I do not own Keladry of Midelan, or Neal of Queensove or any other of the characters in this story... they all belong to Tamira Peirce.

Kel walked to the mess hall with her friends Neal, Cleon, Owen, Roald, and Vincen, who had suprisingly turned to Kel's side after he broke his left arm in one of the fights he had gotten into because of Joren. Vincen has gotten real close to Kel, he was now one of her best friends. Joren although was still his normal, ugly self. He does not pick on the younger pages too often for he lost his best fighter.

"Sun of my Life, would you mind running along to get some pens and pencil's in my room? I seemed to have forgotten them." Cleon had said to Kel.

"Cleon I told you not to call me those rediculas names anymore!" Kel replied.

"But your the joy of my life! How can I not call you those 'non-rediculas names'?"

Kel looked at Cleon in a weird way, now she felt as if he was not just pretending to like her...but really does like her. She had to find out someway, but how? She would have to figure out later at night, after her study group was over, and if she didnt have any work to do from class. That was the only way.

When Kel got back from her last class, she was suspeting her whole study group in her room waiting for her, but all there was, was Cleon. Kel started shaking in fear. What was Cleon doing in her room...alone? 'Maybee the rest of the class would be a little late' she thought. But then why doesnt Cleon even have his books with him? This was to weird for Kel. She didnt know how to react.

"So...how are you my rose?" Cleon was also getting nervouse, he had to loosen his tunic becuase he was getting sweaty from all of his preasure going onto Kel. He thought that she would just run out, and tell her friends and everyone in the palace that he was flirting with only a 3rd year page, and him a Squire.

Kel didnt say anything. Finally she went over to him and sat on the bed about a foot away from him.Cleon slid closer to her. Kel blushed, then opened her book to the page they were supose to study on. Cleon shut the book back up and througgh it on the ground. Cleon slid even closer to her and touched his lips to her cheek very gently. Kel stood up and walked over to the door, then she walked to the side of the room, she was pacing. She didnt know what to say or do. Yet again she walked over to the bed and they sat 6 inches apart from each other.

Kel wasnt thinking, right when she was gonna walk out on him she kissed him straight on the lips. She then turned about as red as his hair. Cleon also blushed, but not as red. Then Cleon got up and picked up the book and handed it to Kel, Kel put it aside and said, "I...I...I'm sorry, I got to go. No, you got to go. Im really really sorry"

Cleon looked to the ground, he then said, "You dont like me? But...I thought we hit it off great. Dont you think?" Cleon gave her his puppy eyes and Kel nearly cried.

"I do, wait, I think...I dont know, its all going to fast! Cleon, you are a really nice guy...but your 16 and Im only 14... dont you see? People will think differently of us, and what would the Stump say? Surley we cant hide it. Some how eaither Joren will tell him or he will find out by himself. The only way we would be able to, ugh, to be boyfriend and girlfriend is if we didnt tell ANYONE!" Kel had said the word 'anyone' rather strongly.

"Then we dont tell anyone...not even our closest friends. Not Anyone!"

Kel smiled, but also dreaded the thought of haveing to lye or not tell her friends about something really important. But she knew then that she also liked Cleon alot, and he liked Kel alot. It was the way it was meant to be set.