Chapter 3

I'm probably going to write more exciting parts on my story. It's really exciting in parts of sadness, hatred, and...... love. Without love, the world would be lonely. Really lonely...... But don't worry. That will never happen. Anime is a kind of thing that helps you think that you can hope and dream on love. It may show you in different ways, but I like InuYasha the best!!! Whoo hoo!!!


I don't know why, but I always change subjects when I talk serious.....


Kagome opened the door to her new room. She stood at the doorway and sat down her suitcase.

" Wow. This is..... um..... nice." Kagome looked around and ran toward a window. She opened the sliding window.

" Mmm...... It is so nice out." Kagome closed her eyes.

" You can go outside to meet new people." InuYasha's mother said.

Kagome opened her eyes and turned around, " Bara, I.... Uh.... Didn't know you were here. "

InuYasha's mother walked toward Kagome, " We'll need to get new curtains and a bedspread. "

" Uh..... Yes, did you say I can go outside?" Kagome said.

" Well, yes. You're the guest, you can do anything you want as long you tell me first. " InuYasha's mother said.

Suddenly InuYasha's head popped out of nowhere between them.

" EHHHH!!!! " Kagome took a few steps back and shouted, " Are you trying to scare me to death?!?! You should have knocked first if you wanted to see me!!! "

InuYasha stuck his tongue out and said, " I wasn't here to see you, I was here to ask my mom something, stupid! "

" WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!?!? " Kagome turned red with anger.

" S-T-U-P-I-D, STUPID!!!!! " InuYasha shouted with all his might.

" Grrrrr....." Kagome gave InuYasha a mean look.

"Grrrrr....." InuYasha shot a mean look at Kagome.

" InuYasha, what do you have to ask me? " InuYasha's mom asked calmly.

" Lets hear the award winning question that caused a big fight. " Kagome said.

InuYasha turned and faced his mother, " What are we having for dinner? "

Kagome's face turned red again, " What!?!?! YOU MADE SUCH A BIG FUSS ON WHAT'S FOR DINNER?!?!? "

" Yea! So what are you going to do about it? " InuYasha asked dully.

" Well, I'll have to congratulate you. You just won the award for being most stupid in this household. "

" Thank yo- HEY WAIT A MINUTE!! "

" InuYasha, why don't you and Kagome go get some dinner for all of us. So Kagome can get some fresh air and walk around and get use to this place. " InuYasha's mother said.

" What!?!?!?! " InuYasha screamed.

" And InuYasha you'll have to be nice to Kagome or else. " InuYasha's mom said.

" It's ok with me. " Kagome said and shot an evil look at InuYasha.

" Mother.... " InuYasha whined.

" I'm not changing my mind, you can get anything you want. Here's thirty dollars. " InuYasha's mom sat the money on the desk and left the room.

" Are you going to stand there or are we going to get some chow? " InuYasha said.

" Lets go then. " Kagome said.

Then they left the room. ( I made them forget something... Hehe, do you know what they forgot? )

* * * * Outside in the Shrine * * * *

" This place is ancient... " Kagome said while looking around.

" Yep, this place was built around the Feudal Age." InuYasha said.

" Wow.... " Kagome said.

" It is said that the priestess and monks built this place. " InuYasha said.

" Really, then this place is old. " Kagome now stopped.

" Yea, but I don't believe those. " InuYasha turned around and stopped too, "Why are you just standing here? "

Kagome looked up. , " What is with this tree? It has no leaves or flowers. "

" It's a Sakura Tree. It hasn't bloomed in ages. " InuYasha then continued walking.

" Really.... " Kagome took one quick look and ran off to catch up with InuYasha, " Hey InuYasha! I have a certain feeling we forgot something. "

" Too late, we're going to a restaurant, order something then come back home and eat it. That's the plan, no stops. "


It's still cliffy.....

Next chapter summary,

Kagome meets some certain people, and sees some certain person.......

Please review!!!
