A/N: Ohayou, minna! This is my first fic so be kind and sorry to those yaoi fans, I cannot write yaoi. Reviews will be welcome, if you want additional info or just plain confused, don't be shy to mail me at this add: [email protected]. I dedicate this fic to T23, my high school clique. Miss you, guys. I do not own SD, but I do own Takoa, Nanami, Kai, Sakada International, Rukawa Enterprises, the Sakada Manor, Rukawa Manor and everything else. Nyahahaha! On with the story...

Chapter 1: Announcement

Something isn't right, Hanamichi thought. He watched his mother getting out of a strange car with a strange man who followed her closely. He watched from his bedroom window the way the man assisted his mother as if she was a fragile crystal. And to his shock, the man kissed his mother on their porch as the butler opened the door to receive her and her luggage.

Who the hell is that? Hanamichi fumed silently. How dare he kiss his mother with such intimacy?

"Pepper, your mother is home," Takoa Sakada said breaking his train of thoughts. "What's the matter? You look like you've seen something.improper. Anyways why don't you come down with me and let's welcome her together."

Hanamichi started to open his mouth to say something but changed his mind and followed his grandfather out of his pristine bedroom.

"Hello, sweetheart! How was your flight?" the older man asked Nanami Sakuragi.

"Oh, it was pure hell! I'm so glad to be home, Daddy. Pepper, my baby! I've missed you," she said and hugged her only child and gave him a tender peck in the cheek.

"Mom," Hanamichi began. "Who were you with earlier? I mean, who dropped you off?" His mother was quite surprised that his voice lacked warmth.

"Uh, that, um, man was an old friend of mine. We, uh, bumped into each other when I was in New York," Nanami said, her voice uncertain.

"If he's ONLY A FRIEND, then why did he kiss you as if he was your husband?" Hanamichi asked suspiciously. His mother and grandfather looked at each other as if there was something serious to be discussed. And then his mother finally spoke, "You are quite right, honey. He, the man you saw me with, is my husband. We got married two months ago and. Hana, Hana. Come back, we need to talk about this!"

Hanamichi was shocked to the core when his mother dropped the bomb on him. He needed to be alone, to think and to stop himself from doing or saying something he'll regret later. He ran to his room and locked himself in.

"Let him be for now, Nami. You should've told him of your plans beforehand," Takoa said to his daughter.

"Oh, Dad, I really made a mess of things, haven't I?" Nanami asked sadly.

"Just let him sleep on it. I'm sure tomorrow will be better," he said reassuringly and led her upstairs to her room. -^-^-^-^-

As Kai Rukawa pulled over in front of his estate, he thought of his wife whom he dropped off earlier in her father's manor. It's just been 30 minutes and he already missed her.

Oh, well, he tought as he got out of the car, I've got unfinished business here as well as Nanami has at her home.

"Good evening, sir," his butler greeted him and took his brief case and other luggage from him.

"Good evening, Sagara. Is Kaede home?" he asked.

"Yes, sir. He just had his dinner. I believe that he turned in for the night." Sagara informed him. "Do you wish to have your dinner upstairs, sir?"

"No, thank you. I already had dinner on the way home," Kaede said and turned to go to his suite. He paused when he passed his son's room and took a peek inside.

"I thought you were already asleep," Kai said when he saw Kaede watching TV in his room. Kaede looked up and returned his attention to the TV again.

"Kaede, we have to talk. There's something important that I need to tell you," Kai began, still no response from his stoic son. "I met somebody. A woman somebody. Actually , she was a long time friend and we bumped into each other during my stay in New York."

"So that explains your delay," Kaede said unemotionally.

"Yes. And, uh, I married her two months ago," his father finished quietly.

Married, Kaede thought shocked at the announcement. "Get out," Kaede said with quiet vehemence.

"Kaede." Kai said trying to placate his son.

"I said, GET OUT!" Kaede shouted angrily. Kai sighed and turned to leave.

Kaede turned the TV off and sent the remote flying towards the door where his father exited. He got married! Kaede thought to himself angrily. True, he didn't really met his mother who died in an accident when he was only two years old, but his dad just met the woman and they're already married. Let's just hope that she's not like the wicked witch of the west or I swear I'm going to make their lives a living hell! He thought and went to sleep.


Next morning at the Sakada Mansion.

"I'm going out, I'm going to meet Yohei at Danny's" Hanamichi said as he put on his jacket.

"Hold it right there, Pepper," Nanami said as she appeared from the kitchen. "I need you to stay home today. Kai and his son are coming over for lunch."

"Then, I really need to go out," Hanamichi persisted.

"Oh, don't be such a mule, boy," Takoa said. "It wouldn't hurt if you meet you stepfather and stepbrother."

"B-but." Hanamichi argued.

"Fine, we'll compromise. Invite Yohei over. Last I saw him was when you were in elementary. And say hello to his mom for me," Nanami said and called over her shoulder, "Wear something nice, okay?" and disappeared in the kitchen.


"Kaede, I'm warning you, I've had enough of your childishness. Get your stubborn ass down here, we're going to be late!" Kai said irritably at the foot of the stairs. His son is trying his patience to the limit. "I'm going to count to ten and if you're not down here and seated yourself in the car, I'm gonna have to drag your stubborn ass. And don't think I wouldn't because I will! Ten!"

By the time five came, Kaede was down the stairs in black slacks and a white shirt that was buttoned carelessly, and pure defiance was blazing in his blue eyes.

"Why do you want me there anyways?" Kaede said breaking the silence in the car. "It's not like you needed my approval, you already married her!"

"Nanami wants to meet you. And she wants to meet your new stepbrother," Kai explained patiently. "You better be in your best behavior, because I'm going to introduce you to them.

"Hmnn." came the noncommittal reply.


"What is it this time, Hanamichi?" Yohei asked him as soon as he arrived.

"My mother got married to a two bit Japanese businessman while she was in the U.S," he spat out disgustedly. "And THEY are coming over for lunch" "They?" Yohei echoed.

"The man mom married and his son," Hanamichi said. Just then, the doorbell rang and the butler opened the door and let the two guests in. One was slightly taller than the other and seemed erringly familiar to Hanamichi.

"Pepper, come and meet your, uh, stepfather," Nanami said invitingly and when he approached his mother the tall guy's back was to him.

"Kai, I want you to meet my son, Hanamichi. Pepper, this is Kai, my husband," Nanami said.

Kaede's head snapped up as soon as he heard the name and turned around to take a look at his brother.

"K-ki-kitsune?!?" Hanamichi said as the tall guy turned to face him.

"D'ahou," Kaede said, equally shocked upon discovery.

A/N: And that's the end of chapter one. I hope you stick around to find out what's going to happen next. Now, what I want you to do is to click on that button and review my story. ^-^*