Disclaimer: I am not a conceited person. I will not pretend I even begin to possess the genius that Watsuki had in order to create Rurouni Kenshin. I mean, come on, if I owned something that wonderfully awesome I would…be doing something equally awesome instead of sitting here and trying to ignore that delicious scent of vanilla oatmeal cookies.

A/N: Yes, this was my first fic, but now it's unavoidable that I go back and edit it. Well, it was written like two years ago, so probably I should be proud of how my writing skills have progressed instead of wincing every time I look at what I wrote back then. Oh well. I am very much aware of the cliché/stereo-typicality of my fanfiction. So what is the incentive to write it? Well, because there are sequels, and the sequels are, if I do say so myself, very good, and pretty original, too. I mean, for fanfiction standards.

So, enjoy the reposting of Steps of Courage.



The girl shuffled along the narrow hallway, happy to at last be free. As soon as she stepped outside, sunlight pummeled her into the dry, hard ground. She shielded her eyes and looked around briefly, before her jade green gaze settled on a familiar lone figure, sheathing his sword.

"Enizu!" She cried out, rushing toward him and stumbling. Wearing a kimono had always made her awkward, but there was something about the regal mansion she supposedly called home that made her want to wear something besides the tattered clothes that she normally sported.

Enizu smiled lightly as she approached. "You realize why I've called you out here?"

She hesitated before answering, "You're…sending me away, aren't you? So you can focus on your work." She gave a resigned nod. Though she loved Enizu, she never really liked living in that dark a dreary place. She never admitted this to him, however, as he viewed the mansion as a home.

"Not quite," He raised her chin and brought himself closer. His next words were said in a whisper. "Ever since my brother was arrested, there have been people looking for us."

She frowned. "But that was over a year ago…" She bit her lip in confusion.

"Yes, and so far we've evaded their assault. But there are some people who would stop at nothing to have us dead."

"Dead!?" This obviously came as a shock to the girl, who had thought she was nothing but safe.

"Don't worry, we'll be alright," He assured her. His features changed to stare at her darkly. "But it's very, very important that you stay out of trouble on your travels. And be sure to end up in Tokyo."

"Enizu!" She cried out, shocked. "That will be the first place they look!"

He grinned. "So you do have brains."

She narrowed her eyes.

"Alright, alright," He apologized. "Tokyo is the safest place right now, due to the circumstances."

"Sort of like…they won't think we'll go there…because they'll think that we think that it's too obvious?" She suggested, a slight skeptical look on her face.

"Exactly. Now, listen closely."

She complied.

"You will travel there on foot or by any means you can manage. It will take nearly a month if you have the right way and if you stop every night," He said very clearly.

"Why can't you just come with me?" She asked quizzically.

"You'll be in danger with me," He said slowly. "But don't worry. I will find you in Tokyo. Get yourself situated and I'll meet you there afterwards."

She nodded resolutely. "I understand." Then, "When am I leaving?"

"Here comes Antera-san with your things," He smiled politely over her shoulder at the servant-girl who was scurrying toward them.

Enizu accepted the bags and Antera trotted away, waving slightly to the girl at Enizu's right. He handed the bags to her.

"Go," The word was barely a whisper in her ear. And she departed.

A/N: See? Already you can tell this fic has gone under some major changes and revamping. Unless you hadn't read the previous version, which is just as well. This re-write is definitely much better, judging by the first ten or so chapters (yeah, I haven't gotten past that in re-writing, but hey, it's going a lot quicker.

Reviews are very welcome, all types accepted (hey, I'm not expecting you to flame me, but I accept flames just as well as I accept reviews, so don't worry about hurting my poor, tender feelings)