* Notes:

Takes place after the episode where Diamond tries to kiss Serena.
My version of the ending to Sailor Moon R...

Hope you'll enjoy it.

* Disclaimer: Sailor Moon belongs to Naoko Takeuchi, not yours truly.

by Phantasy Star

'I... I can't move!' Serena cried in her head, 'This isn't right...'

A single tear slid down Serena's cheek as Diamond tilted her face up
towards him, 'Darien's the only one for me...'

Her eyes widened in shock as Diamond's face grew ever closer.

"You belong to me now, Neo-Queen Serenity..." he whispered.

'Darien...' Serena thought, eyes watering even more, 'Where are you?'

* * *

'Serena, wait for me please!' Tuxedo Mask thought desperately as
his hang-glider neared the palace.

"Ah, if it isn't the powerful Tuxedo Mask, former Prince Darien,"
a dark voice said.

"Who's there!?" Tuxedo Mask demanded.

"Let me introduce myself," the voice said, "They call me Wiseman."

Darien finally landed on the exterior of the crystal palace.

"I don't have time for you," Darien said with venom dripping in his
voice, "I have to save Serena."

"Ah, the Neo-Queen Serenity..." the voice continued, "The one who's
most beautiful... the object of every man's desire..."

Darien ignored the insistent voice as he ran down the narrow pathway.

"You believe she loves you?"

Darien stopped.

"What are you talking about?" he said angrily, "Of course she does."

"I'm sure she does - just like she loves everyone and everything

"Serena loves me more than that," Darien retorted.

"I suppose she'll have to, considering that it's her destiny."

"What... what are you talking about?" he said, his voice shaking with

Darien's blood suddenly ran cold.

"Fool! You really think she'd love you if it wasn't for her destiny?"
the voice continued persistently, "You're nothing. You've always
tormented her. You've never shown her any affection. You're weak,
you're stupid, you're insecure...'

"Stop it!" Darien cried out.

'Because it's her destiny...' he thought.

She loves me.

Because she has to.

She loves me.

Because of who I was in the past.


"Arrughh!" he cried out as he held his head, "Stop distracting me!"

Using his cane, he smashed the wall of the crystal palace beside him.

"Serena!" he shouted, seeing her in the grip of Prince Diamond.

"Darien!" she cried.

Prince Diamond looked up in surprise just as Tuxedo Mask's rose
struck him at the cheek.

Serena gave a scream as Diamond dropped her, and she fell back on to
the bed.

"Take my cane!" Darien shouted.

Serena nodded and took hold of it as Darien pulled her up.

"How dare you!? Prince Diamond screamed with anger, "I'll get you back
for this!"

Darien held Serena close to him and quickly ushered her away.

* * *

"Serena, are you okay?" Darien asked, "Did he... did he do anything
to you?"

Serena shook her head, "I'm all right."

Darien let out a sigh of relief.

"Ser... Serena..." he said softly, touching her hair.

"Let's hurry back to the others."


Serena looked up at him.

"What's wrong?"

"Serena..." he said quietly, "We... need to talk."

She nodded.

"When I saw you there, with Diamond..." he said, "It just... it...
I... I don't know how to say this."

Serena looked at him curiously.

"It really hurt me, inside," Darien said awkwardly, "And... I just
want you to tell me that... You'll never do anything... with another
guy... you know?"

Serena was confused.

"I..." she said, "I don't know... I mean, maybe this isn't the time
for this..."

"Serena," Darien persisted, "I know I hurt you a lot when I broke up
with you. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do..."

Serena nodded.

"And..." Darien said, "I guess I want to say I'm sorry."

He paused, then looked deep into her eyes, "You'll come back to me,
won't you?"

As he said this, he put his hand gently on her shoulder.

"We're together in the future, aren't we?" Serena said with a small

His face turned emotionless as he took his hand away abruptly.

"What's the matter?" Serena asked softly.

"N... Nothing."

'Wiseman was right,' he realized, 'She doesn't love me... She's with
me because she has to...'

"Come on," Serena said, "Let's get back to the King and Rini."

They hurried back towards the Palace where the other scouts were
waiting worriedly.

'It's true...' the voice returned in Darien's head, 'Stop forcing
her into loving you... She doesn't love you. She doesn't love you.
She doesn't love you.'

Darien's breathing quickened, but Serena didn't seem to notice.

'She doesn't love you...'

by Phantasy Star

Chapter One

"Sailor Moon! Are you okay?"

Serena started to cry, "Aw, Raye!"

The other scouts gathered around her, all giggling and hugging each
other, glad to have their Princess back.

"Come on," a deep voice interrupted them, "I'll show you to the

The Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask nodded, and followed the King to
a room with a large case in the middle.

"Is that Neo-Queen Serenity?" Sailor Mars whispered incredulously,
"She... she looks almost..."

"Maybe my Crystal will be able to help her..." Serena said.

"You sure you're up to it, Sailor Moon?" Darien asked, "After what
just happened...?"

His voice sounded stiff and held-back, as if there was something he
was trying to hide. Serena was surprised that Darien had called her
Sailor Moon and not Serena.

"Don't worry about it," she said as she turned to look at the Queen,
encased in the crystal case, "Moon... Crystal..."

She closed her eyes and focused her energy on the case, "Power!"

Bright light filled the room, and the Scouts shielded their eyes.

After a few seconds, the room turned dark, and Serena's legs felt

"I..." she said softly, then fell.

"Serena!" Darien cried, quickly catching her.

* * *

Serena slowly opened her eyes.

"Where... where am I?" she asked softly.

She sat up to find a blushing Darien sitting beside her bed.

"Maybe you should change out of that... that dress Diamond gave you."

With that, his face turned a brighter shade of red.

Serena let out a small gasp of alarm, becoming embarrassed herself,

He stood up.

"I'll go check on the others," he said quietly.

"Wait, Darien," Serena said, "Stay... stay with me. Let's talk."

Darien looked at her, almost wanting to say yes. Then he shook his

"Now isn't the time."

With that, he walked out the open doorway and back into the King's
control room.

'What's going on?' Serena thought with a frown, 'Why's he acting all
aloof again?'

* * *

"What's going on, guys?" Serena asked as she stepped into the room.

"So glad you're all right," Amy said with a smile.

"Meanwhile, we have *that* to take care of," Lita said as she pointed
to the large screen on the wall, with a huge ugly dragon flying

"Please tell me that's a movie," Serena said, holding her breath.

"Nope," Mina said, "That thing is right outside the palace."

Suddenly, the ground shook and the girls screamed as a loud noise
sounded throughout the palace.

"It's attacking!" the King cried.

"Looks like we'll have to stop it," Tuxedo Mask said.

"I wish I could fight..." the King said, "But I was wounded during
the battle with Nemisis..."

"Don't worry," Raye said reassuringly, "We'll take care of it."

"Right!" Serena said.

Then she turned to the four girls, "Ready, Scouts?"

* * *

"It's not working!" Sailor Mars cried, "Not even a scratch!"

Without warning, the dragon swung its tail at Sailor Venus, who
dodged it by half an inch.

"Mercury... Bubbles..." Mercury began, then screamed.

"Mercury!" Sailor Mars shouted as she flew backwards and fell to the

"Jupiter... Thunder..."

The lightning rods on Jupiter's tiara were pointed directly at the
dragon, "Zap!"

The dragon seemed to howl in pain as it fell, surrounded by smoke as
it hit the ground with a rumbling noise.

"Yay!" Sailor Moon said as she jumped up and down, "You got it,

She ran towards the fallen beast and was about to laugh at it when...

"Serena!" Tuxedo Mask shouted.

She turned and briefly saw a pair of angry red eyes looking at her.

Before she could react, she was in Darien's arms, carrying her away
from the roaring monster.

"You saved me again..." Serena whispered softly.

But he didn't answer.

He quickly landed and Sailor Moon stood up.

Then, with all his strength, he took out a rose and threw it at the
dragon's forehead, causing it to cry out in great pain.

"Now, Sailor Moon!"

She nodded and pointed her rod at the monster.

"Moon... Sceptre..."

The other scouts, some lying on the ground, looked up, praying that
it would work.


Screaming one last time, the dragon turned into dust.

"I... I got it..." Sailor Moon said, dazed and amazed.

* * *

"What do you mean Rini is missing!?" Darien demanded.

"I've searched the whole palace and she isn't anywhere," the King
said gravely, "She must have slipped away while I was asking the
Queen to grant you power..."

He was about to go on when a purple light luminated the sky. His
brows furrowed and the others looked up at it as a purple ball of
energy flew down slowly...

Sailor Mars and Jupiter took their fighting stances.

"Sailor Scouts..." a gentle voice called out.

"Sailor Pluto!" Serena exclaimed. The others sighed in relief.

"Sailor Scouts..." she said again, "I do not sense Small Lady here in
the future. Wiseman and Diamond must have taken her to the past..."

The Scouts gasped.

"They've got her?" Serena whispered.

"Don't worry, Princess," Pluto said, "I'm sure that if you go back
to your world, you'll be able to find her..."

The scouts nodded.

"Come on," the King said, "Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor
Jupiter, Sailor Venus... I have some useful weapons for you. Follow

* * *

"Darien..." Serena said softly when the others were gone, "What's
going on?"

She walked towards him and looked up at his stern face, "You've been
acting so strange... ever since you rescued me from Diamond."

He turned away.

"You don't have to do this, Serena," he said quietly, "I know the

"Truth?" Serena echoed incredulously, "What truth?"

"I know why you've always been so caring towards me, even when I keep
pushing you away."

"You don't push me away," Serena exclaimed, surprised, "Well, you did,
but you had good reason to. When we first met, we didn't have any
memories of the past, so we just got on each other's nerves. And, I
know why you broke up with me now."

He finally turned to face her.

"Serena, I know you don't love me, not really. Nobody can love me."

Serena shook her head, "What are you talking about?"

"Look at me!" Darien said, voice rising, "I'm selfish, I'm cold, I've
been nothing but horrible to you! Why would you stay with me if it
weren't for the past and the future!? Even after I broke up with you,
you came back running into my arms!"

Serena stepped back.

"Is that what you really think?" she asked softly.

He nodded.

"I... I love you, Darien," she said, "I don't know why, but I do. But
if you can't understand that... then..."

He suddenly felt guilty for what he had said.

Could he have been wrong?

He gasped when Wiseman's words hit him again like a tidal wave.

'Fool! You really think she'd love you if it wasn't for her destiny?'

He held his head in pain and anger.

'You're nothing.' he heard.

"What's wrong?" Serena cried and ran towards him.

"No!" Darien shouted, "Get... Get away... Please!"

Serena stepped back.

"I..." she whispered.

His breathing finally slowed as he struggled to clear his head.

"Sor... sorry..." he said, between heavy breaths.

Just then, the other Sailor Scouts came into the room.

"All right, let's go back," Sailor Jupiter said.

Serena turned around.

Then she nodded, "R... Right."

Darien stood up, noticing how Serena had moved away from him and stood
with the other Scouts now.

"Let's go back and save Rini," Serena said.

She turned to look at him, and even though she spoke to all the
others, he knew her words were for him.

"That's... that's what's important right now."

Meanwhile, Raye looked back and forth between Serena and Darien.

Something was definitely wrong between the Prince and the Princess.