Kagome lay awake, struggling to find a comfortable position against the hard wood of Kaede's floor. Not even her sleeping bag seemed to lessen the rigid feel of the planks, on sleepless nights like these. Sighing to herself, she swiveled and rolled her body into a sitting position, her tired arms propping up her upper body. She turned her blue-gray eyes to the pale moon set deep in the night sky, and her heart jumped into her throat.

Tomorrow was Inuyasha's weak night, when his hanyou traits would wane into human ones. Those nights, the group never let their guard down, forming an unspoken ring of protection around Inuyasha. A breathy sigh escaped from between her lips, as dread began to leak through her veins. The night of the new moon was best spent quiet and hidden, but it seldom happened that way. The last time he had turned human, the Inuyasha-tachi had run in to Kouga.....and to Naraku's minion, Kagura.

Flopping lightly on her fluffy sleeping bag, Kagome stole a quick glance at the lean figure stationed in the shadowed corner. His Tetsusaiga rested gently across his left shoulder, as his arms were curled around the sheath in a protective hug. The heavy folds of his fire-rat kimono draped over his hands, fell delicately over his muscled limbs. The white bangs of his shining hair were loose over his closed eyes, hiding the most expressive part of him from view. Kagome couldn't help but smile a little at the relaxed and peaceful expression on his face. He seemed to have dozed off......

She took a few more moments to watch his chest rise and fall slowly with each breath, and admired his perfect face. Without warning, two orbs of gold appeared from beneath the white strands, and Kagome was startled from her reverie. She buried her head in her pillow, a slow blush creeping over her cheeks. He had locked eyes with her for but a second, but the memory of those shining lights burning into her mind bore into her thoughts. He had seen her watching him. Feeling her stomach writhe with embarrassment, she feigned sleep and prayed that he hadn't noticed her leisurely stares.