(Cut to exterior. It is slightly later, and the police have showed up. OFFICER HOBBLE gets the story from KIM and RON)

OFFICER HOBBLE: So let me get this straight. Dr. Drakken stole the movie camera and film, used it to make a hypnotic film and hypnotized all these people.

KIM: That's right.

RON: So, what's going to happen to the film?

OFFICER HOBBLE: Oh, it's safe.

RON: Yeah, but where?


(OFFICER HOBBLE walks off)

RON: I hope it's really safe.

KIM: Don't sweat, Ron. Come on, let's get some dinner.

(KIM and RON walk off)

(Cut to a warehouse. The CRATE with DRAKKEN's FILM is on a cart and is slapped with a label reading "DANGER- DO NOT OPEN. EVER." An old man pushes the cart near the back of the storage room, which is full of other film crates a la 'Raiders of the Lost Ark.' Camera pulls back to reveal many other crates and a sign near the front which reads "K. POSSIBLE- SEASONS 2- 37")

(Fade to black)

The End.