Split Infinity

By: Theo Javier

A/N: This is a very short prologue, but not all prologues are long, so I figured mine could be shorter, since I was posting chapter one with it. This is going to be a good one, I think. Excuse typos please. Hermione never stopped taking astronomy, either, which is why she's a sixth year and in astronomy.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. It belongs to J.K. Rowling and her people, and the purple matts belong to those yoga people.

Dedication: to the people who made the movie Split Infinity, which is actually a good family show. This is sort of based off of it, in a not really sort of way. Also to Lexi, Dani, Tiffany, and of course, Pirates of the Carribean. Oh, Johnney Depp looks very nice as a pirate. Orlando Bloom doesn't look so bad himself.



"The most important part of this is to keep an open mind," said Professor Trelawney one day in Divination. Hermione Granger rolled her eyes and wondered why she ever stayed with this class. Obviously, it was a complete waste of her time. She couldn't learn anything by lying on the floor, on little purple matts, with her eyes closed, listening to Professor Trelawney give directions to visaulize in her head, with her eyes closed. Peeking one eye open, she saw that everyone else was actually taking her seriously... Either that, or sleeping, like Ron Weasley. He happened to be snoring ever so softly. He didn't look too bad, either, all asleep like that...

Hermione closed her eyes and felt ridiculous. She didn't understand half the things they did in this class. It was her sixth year, and she could have been doing more things with her life. She could be taking muggle- studies (even though she already was a muggle-born) or something that wasn't such a waste of time. She could also be using this class time as a study hall, so she could get her Potions homework done, even though it wasn't due until the end of the week, and she had only an inch or so to go, and she would always go over the requirement.

"Picture something in your mind. Anything at all, just picture it," said Trelawney. There was some shuffling around and some clicking noises, but quickly the sound of water rushing over rocks or something filled the room, and Hermione had the urge to use the bathroom suddenly. Trelawney had warned before the class that the students wouldn't be allowed to leave, so Hermione had to deal with her bladder, which was about to explode all of a sudden. "Are you picturing something?" Trelawney demanded over the sound of the music, which seemed to be surrounding the room.

Sighing, Hermione conjured up the first thing off her head. Lily Potter. She had long red hair, big green eyes like Harry's, and lots of freckles. At least that's how she looked in some of the pictures in Harry's photo album. She had to have been smart. She was probably really popular too. She probably had lots of boyfriends.... Hermione found herself slowly slipping off into sleep, the picture of Lily Potter still in her head.


When Hermione woke up later that day, with Ron Weasley poking her in the shoulder, she still had to go to the bathroom. Jumping up, she gathered her things and headed to the girls lavatory, which happened to be just a little ways away. And it was of course the one with Moaning Myrtle in it. 'Just what I need, Moaning Myrtle to deal with,' she thought. Everything was annoying her today, from the way her shoelaces kept making her miss a step, to her sandy brown hair, which kept going in her eyes. Digging out a ponytail holder from her knapsack, which was surprisingly light for today, and pulled her mane into a messy knot. Finally reaching the bathroom, she told the boys to go on to Potions without her and she'd catch up.

Entering the bathroom, she got a familair chill and glanced around. Moaning Myrtle was nowhere to be seen, thank goodness, and there were no sounds of sobbing in any of the stalls. Grinning, she headed over to one. Unfourtunately, just at that moment, Moaning Myrtle decided to fling open the stall door, which was right where Hermione was standing right then. Ghosts happen to have superhuman strength when they were mad... Unfourtunately for Hermione, Myrtle was mad...
