One Week in Heaven
Epilogue- Sunday's End

Notes- I'm leaving these for the end. ^-^  But as for the title, I know it comes from the upcoming movie, but I felt it really fit what was going to happen here... even if I'm not sure even now.  I had every action in every chapter planned, so this is kinda different.  Deal. 

Summary- A potions accident leaves Harry with his greatest desire—James and Lily, as they were before the fateful night of their death.  However, he learns in time that this accident will be reversed in one week; so he has only a short time to get to know—and let go of—those he has once loved and will again.


~It does not do well do dwell on dreams, and forget to live. 

~Do you think the ones we love ever truly leave us?

~Albus Dumbledore


Ten Years Later...


Ten years had passed from the time that the war ended. Ten years which the world used to rebuild itself, to rise out of the darkness that once surrounded it, that everyone used to form a new life.

Ginny Weasley lived her life on, enjoying every breath she took. She took part in the weddings of her brother and Hermione, Neville and Luna, and even James and Lily. She bought a small house in the country to live in, where she ended up inviting everyone else to come and live because their lives had become so intertwined. To her, life was perfect except for the void which Harry had filled.

And it was never filled; she never dated again in her life. Never looked at anyone else. Because whenever she did, she looked back on that one moment on the hill, when Harry had looked at her so strongly that their love was able to defeat him. No one ever questioned their love; even though she had only been fifteen at the time. The thing that it had done in ending the war was enough to prove that, and she never forgot.

Towards the middle of the ninth year from the end of the war, Ginny fell ill with headaches. Healers found the source to be cancer, a disease that plagued both muggles and wizards alike. She fought it bravely for five months as it spread and then receded like a deadly tango that took over her body. But nothing could be done- it the end, Virginia Weasley went home from the hospital one last time.

Everyone that had known her flocked to the small country house, and she would spend time with each until she began to feel it taking over her completely. In the last few days, she only allowed the six friends and her parents and brothers to see her. Not even baby Harry, James and Lily's youngest, was allowed in the room. One night, she called each of them in turn and told them something that they would remember forever, her last words to them. Lily was the last, and her words haunted the older woman until her last day- 'Harry's calling me'.

Lily stood outside the door on the last night, and listened as Ginny spoke to those dead, saying over and over that she wasn't ready yet and just to give her a bit more time. Listened as Ginny spoke to her late brothers Charlie and Percy, to Cedric, to Dumbledore, and to her grandparents. And kept repeating, over and over, that she wasn't quite ready.

They all went in the next morning and spoke to her, and she smiled as she always did. It was only when the last person had left the room to get breakfast when they heard the deep sigh from behind them, and realized that she had left.

Someone once said 'Tell me how he died... I'll tell you how he lived.' Ginny fit this- she died happy, content- but missing something deep inside, something that could only be brought by death in the one she loved. And everyone knew that. So although they were sorry to say goodbye, they knew that this was what needed to happen.

Because now Ginny was with the one she loved, and although dead, Harry had begun to live. And so had she.

The prophecy had been fulfilled.


Notes- This is the end.

I wish to express my feelings upon completing this story.  Six months ago, I began this hoping to have fun and write my first successful chapter story.  And although it turned out worse than I'd expected, I learned so much.  The time I spent writing this I would not have spent any other way. 

I would like to thank Briana ( IsleofSolitude) for beta-ing this story and knowing exactly what to say and when. 

I also wish to formally dedicate this story to Brian Paterson, my uncle, who truly was this story.  About the time when I started writing this, he fell ill with cancer.  And as the story progressed, so did his cancer. 

He died on Sunday morning.  He followed the same path that Ginny did here, calling in his family and friends to say goodbye the night before and then talking all night to his dead relatives, before dying after his family left that morning. 

So I guess that I want to just say goodbye to this story and to my uncle.  It's been a ride, but all good things come to an end. 

Open your arms

Close your eyes

Fly away from here

Unto the open skies

To Brian Paterson.