Amy Brown stares down at her tiny daughter asleep in the bed, her head barely makes an indentation into the pillow and Amy can barely catch the sounds of her shallow breathing. Letting her vision drift farther over the bed Amy can see Ephram's form in the dark slumped over the hospital bed in the uncomfortable position he had fallen asleep in, holding onto his only daughter's hand as if to keep her from slipping out of his grasp in the night. Everyday is a miracle Hailey's doctors tell Ephram and Amy every morning when she has made it through another night.

As Hailey fights for her life Amy fights against the tears welling up in her eyes as she thinks about the entirely to short 7 years that she has had her daughter. Hailey turned 7 exactly six months before and Amy found herself longing for that day. All of Hailey's friends had come over for the large party that they had thrown for her. And an excited Hailey confided in her parents after she had blown out the candles on her pink birthday cake that she had wished for two things: that when she gets bigger she can ride her Aunt Delia's horse and that she can marry her Daddy.

Letting her thoughts wander even farther back Amy can remember the day Hailey was born as if it had just occurred. Amy had been terrified through the entire pregnancy, she was convinced that she and Ephram should have never married a month into their freshman year of college and gotten pregnant very soon after. Hailey had been unplanned for but every concern had flown out the window the instant Amy had seen her.

Unable to control the tears anymore Amy bows her head and clasps her hands before whisping into the dead of night, "Hello, God it's me again. This sleeping child between us might not make it through the night. It might be kind of crowded on the streets of heaven so what do you need her for? One day she'll be your little girl forever, but right now I need her so much more. She's much to young to be on her own, so who will hold her hand when she crosses the streets of Heaven? Lord, don't you know she's my angel? You have plenty of your own. And I know you've got a place for her, but she's all ready got a home. So I ask you Lord have mercy, you lost a son once too. Lord I know once you've made up your mind there's no use in begging, so if you take her with you today, will you make sure she looks both ways? And would you hold her hand when she crosses the streets of heaven?"

30-year-old Amy Abbot takes a deep breath and sits up straight in bed as her memory, in the form of a dream is cut short. It takes her several moments to realize that she isn't in her bed but instead she had fallen asleep on the couch in the living room glancing over at the clock the red numbers read 2:26 glare back at her and she stands up and stretches out her sore muscles.

Changing out of her jeans and into a more comfortable pair of pajama's Amy's thoughts wander, the fact that the 3rd anniversary of her daughter's dearth is the approaching weekend has been bringing all sorts of memories, both good and bad of her life before Hailey's death and metaphorical death of her marriage. Back when things were sweet and pure and when Amy could say that she was truly happy.

Taking out her keys Amy let's herself into her empty apartment and finding that she isn't tired enough to sleep she Amy turns on her laptop and connects to the internet. "Trash. Trash. Trash." Amy sighs, after deleting all but one message she opens the email from her mother.


Sweetie we thought it would be nice for you to come up from the weekend. I know as of the last time I talked to you you just wanted to stay home this weekend but I don't want you to be alone for the weekend, you're father will pick you up at the studio on Friday night. Please don't fight this sweetie and just go along with it.



Amy sighs knowing for a fact that she wouldn't be able to get out of the trip to Everwood and she might as well be packed and ready to go Friday.

Amy smiles slightly as her father's car pulls in front of the dance studio she worked at and as her father gets out of the car he takes Amy into a tight hug, "hi Dad."

"Hi honey how are you?" Harold asks moving away from Amy and surveying her, his eyes focusing on her face. "You look tired."

Amy nods, "I haven't been getting a lot of sleep."

Harold nods, as if he expected this and pulling the door open for her Amy slides into the passenger seat with her duffel bag of clothes clutched tightly to her chest.

"You're mom was cooking when I left so I would expect a large meal when you get to the house."

"I'm not all that hungry." Amy responds.

"You know that's not going to sit well with your mother." Harold states and then changes the subject, "so how are thins with you and what's his name?"

"Jacob?" Amy asks.

"Yes, him."

"We broke up." Amy informs

"What happened? I thought you were serious about him?" Harold asks.

"The same as with Zach and Kyle, I'm scary and inaccessible." Amy responds staring out the window.

"Oh Amy..." Harold begins.

"Dad if you start in on how I need to open myself up and that I haven't let anyone in in three years mom has exhausted that topic." Amy snaps.

"Fine." Harold shakes his head.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I just don't want to talk about it." Amy sighs.

"I understand, consider the subject dropped." And with that the father and daughter spend the rest of the ride in silence.

Nina enfolds Ephram in a hug, "I'm glad you agreed to come Ephram, we haven't seen you in so long."

Ephram steps away from his step-mother and nods grimly, "yeah, sorry about that."

Nina sighs sadly and then brightens before Ephram can even notice, "Delia is really excited that you flew in she can't wait to see you."

Ephram nods, "I can't wait to see her either."

"So are you hungry?" Nina questions.

Ephram shakes his head, "I was just going to unpack."

Nina nods, "all right, well if you are hungry let me know."

"All right I will thanks."

Nina pushes the tears back as she steps into her husbands arms, "he's so much colder than I've ever seen him."

"Maybe he's just tired." Andy's voice doesn't sound convinced.

"You know that's not what it is, he's been like this since..." Nina shakes her head sadly, "I just wish there was a way we could get through to him."

"We'll think of something, when he sees Delia things will be better."

Here are the lyrics to the song this story was inspired by and it's written by Sherrie Austin, not me unfortunately...Anyway enjoy but also know this story falls second to my story Coping so whenever a new chapter of that comes out it will be followed by a new chapter of this! So please review and keep me going!!