Title: The Road to My Brother

Rating: It's only a PG right now for language but trust me it will be an R by the time I get done with it. Or even before I get done with it.

Disclaimer: I hate writing this but here it goes. I own nothing or no one so go ahead and sue if you want me to make your life a living hell. I mean I could always live with you instead of my children. I wish I could own the wrestlers but I can't because my Lizard won't let me. So all I will own is original characters.

Summary: This story is starting right after tonight's Raw. Monday July 21, 2003. But where I will take it you will have to read to find out. I mean I could go the way of saving his brother or I could go the way of turning his brother dark. Only I know. Well that is for now till I get it going and you get to read it.

Author Notes: Please Read and Review as you all know what My Muses do to me when they don't get Reviews. Also if you all like a good slash or what I hope will be a good slash. ( No I don't mean this one. At least I don't think so. ) Anyway check out a story that Kazza and I am writing together. ( Just think Kevin Nash and Bradshaw. )But be nice as I have never written a slash before. The title is When you think it's over by ShanevsTaker.


* I have just got the shower to run the way I like it. It never seems to run right in these small town hotels. I go ahead and strip off my shirt and then my pants. I can't help but to let out a couple of groans with the pains that my muscles are feeling. I can't wait to feel the hot water, as it will run over my tried and bruised body. Just as I go to step in the shower my cell phone rings. I glance over at it almost ignoring it but something in the way it was ringing told me that I had to answer it. Something told him that it was going to be about him. I shouldn't care. Hell we barely even talk anymore. But damn it I can't help it I mean it was my fault to begin with. I tried to warn them not to do it. I told them that if they did it there would be no holding him back. But did they listen to me? Hell no. And now they are all upset because he is out of control. Hell they would be to if they had lived his life. But know they just can't understand. Well last week they thought they could get to the bottom of why. Have him do a sit down and talk. What a bunch of bullshit that was. They don't understand that talking isn't what he needs. Shit why hell why would they even what to know what was going through his mind. It's not like they would understand it anyway. Shit I'm family and I'm not sure that I completely understand it. But look where that got them anyway. So now that he has gone back. Now that the flames have returned they are running scared. They want to control him like they did before. But they never did control him. Hell I almost couldn't control him and that was back when my powers were strong. Now shit I don't even know if I could control him. So now just as I am about to go into the shower something that my body really need my goddamn phone is ringing. I should just not even pick it up but I have to. Damn it good thing that no one else is here. I'm the strong one the one who needs no one. But shit if they all know I need him. Because he's family. Damn I hate that word but he is the only one that I have. Who understands me? Well at least to the best that anyone can. So I better pick it up and see what the hell he did this week. I mean shit what could he have done I mean after all he is under house arrest. The phone stops ringing as I pick it up and put it to my ear. The first words I hear is that you have to get here tonight. We are sending a car it will be there by the time you are dressed. We need you he out of control. You have to stop him. I almost laughed out loud. I almost screamed why did you push it? Why did you want him back like this? But I'm not sure what I can do or even for that fact what I should do. Then I hear that he did something that even I don't know if I would have the nerve to do. He tombstoned Linda while the show was still on the air. Shit I guess that I will be heading over to Raw. I liked being on SmackDown though I have missed him. But then I guess that I don't really get a choice as to where I go for now. Because I heard the threats in his voice that get him under control or else. Well Vince you best be careful I mean after all he is my brother Kane. My flesh and blood. So we will see where it goes but for now it could go any way that I chose. *

Author Notes: Please Read and Review. I need to know if this is a start or an end. Or if it's just because I loved the fact that Linda McMahon let herself be Tombstoned by Kane. Let me know if you think I should continue.


Cat Lea

[email protected]