Almost to Late

Disclaimer: I don't own any thing in this story except the storyline

~ ~ = Kenshin's thoughts

[ ] = Battousi's voice

{ } = the Rurouni's voice

(A.N: just to let you know mushy stuff between Kenshin and Kaoru start in this chapter and of course Kenshin's alter egos voice their comentary. there weill be more romance between Kenshin and Kaoru to come)

Part 5: Not my day

After lunch at the alkabeko the gruop started for home and about half way there Kaoru, Sano, and Yahiko turned around and looked at Kenshin who had fallen to his knees. Kaoru walked over to Kenshin, nelt down infront of him, and looked him in the eye.

"Kenshin are you ok?" Kaoru asked conserned

"Yeah I'm alright Miss Kaoru" Kenshin answered in a pained voice

"You don't sound alright" Kaoru told him conceren evadent in her eyes

"I'll be fine" Kenshin told her his voice still pained

Kaoru stood up and helped Kenshin to stand she then took a step back and watched his unsteady stance. Kaoru frowned slightly, she deeply hated to see Kenshin so week. Kenshin's steps where small and unsteady, His body swayed ever so slightly as he walked but what happened next was somthing Kenshin would not have predected and somthing Kaoru would not forget. Kenshin tripped over a rock in the road and fell into Kaoru. As both of them hit the ground their lips locked into a kiss. Both Kenshin and Kaoru layed there in the road loked in a deep kiss they seemed completly oblivious to the world around them. Yahiko made a gagging motion as a smile crossed Sano face.

"Thats gross" Yahiko commented while continuing his gagging motion

"It's about fucking time he made a move" Sano yelled out

"What ever" Yahiko said turning around so he could not see the scean infront of him

Sano's grin widdend as he saw the look on Megumis face. When Kenshin and Kaoru finaly broke apart they stared at each for a second before jupiming away from each other and once again Kenshin fell to his knees

"I'm sorry miss Kaoru I don't know what came over me" Kenshin told her not even looking up

"It's ok Kenshin" Kaoru told him with a smile on her face

"Your me" Kenshin questioned her looking her in the eyes

"No Kenshin I'm not" Kaoru told him the smile still on her face

[You go]

{Sessha thinks you should stay silent that he does}

[Well I have every right to give my oppion]

{Sessha does not believe you that he does not}

[Hey Kenshin kiss her again]

{Sessha thinks Kenshin should not push his luck}

"I'm sorry Battousi but I think I'll play it safe"

[Oh fine]

Kaoru once more helped Kenshin to stand and the walk back home was silent. Sano sat agenst a wall and closed his eyes, Yahiko was tending to a small guardin, and Kaoru was changing Kenshin's bandages. Kenshin eys never left the floor as Kaoru finished changing his bandeges. Sano driffted off to sleep as Yahiko walked into the Dojo's main room and sat down next to Sano. Kaoru sat on her knees a confused look on her face Kenshin sat a few feet from her. He had his left leg behind his right, his right knee was bent so the his foot was flat on the ground. Kenshin's sword was laying agenst his left shoulder and his head was down, but his eyes where open and he was staring at the ground. Both Kenshin and Kaoru where some what afrad to look at each other, they where afrad that they would turn beet red if they did. Sano coked open and eyes and stared at them, Yahiko stared at them as they stole glaces at each other. Kenshin stood up and walked to his room with the intent on going to sleep. Once Kenshin was in bed he let out a sigh and closed his eyes.

[Why are you so shy around her]

{Sessha wonders why you ask stupid questios that he does}

[Shut up]

{Sessha does not have to that he does not}

[Kenshin answer my question]


{Sessh thinks he is sleeping that he does}



{Sessha thinks you should leave him alon that he does}

Kenshin ignored his other personalitys as he slept that night and as the sun broke through he window and landed on him Kenshin woke up and stood up a little unstaedly and walked to his window. He looked out the window and saw two birds sitting on a low branch. As Kenshin watched the two little birds they reminded him of him and Kaoru and how close they where but for some reason Kenshin could not muster the courage to tell Kaoru that he loved her. ~Maybe I have yet to get over Tomei~ He silently thought to him self unaware of the fact that Kaoru was watching him. Kenshin saw Koaru out the corner of his eye and turnd to face her. Kaoru walked over to Kenshin and placed a getial hand on his sholder. She could sence the uneasyness in his heart.

"Kenshin are you alright" Kaoru asked a little concerned

"I guess" Kenshin answered

"You seem troubled" Kaoru told him

"I'm a little troubled" Kenshin told her while looking out the window

"About what Kenshin" Kaoru asked

"I love you Kaoru but I don't know how to tell you" Kenshin said in a low voice

"You just told me Kenshin and I love you too" Kaoru told him, laughter in her voice


When Kenshin relized he had told Kaoru that he loved her, and that she loved him,he did the only thing he could think of at the time. Kenshin fainted, and as he laied there he wondered how that had happend. ~How, what just happend~ Kenshin wondered to him-self as he laid there in a simi-conscoius state. Kaoru gently nundge Kenshin with her foot bringinf him out of his sleep.

"Kenshin are you ok"

"Yes miss Kaoru I'm fine"

"You sure"


"Can I ask you something Kenshin"

"Sure go ahead miss Kaoru"

"When will you stop calling me miss"


Kenshin and Kaoru's conversation was interupted when Sano walked through the door and announced breakfast was ready. A few minets later Kenshin, Sano, Kaoru, and Yahiko where eating breakfast in silence. Yahiko got annoyed at the silent meal and descided to talk.

"So Kenshin how do you feel today" Yahiko asked

"Umm...ok" Kenshin answered a little unsure

"You don't sound ok" Yahiko told Kenshin

[Stop being shy you dolt]

{Sessha thinks you should be quiet that he does}


{Sessha sees no reason for Battousi to yell that he does not}

"I'm alright Yahiko no need to worrie" Kenshin told the young samurai while trying to ignore his alter egos

Yahiko shrugged and continued to eat his breakfast. Kaoru looked over at Sano who was gulping down his food. Kenshin took no notice as he tried to surpress his need to rame his head into the wall. Kenshin's alter egos where fighing in his head and annoying the hell out of him. Megumi walked through the door and watched the scean infront of her with great amusment while Dr. Gensi and his grand doughters just stared. Kaoru looked over at the door and smiled, Sano did the same. Yahiko set his bowl down and said "hi" to Megumi while Kenshin nodded a greating.


Sorry to end it here but I have really bad writers block at the moment but maybe you can help me with something else...You see I need your Ideas for something ok here the sanario... Sano gets Kenshin very drunk and then dares him to do something so stupid that it earns Sano a slap from Kaoru, What can Sano dare Kenshin to do?

Please help me