Diaper Training

Author: LittleTrixta

Author: Here doth lay part three...ith. Sorry. Been reading "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and I'm just filled with Shakespheare-ian jargon... Not very GOOD Shakespheare-ian jargon...but HEY. We DEAL. Come to think of it, it's also probably the reason for this chapter's title. Let's just hope I don't have Ash and co. extending their grammer throughout this one.. EEK.

O .O

Moving on...

May this console thus to extend pleasant thoughts....in the form of comments...and such. *wink* wink*

(Hopes that somehow came off as she intended...)


Diaper Training: Part Three - "A Midsummer Nightmare"

What was it? Really.

That's all she wanted to know.

She just needed some simple reasoning..

What exactly had she done. . .

. . .To deserve this.

Misty blew another huff of pent up frustration into her pillow. The same pillow that was currently being jammed into her face as an attempt to shut away the awakening sounds of Ash's snores, Jacob's cries, plus the whoops of victory from the laundry room. Just exactly what kind of trainer allows his Pokemon to have Friday night poker games anyway...

But somehow in the pocket of Misty's eardrums she got the slight notion that Ash probably wasn't even aware of his Pokemon's nightly habits being too busy running his own orchastra in his sleep.

However, she half expected this to happen, having made a personal relationship with Ash's snores over the years, and knowing very well how much responsibility a baby was after being told countlessly by a wide eyed and insistant Brock throughout Ash and Misty's early teen years. But, it seemed as though everytime she was suckered into helping out, she just ended up getting the rough ends of the rope.

I am just too nice for my own good...
Misty thought while rubbing her eye.

Soon Jacobs cries had grown to a climactic rate and she was no longer left with the option of hoping Jacob would settle down or waiting for Ash to wake his lazy butt up and do something about it. So she'd decided to check in on him to see if he was alright. Misty threw the sheets aside and flung her legs over the edge of the bed. She shuttered momentarily as the night air stuck to what Ash's extra oversized t-shirt wasn't covering. Which, by the way, took nearly the jaws of life to convince Misty to wear.

Sitting up, she leaned over to reach for her hair tie on the nightstand and lazily gathered her hair into a lose bundle. As she walked towards the end of the hall Ash's snores grew louder, so she knew she was headed in the right direction.

Misty poked her head through the door of Ash's room and frowned as she noted a thundering yet unconcious Ash sleeping beside the baby. The poor child was crying fury and Ash was too caught up in his snoring to even notice, much less hear what was going on right next to him. The baby was bundled up in a cacoon of blankets with a pillow surrounding it's every corner. Somehow Misty knew that this was the result of Ash's long time assumption that building a fort around something was the only way to keep it in, or in this case, keep it from rolling off your bed.

Misty sighed and moved over to the bed. She reached down spooning the baby up with her arms and began dancing around while at the same time attempting to lull it back to sleep with her shushing.

"Ugh. It's not working." Misty grumbled to herself. She then caught a glimpse of the baby bottle on the nightstand.

"You want you're bottle? Is that it?" Misty offered the baby his bottle, but he only refused. So she looked around for some inspiration.

Then an idea struck her.

"Maybe if I sing, hm? Let's see. . ."

Uh.. Out here in the . . .
well. . . not so quiet of the night...

Misty shot a glare at Ash's rumbling form.

Beneath the . . .
um. . .ceiling . . . in. . . Ash's room. .

The baby wasn't buying it, and soon his cries grew louder.

"Geez. . . If only Ash would just shutup for a minute so I can think!"

Misty looked down at Ash and suddenly felt a new found hatred for the young man sprawled out over the bed in a Pikachu t-shirt and checkered boxers. He had promised her he'd help this time. And what was he doing? Nothing. That is, besides letting a pool of drool run down his cheek. Idiot.

Misty's eyes focused on one of the pillows stacked up besides Ash. And in the midst of feeling strangely compelled to do something with it, Misty quickly grabbed the pillow and smacked it against Ash's face . This brought a resounding "OW." from Ash, followed by a "Hey!" and a laugh from the baby.

"Hey! You liked that did you? Here, I'll do it again." And she did.

And the baby laughed.

And Ash said "Ow!" . . . and so on until Ash had had enough.

"Hey! Stop that already!" Ash demanded grabbing hold of the pillow. "What're you doing anyway? Trying to kill me in my sleep?"

"I'm getting the baby to stop crying. And it's working, so will you please just go back to sleep, so I can keep hitting you until the baby does the same?" Ash's expression fell flat.

"How exactly do you expect someone to fall alseep when someone is whacking their face in with a pillow!"

"Well, that's not my problem. My main concern is to try and get this baby to go to sleep. And you're not helping so this is just the price you'll have to pay unless you can think of a better idea." Misty answered.

"Hm. Did it pee or something?" Misty felt below his diaper.


"Did you try feeding it?"

"Yes? But, it wasn't that either."

"Have you, I dunno, tried singing to it?" Ash scratched his head. Misty nodded.

"Yes, Ash. And that didn't work either. The only thing the baby seems to like is when I do this." Misty brought the pillow down on Ash's head. And the baby went into a fit of tiny giggles.

"See." Misty assured.

"Aw. . . I can't believe it." Ash groaned. "Well, you can't just keep hitting me all night."

"Well, I dunno . . ." Misty smiled. "It's a whole lot better then me staying awake any longer listening to you snore."

"Ya, ya. And I don't snore."

"Okay, then. It's either that or the invisible train station in you're backyard." Misty smirked and sat down on the bed beside Ash.

"Look, um, let me have a try." Ash reached over and awkwardly gathered the baby up in his arms. After a few minutes of holding him, Ash was suprised to see that Jacob's cries had dissolved.

"Hey. Would ya look at that? The kid likes me, afterall." Ash turned and gave a proud grin to Misty.

"Hm. He's probably just wiped out with all that laughing." Misty replied with her hands tucked in between her lap.

Everything suddenly became very quiet and there was a wierd natural vibe that spread out through the room. As Misty sat near Ash watching him watch the baby, she wasn't sure if it was a very maternal feeling that was washing over her, or the after affect of being awake all night. To be honest, she had always felt pretty maternal and gooshy for cute, squishy things, but this wasn't a stuffed animal and it wasn't a pokemon. Heck, Ash had to admit himself that being around this baby was starting to make him feel very wierd. Come to think of it this wierd feeling that he was getting was also kind of a wet moist feeling, too.

Ash quickly looked down and pulled one of his arms out from under the baby to see that there was a very shiny liquid something on him.

"Aww, man! It peed on me! The thing peed on me!" Ash's sudden outburst was enough to upset the baby and push him into another fit of tears.

Misty quickly took hold of the baby by the sides and left to get the diapers while Ash dashed to the bathroom to clean up the 'substance' off his arm.

By morning Ash and Misty had somehow ended up knocked out on opposite ends of the couch with Jacob tucked under Misty's arm. It had been a very long night and sometime around three that morning Jacob had found satisfaction in the form of a bottle of warm milk and Ash and Misty were out in the three minutes that followed.

*Ring *Ring

Ash shot up and knocked over the phone sitting on the stand beside the couch. This loud reaction woke up the baby who woke up Misty.

"Pick it up, Ash." Misty urged on while trying to shush the baby.

Ash reached for the phone.

"Uh. Hello?" Ash asked while trying to rub the sleep out of his eye.

"Hello? Ash? It's Diana. We have some bad news. Pete and I won't be home until Monday morning. You see, the convention center has decided to switch the semenar to Sunday, and we can't get a flight out until Monday morning, so I'm afraid Jacob will have to -"

"Stay all weekend. . ." Ash finished, a sulky expression spreading across his face.

"Ya. I'm so sorry. Will it be trouble?" Ash turned and looked toward the kitchen where Misty was attempting to spoon feed Jacob and end up getting a wad of carrots and pees stuck on her face.

"Er. Noo . . ."

"Oh, good! I'm just worried that we haven't left enough food and diapers for you."

"That's okay. I guess we could stop by the store and pick up something."

"We? Oh, is your girlfriend there too?"

Ash coughed. "Uh, girlfriend? Oh, no. no. Just Misty."

"Oh, well tell your girlfriend that we're really thankful she's come to help." Ash twitched.

"I have to go now Ash. Thank you so much! We'll see you monday." Ash hung up the phone and sighed heavily. How was he going to break this to Misty?

"The entire weekend. . ." Ash breathed to himself.

"Who was it?" Ash jumped at Misty's voice echoed from the kitchen opening.

"Well, uh. You see, that was Jacob's mom calling to say that . . ."

"That?" Misty continued.

Ash swallowed a lump in his throat. "That...WehavetowatchJacobfortherestoftheweekend."

"What!" Misty yelled. "No way!"

"Why noooot?"

"You know I have to watch the gym on weekends!"

"Then we'll just uh. . . come with you! We can cheer you on the side lines."

Misty's eyes narrowed. "You want to bring a baby into the gym? Are you serious? Daisy would kill me. It'll disrupt the battles."

"No, it won't. Come on, you can't just leave me! I'm not ready to be alone with it again!"

"Ash, this is crazy! A baby! In the gym for cripes sakes. What'll people think?"

"Who cares what people think. It's a baby. Everyone likes babies. Besides, like you said, you watch the gym on weekends. So, your sisters probably won't even be there. Didn't you say yourself that weekends are pretty slow? No ones probably even going to come in today. Come on Misty? PLEAAASE? Ya, gotta let us come."

"Oh, alright! But one outburst- "

"I'll take care of it. Don't worry. He's been up all night anyway, he'll probably just sleep the whole time."

Misty smirked. "I meant you. I know how you get when you watch battles."

"Hey, just trying to encourage my peers."

"Sure. Just tone it down a notch, huh. Your gonna scare the trainers."

"Okay, okay. But we gotta stop by the store first. The little guy needs to stock up on supplies."

"Carrots... Pees... Custard... And I always thought babies had it good. Everything that sounds good is either mushed or proccessed. And the other stuff is just grose in itself." Ash said scanning the babyfood isle and throwing a few cans of pees and carrots into the basket.

"Well, you should be happy your not a baby. Although, when I think about it..."

"Ha ha." Ash sarcastically commented.

"Uh. Less of the pees, huh. I'm getting sick of the bleeched green stains on all my shirts."

Misty cringed.

As soon as Ash and Misty had all they needed to get they stepped up to the counter.

"So! How's it feel bein' a pappy to such a cute little youngin'?" The old man at the counter asked eyeing Ash before grinning dryly at the baby

"Who, me? A pappy?"Ash pointed to himself questionably before looking toward the baby.

"Oh! You got it all wrong sir. He aint mines."

The old man looked at Misty before staring Ash down dissaprovingly. "Oh. One'er those fellers are ya?"

Ash thought for a moment before he found meaning to the old man's words. However the old man proceeded to hold up line six as he continued to badger at Ash's dignity.

"So, can't face up to yer duty can ya? Not a man's man are ya? Well, we don't need creetons like you givin' us honorable men a bad name. " The old man turned to Misty. "Ya, poor little lady. Don' cha worry. I'm sure you'll find yerself a nice young man who will admit what's his!"

By now three women following in line were joining in to protest Ash's "wrongdoing".

Ash looked at Misty who was currently trying to hold up her own before throwing his hands up in defense. "What? No! You don't understand. He doesn't belong to her either."

"Hm. Not either of yours ya say? Well, well. What has this world come to."

Ash sighed. "Look sir. If you don't mind, we'd like to pay for our diapers and forever erase these past few minutes from our memory."

"Alright-ee then." The man said swiping the price tag across the counter as Ash and Misty avoided the uncomfortable stairs erupting from the back of the line.

Ten minutes into the gym and Ash was already right about things being slow. Misty was tending to some Pokemon at the end of the gym and Ash was sitting on the sidelines next to a sleeping Jacob, bored out of his mind, and tempted to try out that custard.

However a few minutes later, the doors to the gym opened and Ash was suprised when he saw a little boy and a young man not much older then Ash walk in. However it wasn't the little boy that suprised Ash. It was the brown spikey haired man standing next to him. The funny thing was that he looked an awful lot like -


::Yawn:: Ya. I know, week and outplayed cliffhanger. But I needed a finish. I hath not had breakfast and I was in a writting mood. Therefore wrote I did. Well, I managed to make the poor baby hang out a little longer with Ash and Misty. And now Gary is in the picture, so we'll see what he has to say about that.

