Shot: Great, now I have three rabid Race/Spot fans on my tail. Gothic Author, B, and Funkiechick. Well, here ya go guys, a new chapter and a little surprise at the end.
Nymph awakened with a jolt as her body connected with the floor. She opened her eyes to she her little sister grinning over her. Nymph growled slightly and jumped up, "You're dead."
Her sister took off down the stairs from Nymph's attic bedroom. Nymph ran after her but landed face first on the floor again when she tripped over the PS2 controller cord. She gave another growl and pushed herself off the floor. She glanced at the clock to see just what time it was. The red digital numbers told her it was 6:30. She yelled down the stairs, "I could have slept for another hour."
She heard the muffled giggles of her sister and suppressed the need to kill her. She quickly ran her hand through her hair pulling out all knots that form when you take a shower at night and go to bed with it still wet. She grabbed her brush and ran it through her hair pulling out the rest of the tangles. She tossed it back onto the floor to be found later. She picked up her black pants and her favorite black fairy top and started to get dressed. Suddenly she heard the familiar tune to "I won't grow up". She started to sing along to it before realizing that it was her cell phone that was playing it. She threw her clothes around the room looking for. She finally found it under her messenger bag. Nymph grabbed it and read the screen. In bright blue letters it read, SPOT. Nymph sighed and pressed the send button. She heard Spot say, "Hello."
Nymph glared at the phone and almost screamed, "Matthew Conlon, do you know what time it is?"
She could hear Spot looking around his room. He repeated to her, "6:30."
She nodded through the phone, "Exactly. So why are you calling me this early?"
She heard Spot sigh and say, "Because I need to talk to you."
Nymph closed her eyes and said, "Alright. But I'm getting dressed at the same time. So what's up? Oh wait let me put my shirt on first."
She laid the phone down and pulled on her shirt. She realized that Spot hadn't listened to her because she heard a very soft murmur of a statement. Nymph lifted the phone to her ear and said, "Repeat that."
Spot mumbled, very quickly, "IlikeRacetrack."
Nymph rolled her eyes, "Slow it down and louder."
Spot practically screamed, "I freaking like Anthony 'Racetrack' Higgins."
Nymph shrugged, "So that's a good thing. I mean, he is your boyfriend's best friend. You should try to be friends with him."
Spot sighed, "No, I mean, I like him the way I used to like jack."
Nymph stopped and stuttered out, "What, wait, explain. Used to like Jack, you like Race like that?"
Spot sighed, "I just don't feel connected to him anymore. We have nothing in common. Race and I just click. What do you think I should do?"
Nymph gave such a long pause that it scared Spot a little. He asked, "You are gonna help me right?"
Nymph sighed, "Look, it's too early for this. We'll talk at school in a couple hours when I'm more awake and have had a Code Red."
Spot mumbled, "Okay."
Nymph pressed the end button and threw her phone in her bag. During the conversation she had gotten fully dress. She walked over to her laptop and quickly printed out her homework for Suhay's class. She stapled it and threw it in her bag. Nymph gave a sigh and pulled her phone back out. She pressed 2 and Swifty's number was automatically dialed. She heard the click on the other end and a sleepy, "Hello."
She quickly said, "Morning, Swifty. I'm picking you up early. Be ready in ten minutes. Oh, and we're stopping at 7/11."
Swifty exclaimed, "What?"
Nymph nodded through the pone, "You heard me. Bye Swifts."
Nymph hung up and threw her pone back in her bag. She slung her bag over her head and ran down the stairs. Her sister was at the bottom grinning wildly. Nymph rolled her eyes, flipped her off and grabbed her helmet and keys off the side table. She pulled on her helmet and climbed on her motorcycle. She gunned the motor and took off towards Swifty's house. She pulled into the driveway and yelled, "Swift, come on."
Swifty came running out the door, his helmet on his head, his black pants had the fly undone, and he was still pulling on his Dragon ball Z button-down shirt. Nymph gave a quick laugh and simply said, "Fly's undone."
Swifty had his shirt on by then and quickly looked down seeing she was right. He turned around and she could hear the quick zip of him pulling it up. He looked at the ground, realizing he forgot his backpack. He ran back inside and grabbed it, and ran back outside. He climbed on the back and she quickly sped off to 7/11. They pulled into the parking lot and Nymph pulled to a quick stop. Swifty and Nymph climbed off and walked inside. Nymph headed for the freezer and grabbed three bottles of Code Red. She walked to the counter and placed them on it. Swifty looked at it. He bent over and gave her a kiss, "Thanks for getting me one too, Nymph."
Nymph chuckled, "Buy your own. These are all for me."
Swifty blinked, "What?"
Nymph sighed, "Spot problems."
Swifty chuckled, "Then why not buy some Spot remover."
Nymph grabbed one of the bottles and smacked his shoulder with it. He grabbed his shoulder and said, "Ow, Nymph. That hurt. Why'd ya do that?"
Nymph scowled, "It is too early for your stupid jokes."
Swifty scowled as well, "Sorry."
Nymph twisted open one of the bottles and chugged about half of it. She threw the three bottles into her bag and pulled Swifty's arm around her. She said, "Come on, let's get to school."
Swifty smiled and peeked her cheek. They walked outside and climbed onto the bike. Swifty wrapped his arms around her waist and she gunned the motor before speeding off towards school. They pulled into the parking lot a few moments later. Swifty climbed off and stretched his back. Nymph gave a short chuckle and said, "If you'd just get a new battery for your car then you wouldn't have to ride on the back of my motorcycle."
Swifty mumbled, "Yeah, I know."
The two walked hand-in-hand towards the cafeteria. Jack and spot were sitting at the usual table. The second Spot spotted Nymph, he stood up. Nymph pulled out the half-finished bottle and the two full ones. She held them up and then a single finger to say in body language, "Give me a minute to finish these."
Spot sighed and sat back down. Jack barely noticed the slight discouraged look on his boyfriend's face. In fact, he barely seemed to notice Spot at all. Suddenly the door slammed shut. David and Race stormed in talked angrily in hushed voices. They walked over to the table and sat down with what could have been two sumo wrestlers length between them. Jack seemed to perk up when David sat down near him. The two started talking animatedly about band, books, and everything. Race and Spot shared a look but quickly turned away from each other. Race dug out his book and started reading. Spot stared at Nymph, watching and waiting for her to finish chugging down the three bottles of Code Red. She finally finished and he stood, grabbed her arm and pulled her to the opposite corner of the room. She slumped onto the bench. She glanced over at Swifty and caught the glare that Jack was sending towards Spot's back. Nymph sighed, "What's with you and Jack?"
Spot shrugged, "He's been in a bad mood all day. Ever since this morning, when I jokingly said that he sounded whiney like David."
Nymph closed her eyes and said, "Now tell me what you were saying this morning."
Spot took a deep breath, he slowly broke his no showing emotion mask and spilled everything, "Jack and I don't belong together anymore. We don't blend. Race is in track, he sings, he reads the same books as me. We're just so alike."
Nymph sighed, "I'll talk to Race today. I won't let on that you like him but I'll find out if he like s you."
Spot smirked, "Now I remember why you're my best friend."
Nymph smacked his arm and the two walked back to the table. Nymph was so tired because of her sister's rude awakening. She climbed on top of the table and promptly fell asleep Swifty woke her up twenty minutes later. The two walked to class silently. Nymph turned to Swifty, "So what happened after I fell asleep?"
Swifty shrugged, "Jack and Spot continued to ignore each other. Race and David continued to shoot glares at each other. For the most part Race stayed to himself and left early for class, Spot sulked in the corner, David and Jack talked about the upcoming dance on Friday."
By that time, they had reached Miss Suhay's room. Nymph saw Race sitting in the back reading his book. Nymph dropped her bag on her desk and went to Race. She plopped into the chair next to him. Race slowly lifted his head and looked at her, "Yes, Nymph?"
Nymph nodded, "I got a question for you."
Race paused waiting for the question. When Nymph had still not asked, he said, "Well?"
Nymph smirked, she loved doing that to the guys, "What do you think of Spot?"
Race shrugged, "I guess he's nicer then I thought he was. I mean before our bet and everything, I hated him because of how Jack changed, but now I'm getting to know him some more. I mean he's nice and he's a good guy, someone I can talk to."
Nymph nodded, "Would you ever consider dating him?"
Race shrugged this time, "I might, but he the love of Jack's life. I wouldn't do that to my best friend."
Nymph licked her lips, "What was with you and Dave this morning?"
Race huffed, "Well, I was telling, David, about how Jack is always comparing him and Spot. I then said that it seems like Jack likes him and David got all defensive saying what's wrong if Jack likes him. It's not like I'm all that faithful to him. I then tried to explain that, earlier in the year had been one date with Mush and I regretted it but I had only done it cause Mush came out to me and admitted to having a crush on me. I mean me and David weren't even an official couple yet."
Nymph mulled this over, before she could speak, Miss Suhay walked in. She turned to the class and spoke quickly, "Turn in your papers and get ready to do the oral projects." The class passed quickly and before they knew it, it was over. Miss Suhay dismissed them. Race, Nymph, and Swifty walked to the lunchroom. Jack and David were outside chatting animatedly again. Spot came walking out of the room, "We're checked off."
The five nodded and walked out to the cars. Nymph yelled to them, "Let's just walk across the street to Subway today."
The other shrugged and nodded. Nymph grabbed Spot's arm and pulled him towards the back. She whispered, "Race likes you, too."
Spot turned to her and smiled slightly. Just as he was about to say something a yell echoed from David. Race was screaming, "If you love Jack so much, why not date him instead?"
David screamed right back at him, "I thought I loved you but now I can see you are just an arrogant asshole."
Race took a deep breath, "That is it David Jacobs, we are through. You want Jack so badly there, now you don't have me in the way."
Race spun on his heel and walked back inside. Jack went over to David and gave him a shoulder to cry on. Instead David just sunk to his knees crying. Nymph, Spot and Swifty just stood stunned that Race had actually done that. For the rest of the day, Race refused to talk to anybody. Jack offered him a ride to band practice that afternoon but Race declined and walked off. Nymph followed him slowly on her motorcycle after school. She pulled up next to him at one point. She pointed to the spare helmet, "Hop on, I'll give you a ride."
Race just shook his head. Through the dark visor on the helmet she could still see the shiny drops that fell off his cheek onto his shirt. Race continued walking. Nymph drove off to Spot's house. She walked in like normal and went to the basement. Jack and Spot were down there, warming up. She pulled Spot aside, "Race ain't doing so good. After Jack leaves invite him to stay and watch a movie or something. It will give you time alone with him."
Spot shrugged, "But I'm still dating Jack."
Nymph rolled her eyes, "That's minor and can be worked around."
Suddenly a knock sounded on the door. Spot ran upstairs to answer it. Race stood on the porch, fresh tear streaks made patterns on his cheeks. Spot patted his arm and lead him downstairs. Jack lifted his head up, "How ya doing, Race?"
Race shrugged and took his place behind the microphone. He turned towards them and said, "I know we are supposed to be practicing for the dance but would you guys mind if we did a Limp Bizket song?"
Spot nodded, "Which one?"
Race thought about it for a second and then said, "Break Stuff. That song always makes me feel better."
Spot and Jack each gave a smirk and nodded. Spot counted them in. He and Jack started playing hard. Race too a deep breath, his eyes narrowed to slits. He grabbed the microphone and sang, "It's just one of those days when you don't wanna wake up. Everything is fucked, everybody sucks. You don't really know why but you wanna justify, rippin' someones head off. No human contact and if you interact, your life is on contract. Your best bet is to just stay away motherfucker. It's just one of those days. It's all about the he says, she says bullshit. I think you better quit lettin' shit slip or you'll be leavin' with a fat lip. It's all about the he says she says bullshit. I think you better quit talking that shit. It's just one of those days, feelin' like a freight train. First one to complain leaves with a bloodstain. Damn right, I'm a maniac, you better watch you back. Cause I'm fuckin' up your program and then your stuck up, you just locked up, next in line to get fucked up. Your best bet is to just stay away motherfucker. It's just one of those days. It's all about the he says, she says bullshit. I think you better quit lettin' shit slip or you'll be leavin' with a fat lip. It's all about the he says she says bullshit. I think you better quit talkin' that shit punk. So come and get it. I feel like shit. My suggestion is to keep your distance, cause right now I'm dangerous. We've all felt like shit and been treated like shit. All those motherfuckers that wanna step up. You know I pack a chainsaw. I'll skin your ass raw and if my day keeps going this way I just might break something tonight. Pack a chainsaw, I'll skin your ass raw and if my day keeps going this way I just might break your fuckin' face tonight. Gimme something to break. Gimme something to break. Gimme something to beak. How bout your fucking face? I hope you know I pack a chainsaw. A chainsaw. A motherfuckin' chainsaw. So come and get it. It's all about the he says she says bullshit. I think you better quit that shits slick or you'll be leavin' with a fat lip. It's all about the he says, she says bullshit. I think you better quit talking that shit, Punk. So come and get it."
The song ended and Race took a shaky breath. Nymph, Jack, and Spot applauded Race. Race barely noticed as he sunk to his knees crying silently. The three went over to him. They could barely make out through the sobs a slight murmur of words, "I didn't want to…….He made it so hard………I knew we weren't' meant together…..Too different…..I can't believe we broke up……."
Jack wrapped his arm around his smaller best friend. Race turned into Jack's shoulder and let it all out. Spot bent down and whispered into Race's ear, "Stay tonight and watch a nice funny movie with me. I'll help you get your mind off of David."
Race gave a shaky nod as Jack stood up. Jack sighed, "I wish I could stay with you guys but my mom wants me home for dinner tonight for my brother's birthday."
Spot nodded and gave Jack a small peck on the cheek. Jack turned and ran up the stairs. Nymph smiled, "I have to go to. My sister needs to die. Bye guys."
Race stood wiping the tears from his eyes. The two went upstairs into Spot's room and sat on his couch, that folds out to a guest bed. Spot grabbed the movie, "Empire Records" and popped it in. By the time Lucas was driving to Atlantic City, Race had pretty much forgot about his whole break-up with David. Spot glanced over at Race. He gently laid his head on Race's shoulder appearing to slowly fall asleep. Race smiled at the contact and leaned his own head against Spot's. The movie finished about an hour and a half later and the two were still in that position. Spot was completely asleep. Race looked at him and thought, "He looks like an angel."
Race bent down without thinking and lightly kissed Spot's soft lips. Race quickly pulled away, thinking, "Idiot. He's with Jack. Just leave."
Race quickly left. Spot had been awake for the kiss. He smiled and knew what he had to do tomorrow.
Shot: Hope you all liked that. If parts of this don't make sense it's because it's from a sleep deprived mind. Remember to read and review. And if you all can guess what Spot is doing the next day then I will have Spot and Race snoggage in the opening A/N.
Spot: Hey girlie, we ain't never agreed to that.
Race: You don't want to kiss me.
Spot: I never said that. Come here.
The two start snogging.
Shot: Get a room you two. Anyway. R&R please.