Sorry this has taken so long. The life of a mommy isn't and easy one.


Chapter 4- Makes the medicine go down

Hello Monday morning and goodbye social life.

Pan walked with her eyes downcast off the bus on the side of the school. She didn't know or care who was looking at her, she knew none of these people mattered...yet. Once Marron was able to start spreading nasty rumors about her, then it would matter. She knew Marron held her whole high school existence in the palm of her perfectly manicured hands. Pan didn't even try today when it came to her wardrobe. Instead of getting up before the sun did to pick something out she slept until it was almost time to catch the bus. Neither of her parents said anything to her.

She could feel her mothers eyes watching her for awhile while she ate a quick breakfast. Pan knew it was one of those "what happened to my sweet little girl" looks. She hated that look. Without a word she left the house and trudged down to the bus stop where a few other kids she saw everyday waited.

Pan was embraced by a cool blast of wind when she opened the heavy door to the school building. All the faceless people passed her by like a blur. She almost caught herself feeling self-conscious about her plain t-shirt and jeans. Who was she kidding? After first period, it wouldn't even matter. Everyone would be stuffed with the worst and positively untrue information about her in a few hours. She would be ruined like Sharon Atsuko, the last person to piss Marron off royally. Pan had only seen her a few times after Marron got through spreading lies about her. Pan didn't even know what the poor girl had done to make Marron so angry. The word was that it got so bad that Sharon had to transfer schools.

Pan contemplated just transferring in advance but her parents wouldn't hear of it at this point. She couldn't even talk to them anymore. They would just interrupt or just walk out of the room. Sometimes she wondered how that was supposed to make her behave.

Pan felt all the hairs on her body stand up straight when she heard the voice of the one she'd been dreading.

"Look who it's our little nark friend PAN!"

Marron was surrounded by a bunch of other students Pan somewhat considered to be her friends at one time; before this morning.

They were all looking at her and laughing about something Marron had told them long before Pan had gotten there. Pan just kept walking, already accepting the fact that this was her new way of life here at school. After all her hard work just to be friends with the very people that she grew up with, this is how it would all end. Maybe, if she worked hard enough with all her new free time, she could graduate early and forever get away from this horrible place.

Pan knew that Marron had only just begun. She was surprised she had gotten off so easy just then. She hurried to her locker to get her books for first period then hurried to her class. She thought about asking one of those bulky football players to stuff her in her locker for the day. After Marron had done her damage she didn't doubt that they probably would.

Goten was about to take the valium he'd purchased off of a certain someone when he noticed Trunks head his way. He stuffed them into his pocket and pulled a book out of his locker. Trunks looked stressed about something. "Hey bro, what's with you today?"

Trunks shook his head, "Nothing man, just got a test later I think and I didnt really study." Goten half laughed and half scoffed, "Oh like that would stress YOU out when you have a 4.0. You KNOW all this high school shit man, you're already in college prep courses!"

Trunks should have known that Goten would see through that bullshit excuse. He rubbed his face with his hands, ignoring a few girls that waved to him flirtatiously. "It's your niece Goten. She fucking got to me the other night."

Now Trunks had his attention. "Whoa wait, what do you mean GOT to you? You didn't do anything with her did you? Cause if you-"

"What the hell? You KNOW that wouldn't happen for about a million reasons! Come ON give me SOME credit!"

Goten smiled sheepishly, "Yeah you're right. Sorry bout that. So what is it then? Is this about Friday? She got seriously grounded! She can't go anywhere for like, the rest of the year!"

Trunks shook his head, that was her own doing. Goten was waiting for an explanation.

"I tried to tell her what we all know to be true, thinking that maybe in that situation she would finally see it. Instead she just...she just told me off about ME! I didn't even do anything to her but now that I think about it...maybe I did." Goten looked even more shocked.

"She told YOU off? Wow I didnt think anyone belonging to the female breed would tell YOU off unless you stood them up or something."

Trunks just looked at his friend with annoyance. Goten put his hands up in defeat "Sorry, sorry."

"So what DID she say huh? I've seriously GOT to know now!"

Despite his friends questions, Trunks decided to do something he should have done a long time ago. He walked down the halls hoping to find Pan even though the school consisted of several LARGE buildings, besides that fact the bell had just rung. Trunks decided to find her later, maybe during lunch since he'd seen her in his lunch period numerous times.

Marron took another long drag from her cigarette, her eyes settled on something in the distance it seemed.

"It's perfect, we'll do it."

Bra and Cherry looked at each other skeptically. They didn't know why Marron was always so bent on getting Pan. Other people had done worse things then run away then tell someone who couldn't even do anything to them. It was like it was Marrons lot in life to destroy Pan, even though Pan was doing a fine enough job on her own. Cherry took the initiative to speak up.

"Seriously Bra, I think ousting her from our group is torture enough. The poor girl did everything in the world just to be our friend."

Marron threw her cigarette filter to the ground and stomped on it more than necessary. "She is an embarrassment to my judgment! To think that I ever let her be our friend is disgraceful! We must let others know what happens when you embarrass Marron Chestnut!"

As if the clouds had cleared the sky in both Bra and Cherry's mind, they started to see Marron in a self-obsessed light. Bra didn't even feel worried when she finally spoke her mind. "Cool it Marron! It's not like she's some skank loser! This is PAN we're talking about! Our families have saved the ea-" Bra stopped when she remembered that Cherry was present. "Our families have been friends for generations! We can't let some stupid drama come in between that! I say you just let it go."

Marron stomped over to where Bra was sitting next to Cherry, her wedge heels thudding against the ground. "Bra! Quit your good samaritan bullshit! This affects you too! You don't want her to start telling everyone that we're some fucking coke whores now do you?"

Bra looked sheepishly at the ground. She didn't think of that but still, she didn't think Pan would do that either.

"Exactly my point, so we MUST crush her while we can!"

Bra and Cherry exchanged glances...there was no stopping Marron now.

Pan idly sat in her literature class, staring blankly ahead but not really paying attention. So far, she could tell Marron hadn't begun her major damage yet seeing as how no one paid any attention to her. She would definitely know when Marron had woven her web of revenge.

First period was just more of a stress period. Pan felt anxiety attack after anxiety attack, almost as if she'd expected Marron to burst into the room and ruin her right then. She hurried to her second period, running into countless people. Some of the people from the "in crowd" still said hi to her. She hastily waved back and continued on her seemingly endless way to second period. She might as well get used to no one talking to her, even her own parents.

Now here she was in her class, not even paying attention to anything that was being said. Next period was lunch, Marrons favorite time to do her dirty work. When that dreaded bell rang Pan waited a few minutes before getting out of her seat.

I Might as well get it over with.'

Pan collected all her things and walked into the masses of students going to lunch or third period. So this was it, the one thing in life she fought so much against. Here it was HAPPENING and she couldn't do anything about it. No one could and even if they did, there were very few people who could actually have more influence than Marron.

Pan walked outside, her eyes adjusting to the sunlight. She didn't exactly feel like eating but her inherited appetite begged to differ. After standing in line for food, she ran into the very thing she was waiting for.

Marron was with a group of people, as usual, only now they had a prime target: her. They were all looking at her and Marron was saying snide little comments, like always. Of course, Pan knew that wasn't her WORST. Marron stepped forward like a bee (the queen bee to be exact) emerging from the hive.

"There she is, thats the girl who gave Kevin that rash!"

Oh Lord was she KIDDING? Of ALL things to say...

Everyone started making noises like they were disgusted. The thing is, Pan knew that ALL of them knew that this was what Marron did. It didn't matter if any of what she said was true, they were going to play along and stay on her good side. Marron circled her like some vulture with designer jeans, laughably.

"Then she tried to give it to ME when she told me she was in love with me all this time!" Pan felt completely horrified. How could ANYONE be so cruel? Now she regretted all the times she helped Marron do this to other people. How could she? Pan finally realized that there were many people who had been in her current position. She had been a bitch just like Marron and her 'friends' and it had taken her to be in this position to see it.

"Fucking lesbian! After I was your friend all these years..."

Marron never got to finish because Pans fist connected with the side of her face. It was all a blur from there.

Trunks had walked up just in time to see Pan plant one right on Marrons cheek, a punch that is. He stopped in his tracks, completely surprised. Had he really just seen that? He knew that even though Pan never trained, saiyins were naturally MUCH stronger than anyone else. If Marron hadn't come from an android, he'd be seriously worried about Pan getting herself into some serious trouble. After that first punch, he saw Pan get a certain look on her face. He knew that look. It was bloodlust. He saw it on his father, his friends, and he knew he'd had it too. If he didnt step in soon, Marron could literally get herself killed. Everyone stood there speechless as Son Pan began to beat Marron relentlessly. Her voice was smooth as steel when she spoke.

"You were NEVER my friend. You don't know what I've done for you and now you'll pay."

Before Pan could deliver a possibly lethal blow, Trunks came up behind her and grabbed her away. He knew that when she came to, she might go into a state of shock and pass out. He ran with her in his arms through the crowds while students and teachers ran to take care of the beaten girl. Trunks knew that teachers and administrators would be told who it was that did the damage but for now he had to take care of Pan. He took her into a bathroom and told everyone to get out. He locked the door and put Pan on the ground. After wetting some towels he wiped the blood from her fists and arms. She started to wake up.

"Where the hell am I?"

Trunks was relieved that she seemed ok. She looked at him puzzled. "How did I get in this bathroom with you? Whats going on Trunks?"

He sighed and wiped some blood off her face. "You lost it and I had to get you out of there before you ended up killing Marron."

Pan looked at him in disbelief...had she really done that? She looked at her 'rescuer', "Whats going to happen now?"

He gave a small smile that looked more hopeless than hopeful. "I don't know Pan."

Pan hated to cry in front of her estranged friend but she didnt know what else to do. She had just done one of the most unforgivable things she could have ever done.

At school anyways.

Trunks, not knowing what else to do, hugged her. Surprisingly, she didnt pull away but just let herself go.

Later that same day Pan sat in the office of the school psychiatrist with her parents. Both of them looked extremely displeased. Videl did alot of the talking, which was probably the worst idea.

"We don't know what's wrong with her. She lies, sneaks out, all she cares about is pleasing her so-called friends. We don't know what to do anymore!" Pan wanted to shout that she was just a normal teenager! She wasn't perfect but she wasn't some psycho either...right?

The psychiatrist, a Dr. Tealeaf, nodded and wrote some things down on a notepad. He looked at Pan through his thick glasses. The man couldn't have been older than thirty five but he had a certain air about him that said he knew what he was doing.

"Has she suffered any major losses in the family? Any abuse or neglect?" This time Gohan spoke up, "Her grandfather, whom she use to look up to, has been absent most of her life. Could it be that?" Dr. Tealeaf wrote down more things and nodded his head. "That could definitely be the root to her lifestyle of following and hidden anger."

Pan couldn't believe what she was hearing. All she wanted was for her 'friends' to like her! Thats all! Was that so wrong? She could barely remember her grandfather!

Her mom spoke up, "The school wants to expel her if you say that her presence is a threat to the other students. You won't do that will you?"

The doctor tapped his pen against the desk for a moment then stood up suddenly. He pulled a key from his pocket and went to a small cabinet. After unlocking it he opened it to reveal a plethora of bottles of medication. He pulled out two different bottles then re-locked the cabinet. He held them up in front of Pan and her parents. Gohan frowned, "Drugs? Do you REALLY think it's that bad?" Pan was relieved to hear SOMEONE with a voice of reason.

The doctor sat down, still holding up the bottles. "Well, yes and no. The school will only be satisfied with Pans attendance if they see something is being done about her behavior. We can give her a sort of trial run, if you will. I'll prescribe her a small dose of two drugs called carbamazepine and lithium. We give them mostly to people with borderline personality disorders, which Pan has shown signs of. They're mostly to relax her and keep her anger under control. There are some side affects but nothing too serious. And I can only give them to her with your written permission."

Pan sat there, wondering if her parents were REALLY going to put her on MEDICATION like she was some PSYCHOPATH!

Gohan and Videl talked to each other for a few minutes then came to a conclusion.

"We'll do it."

Yeah this was more of a filler chapter, sad to say. I wanted to get into the THICK of it but alas it was not yet time. I'll be starting fashion and design school monday but hopefully I'll still have the inspiration for this story. I can't wait to install the next chapter! I know Gohan and Videl are wonderful loving parents but I wanted to portray that even parents can make poor decisions (which I'm sure most of us ALREADY know). So don't worry, I'm not gonna make them some mindless parents. Plus I wanted to show that just because people have problems in their lives DOESNT mean they need meds stuffed down their throats! I hate how all these stupid commercials come on with the most RETARDED "disorders' like RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME!! Are you fucking kidding me? I know there are SOME real disorders out there but come ON! Its like if someone SNEEZES they have Exploding Nasal Cavity syndrome! I wish all these asshole "doctors" would quit trying to make everyday shit a disease so they can make money off of some bullshit medication with side effects like seizures, loss of hair, vomiting, the runs, headaches, nausea, and the like. I'd rather deal with just sneezing thank you!

please review!