Title: Hook, line and sinker (part 1)

Author: Shades of Hades

Date:  July, 2003

Paring: Jack/Will Will/Elizabeth

Rating: PG-13, maybe R, but I doubt it.

Disclaimer: No, I don't own the characters but if I did…. *has VERY naughty thoughts* I think I need to be alone… *clears her throat and walks away*

Warnings: I think a bit OOC, (Jack's a hard person to write. ^.^), a little lime, and of course, SLASH! I think that's it…

Feedback: Oh so happily accepted at [email protected], granted it's not a bloody flame!

Thanks be to: Broken Truth, my muse who helped me OH, so much, and my mommy, for the suggestion that Jack was just a little too "happy" (and for letting me see the movie all three times)!

A/N: Anyways, sorry if this isn't that great, I'm not use to writing in the third person and it's been about a year since I've even written a fanfic. Also I'm pretty lousy with dialog if ya don't notice… lol  *grins and waves* Hope you enjoy! Oh, and if you like this movie, then I urge you to check out the Monkey Island games from Lucas Arts, I'm sure they'll be right up your alley ^.^


            This was the best plan he'd ever had. Sure, it had been a pain in the backside to drag Elizabeth here, and there was a big risk in being seen in a public with the governor's daughter, even if it was in a seedy bar, but still, it was a good plan, and now has he sat with a tankard of rum in front of him and Elizabeth across from him, he was sure it would be a successful one.

            Jack looked over at Elizabeth, golden grin flashing in the dull light as he took in the girl's obvious discomfort at her surroundings.  "So lass, " Jack said breaking the silence. Elizabeth looked up at him, concentration on the dirty surroundings broken. "How's our dear, William Turner been treating ye?" He moved slightly so he was close to her across the table, the captain's eyes locking with hers, still grinning.

            Elizabeth shifted uncomfortably in her seat, moving slightly back, as if trying to get away from Jack. "Will treats me just fine." She cleared her throat has he only grinned mysteriously.

            "Oh… so he's not a eunuch?" She blushed faintly, as Jack leaned back in his seat, taking a long drink from his mug. "Though, that WAS made obvious to me in Tortuga." He raised an eyebrow and looked lost in thought a moment. Elizabeth just gaped at him, and blushed.

            "What is that suppose to mean?!" She snapped, her face still red from her thoughts of what it COULD mean.

            "What do you think it means, luv?" With his head cast down Jack stared up at her, an amused smile playing on his lips. 

            She continued to stare at him in suspicion, her cheeks still stained slightly red. "Tell me." She managed to grind out in her embarrassment.

                Jack glanced down playing innocent and idly cleaning his nails. "And why should I?" He retorted in an almost sing song voice. 'What's in it for me?" He stopped concentrating on his nails and looked up at the girl thoughtfully with a smile across his handsome face.

Elizabeth glared at him, then smiled back, although evilly. "I could make you a eunuch yourself, Jack Sparrow." Jack cringed and lean across the dingy table.

"That's captain, savvy?" He grinned at her. "And if ya's dying to know…"


            We sat in the dirty traven of Tortuga, I had already finished off quite a few tankards of ale, and Will was far behind me, with no hope of catching up with the way he sipped at his liquor.

            I eyed him across the filthy little table tucked slightly hidden away from the other patrons in the bar. My blurry eyes took in his flushed face from over top of my tankard o' grog. I couldn't help but study him. His liquid eyes stared guiltly at the table, probably feeling guilty for drinking when Elizabeth was "suffering," no doubt. Will's face was gentle, but forceful, much like his personality. Those eyes of his were stubborn as he looked up at me. Grinning, my eyes wandered down, taking in his other features… the tantalizing curve of neck, his smooth chest, slightly showing between his unbuttoned shirt.  My eyes came to rest on his hands… hardened from years of the hard labor of a blacksmith. My mind began to wander where it didn't belong… like, to under the table, which raise in interesting question.

            My eyebrows arched and I looked up at Will, a grin spread across my features. "I really wonder, lad, if you are really a eunuch?" His eyes widen slightly in surprise, but was gone quickly, replaced by a slightly angry look.

            "I assure you, Jack, I'm not a eunuch." I slowly started to slide my chair around the table towards the boy.

            "Ah, but ye forget, William Turner, that I am a pirate and your word means nothing to me, just as me word means nothing to you, savvy?" I inched closer with each word out of my mouth. By the time I had reached the ending my hand was resting on his thigh and my body pressed so close I was practically on his lap.

            Will drank quickly at the air, trying to wriggle away from my hand. "J—Jack." He stuttered.

            Bringing my lips close to his ear, I could feel the shiver that ran through him as my moustache tickled his flushed skin. "I think I might be needin' a lesson, savvy?" My hand moved from his thigh to the cloth-covered limb that so captivated my attention at the moment.  Rubbing suggestively, a wolfish grin slid across my lips as I felt William shutter.

            "Jack…" Will said in a half-moan, half-heartedly push me away from him. "You're drunk, you don't know what you're saying."

            Grin dropping; I slid away from him, though my hand still keeping contact with his thigh. "You're drunk too, mate, but you seem sensible enough." Dejected, I began to stand, my hands suddenly losing the contact they so loved. I turned, ready to walk towards the door when I felt a firm hand on my shoulder. Stopping, I tried to shrug the hand off.

            "Jack," he said in a steady voice, losing his hold on my shoulder and grabbing my wrist. I turned towards him, and before I could protest (not that I wanted to, mind ye, but if I had I couldn't of, savvy?) he brought his burning lips crashing into mine. Lips too soft for a man scorched my mouth, and I parted mine kindly, allowing our tongues to fight. My arms slid around Will's neck (I would have smiled if my lips hadn't been so happily occupied at the moment) and I ground my hips into his, not at all forgetting what had started this in the first place.

            Finally we broke, both seriously in need of air (I may be Captain Jack Sparrow, luv, but even I need to breathe), both our bodies and faces flushed with pleasure from the searing kiss. My eyes scanned his body and came to rest at the tightness of his pants. Oh, sure, I could FEEL it when I was close, but if I could have reason to look then I happily would. I finally opened my mouth to speak again. "So glad to find you aren't a eunuch after all, William." Curiosity thoroughly quenched I decided I could use another one of those breath-stealing kisses, purely for entertainment this time. "I think you rather liked that, mate…" Trailing off, I pulled the blacksmith in for another taste of passion.


            "So, that's it? That's the while story?" Jack took another swig from his nearly empty tankard.

            "Aye, lassie, that's it." Elizabeth narrowed her eyes suspiciously at him. Jack just smiled politely in return.

            "Of course nothing else happen, Will loves me too much to do something stupid like that." Sighing, she tried to clear away the doubts she had. After a few minutes she cleared her throat and finally asked,  "You're sure nothing else happened, right? I mean, you said yourself you were drunk…." She trailed off, her eyes meeting Jack's, uncertainty clearly shining there.

            "I've been drinking for years, Elizabeth, and if I couldn't remember something like THAT after a little ale, then I'm not a very good drunk am I?" Elizabeth stared at him, then nodded slowly.

            "Alright, Jack, I'll believe you." She began to stand, "Now, if you'll so kindly excuse me, I have to get out of this disease ridden place." She pushed her chair back, mumbling (not to politely, Jack thought to himself) about the consequences of the governor's daughter being caught in a bar. "With a pirate none the less." She grumbled as she started towards the door.

            "And Elizabeth." She turned to look at Jack, his body twisted uncomfortably in his chair. "If you really don't trust me, then perhaps you should ask that husband of yours…" He grinned at her as he took the final swing from his mug. "I mean, he did have A LOT less to drink then me that night." Elizabeth looked at Jack's smiling face in suspicion, then turned and left the bar.

            Jack grinned in satisfaction, throwing down some coins on the table and sauntering out of the bar. Now alls he had to do was wait.

~End, for now~

A/N: Why would Jack tell Elizabeth what happened? Is that all that happened? Will Elizabeth indeed ask her husband about that night? All will be answered in the next… err, chapter. I promise angst.  Was gonna make this a one shot, but just couldn't stop my thoughts, savvy? I really wanted to make this smutty, but I couldn't bring myself to do it, so maybe the next one… Ah, anyways, I have to get working on it!