Disclaimer: I own nothing.

It's only over when the fat lady sings! *fat lady wobbles on and sings* Awww....That's right folks - THIS IS IT! IT'S ALLLLLLLLL OVVVVVVEEEEERRRR!! You've all been great, and I'm sorry for making you wait for so long for this last chapter, it's been so hard to right.

Thanks to:

All my reviewers,

Lauren - thank you soooooo much!!

My mum - for telling me to right another damn chapter!

Steve - for beta-reading this!


Logan suddenly came to his senses. "Charles! We just let him get away! I should've gutted him." He growled, extracting his claws slightly in annoyance.

Charles ignored him knowing it would start up into the same old argument...he wasn't in the mood. He thought about what Magneto had said 'What could they be up to?' He didn't want to admit it. But Xavier knew less than he let on.

"I don't care what he said!" Kitty disrupted the silence. "You took one of OUR mutants!" Xavier and Logan looked round at her and saw that the X-men and the Brotherhood were arguing.

"Us! What have we done? It was his choice!" Pietro cried, giving an evil stare at Kurt. Todd stood silent looking up at the sky for a while, listening to everyone shout at each other. Then suddenly he couldn't take it anymore.

"THEY USED US!! They Used, US? IT WAS NO ONE'S FAULT! We were all....Used." He frowned and turned to the Brotherhood. "Yo, I'm beat. I'm going home. It's obvious Kurt is going to rejoin the X-men." He walked off, followed by the Brotherhood.

"Hey, um, Scott?"

Scott looked round to find Kurt fiddling slightly with his tail, looking a little uncomfortable. "What's up?" He asked, turning around fully.

"Uh - is your offer to rejoin you still open?" He asked, giving Scott his cheeky grin. Scott returned it and laughed.

"You bet! It wasn't the same without you!"

They all made their way back to the mansion. Starting there first meal with Kurt back with the X-Men, they all made they way to bed. As they said Goodnight. Kurt had to blurt out.

"What an eventful day its been!"

Kitty laughed. The others were already in their bed. Kurt shrugged his shoulders and made his way to his old room. He made a mental note to drop by the brotherhood's place and pick up his stuff.

He lay there thinking about being back at the mansion **Yes! Back Home.Where I Belong!** Then he had another thought. He got up and walked to the window, he could see the Brotherhood's place from it. **I vunder vhy I've never noticed that before!**

The next day - everyone had to go back to school, which much moaning and groaning I can assure you! Everything was back to normal, almost.

The bell had just rung and once again - they had Geography for the first lesson. Kurt took his seat at the back, which he had blagged, then looked over at Todd. "Hey...Todd."

Todd ignored him.

"Todd!" Hissed Kurt, nudging him slightly with the end of his pen. Todd blinked and looked over at him. "Thanks," Muttered Kurt.

"For what?"

"For being there vhen everyone one else vas being, vell, horrible!"

Toad shrugged it off, and went back to flicking wads of paper at Pietro. Kurt sighed and faced the front again. Then he grinned to himself, and put his hands behind his head, listening as the teacher complained to them about their marks, thinking only one thing for the rest of the lesson.

**Thank GOD everything's back to normal!**


The last time I answer your reviews *Sob* Until next time newayZ!

Raskolion Phoenix - It's gonna be a while until I get the next story after this up - I already have 1 story I'm writing with my mate Lauren, another X- men Evolution story, a KND story (Yes - I admit it, I'm obssessed!) and then I've gotta finish my Andromeda story!! Cheers for reviewing, it's been cool!!

Nightcrawlers Guh - Aw! Danke! I started writing fics when I was 10 - and believe me, they're sucky! Lol, this is one of the best storys I've done! ^_^ No Kurtty I'm afraid, I dun really do romance unless it's really really strong!! I dun really believe in Kurtty! Sorry!

Duck - Um, this is it *sobs* the last chapter, you best keep in touch! Review some o' mah otha storys, or add me to MsN - (if u do - e-mail me first, lol)

Ruzzy - thanks! I can't remember what happens in chappi 23! Lol, I'm really sorry this took so long to get up!! The mind control thing was a spur of the moment thing, in fact - most of this story was just made up off the top of my head - lol!

Glaivester - I got the names mixed up, lol, never mind. An I din't know the air was toxic =s But never mind again! I'm glad u liked the story!!

Golden slumbers - ah, even if I do loose my inspiration, the reviews you cool dudes + dudettes give me bring it right back!! Glad u like!

OMG - OMG! I love this review!! It's sooo coool!! Hehe, glad u like!!

Nightcrawler03 - MAGGY! LMAO!! Haha, that's going on my list of mutant nicknames!! Kurt = Fuzzbutt. Logan = Bub, Mr. McCoy = The incredible blue hulk, Xavier = whistle man (looooong story) and now! Magneto = Maggy!! Hehe!!

Gyuumajo - that's how!

ToiletDuck85 - Hope you enjoyed this chappi!!

BoomBaby101 - I had writers block, then I was ill, but I was okay today!! =D Glad u liked the story! ^_^

Jacombo - *bounces around* I'm just naturally energetic, and hyperactive!! I din't want to make the Brotherhood do anything because I felt sorry for them, I like the Brotherhood!!

LewsTherInsanity - NOOOO!! I'm sorry!!! I din't mean too!! Lol! I'm glad SOMEONE isn't totally lost like I am!

Invader ZaiFae - My mum just thinks I'm nuts! Lol, He's not dead in THIS story, but you can be sure there will be a story coming up soon in which he does die in it! *shock horror!* My mind is really morbid too - I'm usually depressed all the time unless I'm writing/reading.

Roguehobbit - no, the whole Kurt saving mankind thing is a completely different story! Which won't be up for a while =(

Krazy Xanadu - It's the end =( Until next time anyway! Thanks for the congrats! ^_^ I was like =o when I reached 90! Let alone 300! Hehe!

XM6 - *runs around screaming, "my hair is on fire! My hair is on fire!* *puts herself out with a flame thrower and pouts* Meanie. But thanks for the review!!

Dark Dragon Fire Demon - ooooh! I do like the nickname!! My ICT teacher has nicknamed me "Evil" lol, the whole Kurt joining the Brotherhood was where this idea came from! I was thinking about it one day an then I decided to make it into a story! You said in a diffo review u love Legolas - go to It's my website!!

Alliriyan - if I knew I'd let you know! I was all =0 when I got to 90!!

Teleport Master - I did! I did!! =D Glad u like this story, even though it's all over now =(

blackwidow10 - thanks for supporting me twinni! Keep in touch!! Glad u liked this story!!

Ssphinxx - Well, basically, It wasn't Kurt - it was Mystique an....*falls over* I never thought I'd even finish this story!

Well all. This is it, my time to say good night! and hang up my pen! (until next time) So, goodbye all, you've all been wonderful! *big puff off smoke* *trips over* Ow! *unties Kurt and free's him* You can go free, blue one! Well BYE ALL!!!

*Closes the window*