AS2.06: Paper Caper by Star24

Disclaimer: Dark Angel and its characters are property and copyright Twentieth Century Fox and James Cameron and Charles Eglee. This original story is copyright 2003 Star24.

AN: Sorry it's taken a while but here's the beginning of 2.06 Paper Caper. I want to thank Lelu for her willingness to let me bounce ideas off of her for this – when I was stuck on where I was going, her patience and suggestions were invaluable! Enjoy! Star



Max's Apartment

"Girl, how many times you changed outfits already tonight?" Original Cindy stood with her hands on her hips, sending a mock glare at Max and at the disorder that was her bedroom. Max's early training as a soldier living in a barracks was ingrained in her and it was rare to see her clothing strewn around in the wild disarray that stared Cindy in the face.

"Nothing is right." Max wailed, looking down at herself.

Fogle Towers

"You lose something?" Bling looked on in amusement as Logan rooted through his bathroom cabinets muttering to himself.

"I know I had some razors in here somewhere…" Logan was now buried underneath the sink, and various toiletry items were being tossed out onto the floor.

"And you need razors why?" Bling wanted to know. He leaned down and picked up an item with a smile.

"Is there some reason you suddenly decided to shave tonight?"

Max's Apartment

"You'd think you were goin' to meet with the president hisself by the way you carryin' on. Not with your hot boy, who you only spend every free minute you got with already."

"Tonight is…different." Max refused to meet Cindy's eyes.

Original Cindy looked closely at Max. "Girl, don't be tellin' me that's a blush I see?" She waited a minute and when Max remained silent, she crowed with laughter. "It is. You and your man finally gettin' down to it, ain't you? And don't you be tellin' Original Cindy no stories, 'cause she can see through you like the cellophane that wraps around those chocolate cupcakes you so fond of."

Fogle Towers

"Tonight is…different." Logan answered briefly.

"Different how? Not like Max doesn't come over every day for lunch and dinner." Bling probed.

Max's Apartment

"I don't know…I mean we're going to talk about things…I mean…" Max stammered under Cindy's steady look. The one that said don't try to pull any of your bs over on me 'cause I ain't buyin' it.

"Forget it. So what's your problem?"

Fogle Towers

"We're going to talk about …things." Logan hedged. He was out from under the sink now holding a disposable razor in his hand. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and frowned.

"Now what's your problem, man?" Bling wanted to know.

"Does this look okay?" Logan glanced down at the light gray cotton sweater that clung to his chest, clearly outlining the muscles he had developed as a result of being in the chair.

"Looks fine to me." Bling said.

Max's Apartment

"But this is what I always wear." Max protested looking down at her red sweater and black jeans.

"And the problem with that is?" Original Cindy asked. "Your boy always lookin' at you like you the best thing to hit this sorry planet since running hot water, no matter what you wearin'. Unless it's what you wearin' underneath that outfit that's givin' you worries? Now that could be a serious matter. You don' wanna be wearin' plain ole cotton undies when he gets to peelin' your clothes off you."

"OC!" Now Max really was blushing.

"Not to mention, you better be bringing one or two of these along with you." OC tossed a small foil package at Max who caught it reflexively.

Fogle Towers

"You sure about that?" Logan asked.

"Oh I'm sure. The real question is are you wearin' those black silk boxers of yours and do you have some of these handy?" Bling laughed and tossed the small foil package he had picked up from the floor at Logan.

Max's Apartment

"What's this for? And why should I tell you what I'm wearing." Max said defensively.

"If you don't know what that's for, then OC swings with the males." Cindy rolled her eyes to illustrate her point. "As for the other, if there's anythin' Original Cindy knows about, it's about the finer points of female underthings. Now what you got on under that anyway?" Max was silent. "Spill it. Now."

"My white lace set. The one you and Kendra gave to me." Max finally admitted sulkily.

Original Cindy let out a laugh and hugged Max. "Boo you doin' just fine then. Now get your fine self over there and make that man happy. Not to mention yourself. I do not want to be seein' your face back here before the cock be crowin' the noontime hour or later tomorrow. You got that straight?"

Fogle Towers

"Thanks for nothing." Logan glared at Bling who simply chuckled.

"Logan, you know it's past time that you and Max did what you've been wanting to do since forever. Ain't none of us want to be around you two anymore if you don't do something about all that heat you got simmering." He got serious as he continued, "You need to step up and let her know she's your woman, and then you need to get down to making her happy. Otherwise you two are going to be old and gray and still doing that tired dance you do."

Max's Apartment

"Now that we got that straight, what you standin' around here for? Your boy's waitin'" Original Cindy steered Max towards the door of the apartment. "Now get."

Fogle Towers

"Now that we've got that straight, I'm getting out of here before Max gets here." Bling looked Logan over critically. "You missed a spot. Remember, whisker burn can be painful for a female, especially in her intimate spots."

Before Logan could reply to that last, Bling was gone.

End of Prologue