Arthur`s vast forces charged towards the castle with bloodlust and vigor, trampling some protesting policemen and Sir Lancelot in the process. The Rude Frenchmen hurled all sorts of livestock at them, but it was no use: the soldiers didn`t have "Run Away" highlighted in their scripts.
Suddenly, they halted. Some of the soldiers tried to kill the castle stones, but found this simply caused their swords to shatter.
"Let`s build a bridge out of it!"
"Let`s get outta here before those French Persons start turning us into Newts!"
The narrator started to get very annoyed. He knew that anything he said would just make the knights look even stupider. Where was Arthur, the brave king supposedly leading these Pythonic dunderheads?
"Um, sorry guys, but I`m a bit busy discussing…er…business matters with the good lady Zeut."
Bedievere started frustratedly whacking the water of a nearby stream with a stick.
One of the recruits started trying to scale the castle walls with his bare hands, shouting something about ending dictatorships and repression. Another peasant of questionable gender was shouting something about mud pies and spam at him.
At this precise moment, the narrator quit.
Tim the Enchanter was seen strangling the man from Scene 24.
The Swallows were wondering why their annual coconut flight had no audience this year.
The Rude Frenchmen were laughing hysterically.

And this is why the actual Monty Python and the Holy Grail movie ended why it did: to avoid further pandemonium.