Summary: In rebuilding a new, Face version of the Ministry, the Undertaker introduces a new female superstar who catches his little brother, Kane's eye. Will the accept him? Or shun him for his appearance like all others?

Details: For more fun, I've decided to not have a Roster split in this. Unlike my story "Another Dilemma", Kane IS on house arrest.(In Another Dilemma, I got past the match with RVD before they actually aired it on TV so I had no idea Kane would be put on house arrest but now that I have more details from it I can portray Kane better ^.^)

Disclaimer: I do not own anyone in this story except for the new female, whose name is Alektra Gonzales/Dark Angel.

Author: Shadow

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It had been an electrifying night so far on Smackdown! Thursday night, three days after Kane's haneous rampage on RAW when a match with RVD turned into an all out brawl, ending in no competition. The same night he tombstoned, CEO Linda McMahon. But there were other matters at hand now. The F.B.I were on Undertaker's case again, although he had the help of the APA again, evening the odds. The show began with John Cena, calling the Undertaker out, doing so of course, by throwing out one of his raps about him. In response the Undertaker rode out, expecting a one on one fight but instead was jumped by the F.B.I. Together the full blooded italians and Cena began a beating on the Undertaker but did not get to far, as the Acolyte Protection Agency came to his rescue. As the four lightweights fled from the ring, the Undertaker called for a mic. When he got one in his hand he eyed his four attackers and pointed at them.

"Ya know, I've taken alotta crap from the four of you." He pointed a gloved finger as he glared with anger and annoyance at the hip-hop superstar and the F.B.I who were throwing italian hand gestures and cussing him out. Nevertheless, he continued. "And I think you picked the wrong night to piss me off, seeing as how me and these two?" He paused, using his other hand to gesture to Farooq and Bradshaw. "We've put together a little surprise for people who need a lesson, in learning how to respect others. So I suggest you watch your backs, because we wouldn't wanna see you miss one of your upcoming lessons." And as his music started up again he tossed the microphone to the floor and turned to the APA, conversing with them secretly from the fans ears. "Y'all two get the other folks ready. I wanna get this over with tonight."

"No problem Mark." Farooq nodded, agreeingly with the Undertaker.

"Gotcha." Bradshaw acknowledged as well and the two left the ring, heading backstage once the four idiots were gone. Undertaker followed seconds behind and mounted his Harley, cranking up the motor and rode off after the two, riding in between them, getting backstage first, to return his bike to the parking lot.

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The police men sat on the old couch, drinking from their coffee cups as they enjoyed the wrestling show, talking amongst themselves friendly about how the Undertaker was gonna kick the F.B.I and Cena's pansy asses, and how anxious they were to see the surprise the dead man had in store for the four. There were ten officers in total. Six of them were in the house on the couch and in the char, while two were out front and two at the back door. All of them in their own way filling out their duty of making sure to keep the monster that was in the house, in his room, blaring his hardcore, heavy metal over his speakers so loud they could just make out what he was exactly listening to from where they were. They had to bring him all his meals for he only came out of his bedroom to go to the bathroom. And it was around dinner time for the terrifying prisoner.

"Who's turn is it?" One of the cops on the couch said, taking a drink of his coffee.

"It's Jack's." The one in the chair said, and they all turned to a skinny, officer on the couch.

The officer gulped and got up, going into the kitchen and opened the fridge. He sorted through the items inside. It was almost impossible to find something in there. Nothing was in order, but all jumbled around instead. After digging through for a few minutes he decided just to give him some of the KFC they bought that day. He pulled out the box and a coke. He put two pieces on a plate with a biscuit and heated it up. Afterwards he picked up the plate and soda and slowly crept from the kitchen to the dark hallway. Sweat glistened his face now and his breaths were shaky. he had his gun and tazer but he was still so afraid of what hid behind the door with the Slayer poster on the front. He put the coke on an empty spot on the plate and with a shaky hand, knocked on the door loudly. After a few long seconds, he was about to knock again before the door knob clicked...turned. Jack, the officer, was so scared he felt he might piss himself. The door opened a few cracks and he met eyes with the machine, who's firery gaze burnt a hole through his soul.

Kane had Hatebreed blaring on his stereo as he watched Smackdown! with the closed caption on and the sound muted. Through the screaming lyrics of "I Will Be Heard", he heard a knock on his door. He looked at his alarm clock, and figured it was one of the cops with his dinner. He let out a deep breath of annoyance as he rose from his chair infront of the tv and walked to the door. He pulled it open enough to see the officer. He didn't look at the food but knew what it was from the smell. He had to admit, it did smell good. He usually ate a pop tart for breakfast and sandwhiches for lunch and dinner. He locked eyes with the terrified officer. He knew he could see his eyes under the black towel he wore to shadow his face.

"Y-y-you're dinner." The officer uttered out, handing the plate towards him. He looked down at it and opened the door more, taking the dish from him. He eyed it some and looked back up at him coldly.

"Thank you..." And he slammed the door before the officer could reply.

He took the plate back to his chair and sat down, setting it on his lap, placing the coke on the floor near his feet. He looked back at the tv as Smackdown! came back from the commercial break, idly taking a bite out of the chicken leg. He was curious himself from what Undertaker said at the beginning. Big brother had a plan for the idiots. He wondered 'what?'. He would not be there at the arena, but a camera man and Lilian Garcia would be arriving at his house some time that night to interview him on his actions three days ago. How he tombstoned Linda McMahon, made RVD need stitches in his head from slamming his face into the stage lights, how he knocked the King and several officials out cold. How he set JR alight. He planned to cooperate by all means...but if that bitch made fun of him one time he would make her oh so sorry, and those punk ass officers wouldn't be able to do shit about it. He chuckled with a delightful smirk as he watched the tv and thought of this. He looked down at his plate, picking up his buttered biscuit, then back at the tv, taking a bite from it.

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The black car pulled up as Bradshaw and Farooq stood, having waited a half an hour. They were with a camera man, getting this arrival on air. The driver door opened and Dennis Knight, last known as Midian stepped out, dressed in a pair of blue jeans, snake skin boots, and a black t-shirt. He approached the APA members with a smile, giving greeting hand slaps and brotherly hugs as the front passenger and one of the back doors opened. From the front passenger side, came the oh so large, Viscera, in his old black wrestling attire which was simply a t-shirt, pants, boots and a leather coat, with the addition of sunglasses. He grinned with his colored black lips and his fist met Farooq's.

"Long time brothas." Viscera acknowledged the APA along with Midian.

"It's good to see you guys again." Bradshaw said with his muscular arms crossed, before looking over their shoulders at the opening back door. "Got someone with ya?"

"Oh, yeah." Midian turned as a third person exited the car, shutting the door.

A woman!. Her raven black hair hung down to her shoulders, nicely styled. She wore a pair of black tight jeans that exposed the shape of her slender legs very well. There was no area for a belt to be put in so they were a bit low, in which the straps of her skimpy underwear was visible. With the jeans she wore a black sports bra and a black leather jacket that was left open and extended to her mid thighs. Her eyes like Viscera's also hidden by sunglasses. She walked over to the four men, her boots clicking against the concrete, straightening the gloves on her hands.

"Taker insisted we welcome her." Viscera noted. "Y'all, this is Dark Angel."

"Nice to meet you." Farooq said, while Bradshaw only nodded with a smile.

"C'mon. Let's go meet the big man." Bradshaw said.

The five left the parking lot, being watched by the camera man who didn't follow, but just left it on them as they walked.

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Zach Gowen bounced off the ropes and hit Big Show with a shoulder charge, bouncing off of him like he was a small child. Vince McMahon wanted to punish the handicap superstar and this was how he planned on it. A hardcore match with Big Show. Zach was busted open while Show was only covered in sweat. He bounced off the ropes again and came at him, attempting to knock him off of his feet. No effect. Again, no effect. Finally he tried for a fourth attempt and Big Show grew tired of it. This time he caught Zach by the throat and hoisted him up over his head, chokeslamming him hard onto the mat, going down on his knees as he did, and placed his hands over the laid out man's chest, as the referee went to count the pin. 1..2..3. The arena filled with boos as the Big Show gave a roar of triumph at his victory. His song played as he held his arms high in the air, victorious.

Only a few seconds went by before the lights went out in the arena. The fans boos turned into a confused commotion. A few more seconds went by before the fans exploded into cheers at the sound they hadn't heard in ages. The sound of a heavy gong. A blue light filled the ring and the fans could see that Big Show was turning in circles, confused and nervous, wondering what the hell was going on. The gong sounded again and this time, the Big Show met the fate of a four man attack. The APA, along with Viscera and Midian, entered the ring and sprung their fury on the 7'2 brute. This brought heavy cheers by the fans.

As the four beat the living hell out of the Big Show who was aboslutely helpless, Undertaker made his way down to the ring on foot, followed by Dark Angel. They entered the ring as the attack ended with Viscera delivering his splash jump on Big Show, leaving him sprawled in the middle of the ring, while Zach recovered outside. Undertaker moved to the other side of the ring, retrieving a microphone. He walked back over to Big Show, leaning down as he spoke.

"You see what happens, boy, when you have a lack of respect for people who deserve every damn bit of it." He rose back up, looking to the crowd, as most of them had turned on their lighters. "And all of you here have witnessed the creation. The birth....of The Ministry Of Respect."

He threw the mic to the floor as his music played, leaving the fans cheering wildly, and exited the ring with the five members of the Ministry.

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Kane left his plate and empty can on his night stand as he watched the creation of the new Ministry fall into play. It was interesting to see big brother doing something big again but that wasn't what had his attention. What he had his eyes on was Dark Angel. The female of the group. She was so....beautiful. Angel was indeed the correct name for her.


Upon hearing his name he snapped out of his trance of seeing the beautiful, new, female superstar. He turned to look at Lilian Garcia and the camera man. They had been on the interview for a bit now. He had hardly looked at her when he answered her questions, as he watched his muted tv, though he shut his music off. His answers, he figured, were probably odd to her. 'Why did you set Jim Ross on fire?'-'He wanted to understand my pain, so I let him.' 'Why did you tombstone the CEO of the company, Linda McMahon?'-'She dared to call me responsible for what I do. I punish those guilty of making fun of me. If they didn't make fun of me, they wouldn't get hurt!' He had answered many questions, gave explanations he thought were logical. He had come close to becoming angry many times but he knew he would get nowhere with the four officers in his room to keep him from attacking Lilian. She continued her questions.

"Kane...are you, in any way, sorry for hurting JR and Linda?"

Kane remained quiet for what seemed like long minutes, but in reality it was only a few seconds.

"..No.." He turned to her, so he could get a glimpse of her out of the corner of his eye from under the towel. "..You can go now."

"Kane I just wanna ask you one more--"

"You can go now..." He raised his voice to normal, above the whispering tone he used when he first said it, adding a touch of annoyance to it.

"Okay. Thank you Kane. We hope to see you at work again soon."

Lilian packed up her papers and got up from Kane's bed where she sat and left with the camera man and the four officers. Kane heard his door close behind him and glanced back at it, then looked at the screen as Terri was backstage, interviewing the new, Ministry Of Respect. Once again Kane watched Dark Angel. She had an incredible body, he had to admit. Rarely did he pay attention to women. But the way she sat up on the crate, relaxed as Undertaker talked to Terri about how some of the superstars needed to learn some respect and that the six of them would show it to them. Kane couldn't help but smile when he read the captions of what Undertaker said next.

"I've seen how some of these pistle neck punk asses, treat my little brother after he was forced to unmask. And I garuntee you they're gonna pay, along with anybody else who hurts him. He'll beat the crap out of them, and then we'll come and finish the job." He looked at the camera as if he knew Kane was watching. "Kane. I got your back bro. If you ever need anything, we're willing to help."

Kane bowed his head, smiling some more, even wider. It made him feel good that his brother still cared. He thought of the day the fire struck him. He knew it was an accident that Mark burnt their home. But would the rest of the Ministry show true respect? They had yet to see him. His hideousness. His scars. What if he told Dark Angel, how beautiful he thought she was? Would she respond kindly? Or would she shun him and call him a freak? He thought about it some and as the interview ended with the Ministry, Kane switched the tv off. He had seen enough to make him somewhat happy for the night. He took the towel off his head and set it on his night stand beside the plate of chicken bones and the empty soda can. He was already in a wifebeater and a pair of black sweat pants. He climbed into bed, not bothering to pull the covers over himself, as he lay his head back, crossing his hands over his chest, and drifted off into sleep, thinking of Dark Angel. And with her in his mind, he couldn't wait to go to work, in hopes the Ministry would be there and he could meet her.

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I hope you enjoyed this. Please send me some reviews with your thoughts on this and if you'd like me to continue.