Disclaimer: I don't own anything from WWE. Whisper is credited to me since I made her up and all, so don't take her.

Whisper woke up with sweat running down her face. It was the fourth time that week that she hadn't been able to sleep. She kept having the same nightmare over and over again. It wouldn't have bothered her so bad if it hadn't involved Shane Helms. She was extremely close to Shane, and would do anything for him no matter what the cost. Shane may not have known how she felt about him, but by the end of the week, he would know everything.

"Ahhhh! Shane that's cold!!" A female voice shouted from the back yard where Shane had just turned on the sprinkler system. He laughed as he walked to the back and looked at his friend Whisper. She put her hands on her hips, water dripping off of her, "Gregory Shane Helms, you gots some splainin' to do!" Shane chuckled, "Sorry Whisp, it wasn't supposed to happen." The look on his face was so innocent that she just sighed, "If you weren't so innocent lookin' I'd pound you Helms." He grinned, "No you wouldn't. Because your my bestest best friend, Hurricane Whisper."

He had a point there, but she wasn't going to let him know that, "Shane, I can replace you ya know." She giggled at his face as he stuck out his lip and made a pouty face, "Ok, ok. I can't and won't replace you. I love ya too much." He grinned and hugged her, "I knew you couldn't hate me for long." She rolled her eyes and hugged him back, turning it into a suplex, "No, but I can kick your butt in any ring, anywhere, anytime." He looked at her and chuckled, "So you can, but you won't hurt me." She smirked, "I may, and then again I may not."

They both laughed and laid there on the ground, Shane being the first to break the silence, "You got a ride to the house show tonight?" She turned her head to look at him, "Nope, I don't even know if I want to go tonight." He chuckled, "Come on, it'll be lots of fun." She propped herself up on her arms, "Yeah, like it was fun last week when I fell off the ladder at the house show thanks to Jeff and Matt?" Shane laughed again, "I caught you, you weren't hurt." Whisper laughed as she looked at him, "You caught me?" He nodded to her with his superhero look, "Yes I did." She leaned close to him, Shane thought she was going to kiss him until she spoke to him, "You didn't catch me, I fell on you hun."

After saying that she stood up and held her hand down to Shane. He looked up and then took her hand, standing up with her help, "Were you really going to.." She raised an eyebrow, "Kiss you?" He nodded again, "Were you really going to?" She laughed a bit, "No Helms, I was not going to kiss you. What ever gave you that idea?" He shrugged, "It looked like you were going to, so I was just going to ask." She walked inside the house and started up the stairs as Kevin started down them.

Kevin looked at her and smiled as he held his arm out and caught her around the waist. Whisper smiled and slid her arms around his shoulders, "Hello Kevy." He smirked down at her as his arms went around her waist, "Hey Cass." Shane stood at the door and watched them, he was actually kind of jealous. Kevin saw Shane and then leaned down and kissed her, he didn't like for Shane to look at her too long. She kissed him back and then pulled free of him and went on into her room.

Shane looked up at Kevin and frowned, "You make me sick man." Kevin walked down the stairs and looked down on Shane, "Don't be so jealous, she likes me better." Shane laughed and then shook his head, "Sure she does, she's been with your for three years and you haven't even been able to get her to make-out with you yet." Kevin shrugged, "Like you could get her to?" Shane grinned, "Is that a bet?" Kevin nodded to him, "If you get her to make out with you before she makes out with me, then you can have her." Shane's eyes lit up, "It's a done deal."

As Kevin walked out of the house, Shane went up the stairs and knocked on Whisper's door. From inside he heard her tell him to come on inside. When he walked into the room, he stopped in his tracks and his eyes went wide. It was the first time in ten years he had seen her in a dress and he could hardly breathe. She smiled at him as she looked at herself in the mirror, "Do you like it Shane?" He walked to her and nodded, "Y- yeah..its great." Whisper turned to look at him, "Is anything wrong Shane?" He shook his head, "No, I'm just not used to seeing you in a dress."

She smiled to him, "I know, but I just had to have this dress." He nodded and reached down, taking hold of her hand. Whisper watched him as he did, "Shane.." He put a finger to her lips, "Don't say anything." She nodded and just looked at him, wondering what in the world he was doing. Shane smiled to her as he took off the mask and dropped it in a chair. Whisper started to take a step backward from him, she knew that she couldn't let him get too close to her or she'd end up letting him know she loved him. He held her in her place, gently pulling her to him, "Whisper, don't run from me."

Jeff had just gotten up as he walked out of his room and down the hall, stopping at Whisper's door. He couldn't believe what he was seeing at the moment, this was bound to get interesting. Shane put an arm around her back and pulled her up against him. She started to say something when Shane's mouth landed on hers. Jeff's eyes went wide as he pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. Whisper could hardly stand up so she put her arms around his shoulders.

Shane took this as an encouraging move and put his other arm around her as he deepened the kiss. She whimpered as he did, not expecting it to happen. After a moment, he let her go, "Is that what you wanted to do?" Her eyes met his as she ran her hand along his face, "no." He watched her closely, "Then what did you want to do?" She started to answer him, but then shook her head, "I have work to do Shane, just forget that this moment ever happened."

As Whisper left the room, Jeff walked in and looked at Shane, "That took a lot of guts my man." Shane ran a hand through his hair and sighed, "I didn't mean for it to happen like that, but I couldn't keep myself from it." Jeff laughed as he put his hand on Shane's shoulder, "Man, she's the hottest diva in the company today. Its kind of hard for any guy to keep his hands off of her." Nodding, Shane agreed with him, "Unfortunately the one man that has her, doesn't deserve her at all." Jeff frowned, "I know, he's twice her age or more. I don't know what she sees in the guy. If I were her, and I know I'm not, I'd go with myself."

Jeff and Shane burst out laughing as Jeff ran a hand down his chest like Whisper did. Shane shook his head, "Man, Hardy. She wouldn't go with you, your too weird." Jeff rolled his eyes, "At least I'm not the dude with the cape and the mask that claims he can fly." Shane struck the Hurri-pose, "You dare to diss the Hurricane! Whassup wit dat!?" Jeff went into a fit of laughter along with Shane, "Helms, you have totally and completely lost your mind. That is if you ever had one to lose." Shane fwapped him, "I have not lost my mind Hardy."

They laughed a while longer before walking downstairs, both of them stopping as they heard yelling. Jeff peeked around the corner and saw Whisper and Nash arguing in the kitchen. Shane tapped on Jeff's shoulder and gave him a funny look. Jeff mouthed to Shane that there was an argument going on at the current moment. Whisper had her hand on her hip and didn't look very happy at all, "Kevin I've had it!" Nash had his arms crossed over his chest and was glaring at her as she yelled at him, "That's what you said last time."

Whisper couldn't hold it back any longer as she drew her arm back and hit him across the face as hard as she could. The force of her punch knocked Nash backward as Whisper turned and walked out of the kitchen with both fists clenched. Jeff and Shane stared after her in complete shock, they had known she was strong but that punch had been pretty bad. Shane looked into the kitchen where Nash was standing, blood running from his lip and nose, "Ouch.." Jeff nodded, "Yeah, I agree Helms." Shane looked back at Jeff, "That wasn't just ouch, that was daz-amn!" Jeff chuckled, "You got that right."

Shane walked up the stairs and knocked on her door softly, "Cass, are you in there?" He could hear her shuffling around in the room and sniffling before she opened the door. He smiled a bit and held his arms open to her. She hesitated for a moment before flinging herself into his arms and crying into his chest. Shane rested his cheek on her head as he held her to him and let her cry it all out, "It'll be ok Cass, I'm here for you." Jeff leaned against the railing and watched them, "Helms, your getting in too deep man."

When Whisper finally regained control of herself she looked up at Shane, "Thanks Shane." He smiled at her and wiped a stray tear away from her face, "Your welcome, but that's what friends are for." She nodded and took a deep breath before resting her head back on his chest, "I just need you to hold me Shane." Shane nodded and picked her up, carrying her downstairs to her chair where he sat down with her on his lap. Whisper grabbed a box of tissues and snuggled into Shane's arms, "Thanks Shane, I owe you for this one." He shook his head, "You don't owe me anything Cassie."

A/N: Is it me or am I getting all mushy gushy? I thought so, but anyway I hope you like my first attempt at having Shane as a romantic interest. I can do Shane pretty good normally, but this is a little difficult for me. Please review, and if you have any suggestions for me then I thank you.