This is the end of "White As Snow", a sequel can be found called "Black As Pitch". ^__^ In order to find the story you may have to go to the updates page of the site and look up Fruits Baskets new stories. Sometimes it'll take too long to show up on the actual sight. (sighs)

Thank you to authors Synammon, TasukiNoBaka, dizzi-izzi, GreenLady, Eternal-Kelpie, Venom's Savior, Fem Scorpio, Yamatoforever, aiwa, and anonymous reviews Tamora, maggs, Polka dot:, mimerz, "fangkid03", Midori, Rae, and Lantana.

And special thanks for Fem Scorpio, because she wrote Jade, and she's what I would consider a shero! ^___^

Special thanks to Yamatoforever, who paid such close attention to the plot that I'm emotionally touched. (sniffs) you're review, thankfully, was forwarded to me via email instead of me never getting it from ^__^ Lucky! And also Synammon for being the first to review as well as being the first to mention my attempts for canon. (sniffs) Thank you... T__T

And as far as Kyou's graduation... let's just say they don't give him the chance to graduate... (sad face) Akito may hate the cat, but he isn't the only Sohma out to lock up Kyou. And in the end, even Kazuma may not be able to stop it alone...

You'll have to see, but that will happen in the fourth arch. The second is being posted now.

Your support has meant a lot to me, and I think you for it. (hugs)
