A/N :::tear:::tear::: My last Chapter. Oh these two are just so cute I don't know what to do with them. ::sniff::sniff:: Does anyone have a tissue? JK!!

Chapter Ten: His Lily!

Dawn broke out over the Forbidden Forest. The Wargs seeing the light fled to the darkness of their dens. They had suffered many bruises during the night from falling pinecones.

James saw all this from his perk up in their tree. Lily asleep on his shoulder just slept right through the angry glares the Wargs threw up at them.

Soon Lily woke up.

'Morning James. What happened to the Wargs?' She asked.

'They hate the sun. So they're off to lick their bruises. How did you sleep?' James asked as he put his arms around her.

'Well,' Lily said teasingly, 'I had the worst pillow imaginable plus this guy was snoring all night. So really I had a horrible night of sleep.' Lily said as she jumped down from the tree.

'I don't snore.' James said indignantly as he jumped out of the tree.

'Sure you don't.' Lily teased. 'Now I hereby grant you the position of leader.' Lily said with a mock bow. 'Oh trusty leader, which way to safety?'

'North, follow me.' James said as he walked of.


After an hour of walking James' side was really hurting.

'Lily, would you mind if we stopped for a minute?'

'Not at all. Is your side and arm hurting?' Lily asked in concern.

'Yes, so lets just sit under a tree and talk for a bit.' James said as he walked over to big willow. James sat down with a grimace of pain.

Lily followed and sat closer to him then she would have before last night.

'Here lift your shirt I'll take a look at your side.' Lily said as James took of his shirt. His cloak he had given to Lily because she was cold.

'Well I think you'll live.' Lily said after looking the wound and stitches over.

'I had better, I couldn't die now. Not right when I finally have my Lily.' James said as he pulled Lily closer.

'Your Lily?' Lily asked James as she looked up into his face.

'Absolutely! Your MY Lily flower.' James said as he pulled her onto his lap.

'Are you cold?' Lily asked after they had sat in silence for a couple minutes.

'Now why would you think that?' James asked teasingly.

'Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that your outside without a shirt on.' Lily said as she poked James' bare chest.

'Well you could give me some of my cloak. Then I wouldn't be so cold.' James said as he tugged on the cloak.

'I don't know about that. Maybe I'll just give you a leaf to cover up with.' Lily said as she wrapped the cloak around James.

'Thanks Lil,'


'Well here we are Miss Evans.' James said as they walked to the edge of the forest and looked out onto the beautiful grounds of Hogwarts.

'You know, I almost don't want to go in.' Lily said.


'Well I can just imagine Mayda and Sara's faces when they see me and me. Together, you know as a couple.' Lily said shyly.

'Are you ashamed of it?' James asked his heart beating frantically waiting for her answer.

'No, not at all. It's just that, well, I'm supposed to hate you. Not fall in love with you.' Lily said as she shrugged her shoulders.

'Lily, you don't have to do anything. You don't have to do what everyone wants you to do. Do what is right and what you want to do.' James said as he put his hands on her shoulders.

'Right!' Lily said, as she stood straighter. 'They can kiss my booty tang if they don't like it.'

'That's the spirit. Now let's go.' James said.

Lily kissed James and then turned to walk hand in hand toward their school.


'Well were have you two been?' Sirius asked as Lily and James walked into the common room.

'In the Forbidden Forest since a certain person messed up the switching spell.' James said as he gave Sirius a light punch on the shoulder.

'Prongs, I told you we shouldn't have let Wormtail do that spell.' Sirius said.

'What ever you say Padfoot ol' pal.' James said as he sat down.

'Hey Evans,' Sirius called across to Lily who was talking to Mayda and Sara.

'What Black?'

'Come over here and chat with us, and bring your cute friends with you.' Sirius called.

The girls walked over. Lily sat next to James and Mayda sat on Sirius. Sara walked shyly over to where Remus was sitting.

'Well it seems a lot has changed over one weekend.' James said as he looked at two of his best friends sitting next or under girls.

'The same could be said to you.' Remus said as he put his arm around Sara.

'Well we can all thank Sirius and his expertise with a wand for that.' Lily said.

'Now that's not very nice Lily.' Sirius said as he tried to look hurt.

'Well I don't have to be nice, just ask the pack of Wargs in the forest how nice I can be.' Lily said with a grin.

The rest of the night the six stayed up talking. Telling each other what had happened in the two days they were apart.

For today their world was complete and perfect.


Dumbledore looked up from his desk at Professor McGonagall.

'Well I told you that transportation spell would work.' Dumbledore said.

'I don't know how you got that spell to work on Hogwarts grounds.' McGonagall said.

'Well it's all about how you do things.'

'I see, they are cute aren't they?' McGongall said as she looked back into the mirror that had James and Lily sitting on the couch laughing and smiling at one another.

'Yes they are. The Gortag was right. Their love did come out of the ashes of dislike.' Dumbledore said as he looked back into the mirror. Dumbledore smiled at the happy couple on the couch.

Indeed as long as they were together their world was perfect.


Oh it's all over, my story is complete. Please tell me what you think of it. This is my first Fanfiction so please tell me how I can improve. Please tell me what you liked about the story and what you hated, BE HONEST, I can take it.

I also I'm going to start another Lily and James story soon so any ideas would be helpful. Thanks everyone!!!!!!! PLZ REVIEW.
