Disclaimer: I, Niela, hereby swear that I do not own Sailor Moon or any of its affiliating characters. I merely intend to borrow them for a while and I promise to return them in the condition they were when I found them...or nearly the same condition...
Author's Notes: Yeah I know I'm supposed to be working on my big stories and I shouldn't commit to anything else before I finish those but I just had to write this and maybe more will come of it eventually. Anyway this could be considered shameless Ami/Mako fluff if you look deep enough but if you can't see it then see it as the story it plainly is. ONE SHOT for now....
Makoto stood on the balcony of her apartment a cigarette held loosely between her fingers. She watched intently as a few clouds floated across the moon. She sighed flicking the ashes from her cigarette before bringing it to her lips to inhale again. She heard the door of the balcony slide open and then shut but chose to ignore it.
"Smoking will kill you," the quiet voice of Ami stated.
Makoto turned to face her with a small smile, "I run the risk of dying each time I get out of bed in the morning."
Ami seemed puzzled by Makoto's statement but said nothing as she joined her in leaning against the railing. They stood in silence and watched the stars until Ami caught a breath of cigarette smoke and delicately coughed.
Turning to Makoto she said, "You should really try to quit."
"Up until tonight I thought I had." Makoto responded softly as she flicked the cigarette away. "It was just the daimohn tonight, I realized how close I came to death each day and it really scared me. After making sure everyone was okay my first thought was, 'God I need a cigarette.' I haven't had a real craving in over a year and I just couldn't help it. I had a pack that I just never seemed to get rid of and well here I am."
An awkward silence reigned over them as Makoto lit another cigarette with a sigh. From inside Makoto's apartment a "catfight" began as Rei chewed Usagi out for something.
Makoto smiled, "Usagi's the one that actually got me to stop. Even before I knew I was a senshi I was terribly afraid of disappointing her. She was my first real friend. I remember after my first day of school here I was about to light a cigarette when Usagi came around the corner and she just stared at me like she didn't know me. I felt so ashamed that I tucked the cigarette behind my ear and forgot about it." She paused and her eyes took on a far-away gaze remembering something she sighed, "The look in her eyes it was something I never wanted to see, it made me feel like I was living down to everyone's expectations of me."
"That doesn't matter to you now, then?" Ami asked.
Makoto turned to her in surprise. "What do you mean? Of course it does," she said indignantly.
"Then why start smoking again?"
"I...I...it's an emotional crutch for me like food is for some people. At least that's how it was explained to me. I was told I did it because I had no friends but when Usagi became my friend I had no need for it," she paused for a moment, "though I think that's a bunch of bull shit. I don't know I guess it's just a bad habit I can't seem to break."
"You didn't really answer my question." Ami stated.
Makoto exhaled a cloud of smoke. "No I guess I didn't. I don't now why I just have I suppose."
"That's not a very good reason."
Makoto rolled her eyes. "What, now I need a good reason to explain each of my decisions?"
"Ones that could endanger you, yes." Ami confirmed.
"If I find a good reason will you let me be about my smoking?" Makoto asked, the cigarette slightly muffling her words.
Ami smiled. "Maybe, but until then no." Ami punctuated her statement by taking Makoto's cigarette and putting it out. With that she left Makoto alone on the balcony.
Makoto smiled wryly. "Good old Doctor Ami," she chuckled as she rejoined her friends inside her apartment.
There we go now it's your turn. You see it's your turn to leave me a review so I can feel really happy and have my ego boosted. If you flame me hey I take those too :) I love criticism. Thanks
Author's Notes: Yeah I know I'm supposed to be working on my big stories and I shouldn't commit to anything else before I finish those but I just had to write this and maybe more will come of it eventually. Anyway this could be considered shameless Ami/Mako fluff if you look deep enough but if you can't see it then see it as the story it plainly is. ONE SHOT for now....
Makoto stood on the balcony of her apartment a cigarette held loosely between her fingers. She watched intently as a few clouds floated across the moon. She sighed flicking the ashes from her cigarette before bringing it to her lips to inhale again. She heard the door of the balcony slide open and then shut but chose to ignore it.
"Smoking will kill you," the quiet voice of Ami stated.
Makoto turned to face her with a small smile, "I run the risk of dying each time I get out of bed in the morning."
Ami seemed puzzled by Makoto's statement but said nothing as she joined her in leaning against the railing. They stood in silence and watched the stars until Ami caught a breath of cigarette smoke and delicately coughed.
Turning to Makoto she said, "You should really try to quit."
"Up until tonight I thought I had." Makoto responded softly as she flicked the cigarette away. "It was just the daimohn tonight, I realized how close I came to death each day and it really scared me. After making sure everyone was okay my first thought was, 'God I need a cigarette.' I haven't had a real craving in over a year and I just couldn't help it. I had a pack that I just never seemed to get rid of and well here I am."
An awkward silence reigned over them as Makoto lit another cigarette with a sigh. From inside Makoto's apartment a "catfight" began as Rei chewed Usagi out for something.
Makoto smiled, "Usagi's the one that actually got me to stop. Even before I knew I was a senshi I was terribly afraid of disappointing her. She was my first real friend. I remember after my first day of school here I was about to light a cigarette when Usagi came around the corner and she just stared at me like she didn't know me. I felt so ashamed that I tucked the cigarette behind my ear and forgot about it." She paused and her eyes took on a far-away gaze remembering something she sighed, "The look in her eyes it was something I never wanted to see, it made me feel like I was living down to everyone's expectations of me."
"That doesn't matter to you now, then?" Ami asked.
Makoto turned to her in surprise. "What do you mean? Of course it does," she said indignantly.
"Then why start smoking again?"
"I...I...it's an emotional crutch for me like food is for some people. At least that's how it was explained to me. I was told I did it because I had no friends but when Usagi became my friend I had no need for it," she paused for a moment, "though I think that's a bunch of bull shit. I don't know I guess it's just a bad habit I can't seem to break."
"You didn't really answer my question." Ami stated.
Makoto exhaled a cloud of smoke. "No I guess I didn't. I don't now why I just have I suppose."
"That's not a very good reason."
Makoto rolled her eyes. "What, now I need a good reason to explain each of my decisions?"
"Ones that could endanger you, yes." Ami confirmed.
"If I find a good reason will you let me be about my smoking?" Makoto asked, the cigarette slightly muffling her words.
Ami smiled. "Maybe, but until then no." Ami punctuated her statement by taking Makoto's cigarette and putting it out. With that she left Makoto alone on the balcony.
Makoto smiled wryly. "Good old Doctor Ami," she chuckled as she rejoined her friends inside her apartment.
There we go now it's your turn. You see it's your turn to leave me a review so I can feel really happy and have my ego boosted. If you flame me hey I take those too :) I love criticism. Thanks