she breathed.
Jack paused, unsure how respond. Elizabeth couldn't help but smile at the confusion that was clouding his face.
"You think so love?"
"I certainly do," she murmured huskily.
Jack carefully studied her. The campfire illuminated her features so that she glowed beautifully. Her hair lay crushed in the sand, gently cradling her face. Her eyes shone with desire and her lips were parted slightly, allowing her uneven breaths to escape. His gaze lingered on those ruby lips. They seemed to be begging to be introduced to his own. He removed his grip from one of her wrists and carefully caressed her cheek. To his surprise, she didn't pull away.
Elizabeth could see the lust in Jack's eyes, but she also saw hesitation. She realized she would have to convey her approval.
"Just kiss me already," she whispered softly.
Jack did not need further encouragement. He eliminated the space between them and pressed his lips gently against hers. They paused in hesitation, wondering if the other would pull away, but soon found that they were both hungrier for more. Jack gently slid his tongue past Elizabeth's lips and discovered that she was eager to reciprocate. The spark between them suddenly turned into an inferno. As their desire for one another engulfed them, everything else was forgotten. They had each other and that was enough.
~*End Flashback*~
Elizabeth snapped back to reality. She felt her cheeks flush and tried to calm her breathing.
"Are you all right?" Will asked.
"Yes, darling. I must be tired, that's all." She pretended to yawn. "Do you mind if we turn in for the night?"
"Of course," Will said. He tried to reassure himself that the reason for the awkwardly silent night was their mutual exhaustion. He offered his arm to Elizabeth and she quietly accepted. They began their taciturn journey back to the mansion.
Author's Note: I hope this creates a better building block for continuing my story! I am choosing not to change the conversations I have at the end of my chapters with my characters for nostalgic purposes. Please check back soon for updates!
Vickay: Here's the first chapter. I hope you like it!
Will: Yeaaaah. I love not doing anything.
Vickay: Oh, will you shut up? You know I love you and I won't leave you out for long!
Will: Okay. *pause* You love me?
Vickay: *blushes*
Jack: Anyways, how about that flashback, Lizzy?
Elizabeth: Did you just call me Lizzy?
Jack: Is that a problem?
Elizabeth: No, I rather like it. And about the flashback, do you think we could try recreating that sometime? You know, for the readers…
Will: What? You're engaged to me!
Elizabeth: Didn't you read the summary?
Will: There's a summary?
Jack, Elizabeth, and Vickay: *roll eyes*
Will: What?
Vickay: Anyways, I hope to update soon! Oh, and this chapter is dedicated to my good friend Nick S. for believing in my imagination and supporting my nerdy habits, Thank you!