Well, I know I took forever, but I finally updated. So, this chapter
is longer than the previous two, and I'll be fixing up chapter one! Enjoy
the Kyo-torture!
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters. I don't own the title. I DO own the story, so THERE!
Cat, Rat, and Dog
Chapter 3: Nepeta cataria
Kyo liked to take his time waking up. After all, if he tried to force himself to get up right away he would be too much like that shitty rat.
Kyo especially wanted to take his time on this particular morning. For some reason, he had a feeling that something very bad was going to happen. The shitty rat was clever--he had to give him that--and could be rather malicious. The rat didn't need to have Shigure come up with any ideas.
As Kyo lay in bed, he tried to imagine what Yuki could have possibly come up with. He HAD to have done something since it wasn't like him to just let Kyo get away with anything. It probably had something to do with his garden. The rat was OBSESSED with the thing. If so, he could expect leeks in his food, most likely planted in there without Tohru's knowledge or consent, or--in a more likely scenario--taking advantage of her occasional absent-mindedness.
And as our favorite cat became increasingly awake, he began to notice the strange scent coming from somewhere by his bed. Deciding that there wasn't anything that could really be that bad on the other side of his bed-- after waking up next to Ayame there wasn't much that could faze him--so he turned over.
He wasn't surprised to see a small green plant next to his bed. It was rather squat and bushy, and its leaves were giving off some sort of strange smell. It smelled rather.good, actually.
Kyo leaned over to smell it a bit better. It really did smell quite good. Yes...good...very...
Kyo's mind was starting to go fuzzy. He liked this. Yes.he really liked this.Kyo nibbled on the end of one leaf. It tasted good, too. Better than leeks. Yes, much better than icky leeks. Tohru wasn't going to make him eat icky leeks, was she? No, Tohru likes cute kitties and Tohru likes him and he liked Tohru and Tohru likes him and Tohru likes Yuki, but Kyo doesn't like the shitty rat, or leeks, or Shigure, but Tohru likes all of those things and he likes Tohru so he purrrrrrrrrrred...
Kyo ate more of the leaf. He liked the leaf. He liked it so much that he ate another one and another one and another one...
Tohru was about to make breakfast when she noticed something on the counter, beside the other ingredients. She sighed, and put the leeks back with the other vegetables. This had to be the tenth time that Shigure had tried this. She had stopped falling for it after the fifth? Or was it the sixth time? She knew she should be embarrassed, but Kyo-kun had reassured her that it wasn't her fault. She knew that it was, but it wasn't like her to make a big fuss once everything had been sorted out.
She had been just about to start the rice when Kyo-kun came downstairs. She had already known something was wrong--Souma-kun and Shigure had been up for nearly an hour and Souma-kun was already awake. She didn't know exactly how wrong everything was until she realized that Kyo- kun was purring. Kyo-kun NEVER purred, not even when he was a cat!
She was so busy wondering what could be wrong with Kyo-kun that it took her a minute to realize that he was rubbing against her arm in a very feline manner! That was more than enough to freak out the shy teenager. Her body stiffened, her hair bristled, and she let out a squeak, which was apparently loud enough for the other two Souma to hear from the next room.
Yuki and Shigure stepped into the kitchen, their voices filled with worry. After seeing their friend's predicament, however, their reactions were rather different.
Shigure--who was by nature likely to laugh at anything that appeared even REMOTELY amusing--was unable to control his laughter.
Yuki on the other hand was ready to kill. As always, it was hard to tell at first glance, but the glint in his eyes was distinctly homicidal.
Yuki had expected Kyo to act like an idiot. He did. He expected him to act more like the stupid cat he was. He did. What Yuki had NOT expected was for Kyo to be so...so...touchy-feely. Especially with Honda-san. Yuki was NOT happy about this.
Kyo, on the other hand seemed to be having a wonderful time. He had a big smile on his face and was purring and rubbing up against Tohru, marking her as something safe and friendly. This much contact with someone of the opposite gender resulted in the inevitable. There was a pop and a burst of orange smoke, and Kyo was rubbing Tohru's ankles, since his feline form didn't allow him to reach much higher for prolonged periods of time.
The change from purring teenage boy to adorable purring cat allowed Tohru to relax. Cats are cute. Purring cats are cuter. It's hard not to relax around a purring cat.
And relax Tohru did. She knelt down and started to pet Kyo. In the back of her mind she realized that he would probably be very angry as soon as he returned to normal, but he was too adorable as a cat.
So Tohru kept petting Kyo, and Kyo kept purring, and Shigure kept laughing, until Yuki figured that his dearest older brother might like to make something in orange cat hair. He also decided that Honda-san might not appreciate it, so he left the room to make it easier to resist the urge.
Eventually, Shigure left to write, Tohru stopped petting Kyo, and Kyo went up to the roof to sun. Tohru wasn't sure how to tell him that he might want to go somewhere more private until he changed back, but as he didn't react to anything she said, she figured that--for some strange reason--he didn't care. After an hour, she assumed that he must have gone back to his room after he changed back.
She was wrong.
Kyo was, in fact, human, nude, and still on the roof. Of course, he realized none of this. In fact, he didn't really notice anything, except that the sun was nice and warm today and that he was happy to be alive.
It was at about this point that Kyo started to realize that something was wrong with him. The haze in his mind was starting to clear and he was becoming more aware of what exactly was going on. After a few minutes, he was ignoring the sun and the warmth and he was no longer happy to be alive. He was back to his normal pessimistic, grumpy, and rather depressing mindset.
He also noticed that he was naked and on the roof.
That was not good.
So, with a curse, he jumped off the roof and ran into his room as fast as he possibly could. Fortunately, Tohru was in another area of the house entirely. He quickly got dressed. After that, he tried to remember the events that had led to his being naked on the roof. He remembered waking up, turning over, and...the plant.
The plant was still next to his bed. Careful not to even smell it, he picked it up and carried it to the kitchen. In another strange bit of good luck, Tohru was in there. He carried it over to her and set the pot down on the counter.
"Oh, good morning, Kyo-kun!" chirped the perpetually cheerful girl.
Kyo's response was less than cheerful.
"Do you know what this is?"
Tohru looked at it quizzically for a moment.
"It looks like mint. Why?"
"No reason," grunted Kyo.
He left the kitchen to return to the roof. Why would MINT make him forget anything?
Yuki left his room and walked down to the kitchen. By his estimates, Kyo should be back to his regular, stupid self by now. When he got there, he saw the plant he had left in Kyo's room the night before sitting on the counter by Tohru. Ah. The stupid cat WAS back to normal and he had figured out the cause.
Tohru turned to face him.
"Souma-kun? Do you know what type of mint this is?"
Or maybe the stupid cat really WAS too stupid to recognize the plant.
"Of course, Honda-san. It's--"
Kyo was sick to his stomach. It was for this reason that he was doubled over, vomiting up everything in his stomach. Only, the only thing that seemed to be in his stomach was about a dozen leaves from the plant. Had he EATEN it? What would possess him to do THAT?
He had to get something to rinse the taste out of vomit out of his mouth. Milk would be nice. So Kyo headed back to the kitchen, where he saw the shitty rat talking to Tohru.
"Nepeta cataria, commonly known as catnip."
Kyo froze. CATNIP!? He had eaten CATNIP!? And the shitty rat knew!? He was going to kill that stupid, dirty, shitty rat! He jumped into the room and started to attack Yuki.
Unfortunately, even his attempted surprise attack didn't work. Yuki just kicked him through the walls as always. And as Kyo tried to recover from smashing through the wood and paper screens, Yuki just sighed.
"I'm not sure why you bother attacking ME. It's Shigure who provided the seeds and the idea. I don't see you attacking HIM."
It was about then that the two cousins realized what they had been doing wrong. If they continued in this manner, it would last forever. But why attack each other when someone else continued to amuse himself by masterminding the pranks and maintaining immunity?
The two were for once in complete agreement.
"Shigure," growled Kyo.
"I have a plan," said Yuki, "And I'll need your help Honda-san."
Well, it's Shigure's turn. He'll get it next time. As for why he was on Kyo's side last time: He's not really on anyone's side. He's having fun tricking them both. That's just how he is.
Thanks for reading! Please review!
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters. I don't own the title. I DO own the story, so THERE!
Cat, Rat, and Dog
Chapter 3: Nepeta cataria
Kyo liked to take his time waking up. After all, if he tried to force himself to get up right away he would be too much like that shitty rat.
Kyo especially wanted to take his time on this particular morning. For some reason, he had a feeling that something very bad was going to happen. The shitty rat was clever--he had to give him that--and could be rather malicious. The rat didn't need to have Shigure come up with any ideas.
As Kyo lay in bed, he tried to imagine what Yuki could have possibly come up with. He HAD to have done something since it wasn't like him to just let Kyo get away with anything. It probably had something to do with his garden. The rat was OBSESSED with the thing. If so, he could expect leeks in his food, most likely planted in there without Tohru's knowledge or consent, or--in a more likely scenario--taking advantage of her occasional absent-mindedness.
And as our favorite cat became increasingly awake, he began to notice the strange scent coming from somewhere by his bed. Deciding that there wasn't anything that could really be that bad on the other side of his bed-- after waking up next to Ayame there wasn't much that could faze him--so he turned over.
He wasn't surprised to see a small green plant next to his bed. It was rather squat and bushy, and its leaves were giving off some sort of strange smell. It smelled rather.good, actually.
Kyo leaned over to smell it a bit better. It really did smell quite good. Yes...good...very...
Kyo's mind was starting to go fuzzy. He liked this. Yes.he really liked this.Kyo nibbled on the end of one leaf. It tasted good, too. Better than leeks. Yes, much better than icky leeks. Tohru wasn't going to make him eat icky leeks, was she? No, Tohru likes cute kitties and Tohru likes him and he liked Tohru and Tohru likes him and Tohru likes Yuki, but Kyo doesn't like the shitty rat, or leeks, or Shigure, but Tohru likes all of those things and he likes Tohru so he purrrrrrrrrrred...
Kyo ate more of the leaf. He liked the leaf. He liked it so much that he ate another one and another one and another one...
Tohru was about to make breakfast when she noticed something on the counter, beside the other ingredients. She sighed, and put the leeks back with the other vegetables. This had to be the tenth time that Shigure had tried this. She had stopped falling for it after the fifth? Or was it the sixth time? She knew she should be embarrassed, but Kyo-kun had reassured her that it wasn't her fault. She knew that it was, but it wasn't like her to make a big fuss once everything had been sorted out.
She had been just about to start the rice when Kyo-kun came downstairs. She had already known something was wrong--Souma-kun and Shigure had been up for nearly an hour and Souma-kun was already awake. She didn't know exactly how wrong everything was until she realized that Kyo- kun was purring. Kyo-kun NEVER purred, not even when he was a cat!
She was so busy wondering what could be wrong with Kyo-kun that it took her a minute to realize that he was rubbing against her arm in a very feline manner! That was more than enough to freak out the shy teenager. Her body stiffened, her hair bristled, and she let out a squeak, which was apparently loud enough for the other two Souma to hear from the next room.
Yuki and Shigure stepped into the kitchen, their voices filled with worry. After seeing their friend's predicament, however, their reactions were rather different.
Shigure--who was by nature likely to laugh at anything that appeared even REMOTELY amusing--was unable to control his laughter.
Yuki on the other hand was ready to kill. As always, it was hard to tell at first glance, but the glint in his eyes was distinctly homicidal.
Yuki had expected Kyo to act like an idiot. He did. He expected him to act more like the stupid cat he was. He did. What Yuki had NOT expected was for Kyo to be so...so...touchy-feely. Especially with Honda-san. Yuki was NOT happy about this.
Kyo, on the other hand seemed to be having a wonderful time. He had a big smile on his face and was purring and rubbing up against Tohru, marking her as something safe and friendly. This much contact with someone of the opposite gender resulted in the inevitable. There was a pop and a burst of orange smoke, and Kyo was rubbing Tohru's ankles, since his feline form didn't allow him to reach much higher for prolonged periods of time.
The change from purring teenage boy to adorable purring cat allowed Tohru to relax. Cats are cute. Purring cats are cuter. It's hard not to relax around a purring cat.
And relax Tohru did. She knelt down and started to pet Kyo. In the back of her mind she realized that he would probably be very angry as soon as he returned to normal, but he was too adorable as a cat.
So Tohru kept petting Kyo, and Kyo kept purring, and Shigure kept laughing, until Yuki figured that his dearest older brother might like to make something in orange cat hair. He also decided that Honda-san might not appreciate it, so he left the room to make it easier to resist the urge.
Eventually, Shigure left to write, Tohru stopped petting Kyo, and Kyo went up to the roof to sun. Tohru wasn't sure how to tell him that he might want to go somewhere more private until he changed back, but as he didn't react to anything she said, she figured that--for some strange reason--he didn't care. After an hour, she assumed that he must have gone back to his room after he changed back.
She was wrong.
Kyo was, in fact, human, nude, and still on the roof. Of course, he realized none of this. In fact, he didn't really notice anything, except that the sun was nice and warm today and that he was happy to be alive.
It was at about this point that Kyo started to realize that something was wrong with him. The haze in his mind was starting to clear and he was becoming more aware of what exactly was going on. After a few minutes, he was ignoring the sun and the warmth and he was no longer happy to be alive. He was back to his normal pessimistic, grumpy, and rather depressing mindset.
He also noticed that he was naked and on the roof.
That was not good.
So, with a curse, he jumped off the roof and ran into his room as fast as he possibly could. Fortunately, Tohru was in another area of the house entirely. He quickly got dressed. After that, he tried to remember the events that had led to his being naked on the roof. He remembered waking up, turning over, and...the plant.
The plant was still next to his bed. Careful not to even smell it, he picked it up and carried it to the kitchen. In another strange bit of good luck, Tohru was in there. He carried it over to her and set the pot down on the counter.
"Oh, good morning, Kyo-kun!" chirped the perpetually cheerful girl.
Kyo's response was less than cheerful.
"Do you know what this is?"
Tohru looked at it quizzically for a moment.
"It looks like mint. Why?"
"No reason," grunted Kyo.
He left the kitchen to return to the roof. Why would MINT make him forget anything?
Yuki left his room and walked down to the kitchen. By his estimates, Kyo should be back to his regular, stupid self by now. When he got there, he saw the plant he had left in Kyo's room the night before sitting on the counter by Tohru. Ah. The stupid cat WAS back to normal and he had figured out the cause.
Tohru turned to face him.
"Souma-kun? Do you know what type of mint this is?"
Or maybe the stupid cat really WAS too stupid to recognize the plant.
"Of course, Honda-san. It's--"
Kyo was sick to his stomach. It was for this reason that he was doubled over, vomiting up everything in his stomach. Only, the only thing that seemed to be in his stomach was about a dozen leaves from the plant. Had he EATEN it? What would possess him to do THAT?
He had to get something to rinse the taste out of vomit out of his mouth. Milk would be nice. So Kyo headed back to the kitchen, where he saw the shitty rat talking to Tohru.
"Nepeta cataria, commonly known as catnip."
Kyo froze. CATNIP!? He had eaten CATNIP!? And the shitty rat knew!? He was going to kill that stupid, dirty, shitty rat! He jumped into the room and started to attack Yuki.
Unfortunately, even his attempted surprise attack didn't work. Yuki just kicked him through the walls as always. And as Kyo tried to recover from smashing through the wood and paper screens, Yuki just sighed.
"I'm not sure why you bother attacking ME. It's Shigure who provided the seeds and the idea. I don't see you attacking HIM."
It was about then that the two cousins realized what they had been doing wrong. If they continued in this manner, it would last forever. But why attack each other when someone else continued to amuse himself by masterminding the pranks and maintaining immunity?
The two were for once in complete agreement.
"Shigure," growled Kyo.
"I have a plan," said Yuki, "And I'll need your help Honda-san."
Well, it's Shigure's turn. He'll get it next time. As for why he was on Kyo's side last time: He's not really on anyone's side. He's having fun tricking them both. That's just how he is.
Thanks for reading! Please review!