Chapter 3 ~ Mirroring Caresses

Fred broke the kiss, pulling back to gaze down at his brother, who gazed

back, heavy-lidded and panting. Still pinning George's wrists, Fred moved his

head back down. But instead of capturing George's mouth, he dove into the curve

of his brother's neck. He licked there, taking in the sweet smell of George's

skin. George moaned openly and tilted his head to one side, allowing his brother

greater access to his sensitive neck.

Fred delighted in lapping at the warm pulse there, tracing the flesh

with light kisses. George felt his brother's breath tickling maddeningly at his

ear. Fred's lips touched George's earlobe, feather light, teasing. A pause

there, and George shifted a little, straining unconsciously against his

brother's hold on him. Fred smiled into his brother's neck, then took the

earlobe between his teeth, nibbling sensuously. Taken off-guard, George bucked

his hips slightly, which only encouraged his twin.

Fred continued to lick lightly and gently at George's ear, then moved

further to tongue the hollow just behind it. George moaned deep in his throat,

his breath leaving his lungs. Fred pulled back to take in the sight of his

brother, pinned down and panting, breathless and wanting. But then George's eyes

flew open, and Fred knew that the tables were turned. A feral grin crossed

George's face, and in a magnificent display of agility, he maneuvered himself

and his brother, flipping them both. It was now George who looked down at Fred,

and he couldn't help but smile. It was now his turn.

Mirroring his twin's actions, George leaned in close to his brother's

neck, on the opposite site that Fred had. But instead of licking languidly, as

Fred had done, George immediately sank his teeth into Fred's flesh. Fred gasped

at the sensation of the not-so-unpleasant pain, his hips bucking off the bed

momentarily. George then proceeded to lap at the spot, as an animal might do to

a wound, grinding his hips back down against his brothers', creating a

delightful friction there. After caressing the spot with his tongue, George

moved on. But not to the ear, as Fred had done, but instead, lower.

He nibbled his way down the heat of his twin's neck, down to where the

neck met the collarbone. He dipped his tongue into the hollow there, then

suckled his way along the base of the neck, and paused. He felt Fred shift

beneath him, then felt thin fingers running through his hair, thanking him,

comforting him. He pressed himself into the touch, then resumed his course of


George repositioned himself, so that he straddled Fred's thighs, then

leaned down and began kissing Fred's chest. Kissing and licking alternatively,

George was determined to leave no bit of flesh untouched. When he reached one of

Fred's nipples, he discovered that a light kiss granted him a dramatic moan from

his brother's mouth. So, he did it again. And again. Experimentally, he touched

his tongue to the nub, feeling it harden under his touch. Encouraged by his

twin's reactions, he applied the same ministrations to the other nipple, and was

rewarded with an equally enthusiastic response.

As he pressed against his brother, George could feel Fred's erection

against his stomach, pleading for attention. But he would not give in, even as

his own erection desperately wished for contact as well. This was not to be

rushed, not to be indulged in, not to be taken lightly. This night was to be


As George thought, Fred took advantage of the momentary pause to switch

who had the upper hand again, and who had the upper body. George looked up at

his twin, who was now gazing down at him, grinning broadly.


Author's Note ~ Deus

Yes, yes, a second author's note. Just an update to say some things that I consider important.

NO, this is not where the story ends.

Yes, I WILL be finishing this fic.

The problem is that, well.. I have writer's block. Well, not so much writer's block as writer's anticipation. I know what comes next in the story, I just am having trouble actually writing it.

You see... this is my FIRST LEMON. So I'm a little nervous about gettign down to the actual sex-ness.

To my readers:

Thanks to all those who have supported me with this story.

To those who have flamed me, you're the ones who disregarded the warnings, therefore I leave all of your negative comments out of my mind.

To those who have left kind comments and e-mail addresses, when I update, I plan to e-mail you saying so. ^-^ I luvs my readerses.

Thanks to:

Chii Levi-Nny Maxwell ~ You were the first to review my fic! hugs and gives you a cookie

sixstars ~ More to come in the future, I promise!

Sinical-Sarchasm ~ You and I seemed to have picked up on alot of the same undertones that we slash enthusiasts look for. ^.~

ArenynCai ~ Thanks for the support. I love the way you described your reaction. I still remember that comment happily as I go to write more of the next chapter.

Kittiara ~ My sentiments exactly!

ronslilprincess - I plan to... Eventually.

UtB ~ Thanks for the support and comment.

rivergirl ~ Hey, you're the first to actually call this story sexy! That means alot to me.

Katherine ~ Early morning slash addicts! laughs That sound just like me. We should form an association...

deppyfan ~ Thank you for acknowledging that fiction is just that, and a creative outlet for possibilities.

Shadowlands ~ Wow, thanks for your FOUR comments! grins I really like that you say it gets better as it goes.

FluffysBijin05 ~ Yes, I do promise more to come. I can't say when, though.

ironfish ~ Aww, what a sweet review! "Nips?" nips you back!

Shadowlands ~ laughs The toaster made me write bad slash! Thanks for the lemon-support.

TsutsuiKimihiro ~ Hehehe... grins wickedly

randomv13 ~ Thank you.

Psykre ~ blushes Yes, this is my first lemon. And I'd be happy to give you some advice. I've already reviewed you fic, so feel free to e-mail me! ^-^