When All Is Said and Done

Type of Story: Standalone

Characters: Pyro, Bobby & Rogue

Feedback: [email protected]  (Please?? I love feedback!!)

Disclaimer:  I don't own them; I only play with them…

Additional Disclaimer:  I'd like to think that I'm being original here, but more than likely I'm not.  If anyone else has read anything like this, please let me know so that I can give credit where it's due!

Song fic:  Think Twice by Eve 6

(Words in italics are song lyrics)

A/N: Ok, people... In my world (Hint: This is AU, folks!) Rogue has control of her powers, always has.  But she doesn't let people know that, especially men.  It's a defense mechanism for her, so that she doesn't get hurt again, after what happened with Cody.

When all is said and done and dead

Does he love you the way that I do?

Breathing in lightning

Tonight's for fighting

I feel the hurt so physical

I've watched them for almost two years now.  They seem like the perfect couple… cool as ice and oh! - so untouchable.  The most symbiotic of relationships.  The perfect blend.

But I know the truth… and I burn with it.

She claims she's untouchable.  But that's a defense.  A way to keep pain away.  To keep those that may hurt or betray her from getting too close.  But one night, she was feeling weak, lonely.  One night, she wanted to feel the burn of want, the heat of passion.  One night, Rogue let Pyro in.  Now, because of that trust she put in me, Marie and I both ache with the searing need of having that feeling again. 

Think twice before you touch my girl

Come around, I'll let you feel the burn

Think twice before you touch my girl

Come around, come around no more.

I watch Bobby with her and I burn with want.  I alone know those lips taste like, what that skin really feels like… satin to the touch.  And no matter what Bobby thinks, she's my girl.  I seethe with the unfairness of it all. 

She spreads her love

She burns me up

I can't let go

I can't get out

I've said enough

Enough by now

I can't let go

I can't get out.

I never should have done it.  I never should have taken what she offered that night.  We were both weak.  Never before had I felt like I was going to burn up.  And now, I'm in too deep.  When Bobby kisses her, through her scarf, I imagine what those lips felt like on mine, without that piece of fabric between us.  Bobby is always watching me, looking at me with that weighing gaze that I can never quite meet.  I can't let go.  I've said too much, given too much away.  Or maybe, just not enough?

Wait til the day you finally see

I've been here waiting patiently

Crossing my fingers and my T's

You crying on my shoulder, begging "Please?"

She doesn't want to me tell him.  She begs me not to.  At the same time, I'm the one she cries to every time he confronts her with his suspicions.  So I wait, eventually she'll see.  There's a reason I'm the only one she let touch her.

When I showed up and he was there

I tried my best to grin and bear

And took the stairs

But didn't stop on the street

And as we speak, I'm going down

I'm through pretending.  I'm done with acting like it didn't mean anything.  I've tried to hide everything I feel and think and want.  But I can't stay like this anymore.  Not without her being mine, like she should be.

Thin twice before you touch my girl

Come around, I'll let you feel the burn

One day, he's going to touch my girl.  That's when he'll know the burn.  That's when he'll know my Hell.

Come around, come around no more.

That's when he'll know the truth.