Fly in wonder, and know that nothing
at all is unquestionable, unsearchable.
Mystery is indeed numinous, but our own
attempts to artifice it have failed always
and will always.
Whether bathed in the blood of bull
or consuming the flesh of the Lord,
or laying in devotion to a Holy Virgin -
pagans and heathens created your rituals.
You are a new cult, long-lasting enough,
but the small gods whisper that nothing is forever.
One day, yahweh will join them in the desert.
So content yourself, but know when you tire,
that the true numinous of nature is always there.
And through the unknowable nature of an particle/wave
you may find the reason you were searching for
all along in life.
(A/N) "I have survived your predesessors, and I will survive you." If your review contains any paraphrase of "so sorry to see you have rejected God," you need to learn how to REVIEW a poem, not run a commentary on the writer's religion or lack thereof. Ja mata.