Shane wasn't paying that much attention to anything until Matt elbowed him in the stomach, "Ouch, what do you want Matt?!" Matt grinned at Shane and then looked over to where Whisper was pushing her way through the crowd, "Looks like she's coming over here man." He stood up and looked over the older Hardy's shoulder, "Oh my gosh...she is coming over here. What do I do Matt!?" Matt laughed and then shook his head, "Man, be yourself. Don't get all excited about it; she's the same person that you've always been friends with."

Whisper made her way through the crowded room, her eyes locked on Shane's figure. The fans were crowding around her and asking for autographs, but she barely heard them. All she could think about was Shane and Shane alone. Adam's words had encouraged her to do what she was doing, and she couldn't let Shane keep on thinking that she didn't love him. When she finally reached the other side of the room, she was only a few feet away from Shane, both of them just looking at each other.

The two Hardy's, along with Adam, stood near them, but not too near to them. They both looked like they were in a trance of some kind. Matt looked at Adam and frowned, "Whats with them Copeland?" Adam studied them for a minute and then laughed a bit, "Neither of them know what to say to the other, they've been friends so long that its hard for them to show real emotions." Jeff caught on and smirked, "Then lets give them a little time alone to talk things over." The other two guys nodded as they went over and pulled the two of them outside and put them in Adam's rented limo to send them back to the hotel.

Cassie fought a bit on the way to the limo, but then quieted down once she was inside it. Shane was a bit nervous as he looked over at her and smiled, "So umm...." Hearing his voice, she looked over and returned the smile, "There's something I want to tell you Shane." He nodded and stayed quiet to allow her to talk. She took in a deep breath and then started, "I know you've told me countless times that you love me, but I never wanted to accept that because we were friends. I'm sorry if I ever hurt you when that happened, but Shane I do love you. I love you so much that you'll never know how much it hurts me not to be able to be with you."

It took a few moments for her words to fully sink in, but when they did, he was the happiest man alive. Shane took her hand in his and then smiled, "Cassie, I knew you loved me, something told me you did. Just knowing that you were close to me made me happy." He watched as a few tears ran down her cheeks, and he reached out to wipe them away, "No tears this time Cass...they don't suit someone as pretty as you." She smiled and then leaned into his arms, resting her head on his chest, "Shane...."

He closed his arms around her and held her tightly to him, "I won't leave you Cassie, I love you too much to do something like that." Her arms tightened around him as he said that, for the first time in her life, she really did feel loved by someone. All the times that they had goofed off together, or had done things together is because they were so much in love that they couldn't see it plainly. Everyone else around them must have known about it for months and never said anything to them for fear of it messing up the chemistry.

When they arrived at the hotel, she was asleep in Shane's arms, a light smile on her face. He smiled down on her and then lifted her into his arms, carrying her into the hotel. A few of the guys were already there when he walked in, and they all grinned knowingly as Shane rolled his eyes and went on up the stairs. It took him a moment to find her room and get the door open without waking her up. Walking into the room, he made his way over and then put her on the bed.

He paused to look at her, she was so beautiful when she slept. Shaking his head, he gently pulled her shoes off and set them next to the bed. When he noticed that she was still in her Hardy jeans, he hesitated about what to do. On the good side, she wouldn't be uncomfortable while she was asleep, bad side was that he didn't know if he could handle seeing her like that. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, "Come on Shane, chill out man..." He whispered to himself.

After talking himself through the procedure three times, he reached over to her. As carefully as he could, he unbuttoned the pants and then slid the zipper down, his hands already shaking. He looked up and made sure she was still asleep before he gently lifted her up with one hand and then slid the pants down her hips with the other. What he saw of her in the dim light made him turn red. He had never seen her like this and it was getting to him quickly.

He finally managed to get her jeans off as he put them in the chair and then stood up. No sooner than he had gotten to the door, she woke up, "mm...Shane?" He froze in his tracks, calming himself down before he turned to face her, "Yeah?" She rubbed her eyes and then sat up, "Don't leave me here by myself...." That was just great, now he was going to have to stay with her, this was not good for him at the moment.

Cassie watched him as he walked back over and sat next to her, he looked nervous. She smiled to him and then moved over a bit so he could have more room to sit down, "Thanks Shane." Shane looked over at her, "For what?" She laughed lightly and shook her head, "For bringing me up here and everything." He smiled a bit and then shrugged, "It wasn't a problem Cass." She ran a hand through her hair and then looked back at him, "Will you stay?" His eyes met hers, "You mean, here, all night?" She nodded to him, "Yes..."

Shane finally gave in and agreed to stay with her through the rest of the night. He pulled off his jeans and shirt and then sat back down next to her, "Cass...are you sure we can handle this?" She knew what he was talking about, but she wasn't going to press that issue at the moment, "I know we can handle it Shane.." He nodded and then slid into the bed next to her, laying on his side. She smiled up at him and then turned onto her side. He thought she was going to stay right where she was, but it didn't turn out like that.

She snuggled up against him with her back against his chest. Shane could hardly think at the moment, but he slowly relaxed and put his arm around her waist. When he did, she moved her hand down and meshed her fingers with his. A smile formed on Shane's face as he held her close to him, he wasn't going to ever let her go now that he had her.