JUST FOR GERI 3 Because she asked for it.


"Would you just mind getting your hand off of my arse, Malfoy! I'm trying to think of a way for us to get out of this mess!"

"I thought that it might help…."

"And how the hell would that help?" Harry took a pause, glancing at his behind. "It's still there."

Draco shrugged a little. "I don't know…. Hey, look, it was your idea to cast the spell in the first place, I just went along with it."

"You provided the spell."

"Even so, it wasn't me who magiced our hips together." Draco looked at Harry, grinning.

"Okay, Mr. 'Hey Harry, let's cast a spell to enhance our pleasure!' Really fucking smart, Draco."

Draco rose both of his hands up defensively, nearly smacking Harry in the face while doing so. "Look, just because you're stupid enough to go along with my idea does not make this my fault, okay? Thanks."

"This is entirely your fault!"

"Oh for Merlin's sake, Potter, would you mind just kissing me already?"

Harry looked at Draco incredulously and laughed. "You're impossible, you know that?" But he was more than happy to do so.