The Teachers
Disclaimer: *cries* nothing is mine! *Runs away*
It was with some cheerfulness when Harry pressed the red gem on his bracelet to bring him to the dining room. He expected a large beautiful table with glass and crystal cutlery and plates. He expected a beautiful room with carpets and roses. He expected delicious dishes arranged neatly on the table. What he did not expect was a long row of men lining up in one row against the wall.
The men were all dressed differently. Some wore suits, some wore tunics with swords by their sides, some wore robes covered in stars and planets.He even saw one dressed in a fishnet. When he first entered the room, all he could do was gawk with his jaw open until a chuckle was heard from across the room.
Then he looked up and stared some more. His grandfather was dressed in a black tanktop with a chain around his neck. He also wore leather pants along with dragon hide boots. It wasn't the fact that his grandfather looked dead sexy that bothered him. It wasn't the fact that he was even thinking that his grandfather looked sexy that bothered him. It was the fact that he thinks the male population looked sexy and not the female.
His grandfather chuckled again and patted a seat beside him.
"Come Harry, have a seat and wipe your jaw off the floor. You look like a goldfish."
He closed his mouth abruptly and took the seat next to his grandfather. Suddenly, dishes upon dishes of food appeared on the table. He stared at them in wonder and look at his grandfather.
Harrison looked right back at his grandson and said, "What are you waiting for, tuck in!"
And so he did.
It was when the dishes are cleared that Harry remembered the men. He turned around and blinked. They were still standing there motionless. Harry debated over the idea that they were dead or not. Na.Grandfather won't arrange dead man in the dining room. Besides, corpses smell.
But he still looked at them uneasily. He couldn't tell whether they were blinking or not because they were all wearing sunglasses. He decided the best way to find out was to ask his grandfather.
"Grandfather, who are they?"
"Oh they are your teachers," Harrison answered casually.
And for the third time since he entered the said room, Harry's jaw dropped and he uttered a single word. "What!?"
This time Harrison Seth Potter looked at his grandson directly in the eye and said, "A Potter needs to know how to defend him or herself, especially you since Voldemort is specifically after your head. The defenses you were taught at school are child's play and there is no way you will survive if you and Voldemort duel head on.
Standing before you is the current twenty-five of the world's best swordsman, martial artist, weapons master, poison dealer, knife-thrower, spell caster, sorcerer, necromancer, trickster and liar.
(A/N yes liar! People need to know how to lie effectively!)
From tomorrow onwards, they will teach you all their skill and talent and you will learn how to properly defend yourself.
I don't care whether you have school or not but you will not leave the Potter grounds until you defeat each one of them at what they're best at. It is not an impossible task; I managed to defeat my twenty-five so stop giving me that face.
Since tomorrow you will start your training, you have this afternoon and tonight free. I would advise against exploring the manor since you'll find yourself getting to know this place with the mountains and gardens quite well depending on your teachers' choice of a "classroom".
I would advise you to either look through the clothes and books you are to use in each class; they are on your bed or look in the libraries on the subjects. They are most likely in the dark arts section.
You know, your father would not have died in the pitiful way he did if he did not run away and completed his training. Speaking of it that way, all the people who died by Voldemort's killing curse didn't complete they're training either.
I completed it and I'm still alive. So I advise you not to run away unless you want to live. Not that you'll have a choice. I will not allow the Heir of the Potter's family fortune to die.
Have a nice evening!"
He smirked and left the dining room along with all twenty-five of the men leaving behing a gaping Harry Potter.
~Meanwhile in the Wizarding World~
"What do you mean he's missing!" A very angry Sirius roared at Albus Dumbledore before turning to two embarrassed kids, "And what do you mean when you forgot to write to him!! Do you have any idea how lonely it is for him at the Dursleys!"
"Sirius! Calm down. I'm sure Albus will find him." Remus said trying to calm dowm his friend."
"Well he'd better!" Sirius huffed and stormed out of the room.
-_-_- ~Potter Manor; Dining Room~
Harry stared in shock for a few minutes before getting up from his seat. He vowed to finish this course sooner so his friends wouldn't worry so much about him then stopped short.
Oh I forgot that I don't have friends. It doesn't matter no one really cares. I vowed to finish this course as a Potter. I vow not as Harry James Potter the Boy-Who-Lived but as Harry Artemis Potter the heir of the Potter estate.
The only way to really pass this course is to throw away the past and concentrate on the course. Sirius used to say that James told him that all Potters are stubborn as hell and if that's true, he had no chance of changing his grandfather's mind so he might as well go along with it.
He stretched and pressed the black gem on his bracelet, successfully transported into the black wing. He headed towards the libraries and was shocked by the mere size of it. The library consists of three gigantic rooms; the first is for beginners, second is for intermediate dark arts and the last is for masters.
To Harry's surprise, the Unforgivables were considered as intermediate and he shuddered as he thought of the things in the master's room. When he went into the beginner's room, he realized that he didn't know what tomorrow's lesson is on and cursed himself for his stupidity. He quickly pressed the yellow button.
Reaching his rooms, he went to his bed and gaped. With a jolt Harry realized with amusement that he seemed to be doing that a lot lately. This place never managed to stop surprising him. On his bed were piles and piles of clothing with piles and piles of books. He sighed and wondered how on earth was he going to find his schedule in the mess.
He took another look at the piles and started to panic. He found that he really really wanted it to be neat.
Purga Pila. What the? Where did that come from?
With a start, Harry realized that he was no longer panicking and a spell just came into his head. Somehow, he knew it would sort the mess out. He started to reach for his wand when another realization hit him. His wand was in his trunk, his trunk was somewhere with his grandfather. Simplified: He no longer had his wand.
This day started as good and then became a nightmare! What am I going to do in my lessons without my wand and I have no idea where grandfather is! My only hope is my so-call wandless magic. There may be some truth in the proverb: When there is a will, there is a way.
Harry closed his eyes in concentration and forced his breathing to be rhythmic. He raised his right hand in front of him and opened his eyes. Focusing on the piles on his bed, he said in a steady voice, "Purga Pila."
For a spilt second, he thought it didn't work but the thought was quickly censored when he felt something not quite different from liquid fire inside him rising steadily. In front of him, the clothing and materials started rearranging themselves into seven piles with his schedule on top of them. To say Harry was pleased is an understatement.
Nothing in his life had ever worked out right for him and for once things were going the way he wanted. He went to his bed and saw that his first teacher and opponent was the poison master. He briefly glanced at the books required and reached a hand to pressed the black stone on his wrist.
A second later, the rooms were empty yet again.
~Potter Manor; Tiger Suite
Harrison Seth Potter was also pleased as he watched his grandson did wandless magic through his crystal ball. Maybe he wasn't such a hopeless case after all. He was sure that before this incident, his grandson did not know the Sorting charm for only People doing wandless magic could use it.
If Harry knew, that means the Potter power was there to guard and guide the boy. He waved a hand and the crystal ball on his lap disappeared. He waved another time and a diagram consisting of the Potters' security system appeared. He double-checked the shields that prevented Harry from leaving. He was not going to make the same mistake twice.
Grimly, he remembered the day James escaped to Hogwarts. Oh no. He definitely will not make the same mistake twice and lose an heir the second time. No matter what people think, he was still getting older each day and he desperately needed an heir. Seeing that the shields and defences were okay and he also put some new ones that directly prevented outsiders from coming in, (the last thing he needed was for some fool to come and "rescue" his grandson) he lay down for his much-needed sleep.
~Voldemort's Headquarters~
"You said that the Potter brat had disappeared?" Voldemort gleefuly asked the sniveling man beside him.
"Yes mmmastter." Wormtail said.
He pressed a finger on the mark on Wormtail's arm and by the end of the minute, a circle of hooded-figures appeared on sight.
They were all looking warily at the Dark Lord for experience taught them that if you're summoned, it usually meant risky plans or pain. But what shocked them was when their lord summoned hundreds of bottles of champagne and ask them to drink. They eyed the bottles as if afraid there might be poison in it. (which very well might be the case)
But they were reassured when the Dark Lord said, "The Potter brat is gone. I thought we should celebrate, eh!"
And they started drinking.
Disclaimer: *cries* nothing is mine! *Runs away*
It was with some cheerfulness when Harry pressed the red gem on his bracelet to bring him to the dining room. He expected a large beautiful table with glass and crystal cutlery and plates. He expected a beautiful room with carpets and roses. He expected delicious dishes arranged neatly on the table. What he did not expect was a long row of men lining up in one row against the wall.
The men were all dressed differently. Some wore suits, some wore tunics with swords by their sides, some wore robes covered in stars and planets.He even saw one dressed in a fishnet. When he first entered the room, all he could do was gawk with his jaw open until a chuckle was heard from across the room.
Then he looked up and stared some more. His grandfather was dressed in a black tanktop with a chain around his neck. He also wore leather pants along with dragon hide boots. It wasn't the fact that his grandfather looked dead sexy that bothered him. It wasn't the fact that he was even thinking that his grandfather looked sexy that bothered him. It was the fact that he thinks the male population looked sexy and not the female.
His grandfather chuckled again and patted a seat beside him.
"Come Harry, have a seat and wipe your jaw off the floor. You look like a goldfish."
He closed his mouth abruptly and took the seat next to his grandfather. Suddenly, dishes upon dishes of food appeared on the table. He stared at them in wonder and look at his grandfather.
Harrison looked right back at his grandson and said, "What are you waiting for, tuck in!"
And so he did.
It was when the dishes are cleared that Harry remembered the men. He turned around and blinked. They were still standing there motionless. Harry debated over the idea that they were dead or not. Na.Grandfather won't arrange dead man in the dining room. Besides, corpses smell.
But he still looked at them uneasily. He couldn't tell whether they were blinking or not because they were all wearing sunglasses. He decided the best way to find out was to ask his grandfather.
"Grandfather, who are they?"
"Oh they are your teachers," Harrison answered casually.
And for the third time since he entered the said room, Harry's jaw dropped and he uttered a single word. "What!?"
This time Harrison Seth Potter looked at his grandson directly in the eye and said, "A Potter needs to know how to defend him or herself, especially you since Voldemort is specifically after your head. The defenses you were taught at school are child's play and there is no way you will survive if you and Voldemort duel head on.
Standing before you is the current twenty-five of the world's best swordsman, martial artist, weapons master, poison dealer, knife-thrower, spell caster, sorcerer, necromancer, trickster and liar.
(A/N yes liar! People need to know how to lie effectively!)
From tomorrow onwards, they will teach you all their skill and talent and you will learn how to properly defend yourself.
I don't care whether you have school or not but you will not leave the Potter grounds until you defeat each one of them at what they're best at. It is not an impossible task; I managed to defeat my twenty-five so stop giving me that face.
Since tomorrow you will start your training, you have this afternoon and tonight free. I would advise against exploring the manor since you'll find yourself getting to know this place with the mountains and gardens quite well depending on your teachers' choice of a "classroom".
I would advise you to either look through the clothes and books you are to use in each class; they are on your bed or look in the libraries on the subjects. They are most likely in the dark arts section.
You know, your father would not have died in the pitiful way he did if he did not run away and completed his training. Speaking of it that way, all the people who died by Voldemort's killing curse didn't complete they're training either.
I completed it and I'm still alive. So I advise you not to run away unless you want to live. Not that you'll have a choice. I will not allow the Heir of the Potter's family fortune to die.
Have a nice evening!"
He smirked and left the dining room along with all twenty-five of the men leaving behing a gaping Harry Potter.
~Meanwhile in the Wizarding World~
"What do you mean he's missing!" A very angry Sirius roared at Albus Dumbledore before turning to two embarrassed kids, "And what do you mean when you forgot to write to him!! Do you have any idea how lonely it is for him at the Dursleys!"
"Sirius! Calm down. I'm sure Albus will find him." Remus said trying to calm dowm his friend."
"Well he'd better!" Sirius huffed and stormed out of the room.
-_-_- ~Potter Manor; Dining Room~
Harry stared in shock for a few minutes before getting up from his seat. He vowed to finish this course sooner so his friends wouldn't worry so much about him then stopped short.
Oh I forgot that I don't have friends. It doesn't matter no one really cares. I vowed to finish this course as a Potter. I vow not as Harry James Potter the Boy-Who-Lived but as Harry Artemis Potter the heir of the Potter estate.
The only way to really pass this course is to throw away the past and concentrate on the course. Sirius used to say that James told him that all Potters are stubborn as hell and if that's true, he had no chance of changing his grandfather's mind so he might as well go along with it.
He stretched and pressed the black gem on his bracelet, successfully transported into the black wing. He headed towards the libraries and was shocked by the mere size of it. The library consists of three gigantic rooms; the first is for beginners, second is for intermediate dark arts and the last is for masters.
To Harry's surprise, the Unforgivables were considered as intermediate and he shuddered as he thought of the things in the master's room. When he went into the beginner's room, he realized that he didn't know what tomorrow's lesson is on and cursed himself for his stupidity. He quickly pressed the yellow button.
Reaching his rooms, he went to his bed and gaped. With a jolt Harry realized with amusement that he seemed to be doing that a lot lately. This place never managed to stop surprising him. On his bed were piles and piles of clothing with piles and piles of books. He sighed and wondered how on earth was he going to find his schedule in the mess.
He took another look at the piles and started to panic. He found that he really really wanted it to be neat.
Purga Pila. What the? Where did that come from?
With a start, Harry realized that he was no longer panicking and a spell just came into his head. Somehow, he knew it would sort the mess out. He started to reach for his wand when another realization hit him. His wand was in his trunk, his trunk was somewhere with his grandfather. Simplified: He no longer had his wand.
This day started as good and then became a nightmare! What am I going to do in my lessons without my wand and I have no idea where grandfather is! My only hope is my so-call wandless magic. There may be some truth in the proverb: When there is a will, there is a way.
Harry closed his eyes in concentration and forced his breathing to be rhythmic. He raised his right hand in front of him and opened his eyes. Focusing on the piles on his bed, he said in a steady voice, "Purga Pila."
For a spilt second, he thought it didn't work but the thought was quickly censored when he felt something not quite different from liquid fire inside him rising steadily. In front of him, the clothing and materials started rearranging themselves into seven piles with his schedule on top of them. To say Harry was pleased is an understatement.
Nothing in his life had ever worked out right for him and for once things were going the way he wanted. He went to his bed and saw that his first teacher and opponent was the poison master. He briefly glanced at the books required and reached a hand to pressed the black stone on his wrist.
A second later, the rooms were empty yet again.
~Potter Manor; Tiger Suite
Harrison Seth Potter was also pleased as he watched his grandson did wandless magic through his crystal ball. Maybe he wasn't such a hopeless case after all. He was sure that before this incident, his grandson did not know the Sorting charm for only People doing wandless magic could use it.
If Harry knew, that means the Potter power was there to guard and guide the boy. He waved a hand and the crystal ball on his lap disappeared. He waved another time and a diagram consisting of the Potters' security system appeared. He double-checked the shields that prevented Harry from leaving. He was not going to make the same mistake twice.
Grimly, he remembered the day James escaped to Hogwarts. Oh no. He definitely will not make the same mistake twice and lose an heir the second time. No matter what people think, he was still getting older each day and he desperately needed an heir. Seeing that the shields and defences were okay and he also put some new ones that directly prevented outsiders from coming in, (the last thing he needed was for some fool to come and "rescue" his grandson) he lay down for his much-needed sleep.
~Voldemort's Headquarters~
"You said that the Potter brat had disappeared?" Voldemort gleefuly asked the sniveling man beside him.
"Yes mmmastter." Wormtail said.
He pressed a finger on the mark on Wormtail's arm and by the end of the minute, a circle of hooded-figures appeared on sight.
They were all looking warily at the Dark Lord for experience taught them that if you're summoned, it usually meant risky plans or pain. But what shocked them was when their lord summoned hundreds of bottles of champagne and ask them to drink. They eyed the bottles as if afraid there might be poison in it. (which very well might be the case)
But they were reassured when the Dark Lord said, "The Potter brat is gone. I thought we should celebrate, eh!"
And they started drinking.