The Hunter
A Silly Little Spamfic
One ear flicked. The Beast grinned toothily.
The Prey was directly ahead.
The Hunt was on.
"Yes, Mint?"
"You ever get the feeling you're being...watched?"
Ah! The Prey was aware of the Beast!
Playing with your food is so much more enjoyable...
...When it can play back.
Mint was looking around wildly now, panicking. Lettuce watched her with concern.
"What's wrong?"
Mint's eyes were wide, her body trembling.
Words dropped hesitantly out of her mouth.
"I-it wants me..."
Lettuce eyed her friend with concern. "What does? Mint, what's wrong?"
"NO!" Mint screamed. "STAY AWAY!"
There was a bright flash, and when it subsided, Mint had transformed.
Holding the small object in front of her, Mint was wildly turning around.
The Beast had flattened itself out, keeping a low profile. The tall grass rustled around it as it stalked the Prey.
A simple leap carried it past the Prey too fast to see, provoking even more fear.
Fear was, after all, the most delicious condiment.
Ah! It was really playing very well, now!
Clods of dirt and grass fountained upwards as the Beast leaped past each blast.
The Prey wasn't playing hard enough.
That was…upsetting.
Ah, well. Time to make an end of it.
The Beast coiled its hindquarters, it's tail lashing furiously.
It sprang.
Lettuce stared at her friends in surprise.
Ichigo was laying on top of Mint, her mouth firmly clamped on the back of Mint's neck.
"Ichigo, I realize you're part cat. In addition, I am, after all, part bird. THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE ALLOWED TO STALK ME!!