Sayains at Hogwarts
Ch 4
Thanks for the rewive. No typo. It's not plural. I sux at writing so I
don't care. And for all u goddamn homophobic ppl u can stop reading. I'm
only 12, so I'm not gonna write a lemon, so don't even ask. Oh and hey, I
just cheked my e-mail. Apparently some doesn't want any yaoi, but I had
already wrote it in, and yes I do suck at most things.
Disclaimer: I don't own jack shit.
Warning: Yaoi, swearing, and boringness and miss spells
Vegeta awoke with his whole body pressed into something very warm. Slowly he open his eyes and dropped his hand down to the other hand that wasn't his that was resting on his waist. Blinking he looked up in to face of Kakarott, his hands entwined in he's soft ebony locks. Jumping up he nearly fell off the small cramped bed, if a large hand hadn't grabbed him. Trying to speak, and few mumbles came out and he tried to stare at his mouth but only went crossed eyes invoking a soft laugh from Goku. Vegeta gave him a half heated glare before replacing his head on the bigger mans chest and drifting off again.
Goku looked down at his fallen price and smiled softly at his sleepy expression. After he was positive Vegeta had nodded off again, his face contorted with worry. He stared to think what could have made Vegeta so tired and why Chi Chi had gone nuts at him and Goten for being a wizard. He didn't even know about it. And by the looks of it Vegeta wasn't going to move much in the next couple of hours. He thought what was Gohan doing because he was right there too when Chi Chi kicked them out of the house. He would have to ask Goten, he was sitting closer to Gohan. Turning back to slumbering prince, he wondered if the story of Sleeping Beauty could be true. 'He is beautiful... what am I thinking about! I'm married to Chi Chi. But didn't she just kick me out? How would Vegeta even react? Oh crap to late, please don't wake up.' He dropped his head so his lips brushed to the prices. He pushed down more on his kiss and marveled at the softness of Vegeta's lips. With a gentle moan Vegeta woke wide eyed and his tail bushing out. As Goku was about to pull back and apologize, Vegeta stared to softly kiss back. At the same time the bedroom door open to reveal Goten and Trunks, whose jaw dropped and they turned heel and left quickly. Pulling apart just as fast the once kissing full blooded sayains landed on the ground with a thud.
"What the hell was that?' Vegeta exclaimed after a couple moments.
"I really don't know. I just though I would wake you up." Goku said half truthfully. They heard Goten and Trunks laughing hysterically on the ground not to far by.
"Oh man! I whished we had better timing! We might have even gotten a show!" gasped out Trunks and was swiftly knocked over the head with a well added pillow by the disturbed price.
"Get your mind out the god danm gutter boy! Noting was going to happen! Kakarott just ki." he sentence trail of as he blush and deep shade of red, just realizing what he was saying. "now that that's some what over, what do you two want!"
"We're hungry" the coursed together," and nope that wasn't rehearsed." Sweatdroppping for time, Vegeta stood up and brushed off his pants and moved off into the kitchen to look around to find no food in the houses at all.
"KAKAROTT! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO THE FOOD?' Vegeta's bellow would have scared most men, so all the cuter-if-dead animals were gone. All but the squirrels case Vegeta is the rabid squirrel prince as well. The tree other rubbed at the ears and realized the great horror. The food gone.
"Well, I can't train on a empty stomach. Can I?" Goku tried to lighting up the crew, but only succeeded in getting hit over the head by the prince.
"Fine, get showered and dressed and ready to go. We need to be in London by three." Vegeta said as he walked off.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Me board~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After about an hour, because there was only one shower and no hot water when it came to Goku's turn which was last. As they left Goku recapilized the house and then went off into the air. After some time they landed down at small hill which appeared to be in the middle of nowhere. With out explaining, he pushed Goku Goten and trunks and jump in the same direction they all felt a grab at there stomach. They went soaring a bit faster tan they were flying. Vegeta seemed not to care while the other had a spasm session, as would most who didn't know what a porkey was. After a time they arrived in a clearing in front of a huge castle. Walking forward Vegeta was suddenly pulled to the ground by something rather lager and furry.
I think it's a cliff hanger. Don't know don't really care sorry it took me so long. I normally can only write when the idea is fresh and I stopped four times or so. I tried to make it longer than before, but I really don't know if it is. I will up date even if you don't review and sorry to the person that had said no yaio, it was already written in before I got the review. Well laters.
I suck at spelling and stuff like that so please cut and paste and correct and send it back to me if you have the need to.
Disclaimer: I don't own jack shit.
Warning: Yaoi, swearing, and boringness and miss spells
Vegeta awoke with his whole body pressed into something very warm. Slowly he open his eyes and dropped his hand down to the other hand that wasn't his that was resting on his waist. Blinking he looked up in to face of Kakarott, his hands entwined in he's soft ebony locks. Jumping up he nearly fell off the small cramped bed, if a large hand hadn't grabbed him. Trying to speak, and few mumbles came out and he tried to stare at his mouth but only went crossed eyes invoking a soft laugh from Goku. Vegeta gave him a half heated glare before replacing his head on the bigger mans chest and drifting off again.
Goku looked down at his fallen price and smiled softly at his sleepy expression. After he was positive Vegeta had nodded off again, his face contorted with worry. He stared to think what could have made Vegeta so tired and why Chi Chi had gone nuts at him and Goten for being a wizard. He didn't even know about it. And by the looks of it Vegeta wasn't going to move much in the next couple of hours. He thought what was Gohan doing because he was right there too when Chi Chi kicked them out of the house. He would have to ask Goten, he was sitting closer to Gohan. Turning back to slumbering prince, he wondered if the story of Sleeping Beauty could be true. 'He is beautiful... what am I thinking about! I'm married to Chi Chi. But didn't she just kick me out? How would Vegeta even react? Oh crap to late, please don't wake up.' He dropped his head so his lips brushed to the prices. He pushed down more on his kiss and marveled at the softness of Vegeta's lips. With a gentle moan Vegeta woke wide eyed and his tail bushing out. As Goku was about to pull back and apologize, Vegeta stared to softly kiss back. At the same time the bedroom door open to reveal Goten and Trunks, whose jaw dropped and they turned heel and left quickly. Pulling apart just as fast the once kissing full blooded sayains landed on the ground with a thud.
"What the hell was that?' Vegeta exclaimed after a couple moments.
"I really don't know. I just though I would wake you up." Goku said half truthfully. They heard Goten and Trunks laughing hysterically on the ground not to far by.
"Oh man! I whished we had better timing! We might have even gotten a show!" gasped out Trunks and was swiftly knocked over the head with a well added pillow by the disturbed price.
"Get your mind out the god danm gutter boy! Noting was going to happen! Kakarott just ki." he sentence trail of as he blush and deep shade of red, just realizing what he was saying. "now that that's some what over, what do you two want!"
"We're hungry" the coursed together," and nope that wasn't rehearsed." Sweatdroppping for time, Vegeta stood up and brushed off his pants and moved off into the kitchen to look around to find no food in the houses at all.
"KAKAROTT! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO THE FOOD?' Vegeta's bellow would have scared most men, so all the cuter-if-dead animals were gone. All but the squirrels case Vegeta is the rabid squirrel prince as well. The tree other rubbed at the ears and realized the great horror. The food gone.
"Well, I can't train on a empty stomach. Can I?" Goku tried to lighting up the crew, but only succeeded in getting hit over the head by the prince.
"Fine, get showered and dressed and ready to go. We need to be in London by three." Vegeta said as he walked off.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Me board~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After about an hour, because there was only one shower and no hot water when it came to Goku's turn which was last. As they left Goku recapilized the house and then went off into the air. After some time they landed down at small hill which appeared to be in the middle of nowhere. With out explaining, he pushed Goku Goten and trunks and jump in the same direction they all felt a grab at there stomach. They went soaring a bit faster tan they were flying. Vegeta seemed not to care while the other had a spasm session, as would most who didn't know what a porkey was. After a time they arrived in a clearing in front of a huge castle. Walking forward Vegeta was suddenly pulled to the ground by something rather lager and furry.
I think it's a cliff hanger. Don't know don't really care sorry it took me so long. I normally can only write when the idea is fresh and I stopped four times or so. I tried to make it longer than before, but I really don't know if it is. I will up date even if you don't review and sorry to the person that had said no yaio, it was already written in before I got the review. Well laters.
I suck at spelling and stuff like that so please cut and paste and correct and send it back to me if you have the need to.