Marriage to a Malfoy

Entire Summary: Ginny is forced to marry Draco Malfoy, long time rival and enemy. Shaky as it is, the marriage may not be all that it seems, when they start to really getting to know each other, they discover much in common. They also discover that it is not hate what they've always felt from one another and perhaps they learn to fall in love each other. Another cliché. R&R

Author's Note: Woo, another chaptered story by yours truly. After the recent finishing of Leapt in Time and the current developing of Timeless Scars, I felt like I needed a wee bit break from the T/G-ness, and, because I ship two Ginny ships, then I'm developing this one. The almighty Fire and Ice. This is a bit different from my style of writing, but who knows, maybe not? The chapters are short, not as long as my previous story's chapters. I don't know if this idea has already been developed, but if it has, I'm not ripping off anybody, it came to me suddenly and I decided to write it. Other authors feel free to tell me if this idea has already been done and if it is one of the many D/G clichés we all know and use so much.

Disclaimer: Oh, you know the drill, JKR's property and blah-blah-blah. I don't own the characters, or the situations they have been previously exposed to. I only own the plot, and I may not own it either. All in all, you know how it goes.

Chapter One

~The News~

Ginny Weasley sat on a swing seat oh her porch at the Burrow; she had just come home after finishing her last and seventh year at Hogwarts. Oh to be free at last, or so she thought. Her plans were to move out of The Burrow and get a job somewhere far from England. Perhaps she would go to America or to the Caribbean, where she'd always dreamed of going. It wasn't that she didn't stand her family; it just was that she had learned to be an independent person and she wanted to go out and explore what the world had for her.

However, she certainly did not see what would happen next coming. She was lost deep in her thoughts about starting a life, marrying later in like and being positively happy for the rest of it. But, though good, firm dreams they were, they were also far from what would be the cruel reality. Molly and Arthur Weasley, her mom and dad, had come sit next to her, both looking as if one of their children were about to die. Molly looked as if she were in the verge of tears.

"Ginny, darling," said Arthur grimly, "You know we love you." He sighed deeply. "But, there comes a time when some sacrifices must be made."

"What are you talking about?" Ginny asked, turning her head to look at them, and sending the all-too-known feeling of upcoming bad news,

"You have to get married," said her mother tearfully, "To Draco Malfoy." And bad news they were indeed.

"What?!" Ginny yelled, standing up with a jolt. "No! Definitely not! I've barely turned eighteen and I'm not getting married and much less to that incompetent, selfish, spoiled, self-centered prick!"

"You have to, dear," said her mother standing up and taking her hands on her own. "We're sorry."

"Why?" asked Ginny, still enraged, "Why on bloody hell do I have to marry him?"

"Darling," said her father standing up as well, "You know we owe the Malfoys much more than we can afford. Remember when Narcissa Malfoy took care of Ron when he lost his memory last year, and thank goodness he's alright now. And Narcissa endeared herself with him and made Lucius send us money, and even though we didn't accept it, we had to start using it afterwards. But now… now he wants us to pay him back and I'm afraid we can't so he… he asked for you to marry his son."

"Oh, so you can't pay them, let's give him your daughter! Is that how it is, dad?" Ginny said, beyond herself. She then took a deep breath and sat back down. She put her hands over her face, soothing herself as her parents looked at her intently. "Very well," she said softly, after a while. "I'll marry him because I love you, but that's all." She rubbed at her eyes to prevent herself from crying.

"Thank you, dear," said Arthur, Molly was weeping bitterly. "The wedding is in two days."

* * *

Ginny looked at her reflection in the full-length mirror; she looked astoundingly pretty, but not happy. She wore a long wedding dress. It was white with clear adornments; strapless and form-fitting until the waist, from which it fell loosely, bell-shaped-, onto the ground. Her flaming hair was up in a fancy twist which served to support the long veil upon her head. She wore pearls around her throat and two tiny dots on her ears.

On her hands she carried an expensive bouquet of wild violets, her favorite flowers. Her make-up was natural, only a light shadow on her eyes and glossed lips. A knock on the door brought her back to reality. She answered with a weak "come in" and her father came in, looking odd in a tuxedo.

"Darling, you look—"

"Oh, let's just get this over with," she cut in angrily and dragged her father out of the room.