Sleeping Ouji

Chapter: 1

Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to any of the median used within this story. I am not making any profit other than my own enjoyment. Still want to sue me?

❀ Chapter One ❀

Just one week shy of sixteen years later...

Clad in a long black robe over his red tunic and black hose; King Vegeta was standing at a window of the royal bedchamber. Almost sixteen years ago he had looked out the very same window holding his just born first son to watch the dawn. Little did he know at that peaceful moment the pride he felt would be foreshadowed by the an evil plot.

As he watched the farmers and shepards tending their duties his mind wondered back to the most painful day of his life. The day after Frieza and Babadi placed their vile curse upon his firstborn child.

All of his guard was questioned of how the evil duo had gotten inside the wall surrounding Castle Vegeta. None knew. Soldiers and archers had been placed at strategic posts about the grounds to keep watch over the celebration. The Council of Sorcery had determined the malicious pair used dark magic to get within and out of the great wall.

The news that they could use magic at any moment to get to his son sent a freezing chill down the King's spine. 'How could he and his men protect the boy if Frieza and Babadi were able to travel anywhere at will?' The answer was far to painful to be spoken aloud.

So all dragon items were destroyed or melted down. It was horrible to see the beautiful marble dragon statue given to them by King Tien and Queen Launch smashed by the very ones to give it to them. It had been centuries since anyone had seen a dragon. Many felt they had gone extinct. His people could only hope. For now the boy was in the hands of three brave souls.

Kami, the head mage, had discussed with the council in private on a plan to keep the prince safe until the curse's time ran out. His sons, Nail, Piccolo and Dende, had volunteered to take the baby under their collective wings and go somewhere secure to hide.

Using spells to change theirs and the babe's appearances they left two nights later. King Vegeta and his wife both wept as they watched their son carried off to safety. They prayed every night since for the Gods to kept them safe.

The spell on the baby would wear off when he turned sixteen. The spells used to change the brothers into Saiyajins would wear off when the boy was at last safe. Little Prince Vegeta had looked like a common Saiyajin baby when they left. His hair was no longer in a flame and his tail had disappeared. He still had the widow's peak and his eyes still had his father's intense heat when looked into.

During the long years awaiting the return of his firstborn; he and Queen Bulma had been blessed with two more children. Twin boy and girl. They had their mother's looks. And so in honor of the Queen and Little Vegeta; they were named Trunks and Bura. There was no celebration for their births. The royals feared the same fate would befall them as their older brother.

As they got older their hair colored changed. What was once a dark purple on both heads had turned a pale lavender on Trunks and the same blue of Bulma upon Bura. Their eyes were the same crystal blue of the Queen. They brought joy and some comfort to the monarchs. But their hearts still cried to hold their eldest child.

News often came from the south proclaiming that Frieza and Babadi's jagged mountain castle always had flames rising and sparks emitting from within. Scouts were also seen coming and going to and from the thorn encased palace and lands. It was believed they were sent to search for the much missed Prince and suffered the wrath of the evil partners when news was not to the duo's liking.

As long as the mountain flashed with fire and lightening, and troops were sent searching, all believed the boy was still alive and well.

The sight of his second child, Trunks, riding beside his closest friend, Goten, brought the King back to the present.

Goten was the second son of King Bardock and Queen ChiChi. The boy had been born with a tail. He kept it well hidden under his clothes at all times. Trunks, at fourteen, looked like he would be a tall fine looking man when he reached maturity. Goten, at thirteen, looked almost like his cousin Gohan, Turles and Pasha's second child. The King had a feeling that the pair would be mates some day, it was quite evident in the way they behaved around each other.

Soon he spotted Kakarot racing with his cousins to meet with the other boys. Kakarot was far into the lead with Raditz just slightly behind and Gohan even further than that. Apparently Kakarot had the same fearlessness as his father when it came to riding horseback. The boy had grown into one of the most handsomest Saiyajin ever known. He was also a General in his father's army. His prowess and skill in battle was fodder for many ballads and maiden fantasies.

King Vegeta and King Bardock had discussed at length some nights ago about the marital fate of Bardock's oldest boy. The young man was stubborn when it came to choosing a mate. They hatched a plan to introduce Prince Vegeta to the other when he was finally returned. Hopefully sparks would ignite between the two and they would fall in love.

Vegeta smirked when he realized he was playing matchmaker for the son he hadn't seen in many years. Bulma would be furious to have her baby returned to her only to have him married off. She had taken the separation the hardest. For almost a year she cried to sleep every night for their son.

With a sigh King Vegeta stepped away from the window. He had business to attend. Sending a prayer to the heavens for his eldest child's safe return before he went to his study. He stepped away from the window and entered the room that was attached to the royal chambers by a large wooden door.

Down in a field five young men are riding horses...

"Hold up there, Kakarot! Some of us aren't as good of riders as you!" Gohan yelled to his cousin. He preferred to be studying with the scholars at home than out on horseback. His blue tunic billowed in the wind created by the speed with which he rode. Black tights clung to muscular legs that had a death grip around the poor white gelding's ribs. While in stirrups black leather boots kicked with their heels into the horse's flanks.

"Sorry about that, Gohan! I just forget that some people would rather study books than be out riding or fighting." a handsome grin graced the continence of Bardock's eldest son, Kakarot. The now twenty-one year old prince was one of the most famous Saiyajin of his generation. Wildly spiked hair framed a face of a warrior angel. Lightly tanned skin and dark brown eyes were admired by young ladies. Even the lads. His height was indeterminate since he was riding, but by the length of his legs and torso one could tell he was quite tall. Said torso was clothed in a white tunic the same style as his cousin's blue one. His body clinging hose was the color of tan and his boots were of dark brown suede in a hessian style.

"Very funny, Kakarot! You probably wouldn't even have the patience to read a book unless it was about a new fighting technique." Gohan counter replied to his older cousin. The young men often verbally fought when ever they were in close proximity.

"Huh! Are you saying that I'm illiterate? I'll have you know I've been reading books well before you were born, cousin." Kakarot had slowed his black as night stallion down enough so his cousin could ride along side him. He preferred to fight face to face.

"Not at all, Kakarot. I'm just saying some rely on brute strength other than their wits." Gohan shot back. He knew he'd get it later from his cousin, but for now he was happy just to goad him into a fight.

Kakarot was quick to know what his younger cousin was trying to do. Get him angry and start a fight. A fight that Gohan would not be able to win. 'Why he would even start a fight when he knows he'll lose is beyond me,' Kakarot though to himself before he replied to the younger prince's comment. "Well, Gohan. That's where you're wrong. It doesn't show very much intellect when you try to start a fight with someone far stronger and faster than you. One who's also had far more training and experience than you. All you're wits in the world and knowledge of mathematical equations aren't going to keep you out of the medics' tent. So if I were you, I'd be careful of whom you tried to start a fight with." A sound heel to his mount's flanks and Kakarot was off after the other Princes leaving behind a chagrined Gohan.

Several minutes later Kakarot had caught up to his younger brother Goten, his cousin Raditz and Prince Trunks. They were laughing about some jokes they heard from old Roshi and discussing news of the long going war's latest battle. Goten rode on his favorite cream and black maned colt while Trunks road upon a roan bay gelding. Raditz was on his beloved pale gray stallion.

Goten wore a light blue tunic over dark blue britches with black leather boots. Trunks was clothed in a green shirt with brown leather chaps over a pair of britches in a darker hue. His boots were brown leather under the chaps' legs. The very tall and broad bodied Raditz wore a black tunic over top gray hose. His boots wore of black brushed suede.

"Hey there, Kakarot. You and Gohan going at it again, aye?" Trunks greeted one of his closest friends. Those two were always finding something to fight about.

"Of course! What else is new!" Goten answered for his older brother. He had no idea why Gohan always started the fights. Goten believed it was a away to get out of studying. But who really knew? Gohan was just as unbalanced as Raditz at times. Both of his and Kakarot's cousins were unpredictable.

"Georgette Van Holden tried sneaking into my room last night." Kakarot let the bomb drop. The blonde haired Tuffle heiress was a pain in his hindquarters. "She's gone as far as getting her brother to join the Saiyajin Army just so he could get her love letters to me. I swear she's a public menace."

Gohan had arrived at the group in time to hear about his cousin's problems with a certain admirer. He laughed along with the others over the news. It seemed the titled blonde strumpet was doing her best to ketch herself a Saiyan Prince. Especially one that was to inherit the throne of his sire's kingdom. Gohan took a long breath so he could speak, "poor, Kay. She lost all chances with Rad after he married and mated with Marron. Now she's set her cross-hairs on you."

"Well that's too damn bad for her. I'm not interested in anything that whore has to offer. When ever she comes near me I feel like retching. Doesn't she realize a Saiyan can pick up on all those smells that cling to her. Father's got a hunting hound bitch that gets around less than her." Kakarot was practically growling as he continued to complain. It took all his strength of will to keep from physically striking his cousin as he wished to do to Georgette.

Gohan just smiled away. He knew that he found a raw nerve. 'Maybe I can get a good spar out of Kay today.' Gohan was about to say something more, but was beaten to it by his brother.

"Kakarot, you haven't shown any interest in anyone. Maybe that's why she feels she may have a chance at you. Perhaps you should start courting a decent maid or virginal lad." Raditz advised his younger cousin.

"That's the problem, Rad. There just isn't anyone I want to court. I think I'm doomed to never finding my life mate." Kakarot stared off toward a distant tower. He became lost in the thought of never seeing his true love again. Flashes of a widow's peek and deep black eyes haunted his mind as they did his dreams at night.

Gohan suddenly felt awful. Here he was trying to get his cousin mad at him enough to get a decent spar. Instead he just caused Kakarot sadness. "Sorry, Kay. I didn't know you felt that way. I wouldn't have tried to get you mad for a good spar. Just promise me you'll stay away from Bura." Both he and Trunks' twin sister had known of their destiny since she turned thirteen. It was also obvious Trunks and Goten would be mates someday.

"It's alright, Gohan. Maybe a good spar will do me some good. And don't worry. I have no interest in Bura. She's more like a sister to me than anything else." Kakarot smiled towards his younger cousin. 'He wasn't so bad at times. Maybe Bura will keep him from being a total pain in the ass when they're mated.'

Growls from stomachs interrupted the hush. The group of perfect masculinity started laughing. There was nothing like the growl from a Saiyan stomach to cut the tension.

"Come on, guys. Let's go get some lunch. It's nearly an hour past noon." Prince Trunks led his companions to the castle's stables.

After the horses have been stabled....

Trunks led his friends into Castle Vegeta. The five noble men had given all stable hands orders to take special care of their mounts. All five stomachs were rumbling fiercely by the time they got to the dining hall. The delicious aromas of the noon day meal caused the rumbling to increase in volume. Several people within the hall laughed at the sounds. All five young men's stomachs sounded like great beast.

Trunks took his customary seat by his twin sister, the Princess Bura. Both siblings hailed greetings to each other. "Hello there, dear brother. My Goddess, it sounds like you've swallowed an Inhedra Tiger cub. Have a good run with the others?"

"Precious sister," this made Bura grit her teeth. She and her brother often used sappy endearments to nettle the other. "If I had swallowed an entire Inhedra Tiger cub, my stomach would have stopped growling. But low and behold, it hasn't. Now give me that roasted turnip before my rumbles loud enough to shake the roof down."

"My sweet loving brother, if you want a turnip, get it yourself! I'm not your maid. Nor am I your servant. Now, I had asked you a question. How was your run?" Bura reprimanded her brother with considerable haste. I would not do for any male in her company to think less of an equally titled woman.

Trunks stepped back as he blinked. His sister was crabbier today than usual. "Sorry, Bura. It's just that you were closer to the platter." he pointed to the tray sitting by her right arm.

"Oh, I'm sorry too. Make sure you say please next time." Bura handed over the still laden platter to her brother. Heaped upon the seasoned wooden tray was an assortment of different roasted meats and vegetables. A servant came with a tray of cheeses and breads. Another came with a flagon of wine and a jug of water.

Before long, Trunks' dinner plate, water glass and his wine goblet were full and being quickly consumed. The young prince did stop long enough to ask his twin a question, "Bura, why so glum? You're usually less hostile in our game. What's the matter?"

"Look over there, brother. See that fool merchant Hercule's other daughter? Do you see whom she has her bosom pressed against?" Bura indicated were Gohan was sitting. A black haired and blue eyed young woman was blatantly flirting with him.

"Isn't that Videl? Hercule's second daughter?" Trunks was rather disgusted as he watched Videl press her chest tighter to Gohan's left arm. She was trying to play the helpful maid to the Prince. Videl only accomplished looking like her strumpet older sister, Georgette.

Bura was very clearly angry. "If she does not stop, I swear Trunks, I might beat her."

Trunks knew about his twin's feelings for the scholarly Prince. Since he was not seeing the display with anger clouded eyes, Trunks noted that every time Videl came closer Gohan gritted his teeth. It was clear his friend did not appreciate the merchant's daughter's attentions. "Look, Bura. Gohan does not seem to enjoy Videl's actions. I think he may be as angry as you are."

"Then all the more reason she should cease her antics." Bura was now the one to growl like an Inhedra Tiger cub.

Trunks had hoped his observation would have cooled his sister's ire. He believed that the evidence of Gohan's revulsion would help Bura to see the other Prince was not a deceiver in his affections. It just made Bura more incensed. Apparently, she was protective as well as possessive when it came to Gohan. Trunks just hoped Bura would not lose the rein he held upon her temper.

Luckily, Gohan excused himself and joined his brother and cousins. His actions left behind a petulantly pouting Videl. She was not the only sister whom had a ruff time of landing herself a Prince.

Trunks softly chuckled. Bura began to relax and she joined her brother in his mirth. The look upon Videl's face was priceless. Others about the hall had seen the show. Many were appalled of the Tuffle's audacity. Many had the knowledge of Prince Gohan and Princess Bura's courtship.

Gohan sat down between Goten and his older brother. He saw how difficult it was for them to hold in their mocking laughter. With a withering glare, Gohan reproached his family members. "Why the hell didn't any of you pull me away from that horrid wench? I was about to gag on the bile in my throat. Some knights of the realm you all are."

Kakarot couldn't help laughing. His cousin looked as if he'd bit into a rotten piece of fruit. Of course when talking about the merchant's daughters, that was as close to the truth as one could get without saying harlot or other such monikers.

"Oh, shut up , Kakarot." Gohan said to his cousin peevishly. This got the other two laughing. Gohan was not having a good day. This left Gohan grumbling about the obtuseness of his brother and cousins.

"Now Gohan, be careful what you say. You might not be able to take anything back." Raditz cautioned his younger sibling.

Kakarot stopped guffawing long enough to pick on his cousin. "If you're so smart, why didn't you get yourself away from that leech earlier?"

"Because Kakarot, not all of us are uncouth jackanapes like you." Gohan was irate enough to forget his brother's advise. His words had eliminated all mirth from Kakarot's continence.

Face gone hard as granite, Kakarot, gave Gohan a withering glare. "I suggest you watch your tongue, cousin. The only thing holding me back from pounding you senseless is my own experience with Hercule's whorish offspring. I will only be kind this once."

Gohan's own face had become crestfallen. He could not believe of how stupid he was for snapping at his own kin. "I apologize, Kay. Videl had angered me overmuch and I took my ire out on you, my own family. I truly am sorry, Kakarot. And to you both as well, Raditz and Goten." Gohan then bowed low to show his sincerity. The other three forgive their relative's temper induced words.

A page walks over to the young men. He hands Kakarot an enclosed note then goes back to his other duties. Not a word was spoken. He just left the missive and left.

"That was strange, Kay. What is father's page doing handing you a note without a word uttered?" Goten was curious about this happening. It may have been another assignment for his older brother. Kakarot was often sent on special errands to foreign lands. He was one of the best Saiyajin riders ever and deadly accurate with his sword and hand-to-hand combat.

"It could be anything, Goten. Best not get overly exited just yet." Kakarot could read his little brother like a book. He was deeply touched by Goten's concern for his safety. Of course he'd be the same if their places were reversed. Kakarot carefully opened the seal and unfolded the letter. He did indeed get summoned to King Vegeta's chambers after the noon meal.

The letter also stated his horse would be readied to leave after he was given his task. Kakarot became curious himself at the secrecy of the note. Nothing else was written upon the parchment. Not a clue about where he was to go. Or what the journey's end might hold.

At the others' questioning looks, Kakarot informed them all the note entailed. "I'm to go see King Vegeta after luncheon. My horse will be readied for me when my task is given. That is all it states."

"It must be serious, Kakarot. Be careful upon your journey. Mother would be distraught if you were to become harmed or worse." Goten cautioned his older sibling. He didn't want anything to happen to Kay. They were closer than most brothers. Kakarot was a much a hero to him as their father.

Kakarot patted Goten's back. He tried his best to allay his brother's fears. "I promise to use utmost caution, Goten. You'll see me back here before you even know it. Now let me finish my meal. The faster I get to King Vegeta's chambers, the faster I'll get to completing whatever undertaking he has set for me."

All four young men went back to eating the large luncheon. When Kakarot was finished, he excused himself and quickly went to his room and washed any food stuffs from his appearance. He then bounded up the large flight of stairs to the King's chambers when he was sufficiently cleaned. Kakarot had a feeling that speed would be best for this appointment.

At the King's chambers...

Kakarot stepped in front of a large ornately carved wooden door. The door would open to King Vegeta's large and spacious study. A room that Kakarot had seen often. He rapped his right hand's knuckles upon the door. A few minutes passed before the portal was opened to allow Kakarot entrance.

The young Saiyan royal was not expecting to see his own father to admit him. Kakarot instantly knew the summons was very important if his sire was present. Most of his previous assignments had been orders to regiments in distant lands. He was secretly hoping to be sent back to the front lines. This recent lethargy had begun to grate upon his nerves. Especially when being constantly pestered by an ambitious merchant's daughter.

"Father, King Vegeta. You've sent for me, sire?" Kakarot bowed to both Kings as he stated their names. The eldest son of Bardock went straight to the business at hand. Kakarot was not known for wasting time with silly pleasantries. His quick glance about the room showed him that nothing had been changed since his last visit.

Along one wall several large cases held books, maps and Saiyan artifacts. A few benches and chairs were arranged nearby along with a small pedestal table covered by lace tatted by Queen Bulma. Atop the lace a silver candelabra gave luminescence for readers.

Two tall windows stood behind the King's large and ornately carved wooden desk. Sunlight shining through the windows lit the room's objects far more sufficiently than candles.

A large fireplace set along the opposite wall from the cases. A few benches were usually set nearby for discussions upon cold nights. A small door along the same wall led into the royal chambers.

King Vegeta indicated the left bench before his large desk. Bardock had already retaken the right seat. Kakarot sat upon the offered seat while King Vegeta sat back into his own chair. King Vegeta and Bardock shared a look before the Saiyan sovereign began informing Kakarot of his assignment.

Bardock arranged his armor to a comfortable position before he took his seat. The polished silver chest plate had been created by a master blacksmith. The Saiyajin symbol of a large dragon in his house's color was carefully emblazoned at its center. A strongly knitted chain mail headpiece hung about his broad shoulders. Bardock's other attire was made of heavy cottons and velvets in a dark blue. His black leather boots shone in the sun's light.

King Vegeta was similarly dressed as his old friend. He too wore a large polished chest plate of silver with the dragon symbol, but his was in the color of the Vegeta House. The large black dragon looked ominous against the silver armor. He was still wearing the red tunic and black hose from that morning. The black robe had been exchanged for the armor. Both King Vegeta and King Bardock would be engaging each other in a sparring match after the present business was taken care of.

"I'm not sure if you've heard the news yet, Kakarot. Peiza Harbor and the neighboring village has been devastated by Frieza's main army, The Ginyu Squadron. We need you to ride out and give the local militia these papers." King Vegeta handed over a leather bond scroll to an astonished Prince.

Kakarot couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was being sent to deliver some papers instead of given an important official appointment. "Peiza Harbor has been destroyed, sire? And you only want me to deliver some papers to the head of the local militia? You're not sending me there with a squad of our best crack troops? Don't you think I could serve best by taking a team and beating the Ginyu Force instead of as a messenger boy?"

Both Bardock and King Vegeta understood his agitation; but orders were orders. "Do not question my orders, young man. Those papers need to be delivered posthaste, and you're the best rider we have. You will take the missive to Peiza and return here ASAP." King Vegeta stood before the, now chagrined, Prince in all his royal dignity.

"Yes, sire. But as a General, don't you think I should stay there and make sure the garrison is well armed and protected?" Kakarot continued to argue for a chance to assist in the port town of Peiza's defense.

"These papers will be sufficient enough for now. We need you to get them there as quickly as possible. Now get going, son. I don't want to hear another argument to his majesty." Bardock ordered his son. He knew the boy wanted to fight the Ginyu squad instead of delivering messages, but right now they needed him nearby. Prince Vegeta would be returning soon. It was not conductive to the two kings' plan for Kakarot to be absent or worse, killed.

Kakarot stood from his seat and bowed to both royals. "I will do as my King bids me, sire. Please forgive my impertinence." When King Vegeta dismissed him, he quickly left to ready himself for the long trip.

Watching the door close behind the Prince, both Kings waited in silence for a few moments. Soon, Bardock ventured to put forth a query to his oldest friend. "I don't think he realizes what we have planned. Do you think meeting Prince Vegeta again in such along time will start Kakarot to become less closeted? Are you certain they will fall in love with each other, Vegeta?"

"I believe Vegeta was born with a tail for a reason, Bardock. It just seemed as if fate was playing her hand in our eldest boys' lives. Don't you think it was strange that both you and ChiChi had discussed the possibilities of our families joining the day right before Vegeta was born? The day after Bulma and myself talked about the exact same thing? And how Kakarot has been so withdrawn compared to his youth ever since Vegeta was taken into hiding? I believe our sons have been born to be each other's mates. And not just Kay and Vegeta. It seems Trunks and Goten are showing the signs as well." King Vegeta leaned his elbows atop his large desk. He then clasped his hands together and placed his chin upon the knuckles.

Bardock knew exactly what his old friend meant. It did seem too unreal to him at times. Fate truly was showing her hand to all the world. That may have been part of the reason behind Babadi and Frieza's evil curse. To test fate and the mettle of both young men. "Well, let's just hope he gets back in time to meet Vegeta again. And let us also hope that they do find the connection they once shared."

Nodding along with Bardock, King Vegeta agreed. "For both our boys' sake. Kakarot needs to find that part of himself he closed off long ago. It may do him well on the battlefield to be so distant, but nowhere else. And I want Vegeta to be with someone that deserves him. It may be nearly sixteen years since I've seen my son, but I know he's as good and sweet as when he was little."

"How do you know this, Vegeta?" Bardock inquired of the other royal.

"Dreams. I've been seeing Vegeta in my dreams. He may look different. Short hair and no tail, but I know it's my son. And he too, is lonely for someone special. And that person just may be Kakarot."

"Then let us drink to our sons. Let their future be blessed with love, many happy years and lots of children." Bardock rose from his seat to get himself and Vegeta two large goblets of wine. When he came back to hand Vegeta the goblet, they both toasted to their sons' futures with relish of the heady brew. After setting their goblets down, they both exited the chamber and went to commence their spar.

§Author's Notes§

A big "Thank You" to Squall-Sama. I have been informed that the forest tower placements were wrong. Here are the correct compass points of the towers. North-East, South-East (not East-South), South-West and North-West (not West-North). Thank you very much Squall-Sama. I just went around clockwise and didn't know North and South went first at those compass points. I'll re-post the prologue with the corrections.

I hope everyone liked the chapter. Not much, I know. Vegeta will show up in the next chapter under an assumed name. His and Kakarot's meeting, I hope, will have sparks. Just got to write the darn thing!

I want to thank everybody for waiting patiently for this chapter. The weather was a bitch this past month. Every other day and night there were thunder and lightning storms. I unplug my computer during those. If anybody feels like complaining, they can buy me a new computer if mine gets fried by lightning. No offers? I didn't think so.

And my muses went AWOL for a while. I think they went on a road trip without me. The two of them came back with good tans and sun bleached hair. Both looked like surfer dudes. I guess brownies aren't working much. Got any more ideas, Kewla?

And now for my usual "nobody needs to review" speech. Everyone knows the drill; you don't have to review. I will never do that bullshit that some authors pull and say I need a certain amount of reviews or no updates. I've read plenty of those myself. And guess what? I never review! I don't like being told what to do. Never have and never will. I may ask everybody some opinions about certain things, or to correct me if I goof like with the towers, but I will never demand reviews. That is a promise.